Salaries_December 1955 to January 1956SALARIES 10:3
Book Page
1st reading ordinance increasing
salary of Mgr. of Metered Parking
Division to $645.00 per mo., effective
Jan. 1, 1956 12-21-55 37 505
1st reading ordinance eliminating
salary for Tax Inspector and providing
salaries for classifications of
Property Appraiser I and Property Appraiser II
1-4-56 38 12
City Mgr's action authorizing payment
of holiday pay for Dec. 26, 1955 and
Jan. 2, 1956 to certain employees
approved 1-p-56 38 13
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance increasing
salary of Mgr. of Metered Parking
System, Ord. #1192 1-4-56 38 13
1st reading amendment to Ord. 789
abolishing salary for classification
"Detective Superintendent"
1-4-56 38 14
3rd reading ordinance abolishing
salary for "Detective Supt.",
Ord. #1196 1-18-56 38 31
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance eliminating salary
for Tax Inspector and providing salaries
for Property Appraiser I and Property
Appraiser II Ord.#1197 1-18-56 38 31
1st reading ordinance increasing salary
of combined offices of Asst. City Mgr.
and City Engineer from $1,0145.00 to
$1,250.00 2-1-56 38 41
1st reading ordinance providing for
salaries for Plumber and Pumpingtatsi n
Attendant 2-15-5o 3o 58
Book Page
3rd reading ord. increasing salary of
combined offices of Asst. City Mgr.
and City Engineer - Ord. #1200
2-15-56 38 66
1st reading ord. establishing salary
for Business Machine Operator
3-7-56 38 93
3rd reading ord. providing for salaries
for Plumber and Pumping Station Attendant
Ord. #1205 3-7-56 38 97
3rd reading amendment to Ord. No. 789
providing salary for classification of
Bti ne s Machine Operator 3-21-56 38 106
Or c?. 1206
Book Page
1st reading ord. placing Pool Guard
on same pay scale as Life Guard -Seaman Rank
3-28-56 38 123
1st reading ord. providing providing
for automatic 5% increase in pay for
employees who have completed 20 years
employment with City. 3-28-56 38 125
(Note: this ord. was dropped
on April 4th)
1st reading ordinance re. 5% salary increase
for classified employees having completed
20 years service -(previous ordinance
dropped) 4-4-56 38 139
Book Page
3rd reading ord. placing salary of
Pool Guard on same pay scale as Lifeguard,
seaman class. Ord. #1209 4-4-56 38 142
1st reading ordinance providing for
salaries for Pool Manager and Assistant
Water & Shop Supt. 4-18-56 38 159
3rd reading ordinance re. 5% salary
increase for employees having completed
20 years employment 4-18-56 38 161
Ord. #1210
Book Page
1st reading salary ordinance, increasing
max. monthly salaries for various positions
in theEngineering Dept. 4-23-56 38 173
3rd reading ord. providing for salaries
for Pool Manager and Assistant Water &
Shop Supt.- Ord. #1213 5-2-56 38 193
3rd reading ord. increasing max. monthly
salaries of Asst City Engr; Sewer Construc-
tion Sppt; Office Engineer; Assistant
Engineer and Drafstman -- Ord. #1214
5-2-56 38 193
Book Page
1st reading ord. increasing max.
monthly salary for Case Worker
to $375.00, and for Social Service
Director to $560.00 (Welfare Dept)
6-6-56 38 235
1st readingord. providing for
salary of 6+5.00 per month for office
of Municipal Judge when he is required
to perform the duties on full-time
basis, and to exclusion of privilege
of engaging in private practice of law.
6-6-56 38 236
Book Page
3rd reading ord. increasing maximum
monthly salary of Social Service Director
and Case Worker, Ord. #1219
6-20-56 38 259
3rd reading ord. providing salary of
$645. per mo. for full-time Municipal
Judge, Ord. #1220 6-20-56 38 259
Bernard Ross, police officer, requests
extension of weeks full` pay..for
aetviceconhected:injuury .Authorized--
to expire August 1, 1956
7-18-56 38 319
Book Page
John Walsh, :'injured officer granted
extension of 13 weeks full pay from
July 10, 1956
8-1-56 38
1st reading ordinance providing for
salary increases in Police, Lifeguard
and Fire Depts. after fifth year of service;
also adjustments in maximum rates of
certain outside employees. (Eff.
Oct 1, 1956) 8-15-56 38 365
Book Page
City Mgr. advises he intends to
submit to Council his recommendation
that work -week of policemen be reduced
to 40 hrs. for 8 mos. instead of 6 mos.
of year; that in 1957-58 it be reduced
to 40 hrs. for 12 mos. Also intends to
recommend amendments to the administrative
and classified salary ordinances.
