Salaries_December 1943 to April 1944SALARIES 2g
Sect. 1. of general classification
ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings
11/17/43 amended before 3rd reading
12/1/43 22 223
Grd reading Ordinance #701
all classifications) 12/1/43 22 226
3rd reading Ordinance #702
(administrative officers) 12/1/43 22 230
M. B. Employees BenevolentAss'n.
ask for better ratio of pay between
Labor let & Labor 2nd, Class 144 22 318
Referred to City Manager 4/19/44 22 318
3rd reading of Ord. #716 amending
Salary Ord. #677 by raising salary
of Street Sweeper Operator 8/16/44 22 387
1st and 2nd readings Ord. amending
Salary Ord. by increasing salary of
Police Chief to $540 per mo. 12/6/44 22 446
3rd reading Ord. #724 amending
Ord. #678 by increasing salary
of Police Chief to $540 per mo. 12/20/44 22 453
1st & 2nd readings Ord. amending
Ord. #678 to provide for salary
for City Attorney's assistant 2/7/45 22 474
Book Page
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #711, raising
pay of Labor 2nd Class to
72*¢ per hour 5/17/44 22 325
3rd reading of Ord. #712, raisinng�.�
pay of all classifications 5/17/4+ 22 325
3rd reading of Ord. #713, raising
allowance to City Attorney for
secretarial assistance 5/17/4+ 22 329
1st reading of Ord. amending #677
by raising salary of Street
Sweeper operator 8/7/44 22 382
Book Page
Mr. Renshaw recommends general pay
raise on sliding scale 5/3/4 22 321
lst reading of ordinance to raise
maximum pay per hour of Labor
2nd Class to 72*0 per hour 5/3/44 22 321
1st reading of ordinance to raise
pay for all classifications 5/3/44 22 321
1st reading of ordinance to raise
allowance to City Attorney for
secretarial services 5/3/44
22 323.
lat & 2nd readings of Ord. amending
No. 677 to provide for salary to be
paid a Diver in Water Supply
Operations 2/21/45 22 486
3rd reading Ord. #729 amending Ord.
#677 to provide for salary for
Diver in Water Supply Operations
3/7/45 23 7
3rd reading Ord. #727 providing
for salary for City Attorney's
assistant 2/21/4 22
City Attorney instructed to draw
ordinance providing for raise of
$15 per month to all employees
earning less than $400 per mo. 4/4/45
1st & 2nd readings of ordinances
amending #677 & #678 to provide
for increase in salary of $15
per month to employees earning
less than $400 per month 425/45 23 56
3rd reading Ord. #732 amending
Ord. #677 to provide for increase
of $15 per month to all employees
earning $400 or less per month 5/2/45 23 62
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #733 amending
Ord. #678 to provide for an increase
of $15 per month to all administrative
officers earning X400 or less per
month 5/2/45 23 65
5 recreational assistants at
Pier given increase of $15
per month 5/16/45 23 99
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance raising Councilmen's
salary to $250 per month 6/8/45 23 121
Book Page
3rd reading Ordinance No. 738
raising Councilmen's salary to
$250 per month 6/20/45 23 130
let & 2nd readings of
ordinance raising salary
of Chief Accountant from
$417 to $440 per month 6/20/45 23 131
3rd reading Ordinance No.
740 raising Chief
Accountant's salary 7/5/45 23 144
sA ARi s 36.
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of ordinance
amending salary ordinance to
provide for salary for Senior
Cameraman S/17/45 23 202
3rd & final reading of
Ord. #743 providing for
salary for Senior Cameraman 9/5/45 23 209
1st and 2nd readings of Ordi-
nance providing for salary to
be paid Director of Miami Beach
Convention, News and Addvver s ng
Dept. 10/3/45 23 230
Mr. Snedigar's
salary of Pete
per year loses
Book Page
motion to increase
Crossland to 0,500
by vote of 3-3 10/3/45 23 240
Ord. #751 adopted providing for
salary for Director of Public
Relations Dept. 10/17/45 23 253
Employees Benevolent Ass"n.
