Salaries_November 1929 to January 1930-Handwritten Notes-RdJ .__q—/ .Z.67 00#4, l/ 3rd. 27+ axing City Mgr's Salary _" 9 n 13C 3. B. Lemon's Salary raised " 9 " 189 Committee _p_pcintcd_ 11-‘29 " 9 " 386 First & Second Readings of New ordinance a, 41S Third Reading ._ of Ordinance No. 2S1 1-2-30 '1 429 SALARIES 2. BOOK, PAGE 1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance 5-20-31 11, 52 3rd Reading Ordinance No. 292 6-3-31 11, 73 2 Monthis Salary to G.L.Beok 6-10-31 11, 75 Mayor Clearyls objections to and veto of Salary Ordinanoe No. 292 6-17-31 11, ST Ord. 292 passed -over Mayor's Veto llt 8$ David WiadmarilmMunioipal Golf Course--11*-116--- City Licenfte_Insgeour_ 12-2-31 11, 240 city Auditor 1-20-32 11, 269 SALARIES 1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance 2-17-32 3rd Reading Ordinance No. 302 3-2-32 Council Fees reduced to #5.00 6-15-32 Limit: 2 Meetings per Month n 6-22-32 1st & 2nd Readings Ord. No.309_ 6-22-32 3rd Reading Ordinance No. 309 7-6-32 Golf Course Pro 6-�2-32 Salary reductions authoritgd 2-1-33 l reading Ord.reducing salaries 2--8--33 2nd & 3rd read.Ord.324 2-15-33 3. BOOK, PAGE 11, 282 11, 287 11, 345 11, 3 11, 34 11, 353 11, 348 11, 497 11,8_ 12, 2 SALARIES 4.. Bk. Page 1st & 2nd reading Ordinance fixing Compensation of Council 5/31/33 12, 67 3rd. Reading above ordinance #326 6/7/33 12,77 Res. 2712 re: increase in salaries for Dec.Jan. Feb. and March 12/4-/33 127 201 1st & 2nd Readings Ord. establishing new salary schedule 12/11/33 12, 208 3rd Reading Salary Ord.#337 12/20/33 12, 214 1st & 2nd Readings, Ofd. #351 establish- ing new salary schedule 4-/27/34 12,386 3rd Reading Ord.#351 5/2/34- 12 397 SALARIES 5. Book Pe.ge 1st Reading Ord.#384 (also 2nd) raising Salaries of City Employees. 5/15/35 13 409 3rd & final reading #384 raisin salaries of City Employees 6/5/35 13 442 1st & 2nd readings of Ord. amending Ord. #384 (Sec. to City Clerk) 9/26/35 14 113 3rd and final reading of above Ordinance. 10/2/35 14 131 SALARIES 1st & 2nd readings of Ordinance gmending Ord. #384 (Ass't. Bldg. Inspector) 11/15/35 14 192 3rd Reading of Ord.#4112 (above)1/35 14 228 1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance raising salaries 3/4/36 14 328 1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance rais- ing City Manager's salary 3/4/36 14 329 3rd Reading Salary Ordinance No. 421 ✓ 3/18136 14 336 Ord Reading City Manager's salary rdinance No. 422 - 3/18/36 14 33g 6. SALARIES 7 - Book Page 1st and 2nd Readings Ord. amending salary ordinance by raising salary -malcimum-far thase not spectftualIy- mentioned 9-1S36 15 . 142 _3rd Reading. _.- #52,n -above ordi..,___ nance 10-7-36 15 174 Councilman Meyer suggests raise in - wages for men on hourly basis 11/4/36 15 209 let & 2nd Readings Ord. raising -salaries of etap1oyeia-Er---April _1st,:1937. 3,-17-37 'SALARIES 8. Book Page Wage scale increased for laborers 3-17-37 15 469 1st & 2nd Reading Ord. raising City Manager's salary 3-22-37 15 470 3rd Reading Ord. #485 raising City employees salaries 4-7-37 15 503 3rd Reading 0rd.#486 raising City Manager's salary 4-7-37 15 504 lst and 2nd Readings Ord.raising Judge's Salary 2-1-39 17 46o d Readin 011. #511-3 �a. ng tdize e G salary 2-1r7— 17 470 SALARIES 9 look Page let & 2nd readints 0rd._amen salary ordinance o increaseld 4 �5/15/40 19 1�9 Final reading of Ord.#57g increasing City Attorney's salary 6/5/40 19 15g 1st and 2nd readings ordinance increas- ing salary of Captain of Life Guards. 1P/11/40_19=4-7-7 3rd Reading of Ord.No. 589 increasing salary of Life Guard Capt. 12/18/40 19 485 SALARIES City Manager Renshaw to prepare ordinance providing for salary raise for all City employees 6/ii/41 1st and 2nd reading of Ordinance establishing pay schedules for all classifications of positions in classified service of City 6/18/41 20 311 1st and 2nd readings ordinance establishing a schedule of salaries to be paid to administrative officers 24 3�5 3rd Reading of Ord. #603 - raising salaries of Administrative .9ffioirs 20 335 10 Book Page 28 273 SALARIES 11 Book Page 3rd Reading of Ord. #604 mikin salary scale for various classifications of City employment 7/2/41 20 336 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance amending Salary Ord.No.604 8/8/41 20 401 3rd Reading Ord.