Salaries_November 1929 to January 1930-Handwritten Notes-RdJ .__q—/ .Z.67
00#4, l/
3rd. 27+ axing City Mgr's Salary _" 9 n 13C
3. B. Lemon's Salary raised " 9 " 189
Committee _p_pcintcd_ 11-‘29 " 9 " 386
First & Second Readings of New ordinance a, 41S
Third Reading ._ of Ordinance No. 2S1 1-2-30 '1 429
1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance 5-20-31 11, 52
3rd Reading Ordinance No. 292 6-3-31 11, 73
2 Monthis Salary to G.L.Beok 6-10-31 11, 75
Mayor Clearyls objections to and veto of
Salary Ordinanoe No. 292 6-17-31 11, ST
Ord. 292 passed -over Mayor's Veto llt 8$
David WiadmarilmMunioipal Golf Course--11*-116---
City Licenfte_Insgeour_ 12-2-31 11, 240
city Auditor 1-20-32 11, 269
1st & 2nd Readings of Ordinance 2-17-32
3rd Reading Ordinance No. 302 3-2-32
Council Fees reduced to #5.00 6-15-32
Limit: 2 Meetings per Month n 6-22-32
1st & 2nd Readings Ord. No.309_ 6-22-32
3rd Reading Ordinance No. 309 7-6-32
Golf Course Pro 6-�2-32
Salary reductions authoritgd 2-1-33
l reading Ord.reducing salaries 2--8--33
2nd & 3rd read.Ord.324 2-15-33
11, 282
11, 287
11, 345
11, 3
11, 34
11, 353
11, 348
11, 497
12, 2
Bk. Page
1st & 2nd reading Ordinance
fixing Compensation of Council 5/31/33 12, 67
3rd. Reading above ordinance #326 6/7/33 12,77
Res. 2712 re: increase in salaries
for Dec.Jan. Feb. and March 12/4-/33 127 201
1st & 2nd Readings Ord. establishing
new salary schedule 12/11/33 12, 208
3rd Reading Salary Ord.#337 12/20/33 12, 214
1st & 2nd Readings, Ofd. #351 establish-
ing new salary schedule 4-/27/34 12,386
3rd Reading Ord.#351 5/2/34- 12 397
1st Reading Ord.#384 (also 2nd)
raising Salaries of City Employees.
5/15/35 13 409
3rd & final reading #384 raisin
salaries of City Employees 6/5/35 13 442
1st & 2nd readings of Ord.
amending Ord. #384 (Sec. to City
Clerk) 9/26/35 14 113
3rd and final reading of above
Ordinance. 10/2/35
14 131
1st & 2nd readings of Ordinance
gmending Ord. #384 (Ass't. Bldg.
Inspector) 11/15/35 14 192
3rd Reading of Ord.#4112 (above)1/35 14 228
1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance
raising salaries 3/4/36 14 328
1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance rais-
ing City Manager's salary 3/4/36 14 329
3rd Reading Salary Ordinance No.
421 ✓ 3/18136 14 336
Ord Reading City Manager's salary
rdinance No. 422 - 3/18/36 14 33g
7 -
Book Page
1st and 2nd Readings Ord. amending
salary ordinance by raising salary
-malcimum-far thase not spectftualIy-
mentioned 9-1S36 15 . 142
_3rd Reading. _.- #52,n -above ordi..,___
nance 10-7-36 15 174
Councilman Meyer suggests raise in -
wages for men on hourly basis 11/4/36 15 209
let & 2nd Readings Ord. raising
-salaries of etap1oyeia-Er---April
_1st,:1937. 3,-17-37
Book Page
Wage scale increased for
laborers 3-17-37 15 469
1st & 2nd Reading Ord. raising
City Manager's salary 3-22-37 15 470
3rd Reading Ord. #485 raising City
employees salaries 4-7-37 15 503
3rd Reading 0rd.#486 raising City
Manager's salary 4-7-37 15 504
lst and 2nd Readings Ord.raising
Judge's Salary 2-1-39 17 46o
d Readin 011. #511-3 �a. ng
tdize e G salary 2-1r7— 17 470
look Page
let & 2nd readints 0rd._amen
salary ordinance o increaseld
�5/15/40 19
Final reading of Ord.#57g increasing
City Attorney's salary 6/5/40 19 15g
1st and 2nd readings ordinance increas-
ing salary of Captain of Life Guards.
