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S Miscellaneous_March 1937 to February 1940
"S" MISCELLANEOUS 30 Book Page Siems Bros. -request for building per- mit to construct cabanas- will quit- claim- their interest in ocean - froit-end of 15th St. March 3,1937 _15 403 Sun Hoy Restaurant granted liquor license March 17th, 1937 15 WO Stage & Screen.liq_uor license ordered refunded 3-17-37 �5 444 Sheridan Park Schoolequest ws pe reneo rm -21-37 —16 314 °S" MISCELLANEOUS John -..P. Stokes employee as Special Counsel on case for removal -of oil tanks-. 4-23-37 31 Book Page 1.6 -35-- Sheridan 35-_. Sheridan Park 1937-38 permit referred to Cly Manager Renshaw 4-30-37 16— 63 Capt. Geo. M. Stevens leases Chamber of Commerce Docks for another year. 5/5/37 - Nicholas M.& Panay W. Schenck ex- change easements with City over - Lot 3o, let Ocean Front Sub. 6/7/37 16 129 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 32. Book Page Sun Cut Rate Drug Co. granted license to sell Beer & Wine 6/7/37 16 136 Otto Stegemann asks to represent City in case of Officer Boyle'a accidental death. 6/16/37 16 139 Standard Oil Co. refused permit for pole sign on corner Jff. Ave. and 5th St. 6/16/37 16 139 Schiff's Kosher MM2arketranted Beer license. 6716/37 16 144 "S" MISCELLANEOUS M. Steinberg asks permit to lease chair and umbrella concession in Lummus Park. 6/23/37 33. Book Page 16 154 M. Steinberg makes new offer for above concession. 7/7/37 16 183 "Sugar Bowl" (Benj. Chaves) granted license to sell beer and wine. 7/21/37 16 191 Steinberg & Mechlow offer to lease chair rental concession 8-18-37 16 237 Shell Petroleum Co.given filling station permit -6th & Alton 9-1-37 16 241 "S" MISCELLANEOUS M. Steinberg & J.Meohloe -again offer to rent ocean frontage -for ohair-rental buerness - __denied_by Council 9-1-37 -Strone=Ferry, granted -parking -lot Aae-rmi t - S . E . oor--r-West- Ave. & 6th St. 9-15-37 i6 25.7 Seaborn,Wm.T-Liquor license 9-16-37 16, Sherid t -Park- school -granted private aohool permit for 193738 16 258 3k. Book Page 249 G,0.Smith granted parking lot permit -16th & Alton Rd. 9-16-37 16, 260 ,ESll MISCELLANEOUS Smedley- : 35 Book Page for funeral home tat -6-37 mit 16 287 Slenker-D.J.asks city to take over two beds in Alton Rd.Hosp. 1Q 6-37 16 287 St.Patricks Church urge issuance of only one liquor license on - 41st St. 10-6-37 16 289 g4T1J4 Prug Store and Sugar Bowl -granted beer & wide permits 10-11-37 16 306 Smedley -Lillian, presents waiver of ob jeotions to funeral home on her property l6. "S" MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 36. Sunshine Sandwich Shop ask permit to rent bicycles - 10-20-37 16 330 16 338 _Wanner, Ar ‘h permit to erect and operate storage garage.on Lot 5,B1k.16A,Island _View 11-3-37 16 337 Smith Luther I.granted beer and wine license 11-3-37 16 339 —bredrey rs.Lililan - denied -permit to locate funeral home in her home 11-10-37 16 354 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 37 Book Page Atty. 0.B.Simmons reouestS amendthent be made to Liquor Zoo-ginguree- permit—sale of liquor .on bay front property north of Dade Blvd.11-10-37 16, 359 Smith, Ruth Mrs. appointed as Deputy by Tax Collector 11-10-37 16 359- 634 5- 631. Bar granted liquor license 11-17 37- -16 370 Sho_remede Hotel grant -ed liquor license 11-17-37 16 370 Wm.T.Seaborn- The Little Club present application for Night Club 12-1-37 16 406 "S" MISCELLANE©US 38 Book Page Standard Tours,Inc.,granted travel bureau permit 12-3-37 _ 16 415 Sunshine Kosher Market granted beer and wine license 12-3-37 Seaborn-Wm.T. granted night club 16 415 license for The Little Club 12-3-37 16 415 -Segall!' Taxi and Baggage Service change name of firm to Segals Safety Cab 12-8-.37 16 436 "s" MISCELLANEOUS Solomon, Frank & Florence seek 39 Book Page Homestead Exemption on taxes 12-8-37- - 16 444 ia. granted beer & wine permit 12-15-37 16 452 Sana Souci-granted liquor lioense at 1111 DadeBlvd.