Refunds_1926-Handwritten NotesREFUNDS: % Cleve, Fredk. W. (License) Book 5,Page _264 Cook, John A.., Jr. (rt)pp ox mp- 7, -1 Sager, Mrs. Marian . (tion on Taxes) 7) 41 Portion of taxes on 1926 Taxes against Lots 1 to 6, B1k. 6 and Lots 1 to 5, B1k. 8: 4. F. , Book 7," 452 Ferris Bros. Inc. (Portion of « " ��� Taxes Lot 6, B1k.59,Lincoln Beck, W. S. (Quit ion of T e$ Lot 3, Blk. F,Fairgreen 11 "4-61 REFUNDS: Mary E. _Teller License#153 Harvey J."Robillard License Refund refused Widow' _a Exemption Widow!_s Exemption Widow°s Exemption Widow° s Exemption Veteran°s t1 Helene Hotel Fire 1927 3-7-28 4--4-2b 5-4-28 5-16-28 Book 8., Page 111 r —"- 19-7 is .196. 8, +' 227. 8, -"-_ -.241 8, " -247 — `°— -357 Line Rental _ Mused __R t.6,p 391. Taxes on Hib. Isl.. Park Tracts for improvement of parkways 8," 413 REFUNDS Book, Page 1925 City. Taxes overpaid by M.13_, Bay Shore Co. on Lot 43,B. 1, Sec. 0.F. 8, 438 SR -15 Assess. on Lot 22, B1. 3, Fleetwood 9, 102 x23,0700 Gas Co. Deposit - Res.2105 11/18/29" 388 $100. Municipal Court Bond forfeited 10,:160 1930 Taxes on Hibiscus Is. Park Tracts 10,64 Beach Protection at 43rd Street put in by Geo. ChahoonJr. 5-20-31 11, 43 City Builders Finance Co: portion of SR-26-Tisessment against Lot 12 q REFTJNDS 4. BOOK PAGE Miohael J. Glenn: 1 week's Salary S-14-31 11, 125 1931 Taxes on Hibiscus Island Park Tracts 10-21-31 11, 206 1390 Taxes: L 1g,B1 15, La Ootce Golf Sub. L 12,31 79-A,Bay Front Sub. 11, 237 Refund of Belle Isle Paving Lien requested y J. C Penney 12-16-31 11, 252 " again requested 2-3-32 11, 276 Refund of Fire Line Rental Fees asked 3-29-32 11, 309 REFUNDS BOOK,PAGE Hollingsworth Apt. Fire Line Rental refund authorized 4--20-32 11, 319 Little River Laundry Occupational License Fee Refund denied -20-32 11, 319 Little River Laundry License ordered refunded 10-12-32 11,381 Certain refunds on over -payment of license authorized 2-1-33 11, 497 Tax payren�eTund authorized to Elizabeth T. Ferrin 3-1-33 12, 5 Wholesale Beer Dealers license fees 7/19/33 l REFUNDS 54 Book Page Request made for refund of excess occupational license fees paid 2/7/34 12, 24+0 Refund of Tropical Grill liquor license ordered 10/25/35 14, 161 Refund of J.Marquette Phillips liquor license ordered 11/7/35 14, 179 Refund of $1,000. to A.E.Woolf e on corn game license ordered 15 401 REFUNDS Sit, . son Lumber Go. &ranted refund. of OD. as license fee ,paid under protean - --- 7/18/34 6. Book Page 13 5 .$50.00 license fee paid by Klefeker Pro- --duce-Go: -ordered.= refunded -01/34 _ - 13 ----- 31 Fred Breit, requests refund on back taxes -refused 11/21/34 _Refund_.f liquor -licenses paid by Stage & Screen Bar & L. Patten authorized 3-17-37 13_1-7-0-- 15 Wilt REFUNDS 7 Book Page Wm.J.P.Eekles, Pres. of Delta Properties refunded $750.00 on liquor license for 1111 Dade Blvd. 10-20-37 16 334 Re�ftxnd ordered made to Mrs. W.A. Detwiler on account of over assess- ment on her lot 11/16/38 17 34+9 1st Installments of Refund payments on watermain installation authorized to Sunset Islands (Nos.1,2 & 3) and LaOoroe Islands 11/16/38 17, 349 REFUNDS 8 Book- Page M.Herman given refund of license fee paid for Bingo game 11/30/38 17 366 Refunds of over -payments on half- -year liquor licenses authorized 12/1/38 17 372 Refunds of license feaa paid by veterans authorized 12/1/38 17 372 Reimbursement to Artlin,Inc. for groyne construction at foot ofg20th Bt.12/1/37 372 Refund of liquor license to Nat Finder authorized 1-4-39 17 434 REFUNDS 9 Book Page Clerk ordered to refund liquor license fee to Palm Court Hotel 