S Miscellaneous_June 1928 - Handwritten Notes"Sti MISGELLANEOU_P 1. 74,0,41/ -Far_ WO/ A. /o 2 ,s- U �f i ,��%?'�. �� � - ��/✓�✓'Cts[.[ �' � ��C ��, ( l�C 5/7 6 M SGLLI{A OUS 2 .. BOOK , PAGE Seaboard requests .permit for add' 1 tank Standard Realty Co -Move office request Standard Realty Co. request to con- struct Awninp7 over sidewalk Standard Pub.Co. - $50. Ad requested Southern Medical Assoc. -Appropriation South Beach Park -Block S,Form of Lease Shutts Letter re: Fla. East Coast Canal Simons,Geo.W.-Employe4 as Zoning Consultant 1-15-30 a, 264+ 9, 287 9, 299 9, 302 9, 350 9, 378 9, 9, 40g 445 "S". MISCELLANEOUS 3 BOOK, PAGE Stephenson: Authorized to trade two old 10, 149 Cadillacs for new one 5-21-30 Sewell,E.G: Publicity Booklets, etc. in cooperation with Miami 6-19-" " 175 Shappell,Clayton: Objection to Distillate Tank in a7,1ig-56ar of Bakery Sand Fill at 39th & 40th Street ends " 282 Steps: 4th & Ocean Drive ordered moved " 431 Strath -Haven Hotel: Reouest removal of above steps 1-7-31 " 431 201 "S" 'MISCELLANEOUS 4. BOOK,PAGE Commodore Schantz: Objects to charges for trunk drayage 1-21 31— -10, 442 -- Steps: 4th & Ocean Drive: City Manager authorized to proceed with removal if Shepard, Lloyd M: Permit to move house on to Hibiscus Island 2-18-31 a 475 Southern Detective Agency request 3-18-31 Is 488 Shannon, George: Requests reimbursement for loss of golf olubs 4-1-31 11 6 • is —1Q-32 11, 367 "S, MISCELLANEOUS BOOK,PAGE Showers along oceanfront -objection to 11, 100 Seaplanes - See "Dredging Biscayne Bay" 11, 228 Shorty's Garage -Claim for tires 3-16-32 11,____305 Stevens,George M -2 -Year Lease on Dockage Facilities authorized . 4-6-32 11, 316 Shorty"s Garage -Settlement offered " 11, 317 Shappe11,0.E$uggests "Board of Archi- tects l.ders" 5-1S-32 ..i.1327_ Sinclair Refin% Co:.Permit for pump at Charter Boat Dockage 6-15-32 11,, 3k5 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 6'� Book, Page Samet, H. Requests permission to kill poultry at his shop which is in restricted Zone -12-227-32 11;471— Snyder, W. F. request exohan e in easements 5 3 33 12, 48 Stearns, D.A. requests change in zoning restrictions on Hibiscus Is. 5/17/33-12,6! Council authorized substitution of easements from W.F.Snyder & Quit- claim deed on first easement 5/17/33- 12, 66 E.G.Sewell addresses Council 7/19/33 12,103 "S" MISCELLANEOUS Sun Oil Co.:request permission to erect new sign 7/19/33 Dr. V. L.Sirgley requests permission to erect sunbath cabinets 12/15/33 Shogren, O.M. given temporary permit for Key shop on 7th St. 1/3/34 Dr.Singley objects to location of his sunbath cabinets 1/17/34 12, 229 Stearns, Frank F. advises proposal to build broadcasting tower on Hibiscus Is. 12, 246 Book,Page 12, 106 12, 212 12, 217 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 8. Sinclair Oil Co request Bi page_- - -- ermit(denied)- 3/314 D1 30 Sinclair Oil Co. request bldg. per- mit for filling station on 23rd St. 3/21/34 12 312 Sinclair Oil Company again request permit for filling station 5/2/34 12 402 D.A.Stearns requests remission of Taxes on Hibiscus Island tracts 5/16/34- 12 409 Simon, Tobias, requests more streets lights for summer 6/6/34 12 4.17 Simpson Lumber Co. granted refund of license fee paid under protest 7/1S/34 13 5 He MISCELLANEOUS 9. Book Page Simmons, A. H. complains of parkin and fishing on Hibiscus Is. 7/25/34- 13 16 Shepard, Semi appointed as-Attorney-to- act s-Attorney-toact on --foreclosures of_19,3OE T'ax Sale Certificates owned by City.Res.#2936 8/1/34 13, 30 Standard Oil Co.requaat for permit to__ remodel filling station refused 8/15/34 13, 52 Seiden Rest. request permit to en- large theft premises 9/5/34 13 67 refused Silverman,Sam.granted permit for park - ng lot on 15th St. -10/12/34 13 111 I125" MISCELLANEODS 10. Book Page Scooter" ride - permit denied for issuance of license 11/21/34 13 161 Sinclair Oil Co., given parking lot permit at N.W. cor. 22nd St. & Liber- ty Avenue 12/5/34 13 173 Salvey, Harold granted license to operate Corn Game at 116 Biscayne St. 2/6/35 13 286 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 11. Book Page Third and final reading of Signboard Ordinance #372. 