S Miscellaneous_February to May 1945"S° Miscellaneous
J. N. Lummus offers to sell SAM'S
ISLAND to City for $25,000 ® taken
under advisement 2/7/45 22 474
Shore Luncheonette granted
beer & wine license 4/18/45 23 45
Snack House (Stern) granted
beer and wine license 4/25/45 23 57
Sugar Bowl (Maret) granted
beer and wine license 5/2/45 23 60
"6h Mi sceiiiti eous
David Sonenblick urges Council
to name streets and buildings
for late President Roosevelt 5/2/45
Council takes no action on
to have groyne repaired
Sailor Jim's Restaurant
granted beer & wine license
Sully's at 1052 Alton Road
asks that their liquor
application be placed of
Book Page
23 68
6/2o/45 23 122
7/5/45 23 X43
7/5/45 23 X43
"S" Miscellaneous -108.
Book Page
Bertram Scheuer protests acquir-
cquiring any more property for public
beaches 7/5/45 23 145
Harry Simonhoff objects to
issuance of license for
filling station at 100
Ocean Drive 7/18/45 23 152
Shanty Eat Shoppe granted
beer and wine licnese 8/17/45 23 201
Council appropriates e849.32
for lumber for building Snack
Bar for servicemen 9/5/45 23 215
"S" Miscellaneous 109
Book Page
Hyman Shaferoff's request for
journeyman's plumber's license
referred to Mr. Hice 10/3/45 23 233
Beer and wine licenses grant-
ed South Seas Drive -In Restau-
rant and Shanty Eat Shop 10/3/45 23 233
Tom F. Smith is appointed
Director of Public Relations
Dept. and Director of the
Convention Bureau Dept. 10/17/45 23 254
"S" Miscellaneous 110
Book Page
Joseph Snyder and Savoy Plaza
Hotel granted beer and wine
licenses 11/7/45 23 264
Liquor licenses granted Sovereign
and Shelborne Hotels 11/7/45 23 267
Shore Club's application for
permit to operate private
cabana club referred to
Mr. Hice 11/21/45 23 290 -
Lewis Safft files for
package store at 916
Everglades Conc. 11/21/45 23 294
"g" Miscellaneous
Liquor licenses granted Surfside
Hotel and 71st St. Package
Store 12/5/45
Shore Club given permit
to operate private
cabana club 12/19/45 23 325
Leo Swarts gratned
beer and wine license 12/19/45 23 328
Skybrite Package Store
& Shoreham -Norman Hotel
granted liquor licenses 12/19/45 23 329
11Book Page
23 319
"S" Miscellaneous 112
Book Page
Liquor license granted
. Sands Z Bar 1/2/46 23 342A
Request of Wm. Singer for
permission to hang exhibit
in Public Library referred
to Mr. Renshaw 1/16/46 23 347
Council refers Saturday
morning closing of city
offices to City Manager
and City Clerk
5/1/46 24 77
Book Page
V. W. Sills appointed to
represent Miami Beach on
Council of Building Officials
in work of drafting unified '
Building Code for Dade Co. 5/1/46 24 81
Skybrite Package Store
granted liquor license 5/15/46 24 89
Council rejects offer of Chas.
R. Snyder to sell property at
47th and Pine Tree to City
for $140,000 5/15/46 24 91
Book Page
Beer and wine licenses granted
Sherrard's Restaurant, Snack
Shack & Shanty Bar 6/19/46 24 135
Sonenshein & Sons given
permit for fish, meat and
poultry market at 403
Washington Ave. 7/3/46 24 162
Sports Bar granted liquor
license 7/3/46 24 163
Liquor license granted
Shanghai Restaurant & Bar 7/17/46 24 193
Book Page
Alleged affiliation of H. L.
