Recreation Pier Association_April to July 1942RECREATION PIER ASSOCIATION Book Page Council grants request of Recreation Pier Assn. to have control of pier 4/1/42 21 252 Council agree to cancel Capt.Peeplee' lease and turn over BoxingArena to this Assn. x-/1/2 21 252 Appro. of $1,000. for repairs and venti- lation on Pier 6/3/1+? 21 335 Council authorize pier assn.to employ architect to make sketches on improve- ments to pier -Council agree to assume $g,000. repair work 7/1/42- 21 345 RECREATION PIER ASSOCIATION 2. Book Page Council agree to carry expenses for 3 months operation costs of Recreation Pier; also salary of custodian 12/16/42 21 484 Recreation Pier Assn.request the Council to loan them $500.00 for de- posit on furniture purchase Council agree to put up y$500.0O as deposit with understanding Pier Assn. would return funds from Governineat or War Che stfunds 1/29/43 22 10 RECREATION PIER ASSN. 3, Mr.Renshaw reports on bids receiveIoo Page for imps.to Million Dollar Pier 3/26/43 22 61 E.L.Hackney of r . W. A. advises that RegionalDirectoris •recommending an addition appropriation by Gov't and City to make total allotment $4941000 for pier imps. 3/26/43 22 62 Discussion on item for roof repairs 3/26/43 22 62 Mrs.Russell Pancoast of Recreation Pier Assn. urges Council- to take early action in order that work 26/may 3be stared 62 RECREATION PIER ASSN. Book Page Res. #5611-1 awarding contract to Wm. S.Green for improvements to Million Dollar Pier - 3/26/43 - 22 62 Res. #5642 -author-.-ing-City-M-gr. t -o- make application for addition fund of $10,500 for pier imps. 3/26/43 22 63 Res. #5643 appropriating_ sum of $4, 000 in addition to $$,000 previously ap- pro-priat ed, sub jct to --grant being - f orthcoming_from_ F. W_A.-. ---3-/26/43 22 64 Mr. E. L. Hackney suggests that City Mgr. Renshaw write to F.W.A.c n,c g 22 6 2-300 sent on -roof RECREATIC7 PIER ASSN. Book Page Res. #56L-7 awarding contract for draperies and furniture at Pier to Maxwell Co. 4115/43 - 22 72 -Res. #5648 awarding con Tact for --e ectrica1 -equipment--at-/ 4 22 o- Kirby -Tuttle Co. 4/15/43 7 Res.#5658 approving of three changes in contract for improvements to pier - 5/5/43 22 86 Res. #5677 --approving certain changes in contract for imps. to Hier 6/2/43 22 - 131 RECREATION PIER ASSN. 6. Book Page_ $4,000.60 appropriated for Recrea- tion Pier and its various branches up to Nov,lst, 19213 7/7/43 22 152 Res. #5682 - waiving all damages against Wm.S.Green Co. in extension of time for completion their contract on pier 7/7/43 22 153 RECREATION PIER 7 Book Page Res. #5690 authorizing certain changes in pier contract 7/21/43 22 173 Res #5691 appropriating $321.73 to complete work -on pier improve- ments 7/21/43 22 174 Res, #5692 accepting work performed by Wm. S,Green Co, Kirpy-Tuttle & Maxwell Coon Pier contracts 7/21/43 22 174 Final payments to --contractors to be withheld until City Mgr.& Arch,determine if all bills axe paid 7/21/43 22, 175 RECREATION PIER 8 Book Page Various miscellaneous expense items on pier improvement ordered paid and appro. of S2,413.84 made for this purpose 7/21/43 22 175 OO.Oo per month appropriated for salaries 1/5/44 22 245 Additional appropriation of $233.33 per month made 1/19/44 22 251 Permit given to construct booth at Drexel and Lincoln for purpose of dispensing information to military personnel 1/17/45 22 464 RECREATION PIER 9 Book Page 3 recreational assistants given increase in salary of $15 per month 5/16/45 23 99 Leo Adeeb of Kiwanis Club asks Council to turn over Pier for use of young people of Miami Beach for recreational purposes. Council takes under advisement 9/5/45 23 208 City Manager authorized to advertise for bids for sale of Recreation Pier 9/5/45 23 214 RECREATION PIER 10 Book Page Charles Axelrod's offer to purchase Pier for $70,000 tabled 11/7/4.5 23 27$ Property owners in vicinity petition in protest of selling the Pier 11/7/45 23 278 Recreation Pier Assn. urges that the City retain ownership of Pier 11/21/45 23 298 Council authorizes Mr. Renshaw to employ structural engineer to make survey of condition 11/21/45 23 305 RECREATION PIER 11 Book Page Abrams -Middleton ask to rent top floor of Pier tut Council takes no action 12/5/45 23 309 Recreation Pier Assn. thanks Council for cooperation 1/16/46 23 353 Mr. Nice is authorized to negotiate with Recreation Pier Assn. for purchase of equipment for Convention Bureau use 1/22/46 23 373 RECREATION PIER Council takes no action on suggestion by Chaplain Leo Geiger that City permit servicemen to sleep at Pier while on leave 2/20/46 23 409 Jewish War Veterans ask City to open Pier to provide housing for veterans - Council takes no action at this time 3/20/46 23 453 • Offer of Louis Beckerman to lease for fishing pier is referred to Mr. Renshaw .7/3/46 24 162 12 Book Page RECREATION PIER 13 Book Page Council authorizes loading test to be made at Pier 7/3/46 24 176 Mr. Renshaw urgesthat con- sideration be given to selling the Pier 7/3/46 24 176