Resolutions Miscellaneous_July 1930 to April 1931RESOLUTIONS MISCELLANEOUS 1, BOOK, PAGE Favoring employment of Miami Beach skilled & common labor Res.2281 10, 179 Endorsing officials of City National Bank of Miami Res. 2292 7-16-30 10, 203 Res. 2332: John Oliver LaGorce's 25th Anniversary of Association with 10, 316 National Geographic Society 11-5-30 Res. 2407: Declaring April 14th, Pan- American Day --1-31 11, 5 Res. 2408: Urging completion of Intra- coastal Waterway 4--1-31 11, 5 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 2. BOOK PAGE Res. 136 fixing 5 -year period in which to pay installments on assess- ment liens 12-1-20 2, 68 Res. 2418 -Authorizing Advertisement of Charter Changes 4-22-31 11, 22 Res. 2419 -Authorizing Advertisement of Bill to redistrict Dade County 11, 24 Res, 24I -20 -Opposing bill making State & County taxes superior to City 11, 26 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 3.` BOOK,PAGE Res. 2421 -Urging extension of State High- way ----- --- through Miami Beach 4-30-31 11, 26 Res. 2422 -Requesting City Employees to live on Miami Beach 5-6-31 11, 31 Res. 2432 -Authorizing City Clerk to ap- point Deputies 5-20-31 11, 43 Res. 2438 -Requesting passage of Bill_ amending City Charter 5-20-31 11, 50 Res. 2439 -Governing making ofAppropri- ations 5-20-31 11, 51 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS. BOOK, PAGE Res. 2452 -Commending School Heath Work 11, 8g Res. 2478 -Prevention of epidemic ofIn- fantile Paralysis 9-16-31 11, 155 Res. 249 ebp ming of Government Cut, Ship Channel & Basin 11-4-31 11, 216 Res. 2508 -Urging Deer Water in Biscayne Bay - 1-6-32 11, 257 Res.2693 Judge Halsted L.Ritter 11/1/33 12, 170 Res•from M.B.RealtY Board -are: payment VT commissions 1-/3/34 12, 219 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 5. Book Page Endorsing proposed_ zanstruction of new bridge and highway north Qf Baker's Haulover Res. #2902 6/28/34 12, 472 Urging expansion of Federal Air forces Res. #3008 11/21/34 13, 161 Protesting to passage of Tillman Fla. Recovery Act. Res.3146 4/15/35- 13 356 Urging construction of new Post Office Building Res. #3191 5/1/35 13 401 - RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 6/ Book Page Protesting to passage of Bill No. 418 relating to State control of Municipal Accounting.#3193 5/1/35 13 402 Urging the deepening of Miami Harbor and approving terminal at Causeway Terminal Res. #3211 5/17/35 13 425 Endorsing 6 proposed changes to City Charter Res. #3120 4/3/35 13 340 Requesting ch A WMcancy in office of Mayor Res. #3213 5/27/35 13 433 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 7. Book Page Objection of City to construction of wharf and two piers north of County Causeway Res. #3221 6/19/35 13 451 Objectionsof City to modification of War Dept. permit to hos.H.Horobin for dredging of channel to 50 feet in width Res. #3222 6/19/35 13 451 Res.#3269 urging survey be made before construction is begun on cross state sea level canal 7/17/35 14 1 Res. #3697 urging St.Road Dept. to speed up work on State Highway #26 9-16-36 15 135 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Res. #4178A -thanking Cuban Govn't for invitation tO visit Havana on good will tour 12-15-37 --16 444 Res. #4185 urging Governor and State not—to-z-e le a s e Barrold Beek from prison 12-15-37 16 456 Res.#4419 urging 4overnor and State Pardon Board -not -to g ant-c]me nay to Frank Novak 11/16 /3S 1' Res.