Sammons with Ku Klux Klan is
referred to Mr. Renshaw for
investigation and report 7/17/46 24 221
Council takes under advisement
Everett S. Smith, Jr's. request
to use Pier for wrestling
matches 7/17/46 24 222
Liquor license granted Sports
Bar 8/7/46 24 234
Book .Page
Saul Singer asks for 25 ft. set-
back on east side of N. 150 ft.
Blk. 53, Orchard #2 & 3 -
Council takes no action 8/7/46
24 244
Council authorizes employment
of Mr. Chelsie Senerchia, airport
engineer, to testify in Carstairs
zoning suit 8/7/46 24 255
Beer and wine license
granted Savoy Plaza Coffee
Shop 8/21/46 24 257
Book Page
Ted Reber, of South Florida
Liquor Board, speaks on behalf
of amendment to liquor ordinance
to permit women serving liquor
except in night clubs - Council
takes under advisement %/4/46 24 270
Manager and owner of Surfside
Hotel protest operation of
nursery school at 2469
Collins Avenue - referred
to City Manager 9/+/46 24 271
Sam's Market granted beer
& wine license 9/4/46 24 272
Book Page
City Manager reports on alleged
affiliation of H. L. Sammons
with Ku Klux Klan and says he
found no proof that he is a
member 9/4/1+6 24 284
Proposed amendment to permit
women to serve liquor except
in night clubs is deferred for
further coisideratio 9/18/46 24 287
Book Page
Surfside Hotel management
again protests nursery school
at 2469 Collins Ave. 9/18/46 24 287
Beer & wine license granted
Shanty Eat Shoppe 9/18/46 24 289
Liquor license granted South
Wind Restaurant & Bar 9/18/46 24 290
Liquor license granted Xenia's
Restaurant & Bar (service bar)
9/18/46 24 290
Book Page
Res. #6111 is passed' naming
and designating 71st Street
as public street 9/18/46 24 308
So -Net Candy Shopp and
Savoy Plaza Coffee Shop
granted beer and wine
licenses 10/2/46 24 319
Shoreham -Norman Cocktail
Lounge granted liquor
license 10/2/46 24 320
Book Page
Somerset Hotel Coffee Shop
granted beer license 10/16/46 24 346
Max Steinberg's application
for package store license
at 1638 Collins Ave. is
presented and no action
taken 10/16/46 24 348
S & Z Restaurant granted
beer license 11/6/46 24 380
Book Page
Liquor licenses granted
Sands Cocktail Bar and
Sovereign Hotel and 11/6/46 24 382
Steak House (serv. bar)
Plat of Scharf's Resub-
division of Block 21
Biscayne Point, accepted 11/6/46 24 387
Mrs. Shepard Swede protests
permit for newsstand at
Collins & Espanola Way -
Council takes no action 11/6/46 24 390
Book Page
Harry Simberg offers to
purchase Pier 11/20/46 24 397
So. Bell Telephone Co.
given permit to install
550 -gal. gasoline tank
at 1538 Lenox Ave. 11/20/46 24 397
S & S Restaurant granted
beer license 11/20/46 24 398
Mrs. Shepard Swede asks
that permit be revoked
for newsstand at Collins
& Espanola - no action 12/4/46 24 420
Calhoun Saul submits plan
for a stadium on the south
portion of the Municipal
Golf Course - it is 12/18/46 24 427
referred to the commit-
tee on the stadium
Book Page
Snack Shack granted beer
and wine license
Steak House granted beer
and wine license
12/18/46 24 429
12/18/46 24 430
Book Page
Beer and wine license
granted the Sherry Normandie
12/27/46 24 440
City votes to lease Lots
9 through 16, Blk. 111,
0. B. #3 from Harry Sirkin,
for storing city equipment
1/15/47 24 466
Council denies permit to
Snack Bar at #1 Lincoln Rd. 3/19/47 25 60
Council grants permit to
Snack Bar for current
license year 4/2/47 25 60
Book Page
Selletti's Italian -American
Restaurant granted beer and
