S Miscellaneous_December 1939 to February 1940"3" MISCELLANEOUS
Book Page
Stage Door Granted beer and wine
license 12/20/39 -18 422
Surfside Hotel Liquor license renewed
under name o-J-.H.Mi11er,Mgr.12/2D/39 18 425-
-SANDS -HOTEL -granted beer and wine
license 12/28/39 18 429
Sunshine Kosher Market granted
beer and wine license 1/17/40 18 445
Shoreham Hotel granted parking lot
permit (LotT,Blk.1 2/8/40 1:8 469
Fri a dman--& - Cope-)—
Standard Tours,Inc. granted
Travel.ireau license 2/$/40
(Now known -as -National Tours)
—H.M.Stubb-s -askp for transfer of his
—o ti do cony_ ibnce _to_
S.P.Mount no action) 4/3/40 19 65
Book Page
18 470
Sellick Stone Studio awarded contract
for rehahilitatton of Flagler-Mtm;-
Steinhardt ,Milton - Bl . ermitq
-for hotel on Loot -3 , B1k .113 �.
Steinhardt -Ls att . protests re -
of permit -committee appointed
19 104 _.
1948n- 105-
Book Page
Sterne,Florence D.given permit
to construct private school bldg.
on Lot 11 of 41st St .Block 5/15/40 X120---
Sullivan,Gene - accident ease to
-t-o-fro ught-against-partte-s-re sporrs-tble
in name. of City 5/15/40 19 _ 129_-
Scheer,Nellie-givenJ200,00 for
tennis trip 5/23/40 19 130
Sheridan Food Market granted beer
-and-wine license -415 W.41st St 7/3/ 8-19 -18 -
Shoremede Hotel given park n 10 per—
mit S. W. oor. 36th_ & Collins/16/40 19 197
Book Page
Sakele,Geo. presents plans for building
to demonstrate Suntan oils - /7/40 19 219
Sakele,Geo. granted permit to erect
building for demonstration of sun -
_ tan oils, provi di ng he a 3 g s agree-
ment to remove same at expiration
of hit -lease g=$=40 19 232
Sand Bar granted beer andwine-p-erm t
9-25-40 19 265
Sands Hotel granted beer and wine
925+0 19 265
Book Page
I. E. Schilling Co. awarded contract_
for materials for sidewalks on west
side of--Ccl lns--Av-e-i--to 83rd
Streets. /25/40 19 301
Bayes;_ if_fcj�parking_l of
permit on Jeff.Ave.south of Lincoln
Road 10/2/40 -.9- 51-3
Sun-C-ut--Ra te-_Druggranrt e d _ b ewer an&
and wine 10-9-40 19 324
lot at N.E.cor.7lst & Goblins 10/9/40 19 350
Sayers, W. T. granted parking lot
permit for Lots 5 and 6,B1k,48,
L)icaoln Sub. 10-16-40
Book Page
19 353
Sunshine Restaurant granted beer
and wine—I4ee ns 10-16-40-
0-i 6-40-
Shelbourne Hotel - granted liquor
lie -epee -IO 21-40 19
36 2-
Sheridan Park_ Pri vete_school--granted
permit 10-21-40 19 364
W: appointed as Deputy
Clerk 10-21-40 19 366
Book Page
Stonebraker, G. T. - request for
parking lot and private beaeh re-
ferred to C.o nrilman Nice_=1D-23-40 _ 19 371
-Salver Resident & Day -School granted
—ppri�vate school license 10-30-40 19 376
Sterne,Florence D. granted private
school license 10-30-40 19 376
Sugar Bowl - granted beer and wine
license 10-30-=40— 19 6'l6
Schwartz,Henry - given permission
to transfer one taxicab permit t
Jack Kaaalex 10-30-40 19 378
Book Page
Singer, Edw, - granted parking
lot permit on W. Lot 1 and 2
Blk.17, 0.B.#2 0-30-40 19 378 -
St.Moritz Hotel - .ranted .arkin
lot permit Lot 1,B1k.19,0.B. 11-6-40
19 395
Sterling,Ray - submits report on publicity
work in connetion with County Bond Issue
-11-13-40 19- —410 -
Schwartz, Henry--- transfers his taxi
permit to Herman Kapner 11-20-40 19 415
Sirkin, Harry -granted parking lot
oln 11 20-40 10 416–
Book Page
Shuler, Frank -requests permit to
operate package dept.in connection
with his bar known as "Delicate
Franks" 11-2D-40 19 421
Stonebraker, G. T. - granted 'tpermit
trent bicycles 11-27-40 19 433
Smith Co,granted permit for two
parking lots 12/4/40
St. -Mori ote1—granted liquor
license 12/4/40
19 448
liquor license 12/11/40 19 479
edo0 $� 3etaa`t'311gt q.or - glwaed
7. . . _ • 11 : _ •
02 0E Zt/6E/t •9AV uBSTtlopI tlaoN
v qS pugt qv enO.BO s Suod aVBdea
oq pezTaaranl otpngg auoOs 3Totttes
ssa.zd BuTquTad so-Fdoay toBag Ture,Tw
oq suolgoecgo sate - •y ZIonO 'mous
SS% 61 0V/81/31 esueoTZ euTm puB aaaq
pe iiBaB dot's ea j jo0 ZQ DoH 4esaawos
6Lt 6t .. 0fi/TTJ T • eAY sur -toy puB ukeiO n_ 4B
4o1 2uplaBd paqusail - BastO '1° •S
e2ea .00g
snouvTIgOSIW os"
Spanish War Veter Riven permits
for_ Te? _nam 41
Book Page
20 82
Smith, Miss Marion F. request per-
mission to operate a private detective
office 2,L26/41 20_ 83
Society Pictorial - one-half page ad
ad denied
2/26/41 20 87
S to ohl Mr !se �l[r - roue s t -z ening
change for Lot 10, Bloc Bellview Sub.