8-15-56 38 37 L
3rd reading ord. re. salary increases
in Police, Lifeguard and Fire Depts
afterth year of service.
Ord. #1225 9-5-56 38 398
Book Page
1st reading ordinance increasing
clothing allowance of Detectives
9-19-56 38 411
3rd reading ordinance increasing
monthly clothing allowance of
Detectives - Ord. #1230 10-3-56 38 447
Book Page
1st reading ordinance generally
increasing pay of classified employees,
retroactive to Oct. 1, 1956.
11-7-56 38 497
1st reading ordinance increasing pay of
department heads, retroactive to
Oct. 1, 1956 11-7-56 38 497
Ord. #1238 adopted increasing salaries
of department heads 11-21-56 38 533
Ord. #1239 adopted increasing salaries
of classified employees 11-21-56 38 533
Book Page
1st reading ord. increasing maximum
rates for Construction Inspector &
Asst. Sewerage Pumping Mechanic
12-19-56 39 35
1st reading ord. increasing salaries
of Acting City Atty & Metered Parking
System Manager 12-19-56 39 37
Additional injury pay authorized Park
Dept. employee John Norton
12-19-56 39 41
3rd reading ord. increasing maximum
rates for Construction Inspector &
Asst. Sewerage Pumping Mechanic
Ord. #1241 1-2-57 39 49
Book Page
3rd reading ord. increasing salaries
of Acting City Atty and Mgr. of Metered
Parking System - Ord.#12142 1-2-57 39 1+9
1st reading ord. providing salary of
$600. per mo. for Asst. Golf Course
Ngr.., Bayshore, and providing salary
of $650. WHEN one golf course manager
manages 2 golf courses 1-23-57 39
Above to be effective only to June 14, 1957.
Legal Dept. to prepare necessary ord.
to repeal above-mentioned ord. at
proper time 1-23-57 39
Book Page
Ord. #1244 providing salary for office
of Asst Golf Course Mgr at Bayshore,
and salary of $650. when one golf course
mgr. manages 2 golf courses
2-6-57 39 121
1st reading amendment to Salary Ord.
increasing salaries of Traffic Maint.
Supervisor and Radio Technician (Police
Dept.) 2-20-57 39 144
3rd reading ord. increasing salaries
of Traffic Maint. Supervisor and Radio
Technician - Ord. #1251 3-6-57 39 159
Book Page
Payment authorized of full pay to
William E. Venn, injured Engineering
Dept. employee, for additional 10 weeks,
effective from Jan. 6, 1957 2-20-57 39 16
1st reading ordinance providing salary
for new classification of Bldg. Maintenance
Superintendent instead of Bldg. Maint. Supervisor
3-6-57 39 157
Payment of full pay for 13 additional
weeks, commencing March 18 1957, authorized
to Joseph Cornell, injured Park Dept.
employee 3-20-57 39 180
3rd reading ord. providing salary
for Building Maintenance Superintendent
Ord. #1252
Book Page
3-20-57 39 186
1st reading ordinance changing title of
classification in Fire Dept. of"Battalion
Fire Captain" to "Deputy Chief" with no
change in salary. (Amendment to Ord.
#789 4-3-57 39 249
1st reading ord. eliminating provision
re. salary of Asst. Golf Course Mgr. and
salary provision for one Golf Course Mgr.
Wien managing two courses
4-3-57 39 250
salary for Book Page
3rd reading ordinance abolishing/position
of Asst Golf Course Manager - Bayshore
Golf Course. Ord. #1255
4-17-57 39 309
3rd reading ordinance changing title
of Battalion Fire Captain to Deputy
Chief (Amendment to Ord. #789)
Ord. #1256 4-17-57 39 310
1st reading ordinance establishing
maximum rate of $1.66 per hour for new
classification of Whiteway Foreman
7-3-57 39 417
Book Page
1st reading ordinance providing
salaries for new classifications of
Sr. Parking Meter Repairman; Sr.
Parking Meter Checker and raising
minimum salary of Parking Meter
Repairman 7-3-57 39 418
Res. #9527 adopted granting Bertha
Aldrich, Head Librarian, leave of
absence for 1 year with pay. Miss
Aldrich to advise Council if she
does not want the leave 7-3-57
39 410
Book Page
Vacation pay (1/2 month) authorized for
Harold Freeburg, former Personnel
Director 7-3-57 39 421
1st reading ord. providing salaries
for new and revised Library classifications
7-17-57 39 435
Letter from Bertha Aldrich accepting
year's leave of absence with pay. Res.
#9527 corrected to reveal proper amount
to be received by her.