(Delta Prop) 12-22-37 16 458 71st Street Market granted beer and wine license 2.16-38 17 57 -- Sarasota County sheriff makes -ap- plication for reward on Electi n 41 Fraud arrest g-%6-38 l7 . • o t • 4 USu MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Stern, Florence G. -given private -school permit (1938-39) at 4049 Royal Palm Ave. 4-6--38 17 82 Smith's Cottages - matter of con- demning same referred to Mr. Renshaw and Mr. Robillard 5-4-38 17 140 Sheer,Nellie - request made to help finance tennis trip 5-4-38 17 142 Stevens,Capt.Geo.M. - seeks 2 year lease on Fishing Docks 5-11-38 17 151 40. "S" MISCELLANEOUS !a. Book Page Sutcliffe's Cigar Store granted beer and wine 5/18/38 17 161 Swartz,Guy - granted liquor license upon payment of full half year license -fee. 6-15-38 17 181 Singer, Mrs. Rose — given permit to oonstruot terrazzo in front of Fenway Hotel 7-6-38 17 192 Stevens- Capt.Geo.M. given lease on fishing docks at $1700.per yr. 7-20-38 17 213 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 42. Book Page __ Smith Co. request new sidewalk in front of their property on Biscayne St. (Authorized by Res.#1I-353) 7-20-38 17 224 Solloway, Sam - urges liquor zoning amendment for 71st St. and Collins Ave. -requests license to sell pkg. liquor 9-7-38 17 265 Silver School, granted 1938-39 permit Stark -Lew - given perm ssion8to move 17 267 liquor store from Breedings Drug Store to 2227 Collins Ave. 9-27-38 17 293 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 43 Book Page Sheridan Park Private school permit granted for 1 year only 10-19-38 17 295 Schiff's Market and Su -Z -Q granted beer and wine permits 10-19--35 17 300 Shoreham Hotel Cigar & Soda Fount. granted beer and wine permit 10-19-38 17 300 Sinclair Filling Station granted permit for roof sign 10-19-38 17 310 Stevens,Geo.M.0apt.granted beer and wine permit for "New River" 10-p26-38 17 313 "S" MISCELLANEOUS -Book Page Atty. John P. St s lafk Floyd on two oases OC FvoN between 25th and 26th_Streets.7.and-also VOILER CASE 12/s/3g 17 394 & Atty. Stokes employed on Osius Zoning 395 mast 3/1/39 17 489 Southland Motors bi for 5-Chevrolet t -ac cep-ted-- - 3/1/39 17 490 — -S=d ore-,Harry— Res . #4491 urging Pard on-- Board not to grantol emenoy 3/22/39 18_-- _1S —Snack Ho license 4/5/39 18 26 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 44 Book Page_ STRANDRestaurant granted liquor license 10-26-38 17 313 Steinhardt,M.- asks refund of Real Estate license fee (denied] 10-2638 17 311 Surf Theatre- granted p erm j t for marquise sign 10-26,38 IT 315 Shoreham Hotel granted permit to construct 6 cabanas 10-26-3g-. 17 315 Solloway-,-Samn--again asks --goy liquor icAns a i_n 71st St a ar ea 11/-913-8- 1.7 339 II S II MISCELLANEOUS L5. Book Page Seaboard Air Line- i-nvit-ea-.Council- to see new Diesel Engine 11/9/38 17 341 Standard Tours-,I-no.g anted Travel Bureau license 11A0/38 17 342 Shelton q.eo.B.granted liquor license for Belmont Club 11/16/T5-17----346--- Sunshine Rest.grantedbeer and wine license 11/16/38 17 346 —SHAPPEL-;CGAYTOB- request to construct City Atty.to draw up ;regiment 11/16/35 "S" MISOELLANE OUS 46 Book Page Strath Haven Hotel denied per- -nig -FA -on to use Lot 6,B1k.5, —OceannBeach 11/16/38 17 346 Louis F. Snedigar granted-garktng lot permlt,Blk. D, O. F P aper ty 88 17 371 S-nedigar----requs sv-far—Ar-chery---Range- permit denied 12/1/38 17 371 Savoy—Plaza-Hot-el graqt ed permit--to— erect tent 12/1/38 17 371 --Seaglades CabanaClub granted restaurant ens a _-- _-12/ 1138 17 -37 6 k Saglades Poo. & Cabau ,Q granted. leer 3 5 wi — "S11 MISCELLANEOUS 461` Book Page Strath -Haven Hotel parking lot - complaints filed against same 12/14/3$ 17 398 _ Se ano_Dancing School granted permit 12/14/38 17 399 Surfside Hotel granted liquor license 1-4-39 17 421 Saul -Le -Restaurant granted beer and wine license i-4-39 - 37 431 - Smith Co./no.granted parking 19t permit 1-4-39 17 434 