Rapid Transit System_October 1974RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM (also called MASS TRANSIT) 1 Date Request by Mr. Russ Marchner, Executive Dir. 10/2/74 Dade Co. League of Cities, Inc., for a Mem- ber of the Co. Transportation Coordinator's Staff to present Dade County's Plans for Transit Improvement. Report presented and discussed. Three vol- umes delivered to each member of Council, City Mgr., Planning Dir., Public Works Dir., City Atty., and City Clerk. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 2 Date FROM ADDENDUM: Status report on Mass Transit 1/15/75 System Routing on M.B. Mr. A. D. Moore, representative of Dade Co. Transportation Coordinator's Office, and Mr. Mason, representative of Kaiser Engineering, presented status report. Mr. Seth Bramson suggested that a Council - manic Transit Committee be appointed to coordinate mass transit plans as they affect the City, and City Mgr. requested to place this matter on future agenda. V. M. Meyerson requested the Admin. to be 1/15/75 certain that all capital improvements pro- jects are coordinated by Mr. John Beyer with RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 3 (cont'd) Date the Dade Co. Transportation Coordinator's office, as they may be affected by the pro- posed Rapid Transit System. 1/15/75 Status report on Mass Transit System affecting M.B. applications by representatives of Dade Co. Transportation Coordinator's Office. De- ferred to 2/19/75. Discussion of Mass Transit - consideration of Council calling public hearing. Requested by Councilman Hal Spaet. Deferred to 3/12/75 meeting. Discussion of Mass Transit - consideration 2/5/75 2/19/75 RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 4 (cont'd) Date of Council calling public hearing (deferred from 2/19/75). Requested by Councilman Spaet. Council went on record as being strongly un- sympathetic to proposal for high speed tran- sit system for M.B. Public Hearing scheduled for 3/19/75 at 2:15 p.m. 3/12/75 Public Hearing(set by Council 3/12/75)for discussion of Mass Transit plans for M.B., concluded. Res. #75-14667 adopted, going on record and stating the City's position as being opposed to the extension of the steel -wheeled, elevated rapid transit system being proposed throughout Dade Co. into the City of M.B. City Atty. to prepare appropriate RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 5 (coned) Date resolution to be sent to all members of the Co. Commission, Kaiser Engineering, and Co. Office of Transportation Coordinator. 3/19/75 Request by Mr. Bayard Strell that Council 4/16/75 order a referendum confirming resolution opposing any fixed guideway (elevated train) transit system for M.B. To be placed on May 7, 1975 agenda. Request by Mr. Bayard Strell that Council order 5/7/75 a referendum confirming its'resolution opposing any fixed guideway (elevated train) Transit system for M.B. (set by Council 4/16/75). City Atty. to prepare appropriate wording for RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 6 (cont'd) Date referendum question, to be presented to Council at May 21, 1975 meeting. 5/7/75 Discussion of proposed referendum confirming 5/21/75 City opposition to elevated Transit System on MB. as recommended by Dade Co. Mass Transit Advisor. (deferred from 5/7/75) Not reached. Deferred to June 4, 1975. Discussion of wording of proposed referendum to 6/4/75 confirm city opposition to elevated Transit System on MB as recommended by Dade Co. Mass Transit Advisor, (deferred from 5/21/75). Deferred to June 18, 1975. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 7 Date Discussion of wording of proposed referendum 6/18/75 to confirm city opposition to elevated tran- sit system on MB as recommended by Dade Co. Mass Transit Advisor (deferred from 6/4/75). Res. #75-14748 adopted, approving wording of WV/ if straw vote question to be submitted to voters at 11/4/75 election, as follows: "DO YOU WANT AN ELEVATED, STEEL -RAIL RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH AS PART OF THE METROPOLITAN DADE COUNTY UNIFIED RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM?" Request of Mr. Bayard Strell to amend presently 7/16/75 approved wording of the question to be sub- mitted to electorate on the Mass Transit System RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 8 (cont'd) Date proposed for the CMB. Wording of ballot question as approved on 6/18/75 retained. 7/16/75 Request by Mr. Bayard Strell for implementation 11/19/75 of rejection of elevated steel-rail rapid tran- sit system by referendum election. Mr. Strell appeared and presented several suggestions as to courses of action Council could take. Mr. Bayard Strell appeared to discuss implemen- 12/10/75 tation of rejection of mass rapid transit system by referendum election, and was scheduled for 12/17/75 agenda. