Refunding of Bonds_February to June 1933REFUNDING OF BONDS 1. (Also see $2,711,000 Refunding Issuok,Page Committee to consider plan: Mayor Katzentine, Atty.Cisco & Councilmen Meyer) Mead and Burbridge 2=1.33 Report of Committee 4--3-33 Ir. Van Ingen urges that clatter be handled by fiscal agent 4-3-33 Vaningen & Dupont -Ball address Council 3ouncil agrees to go ahead with Refunding Pian 4-5-33 $2,711,000 Refunding Bop)r authorized,Res. #260 ii-. Res. amending #?O 7 Res.2 41 6/9/55 11, 497 12, 19 12, 20 25 12, 2j 12, 31. 12, 85 REFUNDING OF BONDS (SEE BOND FILE) 2. Res. pertaining to payment of May lsinterest coupons #2608 4/27/33 12, 38 Res. pertaining to payment of July lst interest coupons #2638 6/7/33 M.R.Ist Nati directed to-depozit 014590. in ChemicalBank#P644_6/22/33 1P, 92 Chemical Bank & Trust_Co. directed to forward paid coupons to M.B.1st Nat]. #2645 6/22/33 12, 93r Councilmen Mead 4 Butrbridge to confer w D. 1 REFUNDING OF BONDS ( SEE BOND FILE) 3 Book, Page M.B.lst Nat e l directed to deposit $33,580.00 for Sept. 1st interest with Chemicalk & Trust O0.8/7/33 12, 117 Res. #2659 Chemical Bank & Trust Co. requested to return Sept. 1st int. coupons to M. B. 1st Nati' Res. #2660 8/7/33 12, 117 M.B.1st Nat'l directed to deposit $32,495.00 for Oc t. s jnt. 8/28/33 12, 130 Res. 668 Chemical Bank & Tr.Co. direct d tp turn Oct. 1st coupons Res.2b69 S/23/33 12, 131 000. appr0pria g4u i&&ngityQli'rli1trip on 12. i1L. REFUNDING OF BONDS Res. pertaining to payment November lst, 1933 coupons Also Res.#2683 4. Book Page of #2682 10/4/33 12,147 10/4/33 --- 12, 148 -Preliminary opinion of Caldwell and Raymond 10/4/33 12, 148 Plan for refunding *2, 711,000 .Bonds declared operative 1/17/3I. Res.2721 12,227 - Report of City Manager on progress made on Refunding 4/5/34 -Future e aleft to judgement udgentof RefundingCommittee 12,346 4/5/374 12,35C R4FUNDTN4 OF BONDS 36,000. bonus authorized to City Manager Renshaw on RefundingWork 4/27/.3 12 386 Ree. 2901 terminating Refunding of Bonds as of July 6th, 193+ lst Nat'l Bank of Miami instructed to disdontinue exchange of bonds for Refunding Bonds Res.#2925 7/25/34 13 17 Clerk reports on cremation of 325 Re- funding Bonds remaining unexcllan ed 10/19734 13 118 Affidavits filed on above n Book Page 5. REFUNDING BONDS $50,000.00 appropriated to cancel 50 -Twenty Year Refunding Bonds 5/14/35 6. Book Page__ 13 409 $471,000.00 20 -Year Refundin Bonds to be redeemed Res.#3208 515/35 13 419 Drawing of 471 Refunding Bond Nos. by lot and affidavit covering said drawing 5/15/35 13 ,4�3, Proofs of publishing Call of 471 Refunding Bonds - 6/5/35 13 437 REFUNDING OF BONDS 7 Book Page. Mr.Renshaw _re .ommends refunding of $231n,!000.00 worth of bonds -Res 944 Guth tt-zing isauabce of $231,f oo.00 Refunding e of 1941 8—g --k4 19 233