3rd Reading of Ord.No. 589 increasing
salary of Life Guard Capt. 12/18/40 19 485
City Manager Renshaw to prepare
ordinance providing for salary raise
for all City employees 6/ii/41
1st and 2nd reading of Ordinance
establishing pay schedules for all
classifications of positions in
classified service of City 6/18/41 20 311
1st and 2nd readings ordinance
establishing a schedule of salaries
to be paid to administrative officers 24 3�5
3rd Reading of Ord. #603 - raising
salaries of Administrative .9ffioirs 20 335
Book Page
28 273
Book Page
3rd Reading of Ord. #604 mikin
salary scale for various classifications
of City employment 7/2/41 20 336
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance
amending Salary Ord.No.604 8/8/41 20 401
3rd Reading Ord.#608 amending Ord.
No. 604 10/15/41 20, 494
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance
amending Salary Ord. No. 603
Re: 0ity Manager's salary 11/6/41 21 13
1st and 2nd readings of flrltrannce
;)e: ..lar -7 of CitSr' Attorney_
11/6/41 21 14
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance
to amend Salary Ord. No. 604 re:
Police, Fire and Life Guardepts.
11/6/41 21 20
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance
to amend Salary Ord. #604 Re:
Electrician for signal systems,etc.
11/19/41 21 53
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance
to amend Salary Ord. Re: Salary of
City Attorney 11/20/41 21 14
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinance
amending Salary Ord. #603 Re:
--Salary to be paid to AssIt. City
Mgr. and Director of Personnel
11/20/41 21 60
3rd reading of Ord. #618 Re:
Cityyf Mgr's salary. 11/24/41 21 64
3rd reading of Ord. #620 MT
11124/41 21 65
3rd reading of Ord. #619 re:
Salaries of City Att'ys office. 21 65
Book Page - -
Committee appointed to study
salary of members of Police
Dept. 12/17/41 21 101
Ord. No. 630 passed final reading
amending Ord. No. 600 as to salary
to be paid Asst. City Mgr. and
Director of Personnel. 12/18/41 21 123
Ord. No. 631 passed final reading
amending Salary Ord. #604 to provide
for salary of Signal bys tem Lineman
12/18/41 21 124
Book. Page
1st and 2nd readings of Ord.
to amend Salary Ord. #604 re:
salaries to be paid Police,
Firemen and Life Guards. 1/7/42 21 129
1st and 2nd readings of Ord.
to amend Ord. #603 re: Salary
of Golf Course Mgr. 1/7/42 21 129
Final reading Ord. #632 amending
Ord. #603 re: Salary to be paid
to Manager of Golf Course 1/21/42 21 148
Council discusses salary raises
for Life Guards and Policemen
1/21/42 21 148
Book Page
Final reading of Ord. No. 633
amending Ord. No. 604 establishing
a 101® increase 1 -n --pay- over salary
received 5/31/41 1/21/42 21 149
1st and 2nd readings Ord,amending
Ord. #6o4 raising safety men and of-
ficere-And-deteetives- 2/4/42 -21 188
-1st and 2nd madings Ord.amending
02m4#60.44raleAng salary of loekerroom
attendants 2/4/42 21 189
3rd Reading Ord.#644 amending Ord.#604
raising safety men & offin8,41 detect
Atty. E.F.P.Brigham protest pay increase _ Book Page
to 4 Firemen 5/6/42 211 300
3rd reading Ord. No. 64.5 amending
Salary Ord. No.6024-, raising Lockerroom
attendant's salary 2/20/42 21 211
lst and 2nd readings Ord.amending Ord.
No.603 by providing for salary of Park
Sdupreading Ord.#651 as4 i/k Supt. 21 257
1st and 2nd readings Ord'
Ord.No.603 raising salary of Golf
Course Manager 7/9/42 21 382
3rd Reading Ord.#661 raising salary
of Golf Course Manager 7/15/42 21 403
Book Page
1st and ind readings Ord.amending
Salary Ord.No.604 as to wage scale
(maximum) for Labor 2nd Class 10-7-42 21 434
3rd Reading Ord.No.666 raising
hourly wage scale maximum for Labor
2nd Class 10-21-4.2 21 11.38
1st and 2nd Readings Ord.amending
Salary Ord.No.6011- as to maximum wage
scale for Mechanic's Helper 10-21-42 21 452
M.B.Employees Benevolent Assn. ask
Council to make general pay raise
1O/28/112 21 453
Book Page
Council as a whole appointed as
Committee to consider general nay
raise 10/28/42 21 454
Final reading of Crd.inanbe No.669
amending Ord.No.604 (Salary Ordinance)
11/18/42 21 468
1st and 2nd readings of Ordinances
setting up new salary schedule for
employees under classified service and
Department heads 12/2/42 21 475
Communication from War Labor Board
parege�ed and explained by Atty. S el
ei r
s to proposed salary increases 1?,1b/42 21,476
. 20.