7-17-57 39 436
Book Page
1st reading ordinance providing
salaries for Manager of 2 golf
courses, also Assistant Golf Course
Manager 7-17-57 39 456
4 weeks' vacation pay authorized
former Chief of Police R. J. Shepard
7-17-57 39 459
3rd reading Ord. providing salaries
for Sr. Parking Meter Checker,
Sr. Parking Meter Repairman, and
raising minimum salary for Parking
Meter Checker - Ord. #1258
7-17-57 39 461
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. providing salary for
Whiteway Foreman - Ord. #1259
7-17-57 39 461
1st reading ordinance reducing salary of
Mgr. of Metered Parking System
7-31-57 39 468
3rd reading ordinance providing salary
of $600.00 per month for Manager of Metered
Parking System, effective Aug. 15, 1957
Ord. #1261 8-7-57 39 479
Book . Page
3rd reading ord. providing salary for
office of Asst Golf Course Mgr. (Bayshore);
and providing salary of $650. for Golf Course
Mgr. when duties of two courses are performed
by same administrative officer. Ord. #1262
8-7-57 39 48o
3rd reading ord. providing salaries for new
and revised Library classifications.
Ord. #1263 8-7-57 39 480
Book Page
1st reading salary ordinance amendment
to No. 789, providing 5% increase for all
classified employees, and $20. per mo.
increase for Whiteway Inspector. Also
eliminating classifications of operators
of road roller, road grader, street sweeper,
bull dozer and crane, and creating new
classification of Heavy Equipment Operator•
(at same salary) to cover these occupations.
Also eliminating classification of Power
Mower Operator. 9-4-517 40 12
Schedule of allocation of 5% salary increase
to each department approved
($267,168.00) 9-4-57 40 17
Book Page
1st reading ordinance increasing
salaries of Assistant City Attorneys
and Secretary iri Legal Dept.
9-18-57 40 43
Ord. #1266 providing a 5% salary
increase for all classified employees and
add'l $20. per mo. for Whiteway Inspector
9-18-57 40 45
Full salary authorized for add' period
of 13 weeks to injured employees
Carl Fromm and Richard Cahiill 40 59
Book Page
Ord. #1268 increasing salaries of
Asst. City Attorneys and Sec. in
Legal Dept. 10-2-57 40 59
1st reading Ordinance applying 5%
salary increase to Administrative
Officers' salaries 10-16-57 40 78
1st reading Ordinance increasing
maximum monthly salary of Fire Captain
10-16-57 40 81
3rd reading ordinance amending
Ord. #678 so as to apply 5% salary
increase to administrative officers
and increase the salaries of certain
off5ersObr.ts slightly1-6excess 40 106
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. increasing maximum
monthly salary of Fire Captain -
Ord. #1271 11-6-57 40 106
Court orders payment of salary
due Harry Brannon for period July 20,
1956 thru Nov. 10, 1957. Appropriation
of $6,566.90 authorized from ucf.
11-14-57 40 117
Council defers action on ordinances
pertaining to creation of Asst.
Auditorium & Exhibition Hall Manager
11-20-57 40 122
Book Page
Payment of full salary to George W.
White, injured City Shops employee,
for add'l period of 13 weeks commencing
Nov. 13, 1957, authorized
11-27-57 40 145
Mr. Bennie Hyman's request for a pay adjust-
ment referred to City Attorney for study
and report. 12-4-57 40 147
1st reading ordinance eliminating classi-
fication of Water Foreman rom
Salary Ordinance 12-4-57 40 156
3rd reading ordinance eliminating
classi ie cion o Water Foreman
Ord. ,1284 12-18-57 40 182
Book Page
City Atty reports on request of Benny
Hyman for pay adjustment. Council
denies request based on City Atty's
opinion. 12-18-57 40 178
Payment a of full salary to Joseph
Cornell, injured Park Dept. employee,
for add'l 13 weeks commencing 12/13/57
authorized 12-18-157 40 179
1st reading Ordinanceschanging title of
Auditorium Mgr. to Auditorium and Exhibition
Hall Mgr. with no increase in salary, and
creating office of Asst. Mgr. with salary
of $575.00 per month. 12-18-57 40 180
Book Page
Council authorizes payment of full
salary for add'l period of 2 weeks -
Jan. 2 - Jan. 15, 1958 to Richard Cahill,
injured Beach Patrol employee
1-2-58 4o 196
3rd reading Ord. changing title of
Audit. Mgr. to Auditorium and Exhibition
Hall Mgr. and creating office of Asst. Mgr.
Ord. #1285 1-2-58 4o 198
3rd reading ord. providing salary for
office of Asst. Auditorium and Exhibition
Hall Mgr. of $575.00 permonth.