pass resolution asking for
15% pay raise 10/17/45 23 254
Referred to Mr. Renshaw 10/17/45 23 255
Book Page
1st and 2nd readings of ordinance
providing for salary to be paid
a "Senior Accountant" 10/17/45 23 261
3rd reading Ord. #754
providing for salary for
"Senior Accountant" 11/7/45 23 285
1st reading of ordinance
providing for increase in
salary to City Attorney"s
assistant and secretary 11/21/45 23 301
Book Page
Ord. #755 passed, raising
salaries of City Attorney's
assistant and secretary 12/5/45 23 314
Mr. Renshaw's report
and recommendations
submitted as to
general pay increase 12/5/45 23 321-22
Council denies request
for pay raise 12/5/5 23 322
Book Page
Mr. Renshaw says he thinks
further consideration should
be given to employees' request
for pay raise 1/22/46 23 375
1st reading of Ordinance
providing for salary
increase for department
heads 1/29/46 23 378
1st reading of ordinance
providing for salary
inorea e for all
.a:' ria dNs
2, 3 379
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #758 provid-
ing for increase in salary to
Administrative officers 2/6/46 23 388
3rd reading Ord. #759 provid-
ing for increase in salary
for all classifications 2/6/46 23 389
1st reading of ordinance
reducing maximum monthly
salary of Senior Accountant 2/20/46 23 410
Final reading of Ord. #760,
reducing monthly salary of
Senior Accountant 3/6/46 23 429
Book Page
1st reading of ordinance
increasing salaries for
technical employees 5/15/46 24 95
3rd reading Ord. #767,
increasing maximum salaries
for technical employees 6/5/46 24 110-11
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance increasing salary
of Park Supt. to $435.00
monthly (maximum) 8/21/46 24 264
Book Page
Ordinance No. ?76 passed, pro-
viding for salary increase for
City Manager recommends $20.00
per month salary increase for
all employees and Council
instructs City Attorney to
prepare an ordinance providing
for the change 9/4/46 24 284
1st & 2nd readings of ordinance
increasing salaries for all
employees 9/18/46 24 311
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of ordinance
increasing salaries of department
heads 9/18/46 24 311
Ord. #781 passed increasing
salaries $20.00 per month
(regular employees) 10/2/46 24 322
Ord. #782 passed, increasing
administrative officers
salaries $20.00 per month 10/2/46 24 325
Book Page
Ord. given 1st and 2nd readings
setting up joint classification
and salary plan 12/4/46 24 420
3rd reading Ord. #789,
setting up joint Salary
and Classification plan 12/18/46 24 431-
1st & 2nd readings of ordi- 36
nance amending Ord. #789
by correcting a typographical
error 12/27/46 24 440
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #793
amending Salary and Classi-
fication Plan by correcting
typographical error 1/2/47 24 449
1st & 2nd readings ord.
providing for monthly
salary for Assistant City
Manager and Director of
Personnel 2/5/47 24 477
1st & 2nd readings of
ord. providing for monthly
salary for Director of
News Bureau 2/5/47 24 478
3rd reading Ord. #799, provid-
ing for salary to be paid
Assistant City Mgr. and Direct-
or of Personnel 2/19/47 24 495
3rd reading Ord. #800, provid-
ing for salary to be paid
the Director of the News
Bureau 2/19/47 24 496
Book Page
1 month's accumulated vacation
salary to be ppid to widow of
Harry M. Bice 2/19/47 24 540
Book Page
Employees request for
salary raise is referred
To City Manager for his
A. W. Simpson, foemer
Police Chief, to be paid
1 month's salary
Council votes to have
ordinance prepared
granting salary increase
to all city employees
10/15/47 25 424
10/15/47 25 426
11/5/47 25 461
1st and 2nd readings of
an ordinance increasing
salaries of classified
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance increasing
salaries for administra-
tive officers
Ord. #826 passed, raising
salaries for classified
Book Page
11/20/47 25 488
11/20/47 25 488
12/3/47 25 495
Book Page
Ord. #827 passed, raising
salaries for administrative
officers 12/3/47 25 499
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance amending Salary
& Classification ordinance
#789 2/16/49 27 440
3rd reading Ord. #877,
amending Ord. #789 3/2/49 27 451
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance increasing salary
of City Attorney's secretary 3/2/49 27 462,
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #880,
increasing salary of
city attorney's secretary 3/16/49 27 484
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance increasing
salary of City Attorney's
assistant 6/15/49 28 217
3rd reading of Ord. #884
providing for salary for
2nd Legal Dept. assistant
and increase for other
assistant, and for annual
leave for department heads 7/6/49 28 234
Book Page
lst & 2nd readings of ordinance
amending Ord. #678 by providing
for salary for Public Relations
Director and increasing salaries
of golf course managers 7/22/49 28 275
3rd reading Ord. #889 amending
Ord. #678 as above explained 8/3/49 28 307
lst & 2nd readings of an
ordinance amending Ord.
#789 1-11-50 29 129
3rd reading of Ord. #911,
amending Ord. #789 1-18-50 29 143