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 47 Book Page Sehwartz,Louis J. -granted permit to operate SKi11 Game 1-4-39 17 31+ 3ouque, J. given archery range per eub ject to receipt of waivers of objection 1-6-39 - 51rk1n -sarah-liven parking lot permit,Lots 7 and $,B1k. 1A inco1n ii 1-18 ) -39 17 459 permit /1139 17 467 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 49 Book .Page Stern, Florence G. asks_permit for private school at 3715 Indian Creek Drive -referred to City Mgr 5/3/39 -18 _ 54 Schuler,Frank - transfer of liquor license dor "Roy's Bar" field by —k naworth Buck-authori 7.ed pro-vtd;ing same is advertised 5/3/39 18 57 Scheer, Nellie - request for appro. for tennis tourn.trip referred to City Mgr. 5/17/39 18 77 Stern+Flor-enc_e-__0 given 1939.110 p -er- a tpamoRvirivate school at/10499Roya1 lg 7� "5" NESCELLANEOUS 54 Book Page Schuler,Frankiven liquor license for 1675 Alton Riven 5/17/39 18 77 Schmidt, Alfred -granted permit for taxidermist shop at 533-35 west Ave. 5/17/39 18 7g Continuation of liquor license held by Lew STARK, requested 7-19-39 18 163 Southerland,J.J.-asks effect liquor amendment ordinance will have on his property 8-2-39 18 183 Stark,Lew, Inc. liquor application considered & referred to CityQAtty. 18 185 "St° MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Btark,Lew,Inc, denied liquor license 8-7-39 18 190 Swartz, Leo - granted beer and wine license for -j45j- W.1lst St. -8-7-39 It 192 STEINFELDT,MAURICE I.denied liquor license at 1924 Collins Ave. 8/16/39 18 213 SANDBARgranted beer and -wine license -- 8/16/39 18_--213 Shainess,Myron-d/b/Lincoln Coffee Shop gr -anted beer & wine permit 9/6/39-18,229 Sayre -8, -LT acts on taken -on -requ est = _ ilf39 :18 29-1 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 52 Book Page StarklInc.Lew - request made for issuance of liquor license to L.M.Gerstel, re- ceiver in-bankruptcy---for-Lew Stark7iInc. denied - 10-4-39 18 254 SanSouoi-Cilab- Lou Wirth urges issuance of liquor license for -tilts location (denied) 10/4/39 18 297 Seaglades Pool & Cabana Club granted beer and wine license 10/5/39 18 314 SILVER SCHOOL - granted 195=40 permit 10/5/39 ig 315 "S" MISCELLANEOUS Sayer, W.T.-denied permit on Jefferson of Lincoln Road 5, Book Page parking lot Ave.just south 10/18/39 18 323 Stark, Lew,Inc- Clerk reports issuance ord nance to receiverfor --thi-s-firm on t Order-- 10-3()=39 lg 3'15 -Saml-Morris--denied permit -to construct _creamery on_Aiscayne_St. 11-1-39 351 Stonebreaker-G.T.granted parking lot at 710 & Collins Aye. . 11/3/39 18 363 --SCHRAEGERAEW=requeat far -sign -permit referred_ta:Clty Mgr. 11/15/39- 14----37t4 1° St° MISCELLANEOUS Book Page INC: STARK/LEW -Clerk authorized to trans- fer liquor license o-._tn_s firm 11/15/39 18 375 Sheridan Park- Private -Ssh-so-1 grant -ed license at J34 Carlyle Ave.11/15139 18 375 ginger, Edw, J. -granted- parking lot permit 11/15/39 18 376 St.Moritz Hotel granted Liquor license 11/16/39 18 384 SHEHAN, W. L. a -granted -]mor license for package store 11/16/39 1& 385 SATTIN, hack -granted parking lot 11/16/39_14390 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 5� a Book Page Shanman, M.D.denied Parking,lot at 1st _3t .nd Collins Ave.12 18 10 Stonebraker,G.T.denied permit to erect and operate cabanas 12/6/39 18 410 Siegel, Clara granted parking lot on East.100 ieet of Lots 9 and 10,B1k.10 Ocean Beach 12/6/39 ig 410 Sh denied parking -- -lot permit at lst St.& Collins A eg 12/13/39 18 415 __ Smite-Cs,-grant.ate---eking 1o4 -on Collins_ *e. south of Warrinn Hotel ___12/13/-39 18 Alf- "S" MISCELLANEOUS Stage Door *ranted beer and wine license 12/20/39 56 Book Page 18 422 Surfside Hotel Liquor license renewed under name of - J.H.Mlller,Mgr.12/20/39 18 425 SANDS HOTEL granted beer and wine license 12/28/39 18 429 Sunshine Kosher Market granted beer and wine license 1/17/40 18 445 Shoreham Hotel granted parking lot permit (Lot 1,B1k.1 2/8/40 18 469 Friedman & Cope)