S Miscellaneous_November 1947 to January 194811-8" MISCELLANEOUS Savoy Plaza Coffee Shop granted beer license St. Regis Restaurant granted beer license South Wind Bar granted liquor license Sonny's Restaurant granted beer and wine license Geo. Sayles' request for permission to do portrait work on vacant lot is referred to Zoning Board 11/19/47 12/4/47 1/7/48 1/14/48 Book Page Page 25 478 26 3 26 45 26 94 1/14/48 26 97 "S" MISCELLANEOUS Stevens Hotel Cocktail Bar granted liquor license 1/21/48 26 131 Sun Oil Company's offer to sell Lots 28 to 31, incl. Block 111, 0. B. #3, is referred to Mr. Renshaw 1/28/48 26 163 Harry Sirkin's offer to sell Lots 9-16, Bik. 111, O.B.##3 for $600 per front foot is referred to City Manager 2/11/48 26 189 137 Book Page "S" MISCELLANEOUS Snack Bar granted beer and wine license V. W. Sills to be paid $1,000 for designing 41st Street bridge 138 Book Page 3/17/48 26 255 Milton Steinhardt's request for dedication of portion of Tatum Water- way referred to City Attorney 3/17/48 26 269 5/19/3+8 26 343 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 139 Book Page Milton Steinhardt's request that City put in bridge approaches at Tatum Waterway bridge is taken under advisement 5/19/48 26 3)+3 Liquor license is granted Shoremede Cocktail Lounge 5/19/48 26 347 Owners of Sea Isle Hotel object to extension of bulkhead from 32nd to 33rd Sts. 5/19/48 26 359 " S" MISCELLANEOUS 140 Book Page At Milton Steinhardt's request Council authorizes putting in bridge approaches at 85th St. bridge over Tatum Waterway 6/2/48 26 377 Council denies application of SAVORY BAKERY for whole- sale license 7/7/48 26 415 Res. #6611 accepting offer of S. E. Schwartz to sell pumping station site for $7,500.00 7/21/48 26 456 tis ft MISCELLANEOUS Res. #6615 authorizing posting of supersedeas bonds in suits of Max & Anna Silver and Samuel 141 Book Page & Mary Silver 8/4/48 27 5 Res. #6622 urging Fla. East Coast Railway and Seaboard Air Line Rail- road to establish ticket offices in M.Bch. 8/18/48 27 41 Melvin Stein given permit for miniature golf course at 9th and Washington 9/1/48 27 57 "S" MISCELLANEOUS Marion Sibley, attorney, retained as Special Counsel to represent City in suit of George Fain vs. City Savory Bakery at 1681 Alton Road granted wholesale bakery license Sun Oil Company offers to sell City their Alton Road property - City Manager instructed to negotiate 142 Book Page 9/8/48 27 90 9/15/48 27 96 10/7/+8 27 125 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 143 Book Page 17th Street to be cut through from Washington to Meridian 10/7/48 Saxony Hotel asks to construct groins - referred to City Manager, City Engineer and City Attorney 10/20/48 27 141 Bernice Simon's application to operate private beach club at 6080 Collins Avenue referred to City Manager 11/17/48 27 194 27 129 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 144 Book Page Melvin Richard objects to "Star Chamber" sessions 12/1/48 27 217 Saxony Hotel granted permission to extend groins 12/1/48 27 231 So. Bell Telephone Co. granted permit for gasoline tank 12/24/48 27 261 Request of Richard Stevers to lease Pier for 6 weeks for production of plays is vry tnrpower°toiacv tManager 12/30/48 27 271 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 145 Book Page Seebee Veterans ask to stay at 228 Lincoln Road for another 90 days - Council denies permission 1/5/49 27 272 Council refuses to issue permit to Seabee Veterans for private club at 1521 Alton Road 1/19/49 27 337 Segal Brothers ask for temporary for -hire permits for transportation of passengers from air terminal it t"'B[ G ito airport 3/23/49 27 500 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 146 Book Page Bill of Edward Semple approved in connection with appearance before Senate committee 5/4/49 28 131 Milton Steinhardt's offer to sell Lots 1-10, Bik. 17, Biscayne Beach 2nd Add. taken under consideration Hyman Schiffer objects to operation of Table Supply Store on 6th St. 5/4/49 28 132 5/4/49 28 134 "3" MISCELLANEOUS William Sinnott complains that equipment is stored on ocean front park 147 Book Page 5/18/49 28 151 Harry Sirkin given permission to erect permanentcanopy on building at Lincoln & Collins 7/20/49 28 255 William Seamon advised that Council will not grant him a private club license for a bridge club but if club is conducted properly they will not interfere 9/7/41 28 365 "S! MISCELLOTEOUS 148 Book Page Res.