S Miscellaneous_January 1942ttStt MISCELLANEOUS 83 Book Page Somerset Hotelranted ar ing lot license - Lot 9, Blk. Ocean Beach Sub. 1/7 42 21 129 Shoreham Hotel granted parking lot license - Lot 1, Blk 1 Friedman & Cope Sub. 1/7/42 21 129 Stanton Hotel granted parking lot license - Lot 4, Blk.2, O.B. Council ordered wooden/shed con- 21 129 structed by Surrey Hotel without permit, for their cabar , uipment, to be removed. 1//-(( 4 21 130 "S►► MISCTMLANEOUS 84. Book Page Spanish Village Sundries granted beer and wine license. 1/7/42 21 131 1st and 2nd readings of Ord. to amend Occupational License Ord. No. 394 re: swimming pools, etc. 1/21/42 21 151 Ray Sterling presented resolution which he asked Council to pass, re: payments of notes for Coast Guard property on or before due dates. 1/21/42 21 151 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 85 Book Page Res. #544.9A passed granting per- mit to Harry Sirkin and Harry Koretzsky to construct groyne between Lots 6 and 7, Blk. 29, t''isher's 1st Sub. of Alton Be the 1/224 2 21 158 No action taken on request of Surrey Hotel to retain frame shed on prop- erty north of hotel for storage of beach equipment. 1/22/42 21 159 Council- authorized exchange of one sightseeing permit of S. Berger for one for -hire permit of Stan Stanley. 2/4/42 21 170 t,Crt MISCELLANEOUS Final reading of Ord, License Ord. #394 re: -natatoriums; atc. 86 Book Page #638 amending swimming pools, 2/4/42 172 Sterlin Ray - again asks Council to pass reso bion agreeing not to pay Surt- side-Park nat-ee before cue-dat-e—(referred to City Mgr.) 2/18/42 21 201 S..: - - - :. _ -- . noe-rning building which he erected and w s to have removed by Nov. 1, 1942 2/20/42 2]. 213 _Steng,Ray-Council authorize City Atty. to prepare resolution 2/25/42 21 219 tSa MISCELLANEOUS 87 Book _ Page Sterling,Ray -Res.#5488 passed agreeing not to pay notes on purchase of Surfside Park until $103,900.in other notes of City have been fully paid off 3/4/42 21 235 Scott-Whiteaker Co.awarded contract for removal of building on Lot 2 B1k.112, O.B.#4 at $150.00 4/1/42 21 263 Stan Stanley - Council exchanges his 2 sightseeing permits for 2 for -hire S.irrey Hotel- no action oNeaiest for 21 336 beer and wine license 7/1/42 21 346 "5" MISG`ELLANEOUS 88 Book Page._ Stephl, Mrs.Anna - offer to pay bulkhead lien in full without interest refused by Council 7-9-42 21 381 Simmons,J.P. -Atty. submits ordinance to prevent fraudulent charging for obtaining Railroad,steamship,etc. tickets Ord.#65g read as emergency measure 7/15/42 21 383 Spanish Village Luncheonette granted beer and wine license 7/28/42 21 416 Southerland, Laetitia - granted beer & wine license for 1+25 Wash.Ave.104/14.2 21,E+2g riS" MISC JLANEOUS 89 Book Page Sterne, Florence D. - granted private school permit 10-7-42 21 431 Spanish Language Studio -Felix Rodriguez, applicant-- granted permit 10-7-42 21 431 Selevan, Dr. Sol - resigns on Massage Examining Bd. to enter army 10-7-42 21 436 Southerland, Laetitia Southerland given beer and wine license for 1425 Wash.Ave. 10/211/42 21 440 Shehan,W.L.