Salaries_July 1949 to January 1950SALARIES
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of ordinance
amending Ord. #678 by providing
for salary for Public Relations
Director and increasing salaries
of golf course managers 7/22/49 28 275
3rd reading Ord. #889 amending
Ord. #678 as above explained 8/3/49 28 307
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance amending Ord.
#789 1-11-50 29 129
3rd reading of Ord. #9111
amending Ord. #789 1-18-50 29 143
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance amending #678
relative to salary to be
paid when two departments
are combined under one
head 1-18-50 29 i+6
1st & 2nd readings of
an ordinance providing
for salary for Park
Supt. when he also per-
forms the duties of
Ass°t. City Manager 2-1-50 29 158
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. #915
providing for salary for
Park Sup+. when he also
performs 4 -he dui-ies of
Ci+y Manager 2-15-50 29 180
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinance providing for
salary for City Physician
(amending Ord. #678) 3-15-50
1st & 2nd readings of
Ord. amending Ord. #678
by providing for s ary
or Pers nnel Di ec r
when member. f class fied 3-15-50 29 232
29 231
Book Page
R. Wm. L. Johnson to be paid
salary as Personnel Director
from date of appointment -
Feb. 16, 1950 3-15-50 29 233
Councilman Roth favors
salary increases for
several Department Heads 3-15-50 29 233
1st & 2nd readings in-
creasing salary of Park
Supt. when he also per-
forms duties of Assistant
City Manager. (678) 4-5-50 29 271
Book Page
$900.00 appropriated to
take care of additional.
employee in Tax Assessor's
office. 4-5-50
3rd reading Ord #924,
Fixing salary of City
Physician (Amd. 678) 4-5-59 29 281
3rd reading Ord. #925,
amending Ord. #678 by
providing for salary for
Personnel Director when
member of Classified
Service 4-5-50 29 282
29 273
Book Page
3rd reading of Ord. #928
providing for salary for
Park Supt. when he performs
duties of Asst. City Mgr. 4-19-50 29 312
1st reading ordinance amending
Ord. 789 by providing for
Traffic Director with rank of
Captain and for a Traffic
Sergeant 5-3-50 29 335
Ord. #936 adopted, amending
Ord. 789 re. Traffic
Committee appointed to
study department heads'
Report of committee
re. salaries of depart-
ment heads presented
Book Page
5/17/50 29 365
5/17/50 29 371f
8-2-50 29 594
Book Page
Council takes matter of
supplementing pay of employees
called to duty with military
reserve organizations for
short periods of training
under consideztion until
next meeting 8-16-50 30 31
Action again deferred on
department heads' salaries 9-6-50 30 63
1st & 2nd readings, ordinance
increasing salaries of 6
Dept. heads and Assts. 10-4-50 30 90
SAt IBS 60
Book Page
Ordinance to be prepared
providing for supplemental
pay not to exceed thirty
days --for employees taking
short training periods in
military service 9-15-50 30 66
1st reading amendment to
Salary Ord. No. 789 to
authorize City Manager to
approve payments of salary
reg military training 9-20-50 30 76
Book Page
Councilman Liberman suggests com-
mittee investigate possible
increase of all employees'
salaries 10-4-50 30 90
Mayor Turk suggests that
consideration be given to in-
creasing salary of Council
members 10-4-50 30 91
Ord.#948 adopted, authorizing
City Mgr. to approve payments
of salary under terms and ro-
vions of Personnel rules r .
heaves of absence 10-4-50 30 93
Book Page
Res. #7289, authorizing City
Manager to make study of relation-
ship between cost of living and
salaries. 10-25-50 30 107
M.B. Residential Owners Assn.
urges increase in Councilmen's
Salaries 10-25-50 30 107
Ord. #949 adopted - increasing
salaries of six administrative
officers 10-25-50 30 108
Book Page
1st readirng ordinance creating
5 new classifications (Ord.
789) 10-26-50 30 136
Ord. #950, adopted --5
new classifications Ord.