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM Appearance by Mr. Bayard Strell to request implementation of rejection of Mass Rapid Transit System by referendum election. City Atty. requested to review all possible legal alternates available to City to pursue this question, and to submit report to Council in writing. 9 Date 12/17/75 No action taken on City Atty's recommendation 1/21/76 that a declaratory suit be filed as a means of putting City on record as to its opposition to an elevated railroad transit system and to obtain a form court commitment from Metro as to its plans and intentions in this regard with respect to M.B. Admin. and City Atty. directed RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 10 (continued) Date to obtain a voluntary commitment from County Mgr. Goode and Co. Commission agreeing with City's posture, and failing that, to report back to Council for further positive action. 1/21/76 Request of Mr. Bayard Strell for favorable 1/21/76 action on City Atty's report to institute lawsuit against Dade Co. restraining exten- sion of an aerial railroad transit system in M.B. *See previous entry of 1/21/76 for more information, beginning - "No action taken..." Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and requested that 4/7/76 an agreement be obtained from Dade Co. that there will be no elevated steel -wheeled mass RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 11 (continued) Date transit system installed in M. B. , or, failing to obtain agreement, to pursue litigation. Mayor Rosen indicated he is representing City during discussions on this subject withthe County, and would follow up the matter. 4/7/76 A. Request by Mr. Bayard Strell for report on current status of negotiations with Metro Commissioners on rapid transit for MB. Con- sideration of request deferred to 6/2/76. B.Council resolution opposing increase in sales tax and gasoline tax for funding Rapid Transit as endorsed by Metro Commission. Res. #76-1504 adopted,memoralizing the Dade Co. Commission an State Legislature as to City's opposition to empowering Dade Co. to impose a 1% sales tax 5/19/76 RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM (continued) unilaterally without a referendum. Request of Mr. Bayard Strell for report on current status of negotiations with Metro Com- mission on Rapid Transit for M.B. (deferred from 5/19/76). Not reached. Scheduled for 6/16/76. 12 Date 5/19/76 6/2/76 Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and requested report 6/16/76 on current status of negotiations with Metro Commission on Rapid Transit for M.B., (deferred from 6/2/76). He also presented prepared state- ment urging that Council file suit against Dade Co., for declaratory decree so as to prohibit construction of an elevated steel -wheeled rapid RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 13 (continued) Date transit system in M.B. City Atty. directed to obtain from Co. a legal, binding commitment that such structure will not be built in City, and failing receipt of same by July 7 meeting, that matter be placed on agenda to consider taking legal action. 6/16/76 Mr. Bayard Strell advocated that City insist 7/21/76 that Metro take cognizance of its opposition to an elevated, steel -wheeled, transit system in M.B., inasmuch as the County Commission has approved next phase of comprehensive plan. Coun- cil directed City Atty. to file suit against Metro -Dade Co. for a declaratory decree to determine City's rights insofar as its declared opposition to an elevated, steel -wheeled, rapid RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM (continued) transit system in City of M.B. 14 Date 7/21 /76 Councilman Meyerson, as Council's representative 9/1/76 to Mass Transit Public Officials' Council, render- ed oral report that word had been received from County Mgr.'s office that Metro had receded from its previous position, and that instead of an elevated, steel -wheeled transit system, in M.B., they are now in favor of a people mover's system (ground transportation down MacArthur Causeway and up Collins Ave.), he recommended that in view of these changes, City not proceed with the law- suit which City Atty. had been directed to file against County. City Atty. directed to request Metro and other relevant authorities for RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM (continued) documentation indicating the change in their original position. City Atty. authorized to use his discretion in not pursuing lawsuit until appropriate affirmation has been received; that failing receipt of such affirmation, he report back to Council for further direction. Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and made report requesting resolution opposing imposition of additional sales tax by Dade Co. for funding Rapid Transit. Res. #76-15135 adopted, op- posing additional sales tax. 15 Date 9/1/76 9/15/76 (NOT ON AGENDA) recommendation that Council 10/6/76 reinstate instructions to City Atty. to file RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 16 (continued) Date suit against Metro-Dade Co. for a declaratory decree to determine City's rights insofar as its declared opposition to an elevated, steel- wheeled rapid transit system on M.B. No action taken re: filing of suit, but City Mgr. requested to obtain from Dr. Dyer written confirmation of conversation held between Mr. Bayard Strell and Dr. Dyer that he would recommend to County Com- missioners that elevated transit spur not be extended to MB. LTC #495-76, letter from Dr. Dyer confirming deletion of elevated steel wheel fixed guideway system to M.B. filed. 10/6/76 Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and expressed his 11/3/76 thanks to Council for cooperating and supporting RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 17 (continued) Date his position in opposition to certain phases of County's plans for the City and the passage of ballot question to impose an additional 1% sales tax. 11/3/76 Mr. Bayard Strell, Chairman of Transit Advi- 1/4/78 sory Committee, withdrew his request for a Metro resolution confirming Dade Co. Trans- portation Coordinator's commitment to exclude Miami Beach from Rapid Transit System upon being furnished with copy of Mayor Clark's letter. No action taken on Mr. Strell's suggestion that Mrs. Walter Mead be appointed to Ad Hoc Transit Advisory Committee to re- place Mr. Hendrik Berns, who has left the City. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 18 Date Resolution adopted by Dade Co. League of Cities 2/15/78 urging electorate to support proposed d Rapid Transit System. City Atty. directed to prepare an appropriate resolution for Commission action at 3/1/78 meeting, commending the attention of Miami Beach electorate to this 3/7/78 election and encouraging them to support and retain the concept, planning, and implementation of a bal- anced mass transit system for Dade Co. with the Miami Beach portion to be a soft-wheeled system. Res. #78-15560 adopted, commending attention of 3/1/78 electorate to 3/7/78 election to support pro- posed Rapid Transit System. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 19 Date V. M. Wikler advised that later in the meeting 3/15/78 he would discuss the results of the most recent vote pertaining to Rapid Transit; however, this matter was not reached and he requested place- ment on the next agenda. Discussion of Rapid Transit vote (requested 4/5/78 by V.M. Wikler). Deferred to April 19, 1978, for a full Commission. Discussion of Rapid Transit vote (requested 4/19/78 by V.M. Wikler) (deferred from 4/5/78). De- ferred to May 3, 1978 as Priority Deferred Item. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 20 Date Discussion of Energy Committee, Rapid Transit 5/3/78 Vote and voting machines (requested by Com- missioner Wikler) (deferred from 4/19/78). A motion directing the City Atty. to file a Complaint in the name of the City, against Metro -Dade Co. seeking to void and set aside any present or future tax levies to support rapid transit in Dade Co., failed of passage. (See Metro -Dade Co.) Request of Mr. Bayard Strell, Chairman - Dade 5/17/78 Co., Transit Improvement Program, to discuss bus improvement service and transit facilities. To be placed on 6/7/78 agenda. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM Discussion of complaint for Declaratory Judg- ment and Injunctive Relief regarding taxation of M.B property owners on construction, main- tenance, operation of Dade Rapid Transit System (requested by Commissioner Wikler). Deferred to June 7, 1978, per request of Commissioner Dr. Wikler. To be scheduled as Priority De- ferred Item. 21 Date 5/17/78 Discussion for complaint for declaratory judg- 6/7/78 ment and injunctive relief regarding taxation of M.B. property owners re: Rapid Transit Sys- tem (requested by Commissioner Wikler)(defer- red from 5/17/78). City Atty. authorized to file for a declaratory decree to enjoin Dade RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 22 (continued) Date Co. for levying taxes on M.B. property for payment of bonds that have been sold to pay for Countywide steel -wheeled rapid transit system, but that M.B. be responsible for only its share of cost of providing improved bus service to M.B. 6/7/78 Declaratory Decree re: County Taxation of 10/18/78 Beach property to fund Rapid Transit System. Commissioner Wikler referred to past directions to City Atty. to take appropriate legal action to protect City's property owners against ex- cessive taxation. Item not reached - deferred to 10/19/78. (See Suits Brought by City) RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM City Atty. advised that time was not of crucial concern and that he was formulating a legal basis for filing the suit. (See Suits Brought by City) Request for report on status of suit to ex- 11/15/78 clude Miami Beach from participating in cost of Rapid Transit (requested by Commissioner Wikler). The consensus of Commission was that delay in filing for a declaratory decree to enjoin Dade Co. from levying taxes on Beach property for payment of bonds sold to pay for a county -wide steel -wheeled system, limiting responsibility to its share of cost of providing :improved :bus service=to=Miami Beach, 23 Date 10/19/78 RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 24 (continued) Date as authorized 6/7/78, was excessive. City Atty. directed to prepare a written report as to status of suit preparation and filing. 