# 7026 urging S. Bell Telephone Co. to use name of Miami Beach in placing long distance calls emanating from this City 10/5/49 28 453 Council declines offer of Otto Stegeman to bid for 1947 Cadillac limousine at Sheriff's sale for use as official car. 10/26/49 29 6 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 149 Book Page Southern Bell Telephone Co. advises Council that it cannot comply with re- quest to use name of Miami Beach in long dis- tan.ce calls emanating from the City - Council asks that continued consideration be given 11/2/49 29 16 Council complies with re- quest of Ed Singer for re- moval of trees in front of theatre on 41st St, 11/2/49 29 20 "S" MISCELLANEOUS i50 Book Page Seaboard Airline Railroad advises it will not be possible to establish ticket office in Miami Beach at present time 11/2/49 29 28 Objections filed to re- moval of trees on 41st St. - Council takes no action 11/94+9 29 37 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 150 Book Page Request of Sammy Stone for use of Flamingo Park Band - shell for boxing matches to be discussed at next meeting 11/23/'49 29 65 Sammy Stone granted permission to use band - shell for boxing matches 12/7/49 29 70 Carlos B. Schoeppl - employed as architect on City Hall addition 2-15-50 29 167 'IS" MISCELLANEOUS 151 Book Page Res. #7126 re. St. Patrick's Day 3-8-50 29 214 City to appeal Sherry-Frontenac suit relative to enter- tainment in cocktail bars 3-8-50 29 224 Res. #7129, re. St. Patrick's Day 3-15-50 29 226 S. Beach Protective League makes requests re. Police Department 4/19/50 29 286 ASt}MY ApELLAN'Ot5 152 Book Page South $each.Protective League requests representation on Planning_ Board 11-22-50 30 198 Mr. Link advises SeaGull Hotel not violating zoning Ord. (This report given by request of Councilman Richard at time liquor license was authorized) 11-22-50 30 199 Samuel J. Selleck granted permit to sell watercycles in store at Gulf Hotel (5th & West Ave) 12/6/50 30 211 MISC2LLANEOVS 153 Book Page South Beach Men's Club protests any leasing of publicy property to Chamber of Commerce - 2-21-51 30 377 Shaw Brothers granted permit to install 1,000 gallon gasoline storage tank 1901 West Ave. 3-7-51 30 433 Objection to Ski School filed by Warren C. Freeman. No action taken. 4-18-51 31 49 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 154 Book Page Sidney Steiner, Exec. Dir. of Apartment House Assn. asked for adoption of ordinance regulating and limiting distribution of hand bills 5-2-51 31 105 Abraham Selevan's request for continued occupancy of property owned by City denied. (Lot 9, B1k 37, Palm View Sub.) 6-13-51 31 269 Mrs. application Sutton objects Fto ishhpCor . for fishemarket°ked on Biscayrne St. 6-20-51 31 295 "S" MISCELaNEOiI'S 155 Book Page South Beach Men's Club objects to bus rate increase 6-20-51 31- 295 Permission granted to use waters of Indian Creek from 41st St. to 62nd St. for boat speed trials 7-3-51 31 318 550 -gallon gasoline tank installation authorized at Saxony Hotel 8-1-51 31 426 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 156 Book Page Sea Isle & Saxony Hotels to be advised to correct zoning violations 8-10-51 31 456 Charles Silvers complains of not being invited to bid on glass jalousie windows for City Hall. City Mgr. advises matter had been held up. 9-5-51 32 18 Action deferred on application of Surfside Hotel to construct bulkhead 9-12-51 32 45 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 157 Book Page Council discusses application of Surfside Hotel for permit to construct bulkhead 9-19-51 32 63 Surfside Hotel bulkhead permit authorized 9-19-51 32 64 Res. #7801 commending Dr. and Mrs. Scott 10-3-51 32 88 Request to operate dress shop in San Marino Hotel referred to Bldg. Dept. for zoning approval 11-21-51 32 204 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 157A Book Page Permit given for two canvas cabana enclosures in rear yard of South Seas Hotel for this season only 2-6-52 32 348 "S"MISCELLANEOUS 158 Book Page Shriners given permission to hold street dance on Lincoln Rd.' during their Convention in June 2-20-52 32 383 Zoning Inspector approves entrance to San Marino City Atty to render opinion Hotel coffee shop. relative to entrance to San Marino Hotel coffee shop 3-5-52 32 403 No action on request of South Wind Bar toa fer blar license to 166tEi--6bA A ton -Road, effective one year from now 3-5-52 32 417 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 159 Book Page Sardi's Restaurant fixtures sold to pay personal property taxes. Portion of Sardi taxes charged off. 3-5-52 32 417 Marie Seligman's request for refund of 1951 taxes in amt. of $41.60, on Lot 14, Block 58, Normandy Golf Course Sub- division, denied. 