789 11-1-50 30 153
City Manager recommends $20.00
"cost of living bonus 11-22-50 30 194
City Attorney instructed to
prepare necessary ordinances
providing for $20.00 monthly
increase retroactive to 10/1/50 11-2260 30 196
Book Page
Asst. City Mgr. Link advises
that he has secured informa-
tion from the Public Admini-
stration Service relative to
having a survey made of City's
salary structure 11-22-50 30 195
1st reading amendment to
Ord. 789 "cost of living"
bonus for classified em-
ployees 12-7-50 30 233
.1st reading amendment to
Ord. 678 #20.00 cost of living
bonus --officers 12-7-50 30 233
5,500 appropriated for survey
of salary structure by Public
Administration Service 12-7-50 30 238
Book Page
Ord. #963, amending Ord. 789,
providing for $20.00 mo. cost -
of living bonus, classified
employees retroactive to
10/1/50 12-27-50 30 285
Ord. #964, amending Ord. 678,
providing for X20.00 cost -of -
living bonus for administrat've
officers of Cits>. _12-27-5Q 30 286
Ordinance increasing salaryry6
I�iun c pa ___.u_ ,eto e ra b-21-51 31 299
J. J. Farrey, retiring chief
building inspector granted
additional month's salary 7-3-51 31 323
Book Page
1st reading ordinance increasing
salary of Associate Judge and
allowance to City Attorney for
legal assistance 7-3-51
31 323
3rd reading ordinance increasing
salary of Associate Judge and
allowance to City Attorney for
legal assistance-Ord.#981 7-18-51 31 403
1st and 2nd readings ordinance
providing for monthly salary
of $600. for Auditorium manager 8-1-51 31 427
Book Page
3rd reading re. Auditorium
Manager's salary - Ord . ##98?4 8-15-51 31 477
Book Page
1st reading ordinance amending
code re. salary of Personnel
Director and separate salaries
for k7,st. City manager and. Park
Superintendent 9-5-51 32 41
Ord. #987 3rd reading re.Salaries of
Asst. City Mgr., Director of
Personnel, and Park Supt.
9-19-51 32 71
M.B.Employees'Benevolent Ass'n
and M.B. Police & Firemen's
Benevolent Ass'n ask for 10%
increase in salaries. To be
11-21-51 32 194
$15.00 per mo.
retroactive to
Book Page
cost -of -living bonus
Oct. 1, 1951 approved.
12-5-51 32 225
Proposed increase in Councilmen's
salaries to $5,000. per year to be
voted on on January 22, 1952.
12-5-51 32 230
Councilmen's salary increase to
be voted on another date and not
on Jan. 22, 1952, date of Fla.
P.&L. Franchise election.
12-5-51 32 234
Election re. Councilmen's salaries
and Employees' Pension Plan to be
held some time in February 12-5-51 32 234
1st reading ordinance providing
for cost -of -living bonus increase
of $15,00 per month for classified
employees 12-5-51 32 236
1st reading ordinance providing
for cost -of -living bonus increase
of $15.00 per month for administrative
officers 12-5-51 32 236
Book Page
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance providing
for cost -of -living bonus increase
of $15.00 per mo. for administrative
officers. Ord. #998 12-19-51 32 258
3rd reading ordinance providing for
cost -of -living bonus increase of
$15.00 per mo. for classified
employees. Ord. #999 12-19-51 32 258
Ordinance to be prepared
providing for salary of $12,000
per year for combined offices
of City Engineer -Asst. City Manager
' $st.City M r. Link to bejgiven 1-9-52 32 290
a mos. vacation salary 11 1-15-52 32 302
Book Page
1st and 2nd reading ordinance
amending Classified Salary
Ordinance #789 providing for
salary increases for certain
employees. 1-23-52 32 318
1st and 2nd reading ordinance
amending Administrative Officers
Salary Ordinance #678 providing
for salary increases for certain
officers. 1-23-52 32 3�9
1st and 2nd reading ordinance
increasing Obucilmen's salaries
from $3,000. to $5,000. per
_yrr._52 32 319
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance increasing
Councilmen's salaries to $5,000.
per year - Ord. #1009 2-6-52 32 349
3rd reading ordinance amending
Classified Salary Ordinance
providing for increases for
certain employees - Ord. #1010
2-6-52 32 349
3rd reading ordinance amending
Administrative Officers Salary
Qrdinance providing for increases
ug certain officers - Ord. #1011
2-6-52 32 353
Book Page
Salary of Auditorium Manager to
be increased to $8,000. per year
2-20-52 32 386
1st and 2nd reading ordinance
increasing Auditorium Manager's
salary to $666. per month
3-5-52 32 414
3rd reading ordinance increasing
salary of Auditorium Manager to
$666.00 per month, Ord. #1015
3-19-52 32 424
1st reading ordinance increasing'
Fire Chief's salary and providing
fcr increase in allowance to City At y
for assistants 4-1-53 34 145