#608 amending Ord. No. 604 10/15/41 20, 494 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance amending Salary Ord. No. 603 Re: 0ity Manager's salary 11/6/41 21 13 1st and 2nd readings of flrltrannce ;)e: ..lar -7 of CitSr' Attorney_ 11/6/41 21 14 SALARIES 12 Book Page 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance to amend Salary Ord. No. 604 re: Police, Fire and Life Guardepts. 11/6/41 21 20 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance to amend Salary Ord. #604 Re: Electrician for signal systems,etc. 11/19/41 21 53 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance to amend Salary Ord. Re: Salary of City Attorney 11/20/41 21 14 SALARIES 13 Book Page 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance amending Salary Ord. #603 Re: --Salary to be paid to AssIt. City Mgr. and Director of Personnel 11/20/41 21 60 3rd reading of Ord. #618 Re: Cityyf Mgr's salary. 11/24/41 21 64 3rd reading of Ord. #620 MT 11124/41 21 65 3rd reading of Ord. #619 re: Salaries of City Att'ys office. 21 65 tr/zy/q{I SALARIES 14. Book Page - - Committee appointed to study salary of members of Police Dept. 12/17/41 21 101 Ord. No. 630 passed final reading amending Ord. No. 600 as to salary to be paid Asst. City Mgr. and Director of Personnel. 12/18/41 21 123 Ord. No. 631 passed final reading amending Salary Ord. #604 to provide for salary of Signal bys tem Lineman 12/18/41 21 124 SALARIES 15. Book. Page 1st and 2nd readings of Ord. to amend Salary Ord. #604 re: salaries to be paid Police, Firemen and Life Guards. 1/7/42 21 129 1st and 2nd readings of Ord. to amend Ord. #603 re: Salary of Golf Course Mgr. 1/7/42 21 129 Final reading Ord. #632 amending Ord. #603 re: Salary to be paid to Manager of Golf Course 1/21/42 21 148 Council discusses salary raises for Life Guards and Policemen 1/21/42 21 148 SALAkES 16. Book Page Final reading of Ord. No. 633 amending Ord. No. 604 establishing a 101® increase 1 -n --pay- over salary received 5/31/41 1/21/42 21 149 1st and 2nd readings Ord,amending Ord. #6o4 raising safety men and of- ficere-And-deteetives- 2/4/42 -21 188 -1st and 2nd madings Ord.amending 02m4#60.44raleAng salary of loekerroom attendants 2/4/42 21 189 3rd Reading Ord.#644 amending Ord.#604 raising safety men & offin8,41 detect 210 SALARIES 17 Atty. E.F.P.Brigham protest pay increase _ Book Page to 4 Firemen 5/6/42 211 300 3rd reading Ord. No. 64.5 amending Salary Ord. No.6024-, raising Lockerroom attendant's salary 2/20/42 21 211 lst and 2nd readings Ord.amending Ord. No.603 by providing for salary of Park Sdupreading Ord.#651 as4 i/k Supt. 21 257 1st and 2nd readings Ord' .amending Ord.No.603 raising salary of Golf Course Manager 7/9/42 21 382 3rd Reading Ord.#661 raising salary of Golf Course Manager 7/15/42 21 403 BANES .S Book Page 1st and ind readings Ord.amending Salary Ord.No.604 as to wage scale (maximum) for Labor 2nd Class 10-7-42 21 434 3rd Reading Ord.No.666 raising hourly wage scale maximum for Labor 2nd Class 10-21-4.2 21 11.38 1st and 2nd Readings Ord.amending Salary Ord.No.6011- as to maximum wage scale for Mechanic's Helper 10-21-42 21 452 M.B.Employees Benevolent Assn. ask Council to make general pay raise 1O/28/112 21 453 SALARIES 19 Book Page Council as a whole appointed as Committee to consider general nay raise 10/28/42 21 454 Final reading of Crd.inanbe No.669 amending Ord.No.604 (Salary Ordinance) 11/18/42 21 468 1st and 2nd readings of Ordinances setting up new salary schedule for employees under classified service and Department heads 12/2/42 21 475 Communication from War Labor Board parege�ed and explained by Atty. S el ei r s to proposed salary increases 1?,1b/42 21,476 SALARIE S . 