Re-Districting of Dade County_April 1941 to October 1942RE -..DISTRICTING OF DADE COUNTY
Book Page
Ray Sterling reports in re: proposed
re -districting of Dade County 4//2/41 120 133
Ooune&l agree to give financi I aidto
- e-D1st t ting flan
for -Dade
Platy Commissioner/ v=e_ approval to eo -13� --
Dade ommisss-lo-ners-report-ed as in
favor of re -districting plan 4/23/41 20 182
Council authorizes payment of $50.00
per week to Ray Sterling for County
Redistricting work 12/18/-1 21, 121
-Comm ,-t t ee appe-int ed t o - wo rk with
citizens Oom.on proposed amendm X37 t for
_ r Hli—s trn-otino 10-12-42' 21
Book Page__
$1,000 appropriated for promotional
work on proposed constitutional
amendment which will give Miami
Beach, a representative on commission
10/21/42 21 44o
Ray Sterling submits final report
on Re_Districting of Dade e/ 21 County
3 500
Res. #6166, favoring creation
of new county to embrace corporate
limits of Miami Beach 2/5/47 24 469