11/15/78 Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and was heard re: 4/25/79 request to fix a priority for filing of com- plaint for a declaratory judgment and injunc- tive relief, as authorized by City Commission at its regular meeting on June 7, 1978, to enjoin Dade Co. from levying taxes on all Miami Beach real property for funding of Miami - Dade Co. Rapid Transit System. (See Metro - Dade Co.) RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 25 Date Messrs. Stuart Simon, Dade Co. Atty., and 4/25/79 John Dyer, Director of Dade Co. Dept. of Trans- portation appeared and presented County's views with respect to the effect litigation could have on the plans for rapid transit. Discussion held. City Atty. and City Mgr. directed to go into question of rapid transit system, taking into consideration existing service and question of equity, and to advise Commission as to what course of action they would propose in terms of remedying any injustices. (See Metro -Dade Co.) Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and reiterated his 7/18/79 request that City institute suit to decide legal right, if any, of Dade Co. to levy taxes RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 26 (continued) Date against M. B. and its property owners for construction and operational deficits of a Miami-Dade Rapid Transit Train System. City Mgr. and City Atty. were requested to submit written reports on this matter which is to be placed on Aug. 1, 1979 agenda. V.M. Friedman requested that this be given priority con- sideration. 7/18/79 Memo #7629, report on Mass Transit Service to 8/1/79 C.M.B. (Requested by V. M. Friedman 7/18/79) For information only. RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM Request of Bayard Strell regarding determina- tion by City Commission to fix a date for fil- ing complaint in court of law for a Declaratory Judgment against Dade Co. for relief from Ad Valorem taxes for funding Miami -Dade Rapid Transit and Miami Downton People Mover Systems. Deferred to 9/19/79. Memo #7629, (deferred from 9/5/79) Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and again re- quested that City Atty. be authorized to file a declaratory judgment against Dade Co. for relief from Ad Valorem taxes for fund- ing Miami -Dade Rapid Transit and Miami 27, Date 9/5/79 9/19/79 RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM 28 (continued)Date Downtown People Mover Systems. Matter de- ferred to 10/17/79 meeting, at 10:30 a.m. Time Certain, for a full Commission. Com- missioner Malek requested that Commission be furnished with a transcription of dis- cussion. (See Metro -Dade Co.) 9/19/79 Matter withdrawn, per adivce of City Mgr. re: 10/17/79 request of Bayard Strell regarding determina- tion by City Commission to fix a date for filing complaint in a Court of Law for a Declaratory Judgment against Dade Co. for relief from Ad Valorem Taxes for funding Miami -Dade Rapid Transit and Miami Downtown RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM (continued) Date People Mover Systems. 10/17/79 Request of Bayard Strell regarding determi- 11/7/79 nation by City Commission to fix date for filing complaint in a court of law for a Declaratory Judgment against Dade Co. for relief from Ad Valorem taxes for funding Miami -Dade Rapid Transit and Miami Downtown People Mover Systems. Deferred to Nov. 21, 1979. (See Metro -Dade Co.) RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM Request of Bayard Strell regarding determi- nation by City Commission to fix date for filing complaint in a Court of Law for a declaratory judgment against Dade Co. for relief from Ad Valorem taxes for funding Miami -Dade Rapid Transit and Miami Downtown People Mover Systems. Deferred to 12/5/79 at 10:30 A.M. Time Certain. (See Metro - Dade Co.) Mr. Bayard Strell appeared and recapped history of request regarding determination by City Commission to fix date for filing complaint in a court of law for a Declaratory 30 Date 11/21/79 12/5/79 RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM .31. (continued) Date Judgment against Dade Co., for relief from funding Miami -Dade Rapid Transit and the Miami Downtown People Mover Systems. City Atty. directed to expeditiously file com- plaint. Mayor Meyerson indicated that a workshop meeting will be held some time in future concerning bus service in City. (See Metro -Dade Co.) 12/5/79 Request of Mayor Murray Meyerson to discuss 12/19/79 direction to City Atty. to file complaint in law for declaratory judgment against Dade Co. regarding Rapid Transit. Not reached - deferred to 1/2/80. (See Metro Dade Co.)