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Resolutions Rescinded_March 1928 to January 1929
1, RESOLUi IONS RESCINDED ___ Bk. Page Res. 1583 SK -50#1736 3--7-28 8 197 Res. 1662 BH -4 #1736 3--7-20 8 197 Res. 1740 H-99 #1752 3-21-28 8 215 Ides. 1776,1777,1779,1760,1782 & 1763 Rescinded by Res.1606 0 319 Res. 1048 SR -120 #1555 11-7-28 S 446 Res. 1662 & 1668 BH -4 1-16-29 9 49 By Res. 1909 Res. 1742 - M.B.Railway Car Tracts on 9 217 Sheridan -26th to 30th,byRes.200£' RESOLVTIONS RESCINDED z, BOOK, PAGE Res. 2039 Res. 2305, Res. 272 Res. 2622 Res.2699 SR -130, Res. 2031 8-7-29 9, 288 SR-11il-, Res. 2298. 9-3-30 10, 258 Street Lighting Contract with Fla. Power & Light Co. 11, 158 SR -166, Res. 2611 5-17-33 12, 5g Zoning hearing #2696 11-15-33 12, 18k