4/5/39 18 3fl Refund of beer and wine license feed by Yacht arpon authorized ----10/4/39 29 6 - Re fund_o-f liquorl icens e---auth ori ze d to Louis Josdphthal 10/18/39 18 328 Refund of beer and wine license paid _by -1 sidor—Swart z for --B oloney Joe's -- -authorited _ 11/1/39 18 352 Refrnu authors ze-d. to United 8erv. Corp. for tax adjustment (1937) s t . Blk.l. ub.B1k.1Beach Vie //210/401i9 211 REFUNDS 10 Book Page Building Permit fee for JAI LAI fronton cancelled and ordered ---refunded -fee 10-16 40 19- 357 Clark Harc}ld T bldg. permit or r -- not -cons tr--uc-t€d-2i1-21 dn. -2C 63 Council ,ordered refund of 1940 taxes gatd on property -wast of Fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton B_aoh forth of 15th Street. 2/26/41 2087 Refund of Liquor lit ens a fee paid / /a 6. by Tropical Bar authorized. 11/6/41 21 15 REFUNDS 104 Book Page Refunds authorized for certain items paid on 1940 Personal Prop. Tax Roll 7/16/41 20 356 Refund of occupational licenses to those called to duty with U.S. Army or Navy 1/15/41 20 16 REFUNDS 11 Book Page Refund of liquor license fee paid by Fleetwood Hotel au,t1/4lized21 86 Mr. Porter Langford, disabled war veteran, asks for refund of license fees paid over last 4 years. 12/18/41 21 125 Refund of $17.55 on 1939 Personal Property Tax Roll, and $12.15 on 1940 Tax Roll authorized, on 87 Washington Ave. Paid twice. 1/7/42. 21 142 Tiwints Book Page Council authorized refund of -$100. license fee paid by Christy Delmas -as -Psycho -analyst 2/4/42- 21 171 Request of Dorchester Hotel for re- fund--on-liquor and occupat-conal licenses due_ta_Armytaking over hotel referred to City Mgr. 3/4/42 21 220 1941 Personal Property taxes ordered refunded on two boat assessments --Marco-1 $36.29) Nan 0 -$ i6.66) 3/V12 21 2-36 REFUNDS - - Book Page For Collins Ave. Paving Assessment refunds see Card on COLLINS AVENUE PAVING Refund of Occupational Licenses for businesses taken over by Army authorized 11/1£x/42 21 46g Council refuses any refund on Palm Island Latin Quarter licenses 2/3/43 22 25 Res. #5631 authorizing refund of Collins Ave.Paving assessment to McClellan Ocean Villas,Inc. 3/3/43 22 44 REFUNDS Book Page RenuesVof Yrs. Samuels for refund of taxes paid for Dr.Agos denied --3/17/-3 22 56 JACK MILLER request for refund of Personal -tax paid by -him denied -- 3/17/43 22 -6 Refund of taxes and liens levied prior to granting of patents on Harding Tuan. authorized 7/21/4-3-- 22 173 REFUNDS 15 , Book Page Request of L & H Miller Co. for refund of building permit fee denied 8-20-52 33 215 Request of Taylor Construction Co. for refund of fees paid for two building permits which were not used, denied. No requests for refund of building permit fees to be brought to Council in future. 1-7-53 33 456 REFUNDS 16 Book Page $207.50 appropriated from u.c.f. surplus to cover refund of fine and court costs in connection with case of William Lawton, Jr., vs. City, payment to be made to Atty. Harvey J. St. jean. 1-2-57 39 49 Refund of liquor license fee of $750. paid by late Murray Weinger for renewal of liquor license at 1750 West Ave. (Copa City Productions, Inc.) granted if present signs are removed from building 2-6-57 39 90 REFUNDS Refund of $300 auditorium rental fee to University of Miami authorized, due to cancellation of University of Miami basketball game on Feb. 16, 1957 2--20-57 39 146 Mike Kaplan refunded 11/12ths of total licenses paid to the City, ($437..15) in connection with his operation of establishment at 2039 Collins Ave. (open 5 days only) 3-6-63 45 350 17 Book Page