2/6/35 13 266 First & second readings of Signboard Ordinance 1/30/35 Mary F. Stone offers to sell Lot 3, Block 113, 0. B. #4 to City for $10,000.00 Shepard, Ben (see special card) Steven Capt.Geo.M. Dock Lease ee °Leases") '35®'36 5/15/35 13 260 13 324 13, 409 S" MISCELLANEOUS Sinclair Oil Cb. given 30 days addi- tional time to remove tanks from location at Deauville Filling Station. 6/5/35 12. Book Page 13 436 Shappell, Clayton asks that ocean front protection be extended to 18th Street 7/3/35 13 468 Selecman, Chas. L. objects to con- struction of one-story apartments 7/17/35 13 493 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 13 Book Page Saunderson, F.W. requests street leading to Biscayne Point. 8/21/35 14 59 Ships Bar - 240 - 23rd St. granted liquor license. 9/18/35 14 101 Surf Cafe 71 Biscayne St. granted liquor license. 9/18/35 14 102 J. Julien Southerland requests change in zoning regulations to allow Yacht Club at 10th St. & Bay. 9/26/35 14 113 f'S« MISCELLANEOUS Singer, Dave - 339 - 22nd St. requests night club permit. 10/16/35 Skelley, Ira J. requests zoning change Lots 7 & 8, Blk. 39, Palm View. 10/25/35 Norman Skelly granted roller skating rink permit. 10/30/35 Shane Soda Shop - 333 W. 47th St. granted beer and wine license . 10/30/35 S. & L Rest. granted beer and wine license. 10/30/35 13A Book Page 14 150 14 162 14 170 14 170 14 170 "S" MISCELLANEOUS Surfside - 7305 Collins Ave. ranted and wine license. 1b/j0/35 beer 14 Book Page 14 170 Shappell, Clayton, urges construction of 20th St. groin offering to advance funds. 11/6/35 14 171 Schwartzkopf, Adolp, granted beer and wine permit. 11/7/35 Fire Chief Stevenson agrees to execute re- lease to Ins. Co. with reference to accident on 10/9/34. 11/15/35 14 180 14 192 HS" MISCELLANEOUS 11+A Book Page Spanish Village Pharmacy,Inc. granted beer and wine license 11-15-35 14 193 Sunshine Sandwich Shop granted beer and winelicense 11-15-35 l 193 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 15. Book Page, Spanish Village Pharmaoy,Inc., granted beer & wine limenee.11/15135 14 193 Sunshine Sandwich Shop granted ower and wine license 11/15/35 14 195 Swan Lake Fish Market permit –denied 11/18f35 —1 195 Stewart-, eane -----ask-s permit - for solarium 11/20/35 14 198 Swan Cale' Fish Co. amain aak permit 11/20/35 14 198 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 16, Book Page Samet Kosher Market anted beer and wine permit 12 35 14 220 Shelton, Geo. E. granted beer and wine permit 12/11/35 14 233 Swan Lake Fish Market granted permit 12/11/35 14 236 • _ _ . • permit for cabanas -temporary 12/18/35 14 238 Seiden Rest.request permit to use Patio- denied 12/18/35 14+ 238 "S° MISCELLANEOUS 1 7, Book Page SeaSpray Club, granted liquor license 12/18/35 • 14+ 239 Silverberg, Max -granted liquor license at M•.B.Kennel Club 12/18/35 14 239 Strath -Haven Hotel granted beer and wine permit 12/23/35 114 244 Saks ask permit to erect canopy 252 12/30/35 1 Surfside Tavern granted beer permit 14 258 1/8/36 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 18. Book Page outhern Hotel Soda_Shop granted beer and wine permit 1/8/36 ik 258 Sporberg,Arthur-granted _parking lot permit 1/8/16- 14 266 SheridanoTack granted beer and wine permit 2/19/36 1 296 .tneLewiagrait& Ruffle Pin Game license 2/19/36 14 310 Sturm4M.A. requests bldg.permit for 2nd story bridge to connec4/1/3t Lindberg Hotel 6 4 1S8 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 19. Book Page_ M.A.Sturm agrees to sign agreement for removal of 2nd story bridge upon .. ,mnia not oe of removal 1.2/36 14 371 [ AGREEMENT FILED MEETING 4--2-36) Stevens, Capt. G.M. granted lease for Municipal Fishing Dock 1936-37 5/6/36 14 419 Sherida.) Park School - ask for permit for 1936 -37 -season 5/20/36 1 Sheeidan Park School -petition presented- —against/operation 6/3/36 14 445 Sands,Johf A. Life Guardl death Res. #3563: 6/3/36 . 