Ord. #1286 1-2-58 40 198
Book Page
13 weeks additional salary to be paid
marl Fromm, injured police officer,
commencing Jan. 19, 1958.
1-15-58 40 230
Pay to injured Beach Patrol employee
Richard Cahill continued through
2/5/58 1-15-58 40 230
City Mgr. Renshaw awarded 3 months
pay in recognition of his 32 years
of service with the City 3-5-58 40 317
O.M. Pushkin appointed toosition of
Asst. City Mgr. and will continue as
Chief Bldg. Inspector. 3-19-58 40 344
Book Page
1st reading Salary Amendment
providing for combined office
of Asst. City Mgr. & Chief
Building Inspector 3-19-58 40 344
1st reading ordinance
eliminating salary for classification
of police training officer. Position
abolished by Personnel Board
4-2-58 4o 364
3rd reading ordinance fixing salary of
Asst. City Mgr. & Chief Bldg. Inspector
when offices are combined - Ord. #1294
4-2-58 4o 366
Book Page
Payment of full salary to
Carlton Fromm for an additional
period of 3 weeks, commencing
Apr. 21, 1958 authorized
4-16-58 4o 384
3rd reading ordinance eliminating
salary for Police Training Officer
Ord. #1296 4-16-58 4o 385
1st reading Ord. increasing salaries
of City Clerk; Shop & Water Supt.,
and Auditorium Mgr. 5-7-58 40 398
Book Page
1st reading Ord. increasing salaries
of Recreation Dir. and Recreation
Supervisor 5- 7-58 40 399
1st reading Ord. increasing salary
of Social Service Director
5-7-58 4o 399
1st reading Ord. eliminating classi-
fication of Personnel Administrator
and changing title of Asst. Personnel
Administrator 5-7-58 40 400
Book Page
3rd reading ord. increasing salaries
of City Clerk; Shop & Water Supt.,
and Auditorium Mgr. Ord. #1297
5-21-58 4o 44o
3rd reading ordinance increasing
dalaries of Recreation Dir. and
Recreation Supervisor - Ord. #1298
5-21-58 40 441
3rd reading ord. increasing salary
of Social Dir. - Ord. #1299
5-21-58 4o 441
3rd reading ord. eliminating & changing
certain classifications in Personnel
Operations of Salary Ordinance #789
Ord. #1300 5-21-58 40 441
Book Page
1st reading amendment to Salary Ord.
deleting titles of Accountant and Senior
Accountant and substituting titles of
Accountant I and Accountant II;
changing title of Janitor to. Maintenance
Supervisor; and changing Golf Course
Operations from weekly to semi-monthly
payroll 7-2-58 40 494
1st reading amendment to Salary Ord.
providing salary for new classification
of Shop Foreman 8-2o-58 41 62
Book Page
1st reading amendment to Salary Ord.
providing salary for new classification
of Horticulturist 8-20-58 41 63
1st reading ordinance increasing salaries
of Box Office Treasurer; Air Conditioning
Operator; Building Superintendent; creating
new classification of Asst. Bldg. Supt. and
providing salary for same.
9-3-58 41 81
3rd reading ordinance providing salary
for new classification of horticulturist,
Ord. #1306 9-3-58 41 86
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance providing
salary for new classification of
Shop Foreman, Ord. #1307 9-3-58 41 86
Payment of back pay to 14 employees
for military leave authorized. List
presented/ 9-17-58 41 106
1st reading ordinance increasing
salary of Secretary in Legal Dept.
9-17-58 41 106
3rd readingordinance increasing
salaries ocertain Auditorium and
Exhibition Hall employees, Ord. #1310
9-17-58 41 122
3rd reading ordinance increasing
salary of Secretary in Legal Dept.
ORD. #1315 10-1-58 41 143
1st reading ordinance providing salary
for tree crane driver (formerly tree truck
driver) 11-5-58 41 202
Back pay for military training authorized:
Harold Griner and Teddy Kedzierski
11-19-58 41 221
1st and 2nd readin ordinance providing
that motorcycle patrolmen shall receive
addl $20.00 per mo. salary 11-19-58 41 230
Book Page
Book Page
3rd reading ord. #1326 providing
salary for "Tree Crane Driver"
11-19-58 41 232
Payment of full salary granted
injured Freddie Cromer, Water Dept.
employee, for an additional 13 weeks.
12-3-58 41 242
3rd reading ord. providing for $20.00
per month addl pay for patrolmen
performing motorcycle duty..ORD. #1328.
12-3-58 41 249
Raymond Wilson, injured employee,
granted 4 weeks' addl pay12-17-58 41 266