Roney Plaza Hotel_February to April 1954RONEY PLAZA HOTEL 1,
Book Page
Action deferred on application of
Roney Plaza Hotel to construct
bulkhead 2-17-54 35 340
Roney Plaza Hotel's application
for permit to construct new bulkhead
along hotel ocean frontage denied
3-3-54 35 362
Application of Roney Plaza to construct
bulkhead along hotel ocean frontage
approved 4-7-54 35 73
Application of Roney
bulkhead along hotel
Book Page
Plaza to construct
ocean frontage
4-7-54 35 402
Request made by Roney Plaza Hotel
for zoning change to permit
erection of 2 -story cabanas on
easterly end of hotel property.
Res. #8693 calling zoning hearing
to consider request 4-7-54 35 406
Hearing to consider above request.
Ordinance to be prepared classifying
north 16 feet in One-story, and the
remainder in a Two-story cabana district
5-5-54 35
Re,. Roney Plaza zoning Book Page
City Mgr. advises that he was told by
architect for Roney Plaza that if
2 -story cabanas were set back 16 feet
from north line of property, beach at
24th St. would not be shades - this
distance not calculated by Engineering
Dept. Council defers matter until
Engineering Dept. submits figures
5-19-54 35 481
Engineering Dept. calculates that
2 -story cabana district at Roney Plaza
property should set back 30 feet from
north line of property to avoid shading
beach at 24th St. Matter to be discussed
at next meeting. 5-19-54 35 485
Book Page.
Re. Roney Plaza cabana district --
City Mgr. advises that plan to set
2 -story cabanas 16 feet back from
north line of property all right.
Letter from architects submitted.
5-21-54 35 489
3rd reading ord. placing N. 16 feet
of easterly "Cabana
of Roney Plaza
property in 'Cabana & Swimming Pool
District" and remainder of easterly
portion in "Two Story Cabana District" - X89
Ord. #1111 5-21-54 35