14 469 "Sa MISCELLANEOUS 20. Book Page Sin Ri 1 Fig lieg Station given permit for filling station at N.E.corner 16th St. & Alton Rd. 6/10/36 14 470 -9heridun Perk School again present request for permit for 1936-37 6/10/36 14, 471 fed per- mit for 1936-37 season 6/17/36 14, 471 South Fla.Motor Sales ask permit to have car rental lot at 57 1$c -uclid 15 1 South Fla.Motor Sales granp$ ,ove pert 17 "5" MISCELLANEOUS 21. Book _Page Shanbergi M. B. -city agrees to reimburse for ocean front bulkhead if City wine suit Rea. --#3606-7-15-36 15 15 Seiberling, Gertrude - City agrees to reimburse for ocean front bulkhead if oRes-. #3607--T-1,9,36 15 . - 7-:-T6 otor-Sa arl rental permit for S.W.cor. Euclid A 5th St. .8-5-,,36 15 37 Sandtc-JOhn Ar-.-7=-widow paid 2 weeks vacs, tion_money g-5-361- 15 60 °'SV MISCELLANEOUS Sturm, Dr. M. A. protests to issuance of ear rental lot to*-- Sou h -Florida -Meter ---Sales 22. Book Page 60. for 5th & Euclid location S-19-36 15 63 Standard Oil Filling Station - plane for remodeling station at 5t11-& Jeff. Ave. approved -25-36 15 --9-2 Stir -r C-has,.--E.protests to granting -- of permit to Peoples Water & Gas Co. for gas holders 9-2-36 15 94 "S" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 23. State Rd. Dept. urged to speed up work on State Road No. 26. Rce. #3697 9 16 36 15 135 Surfside -Beer & Wine 9-30-36 15 155 Al. R. Smith asks permit for Thomas Manor, Inc. to operate restaurant & bar at 67'12 Co = • ane Drug Co. granted beer & wine permit 10-7-36 15 Sunshine Sandwich Shop _rant_d beer Samet's Delicatessen request permit to rehang sign 10-21-36 15 179 15-3 175 "S' MISCELLANEOUS Samuel's Delicatessen & Grill granted Beer and wine license -10/21/36 Shayne,Nathan M.requests change in --liquor- zoning to -permit -package store on 41st St. 11-4-36 _Barnet's Delicatessen given permit o rehang sign 11-4-36 24. Book Page 1153 15 194 15 208 Stage & Screen granted liquor. license 11-4-36 15 209 "3" MISCELLANEOUS 25. Book Page sleeker, D.J. given tentative approval of plans for filling s t Alton Rd. 11-4-336 15 209 Stolmaker, B.B. requests permit to operate game "Fascination'11=5- 5— 212 Smith Co. given -parking -lot -permit roo 11/12/36 / f 15 239 shappeI4,ayo- fsuidewalklandor ptrpetspavement in 20th-St.11/18/36 15 244 "Su MISCELLANEOUS 26 Book Page Stolmaker,Bernar-'d- application for "Fascination" game license again turned d own-- 11-18-36--- 15 244 $hayne-Nathan - presents petition for change in liquor zoning on 41st St. suggeated that -he -obtain more names 11-18-36 15 246 South _Fla,.Motor Sales ask permit to erect sign -referred t11Ci�ty Mgr. 15216 bbt South Bea°h Pharmacy granted beer and wine permit 11-19-36 15 251 "5" MISCELLANEOUS 27. Book Page Shappell, Clayton - granted permit to construct cabanas at 21st St. and ocean 11-23-36 15 252 (AGREEMEEN EED 12.,T2-36) See minutes 12-2-36 15 254 Savoyoy�Plaza Dining Room granted beer Smmittnylspgrraannted beer and2wine 1 2��— permit 12-2-36 15 263 --Southern - Hotel grantad-beer2anand wee 15 263 --permit StolmakerLBernard - granted permit for game °Fascination° 12-9-36 15 286 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 28. Book Page Petition presented by Nathan Shayne for chane in liquo zon •• . rot St. i' • •,.-I9 288 Sheridan Theatre granted permit to erect marquis sign Dec. 16,1936 15 303 Silver,Ben - application f r group game - denied Dec. lb, 193b 15 304 Stewart, -Harry-- P�--appltcatti-on M group game -denied Dec.16, 193gr— 15 364 Salvey, H. deniedlicense--for eo-rngame in Espanola Way Dec. 16,1936 15 304 "S" MISCELLANEOUS ) 29. Book Page Southern Cafeteria granted beer and wine permit 12-30-36 15 311 Shoremede Hotel granted liquor license 1-6-37 Standard Tours,Inc.,granted travel 5 329 bureau license 1-6-37 15 329 Sun & Surf Cabana Colony granted beer and wine license 1-237 15 371 M,Steinhart complains of condition —of `'ouch Beach Ocean Front Parks & Wa sh1 ngton_Park 2 L7-37 15 391