- Council transfers s license on Lincoln Road Liquor Store to Bob Yates 10-28-42 21 453 4t S° ' MISCELLANEOUS 90 Book Page Stanley, Stann - granted parking lot permit (7th and Collins) 10/2$/42 21 453 Sheridan Park School granted permit for 1942-43 11/18/42 21 463 Spanish Village Luncheonette granted beer and wine license 12/2/42 21 472 Shevach,Dr.Ra.ndolph and Mr.Paul Steel appointed to Massage examining Board 1272/42 21 473 Schiff,Harry N.asks that payment of Liberty Ave.assessments b12* tved 21 474 "S't MISCELLANEOUS Book Page 91 Sirkin, Harry - asks Council to include N.E.corner of Lincoln Rd. and Collins Ave. in zoning change 12/9/42 21 477 Simmons, Atty. J.P. - asks Council to have hearing for property owners on Belle Isle to consider granting of temporary permit for use of Adams Estate by Episcopal Church 12/16/42 21 482 Simmons,J.P.-appears before Council on behalf of certain property owners on. Belle Isle in re -temporary permit to Episcopal Church 12/21/42 21 491 «SU MISCELLANEOUS Book Page Seaglades Rest. granted beer and wine license 12/16/42 21 483 Silverman, Sam granted beer and wine license for 655 Collins Ave. 12/21/42 21 494 Spring, Annis E. - appointed deputy in Clerk's office 1/6/43 21 497 Sterling,Ray-submits final report on Re -Districting of Dade County 1/6/43 21 500 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 93 Book Page Vote of thanks extended V.W. SILLS City Employee) 1/6/43 21 503 Segal, David - granted parkin-- tot ermit for N. W. cor. Collins Ave and oiscayne St. 1/6/43 21 .504- Stanley,Stan - application for sight- seeing permit filed with minute data of 11/4/42 Seymour,, John -granted beer and wine license at 135 - 6th St. 2/17/43 22 35 uS" MISCELLANEOUS 9/4- Book L.Book Page Snedigar,Louis F. - offers to sell Lot 31,Blk.1 2nd Ocean Front Subdn. to City for 20,-000. -- 3/3/43 22 36 Mrs. Alice SAMUELS requests refund of tax pa.ent made on Dr. Agoe property (denied) 3/17/43 22 EINHART,MILTON = request that his -filling station -permit be suspended for duration of war denied 4/7/.4.3 _ 22 6 SUGAR BOWL granted beer and wine license 4/7/43 22 66-- "S" MISCELLANEOUS 95 Book Page Schneider,Philip — asks City to fight the proposed removal of troops from M. B. 5/26/43 22 122 SMITH, TOM — reappointed Director of Convention—Bureau 6/16/43 22 137 STEPHENSON,J. S.— Res. #5676 thanking him for his services 6/16/43 - 22 137 Spanish Village Luncheonette beer and wine license deferred until further report. 7/21/43 22 172 f to as ot-a 22 6Lt az 6Lt a aovd MOOS 96 a4oA ax; Jo uosvaa — -&q pe.aaca,z uolq.dwaxa pvaq.sauzoq £1T61 ao; uoS4eoltddv soauo2g Saaad -Cti/C/tt xavd auTUEId uI sUBaBoad IuoTsnw .xoa unld ewasaad gvmgog aoueanvi Cl-T/9/0I ®Ctr6I-- JOJ 4-�waad Iootlos ;velad azuv a Ioottog aveATad auaa4g ea aouaaoL £t1/9/OI aupp aaeq pa4uva2 (suvAa SaaBH) gnla vuugvo op tood tlnD Bas aup. �9aaaq pa4u'x (uvtupou `g atov 044auoatlaunq avg aBvITTA t.IsTuva gnogNTITHOSIIr oiSu "S" MISCELLANEOUS 97 BOOK PAGE R. J. Schram granted beer & wine license for Arena Bar 11/17/43 22 215 Perry Stone again asks for homestead exemption 12/1/43 22 220 Council authorizes homestead ex. to Perry Stone by Res. #5705 12/1/43 22 220 Surrey Hotel & Sea Isle Hotelranted liquor licenses 12/1/3 22 222 Sam Moss granted beer & wine license for SURF BAR 12/2/43 