rt, H
Schwazenry - an
cs eiticab 20 87
-permit tom
Book Page
SMITH DETECTIVE AGENCY - submits letters
o re.commen• a on 5/41 20 111
Mr. & Mrs. Henry - again requested
View Subdivision 3/19/41 ' 20 112
Seminole Transfer Co. - request for permit
to erect an office building on Lot 42, Bik.
111 referr-e-drto---Building Inspec- er-3/1-9/41 20 113
Society Pictorial - additional half -page
ad refused 3/19/41 20 114
Se ar wm. taxi permits sferred from
M.B.Radio Cab Co. and White Line 4/2/41 20, 133-
Book. Page
gterling, y - reports in re: proposed.
redistricting of Dade County 4/2/41 2Q 133
SKIPWORTH, MARVIN-taxicab_p m -i ran f
to E. 7. SWAN 4/25/41 20 192
SheerLNellie - granted appropria-
tion of 000.00 for tennis tourna-
ments 5 f 1/41 20 227—
Schoor,M-- G-.-Mgr.Int-ernati1 Hotel
and Fine Arts Co.Inc., requests funeral
home and motuary permit for Lot.
2,Blk.-6-&A7Comm.8ub'. 5/21/41 20 240
Book Page
m ea Bay Corpi.- Joel Hurt of Sea
B -ay -Corp. --ask ouneil -to- pasa_^e-
solution to include North Bay Is -
and in 1iiam Be ch Limits
Wo action taken) 5/2t/41 20 243
Stephenson, J.S. reappointed Fire
6/6741 20 270
—Siegel, Aaron - Council agree that all
Sppoin menta to Fire -wept. b -e -held up
until 'ivil Service Board can Consider
h i a claim. -6 fl-2/fir— 20 279-
SWANBERG, ROY W. - Alias permit to
erect sign on Wofford Hotel Lake
-Front property 6/--13/4--
f± /- lNo-action t akerr on --above request
pendingstudy of Quit -Claim Deed
given ity by Mrs. o ' gy18/41
SAUNDERS, S. H. - given permission
to transfer -3 texi - permits to Bernard
Chauncey from Saundd r and E, R.
Lindabury bf 1�'+1
soak Pere
20 284—
20 284
20 304—
SNEDIGAR, MR. L. 1R. addresses Council
re -:--ext ension_of_bulkhead &groines_east
of MacFadden-Heauville Hotel 7/2/41 20 317
Spencer, L. D. - no action taken on
his request to operate pedal boats
in Indian Creek at 44th St. 8/6/41 20 374
Seligman, Irving - Taxi permit trans-
ferred from James Downing 8/6/41 20 375
Book Page
Saunders, S. H. and E. R. Lindabury-
8 taxi permits put back in tieir
names and action of June 1B,nullified
Silver,Resident and Day85c1poi 20 375
granted permit for 1941-42 8/6/41 20 375
Studio of Richard Plumer aware d6-41 20 387
contract for furnishings in Club ouse
Book Page
Southwind. Restnrant granted liquor
license 10/2/41 20 427
Seligman, Irving transfers his one
permit to Bernard Knopp 10/2/41 20 428
Saunders and Lindabury transfer 8
permits to Ray Orleman 10/2/41 20 428
Scott-Whiteaker,Inc. awarded contract
for demolition of building on Lot 1,
Block 112, O. B. #4 10/2/41 20 439
Sea -Bay Corp. - Council agree not to
object to proposed construction of island
in Biscayne Bay 10/3/41 20 442
Book Page
Siegel,F.H. - appointed on R.E.