#4420 urging Governor and State not to grant clemenoy toHow Howard Beck �7 350 350 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 9' Book Page Res. #4491 -urging Pardon Board not to grant clemency to Harry Sidamore 3-22-39 18 18 --fie. #'I-520- endorsing plan of -secur- ing Funds from WPA for community hospital 5/3/39 18 55 Res.#4565 on appreciation of Mr. 7Childers s services as Councilman 7-5-39 Res.#4586 - congratulating Mr. Pancoast on -bird' hday 7/10/39 18- 159 —Res :#4619 -ori-- appreo iation of lhr. Burbridgets Council service 8/16/39 18 224 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 10 Book Page Res , i4-746 proposing to make joint appeal with -City- of Miami—for reduc- tion in telephone rates 1/3140 18 438 Res. 475 congratulatingGeorge Ade on his 74th Birthday 28/40 18 463 Res. #4824 ® looking towards the creation of a separate county com- missioner o s district for Miami Beach 4/3/40 19 Res. #4942 -oo riimending 0. W. Tomlinson ------._--on 20 yrs' service 8-7-40 19- 228 —Res,# 943 -commending Fire Chief Stephenson on 20 yrs.service 8/7/40 19 228 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 11 Book _Page Res.#5003 favor and requesting the erection of a UNION STATION 10-2-40 19 319 Resolution No. 5272 - resolution of thanks honoring Olitinalman ice, -retired 20 256 Resolution No.5273 declaring June 6,1941,U.S-.0. Day 6A/41 20 --2c7 Resolution No. 5279 thanking Jahn H.Levi—for-his-untiring-servide in half of City of M.B. 6/5/41 20 267 RESOLUTIONS - MISO.1T,T,ANEOUS 12 Book Page Res. #5299 objecting to proposed construction of bulkhead and exten- sion of groynes by MacFadden Deauville Hotel 6/18/41 20 306 Res.#5329 objecting to proposed construction of islands in Biscayne Bay by Adams Sunray Isles, Inc. ,7/16/41 20 344 Res.#5497 stressing importance of deepening Intracostal Waterway from Miami to Jacksonville 4/1/42 21 258 RESOLUTIONS -s MISCELLANEOUS 13 Book Page Res.#5595 - approving objects of Senate Bill 2540 & House Bill 7533 to furnish relief through Reconstruc- tion Finance Corp.to Distressed property and business owners 10-7-42 21 434 Res.#5605 urging Dade County Commissioners and State Road Dept. to change name of 79th St. Causeway 10-21-42 21 452 Res.#5615 -congratulating Councilman and Mrs. Frank on birth of baby girl 12/16/4.2 21 485 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 14 Book Page Res. 5617 endorsing Judge Paul Barns for Judge of U.S.Dist.Court 1/15/43 22 Res. #5627 objecting to merging of County and City Tax Assessing and Collecting agencies 2/17/43 22 34 Res. #5631 authorizing payment in full to McClellan Ocean Villas,Inc., on Collins Ave. refund 3/3/43 22 44 Res.#5645 going on record as favoring change in name of North Miami Beach to Elford" 4/7/43 22 68 9 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Res. #5650 opposing passage of House 3111 No. 39 seeking to put into effect - uniform -system of Municipal Gov't 4/15/43 _22_ 74 1144 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS 15 Book Page #6062 urging expedition of admission of persecuted Jews to Palestine 7/17/46 24 186 Res. #7260 decrying price gouging 8/16/50 30 23 Res. #7276 urging all real estate men, attorneys and others praticipating on sales of property to advise potential purchasers of zoning and deed restrictions 9/6/50 30 63 RESOLUTIONS - MISCELLANEOUS Res. #7284 - relative to U of Miami and U of Florida being played in Miami per- manently rather than on a home and home basis Res. #7290 - urging M. B. Kennel Club to rid itself of employees with criminal records 16 Book Page 10-4-5o 30 89 10-25-50 30 107 Res. #7291 - urging M. B. Citizens to vote in Nov. election 10-25-50 30 108