22 235 "S" Miscellaneous Roy W. Singer, Pres. of Miami Fed. of Musicigns, asks Council to change Sect. 18 of Ord. #391-, claiming it is discriminatory to other musicians 12/15/43 98 BOOK PAGE 22 236 Council takes no action on this request 12/15/43 22 236 $500 advertising authorized in Sun -Tropics 12/20/43 22 240 Geo. Sutcliffe asks Council to amend ordinance to permit beer licensees to move 200 ft /19/44 22 249 ( action deferred) "S" MISCELLANEOUS 99 Book Page Harold B. Spaet unanimously elected Associate Municipal Judge IMWt worn into orrice /17 Leo Swarts nominated for vacancy on Civil Service Board but election fails to carry 1/19/44 22 251 Al R. Smith elected to fill vacancy on Civil Service Board 1/19/44 22 251 Council takes no action on request of Geo. Sutcliffee that beer licensees be permitted to move 200 ft. 2/2/44 22 258 uSu Miscellaneous 100 Book Page Laurence Schwab's proposal accepted to put on musical programs in Flamingo Park 2/9/44 22 275 $25,000 appropriated for improve- ments to Flamingo Park bandshell 2/9/44 22 275 License authorized for Schimmel's Parking Court in rear of Mercantile Bank building 3/1/44 22 282 Snack House granted beer & wine license 4/5/44 22 310 "S" Miscellaneous 101 Book Page Res. #5730 passed authorizing execu- tion of satisfaction of claims accruing as result of damage to city /nu* car by truck driven by MOLLIE SASLAW 4/19/44 22 313 Beer & wine license granted SUGAR BOWL 5/17/44 22 329 Beer & wine license granted SANDLER'S SUNDRY STORE 6/7/44 22 333 Beer & wine license granted SURF BAR & RESTAURANT subject to police report 7/19/44 22 376 • "S" Miscellaneous 102 Book Page Beer & wine license granted Shoreham Norman Bar (Andrew Mayer 8/16/44 22 395 Beer & wine license granted Showboat (Sigurd Thomsen) 8/16/44 22 395 Beer & wine license granted Sully's (Lobdell & Freeland) 9/6/44 22 402 ggar ld B. S aet Aeslgns as Associate Municipal Judge — resignation accepted 9/6/44 22 404 Beer & wine license granted Sam's Bar & Grill (1. Lifland) 9/20/44 22 406 "S" Misceallaneous ' 103 Book Page Beer and wine license granted Sugar Bowl 10/4/44 22 412 Andrew and Lillian Somma go on record as wishing liquor license at 1111 Dade Blvd. 10/20/44 22 424 Shoreham Norman Bar, SYa piro's Quality Market, Sully's Tavern granted beer and wine licenses 11/8/44 22 428 Ralph Satterfield advised no liquor license can issue at 7417 Collins Ave. 11/15/44 22 434 "$" Miscellaneous 104. Book Page Beer and wine licenses gr&nted Simone Hotel and South Seas Hotel Coffee Shop 11/15/44 22 434 Liquor license granted STRAND RESTAURANT (600 -chairs) 11/15/44 22 434 71st St. Market (Hoffman, etc.) granted beer & wine 12/6/44 22 443 Sugar Bowl (Weiser) & Shore Luncheon- ette (Hotova) granted beer & wine licenses 12/20/44 22 451 "S" Miscellaneous 105. Book Page Sandier's Luncheonette (Bernstein) granted beer and wine license 12/20/44 22 451 Morris Schneider's application for package store license at 1661 Wash. Ave. denied as being contrary to zoning 1/3/45 22 461 Robert Schor's Shoreham Dining Room granted beer and wine license 1/3/45 22 461 Harry Sirkin's request that 1944 improvement be charged off on L. 9, B. 29, Fisher's 1st granted 1/3/45 22 462