Examining Board to serve until
10/31/45 10/4/41 20 462
Schorr of International Fine Arts,
Inc. presents petition seeking change
in Use Elassification of Lots 11 and
12, Blk.45, of Alton Beach Realty Co.
Bay Front 10/15/41 20 465
Sey Corp. granted building permit for
filling station at S.W.cor.Washington
Ave. and 6th St. 10/15/41 20 466
Book Page
Sovereign Hotel granted liquor
license 10/15/41 20 467
Sheridan Park Private School and
Florence D. Sterne Private School
granted licenses for 1941-42 10/15/41 20 468
Stegemann Otto— re:poultry markets 0/22/41.1 21,2
Mrs.Sarah Shamitz complained of
refusal, of Bldg. Dept. to give
ger rooming house permit 10/22/41 21 3
W.T.Sayers granted Parking Lot
permit for Lots 5 $ 6, B1I. 48,
Lincoln Sub. 11/5/41 21 11
Book Page
Service, Inc. granted Parking Lot
periit for Lots 3 & 4, Blk. 29,
0. B. #2 11/5/41 21 12
Victor Adams requests permit for
Shoe Repair Shop at 1020 Ever-
glades Concourse 11/5/41 21 12
-Stan Stanley dissolves cor .11/5/�I-1 21 13
E.F.Swan asks permission to trans-
fer his taxi permits to his new
Corporation. No action 11/6/41 21 16
Victor Adams granted permit for
Shoe Repair Shop at 1020 Ever-
glades Concourse. 11/6/41 21 16
Book Page
Estimate to Scott & Whiteaker
in amount of $448.00 for removal
of Becker bldg. ordered paid.
Smith Tom—&imoi ford Con. 11/6/41 2116
Dave Inger e Park Ave.) granted
Night Club license 11/6/41 21 23
L. G. Spencer requests permit to
operate his peddle boats on Lake
Pancoast. No action. 11/6/41 21 23
Smith Co. granted permit for
parking lot on Biscayne St. 11/10/4221
west of Biscayne Plaza, also
rear of Warrin Hotel on Biscayne St.
Book Page
Parking lot permit granted Harry
Sirkin - Lots 7 & 8, Bik. 51A,
Lincoln Sub. 11/10/41 —21 32
Dr. Sol Selevan appointed to
Massage Examining Board. 11/12/41 21 45
Jule Steinh t_oomplained of b»g
stop at S.W.corner of 6th St. and
-Washington—Ave 11/19/41 21 48
Laura Shepard complained of license
fee charged for rooming ho
11 19 41 21 48
Book Page
Parking lot permit granted
Surrey Hotel 11/19/41 21 49
Simone Hotel - Lots 1,2 & 3
B1k. 3, Ocean Beach -Sub. 11/19/41 21 49
Murray Spivack granted parking lot
_perms - Lots 9,-10311 8x-12, -B-lk.
29, Fisher's 1st Sub. 11/19/41 21 49
Murray Spivack asks permission to
keep o or -two cabanas at 17th St.
and Collins Ave. to store his equip-,
ment. Referred to City Mgr. 11/19/41 21 49-
Book Page
Sea Isle Cocktail Bar granted
liquor license 11/19/41 21 50
Stew's Tropical Bar granted
liquor license 11/19/41 21 50
Police 11/20/41 21 61
Murray Spivack asks permission
to use Beach at 17th St. &r -Ocean
for beach chairs for hotel guests
12/41 21 85
Book Page
Surrey Hotel asks for permit to
erect 16 cabanas on ocean front
at their Hotel. No action 12/5/41 21 86
permit for Lots 9 & 10 Blk. 27
fisher's 1st Sub. of Alton Be5cch �1 87
Mr. David Bigelow urged Councilcto'
prohi-bi-t smoking---fin-busses. 12/5/41 21 9
Mi.Slegel granted -parking lot
permit, Lot 10, B1k, 0, O,B.Sub,
12/17/41 21 102
Stanley's Parking Lotranted
parking lot permit, Lot 16, Blk.
11, 0. B. #1 12/17/41 21 102
Book Page
Swimming pools in hotel properties
in "RE" districts referred to
committee studying restaurants in
"RE" districts. 12/17/41
3rd reading
Zoning Ord.
21 112
of Ord. No. 625 amending
re: Filling and Service
12/17/41 21 114
Book Page
3rd reading of Ord. No. 626
amending License Ord. No. 394
as to Filling and Service
Stations. 12/17/41 21 115
Surrey Hotel granted temporary
permit to erect 16 cabanas on
ocean front for their guests.
Payment of "1+'50. per weent e/a8th1 i ed 21 118
Ray T. Sterling for Coudist-
ricting Work 12/18/41 21 124