3-19-52 32 439 Milton Sirkin offers to sell Lots 9 thru 16, Blk 111, Ocean Beach AddtaL 3, to City for $240,000. (Alton Rd. near 1st St.) Referred to City Mgr. 3-19-52 32 438 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 160 City Atty renders opinion re. San Marino Hotel coffee shop - that if door to coffee shop is on street, it is in violation. 4-2-52 32 463 Robert Silvers requests renewal of concession at ocean end of 17th Street without advertising for new bids. Not granted. 4-2-52 32 464 Council fails to approve Albert Saperstein's appointment as Municipal Judge 4-2-52 32 465 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 161 Book Page City Mgr. reports on possible means of financing purchase of Milton Sirkin property which was offered for sale to City 4-4-52 32 470 Seaboard Air Line Railroad Co. to establish ticket office in Miami Beach as soon as location can be found 4-16-52 32 484 Appointment of Albert H. Saperstein as Municipal Judge confirmed 4-16-52 32 484 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 162 Book Page Application for permit to erect temporary tent frame with canvas cover at rear of Sans Souci Hotel referred to City Mgr. 9-3-52 33 232 Sans Souci Hotel given permit to erect tent frame and awning cover over cabana area 9-10-52 33 244 Res. #8121 commending Kotaro Suto 9-17-52 33 266 Communication froi Kotaro Suto filed, thanking Council for honoring him at ceremony 1-16-53. 2_4-53 33 504 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 163 Book Page No action on request for dismissal of suit re. Sherry rrontenac Hotel laundering linens of Sovereign Hotel in Sherry Frontenac's laundry 1-20-54 35 296 Palm -Hibiscus -Star Islands Property Owners Association protests creation of another spoilbank just south of Dodge island, and attempt to use Watson Park for purposes other than those indicated in origin l conveyance to City of Miami. Clerk instructed to write group. 2-3-54 35 320 "S" MISCELLANEOUS- 164 Book Page Sovereign Hotel suggests owners of Fontainebleau Hotel property dedicate 10 -foot strip at southerly end of that property for purpose of rounding curve at 44th St. Referred to City Mgr. and City Engineer 4-7-54 35 417 Fontainebleau Hotel owners do not look favorably upon above suggestion of Sovereign Hotel re. 10 foot strip to widen 44th Street. 4-24-54 35 430 National Safety Council advises that city has been given award for safety organization 6-2-54 35 21 "S" MISCELLANEOUS • 165 Book Page Letter from B. L. Slater, realtor, re. efforts of group of Surfside Hotel and Apartment owners to use the word "motel" on signs advertising their establishments. Other letters on subject held over until next meeting. 8-11-54 36 116 Isidar Eva id.: tequeStw permission to open door from street, leading into Sea Gull Hotel Coffee Shop, and thence into cocktail Lounge. No action. 11-3-54 36 310 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 166 Boob Page Irving Evans, owner of Sea Gull Hotel, asks permission to open door from 21st St. to dining room. Granted, provided temporarily closed entrance from street to cocktail lounge be permanently closed with solid substance, and entrance be to dining room only. 1-5-55 36 392 Permission granted Seville Hotel to construct bulkhead, return walls and groin easterly of Pancoast Hotel property (Seville Hotel to be constructed on site of old Pancoast Hotel) 1-5-55 36 399 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 167 Book Page Lessee of property south of San Juan Hotel to give written agreement that building on Lot 7, Blk 30, Fisher's 1st Sub. will not exceed 1 -story for five years. 1st reading ord. placing N.45' Lot 7, less 114', Blk 30, Fisher's 1st in "BAAA" 8-3-55 37 302 Shorecrest Hotel asks Council's approval for construction of new cocktail room. Council would give tentative approval if plansuere revised to show go door in south Wall. d-17-55 37 318 "S" MISCELLANEOUS 168 Book Page Council receives National Safety Council's award in recognition of City's outstanding performance in public safety education 9-5-56 38 375 No action taken on request of Spinoza Forum for City to condemn property adjacent to Forum for parking area. (Lot 15, Bik 15, Ocean Beach Addn #2) 11-7-56 38 478 South Shore Improvement Assn presents resolution objecting to use of nae of Miami Beach by munic p itie beyond M.B. City l�imit 12-5 5 39 23 "S" MISCELLANEOUS: 169 Book Page Sans Souci Hotel asks Council to allow "florist shops' in hotels having 100 or more rooms. Res. #937+ calling zoning hearing to consider this request. No action on request 12-19-56 39 41 for temporary license. Zoning hearing conducted re. above. Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings amending Item 4, Sec. 5 of Zoning Ord. 1-16-57 39 65