wine license 4/2/47 25 62
So. Bell Tel. Co. given
permit for addition to
building at 331 69th St. 4/25/47 25 132
Mrs. Shepard Swede objects
to newsstand on sidewalk
at Collins and Espanola 5/7/47 25 140
Sans Souci Hotel request
for building permit refer-
red to Mr. Renshaw 5/7/47 25 145
Book Page
J. P. Simmons, attorney,
objects to granting of
permit for YM & YWHA
community center at 15th
Terrace and Bay Road 5/2147 25 173
Petition submitted object-
ing to operation of bus
terminal at 14th and
Collins by Stann Stanley 5/21/47 25 186
R. G. Young of Shutts &
Bowen objects to granting
of permit to YM & YWHA
to build community Center 6/18/47 25 222
Book Page
Louis Shafkin urges that
more adequate police force
be provided 6/18/47 25 224
Sherrard's Restaurant
granted beer & wine license 6/18/47 25 226
Council denies claim of
Stella Simon 6/18/47 25 226
Charles Selecman appears
before Board of Equalization
to endorse 100% assessment
plan 7/9/47 25 256
Book Page
Guy Scott's application
for permit to operate
a water ski school at 6700
Indian Creek Drive is
deferred 7/16/47 25 279
Sherry Normandie
Restaurant granted
beer license 7/16/47 25 279
Dvora Sytten's application
for permit for live poultry
market filed - no action 7/16/47 25 287
Book Page
G. W. Scott's request for
permit for water ski school
is referred to Bldg. Dept. 8/6/47 25 295
Don Scharger's application
for escort bureau referred
to City Manager 8/20/47 25 327
Harry Sirkin's offer to
sell property in Block 111,
0. B. #3, to City is refer-
red to Mr. Renshaw 8/20/47 25 339
St. Moritz Bamboo Bar
granted liquor license
Somerset Coffee Shop
granted beer license
Surfside Luncheonette
granted beer license
Sports Bar granted
liquor license
Milton Steinhardt's
request that City vacate
a portion of Tatum
Waterway receives no action
Book Page
25 352
25 366
25 387
25 389
10/1/47 25 415
Book Page
Res. #6406 passed, endorsing
M. B. Evening SUN'S special
"storm edition" 10/1/47 25 415
Harry Sirkin's offer to
sell property in Block
111, Ocean Beach Add. #3,
is referred to Mr. Renshaw 10/1/47 25 416
$500 appropriated for
advertising in SUN -TROPIC'S
special "storm edition" 10/15/47 25 425
Book Page
A. W. Simpson, former Police
Chief, to be paid one month's
salary 10/15/47 25 426
Mr. Renshaw authorized to
negotiate with Harry Sirkin
for purchase of property in
Block 111, 0. B. Add. #3 10/15/1+7 25 1+27
$1,041.66 rental to be
paid Harry Sirkin for
property used for storage
of automotive equipment 10/15/47 25 427
Book Page
$10.00 check written by
Lee Schwarzbart iwxam$
mf for traffic fine 10/15/47 25 430
Council denies Milton
Steinhardt's request for
vacation of portion of
Tatum Waterway 10/15/47 25 435
Milton Steinhardt's
proposal to put up low-
cost housing referred
to Housing Committee 10/15/47 25 435
Book Page
Sovereign Hotel granted
liquor license 11/5/-7 25 453
South Beach Luncheonette
granted beer license 11/5/47 25 453
Mrs. Shepard Swede again
objects to newsstand on
sidewalk and Council asks
City Clerk to revoke
permit 11/5/47 25 459
Lease on Harry Sirkin's
property in Block 1111
OB #3 terminated 11/5/+7 25 462
Savoy Plaza Coffee Shop
granted beer license
St. Regis Restaurant
granted beer license
South Wind Bar granted
liquor license
Sonny's Restaurant granted
beer and wine license
Geo. Sayles' request for
permission to do portrait
work on vacant lot is
referred to Zoning Board
Book Page
25 478
26 3
26 45
26 94
1/14/48 26 97