Book Page__
1st and 2nd readings Ordinance
amending Ord.#603 as to City Atty's
salary 12/16/42 21 489
City Mgr. recommends that raise in
pay and payment of back salary be
denied 4 firemen 12/16/42 21 489
Final Reading of Ord.#673 amending
Ord. #603 by changing salary of City
Attorney and his office 1/6/43 21 496
Council agree to withold action on
waraLLaborcBoards until they from21 503
Book Page
Letter filed from National War
Labor Board as to proposed salary
increases for City employees 1/15/43 22 4
Final Reading Ord.#677 providing
for 10% increase in all pay schecules
for those employees in classified
service 1/15/43 22 4
Final Reading Ord® #678 providing
10% raise in salary for Administrative
Officers 1/15/43 22 7
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings Ord. amending
Salary Ord.#677 providing for
Administrative Asst. and increasing
maximum gay for Signal System Line
Man 1/20/43
Resolution authorizing payment of
back pay to R.E,Dabney,Si na1 System
Lineman 1/20/43
22 17
Final reading Ord. #6&2 amending Salary
Ord.#677 by adding Administrative Asst.
and increasing rate of pay for signal
system lineman 2/3/43 22 19
Book Page
lst and 2nd Readings Ord, increasing
maximum pay salary of Matron Police
Stenographer 2/17/43 -- 22
lst and 2nd readings Ord. to take care of
discrepancies which occur-In--salaries—
paid in Police, Fire and Life Guard Dept.
2/17/43 22 35
3rd reading Ord.#684 amending Ord. {677
to permit City Manager to adjust in-
equalities in Salary payments 3/3/43 -22- 37
3rd reading Ord. #685 amending Ord. #677-
increasing salary of PoMeMalron Steno. 22 3$
Council authorizes payment of
back pay to 5 employees, Morrison,
Kendricks,V.G.Miller,Rudman &
Drosdick 5/5/4
Book Page
22 85
1st and 2nd readings Ord.fixing salary
rates for Kendrick,Morrison,Rudman and
Droddick . 5/19/43 - 22 105 this Ord.apnroved 6/16/43 22, 133
5rd reading Ord.# 690withamendments
to same,covering above employees
salaries 6/16/43 22 1314.
1st and
Book Page
2nd readings Ord. authorizing
of back salary to Fitxpatrick,
Gardos and Newberry --
5L2 6Lk3 - 22 122
Amendment to ordinance given lst and
2nd readings authorizing pay to Ken-
dricks,Morrison,Rudman and Drosdick
approved 6/16/43 22
Final ReadingOrd..690 authorizing pay
to Kendricks,Morrison, dry n & Drosdi ck
Final Reading O 4.691 authorizing pay
to ,trick, Ca.hilros & Newberry 22
_ S.00k- -__Fagg_
2 months additional salary authorized.
for J. S. Stepb.enson, resigned 6/16/43 22 137
lat & 2nd readings of Ordinance amending
Salary Ord. - rai s. ng maximum 1.0.0r rate
radio technician s maximum lO/b/L3 22 187
3rd reading of Ord. #693 amendingSalary
Ord, isby ani& laborXend ciayssof100i2Q,43 22 193
Ordnd readings of Ord. amending
77 by raising pay of Lifeguard
Lieutenant to $60.00 per week while he
performs the duties of Life Guard
Captain 10/20/43 22 202
M. B. Employees Benevolent AssIn.
petition Council for 15% pay raise
11/3/43 (Referred to Mr. Renshaw) 22 209
3rd reaing Ord. #698 amending Salary
Ordinance to provide for salary of
$60.00 per week to Life Guard Lt.
when he performs the duties of Life
Guard Captain 11/17/43 22 216
1st & 2nd readings ordinances
amending Salary Ordinances Nos. 677
& 678 (all classifications and
administrative officers) 11/17/43 22 219
Sect. 1. of general classification
ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings
11/17/43 amended before 3rd reading
12/1/43 22 223
3rd reading Ordinance #701
(all classifications) 12/1/43 22 226
3rd reading Ordinance #702
(administrative officers) 12/1/43 22 230
M. B. Employees BenevolentAss'n.
ask for better ratio of pay between
Labor 1st & Labor 2nd, Class 4/19/44 22 318
Referred to City Manager 4/19/44 22 318