20. Book Page__ 1st and 2nd readings Ordinance amending Ord.#603 as to City Atty's salary 12/16/42 21 489 City Mgr. recommends that raise in pay and payment of back salary be denied 4 firemen 12/16/42 21 489 Final Reading of Ord.#673 amending Ord. #603 by changing salary of City Attorney and his office 1/6/43 21 496 Council agree to withold action on waraLLaborcBoards until they from21 503 SALARIES 21 Book Page Letter filed from National War Labor Board as to proposed salary increases for City employees 1/15/43 22 4 Final Reading Ord.#677 providing for 10% increase in all pay schecules for those employees in classified service 1/15/43 22 4 Final Reading Ord® #678 providing 10% raise in salary for Administrative Officers 1/15/43 22 7 SALARI E S Book Page 1st and 2nd readings Ord. amending Salary Ord.#677 providing for Administrative Asst. and increasing maximum gay for Signal System Line Man 1/20/43 Resolution authorizing payment of back pay to R.E,Dabney,Si na1 System Lineman 1/20/43 L. 22 17 Final reading Ord. #6&2 amending Salary Ord.#677 by adding Administrative Asst. and increasing rate of pay for signal system lineman 2/3/43 22 19 SALARIES 23 Book Page lst and 2nd Readings Ord, increasing maximum pay salary of Matron Police Stenographer 2/17/43 -- 22 35 lst and 2nd readings Ord. to take care of discrepancies which occur-In--salaries— paid in Police, Fire and Life Guard Dept. 2/17/43 22 35 3rd reading Ord.#684 amending Ord. {677 to permit City Manager to adjust in- equalities in Salary payments 3/3/43 -22- 37 3rd reading Ord. #685 amending Ord. #677- increasing salary of PoMeMalron Steno. 22 3$ SALARIES Council authorizes payment of back pay to 5 employees, Morrison, Kendricks,V.G.Miller,Rudman & Drosdick 5/5/4 24 Book Page 22 85 1st and 2nd readings Ord.fixing salary rates for Kendrick,Morrison,Rudman and Droddick . 5/19/43 - 22 105 Amendments.to this Ord.apnroved 6/16/43 22, 133 5rd reading Ord.# 690withamendments to same,covering above employees salaries 6/16/43 22 1314. SALARIES 25 1st and payment -Cahill, Book Page 2nd readings Ord. authorizing of back salary to Fitxpatrick, Gardos and Newberry -- 5L2 6Lk3 - 22 122 Amendment to ordinance given lst and 2nd readings authorizing pay to Ken- dricks,Morrison,Rudman and Drosdick approved 6/16/43 22 Final ReadingOrd..690 authorizing pay to Kendricks,Morrison, dry n & Drosdi ck b/lo/43 Final Reading O 4.691 authorizing pay to ,trick, Ca.hilros & Newberry 22 22 134 134 135 SALARIES 26. _ S.00k- -__Fagg_ 2 months additional salary authorized. for J. S. Stepb.enson, resigned 6/16/43 22 137 lat & 2nd readings of Ordinance amending Salary Ord. - rai s. ng maximum 1.0.0r rate radio technician s maximum lO/b/L3 22 187 3rd reading of Ord. #693 amendingSalary Ord, isby ani& laborXend ciayssof100i2Q,43 22 193 technician Ord&#6nd readings of Ord. amending , 77 by raising pay of Lifeguard Lieutenant to $60.00 per week while he performs the duties of Life Guard Captain 10/20/43 22 202 SALARIES 27. BOOK PAGE M. B. Employees Benevolent AssIn. petition Council for 15% pay raise 11/3/43 (Referred to Mr. Renshaw) 22 209 3rd reaing Ord. #698 amending Salary Ordinance to provide for salary of $60.00 per week to Life Guard Lt. when he performs the duties of Life Guard Captain 11/17/43 22 216 1st & 2nd readings ordinances amending Salary Ordinances Nos. 677 & 678 (all classifications and administrative officers) 11/17/43 22 219 SALARIES 28 BOOK PAGE Sect. 1. of general classification ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings 11/17/43 amended before 3rd reading 12/1/43 22 223 3rd reading Ordinance #701 (all classifications) 12/1/43 22 226 3rd reading Ordinance #702 (administrative officers) 12/1/43 22 230 M. B. Employees BenevolentAss'n. ask for better ratio of pay between Labor 1st & Labor 2nd, Class 4/19/44 22 318 Referred to City Manager 4/19/44 22 318