Salaries_February 1969SALARIES 144 Book Page Back pay for military training authorized: James Ashenfelter Bruce Simmons Dorotha Kelly Edward Finley Irwin Spar 2-4-59 41 3)40 1st reading ordinance deleting provision for salary for Asst. Auditorium and Exhibition Hall Mgr. 2-18-59 41 401 1st reading ord. amendment to Classified Salary Ord. deleting classification of "Utility Man" from Lifeguard Operations and placing it in Gen. Labor Operations 2-18-59 41 4Oo SALARIES 145 Book Page Full payment of salary to Freddie Cromer injured Water Dept. employee, for addl period of 13 weeks, expiring June 14, 1959, authorized 3-4-59 41 424 Ord #789 1st reading amendment to/Salary Ord. changing titles of following classifications (no change in salary) Traffic Maint. Supervisor to Traffic Cerpt�irfirSux Sr. Lifeguard to Lifeguard Sgt. Sr. Lifeguard Lt. to Lifeguard Captain Case Worker to Case Worker I Sr. Case Worker to Case Worker II 3-4-59 41 424 SALARIES 146 Book Page 1st reading ordinance changing title of Beach Patrol Capt. to Lifeguard Chief (no change in salary)(Amendment to Ord. 678) 3-4-59 41 425 3rd reading ordinance deleting salary for Asst. Auditorium and Exhibition Hall Manager from Ordinance No. 678 Ord. #1340 3-4-59 41 428 3rd reading ordinance deleting classification of Utility Man from Lifeguard Operations and placing g it _ ina P#11 ra�i' 'Poro08er Ulns l ih %rao41 428 SALARIES 146A Book Page 3rd reading ordinance, amendment to Salary Ord. #789, changing titles of following classifications (no change in salary) Traffic Maint. Supervisor to Traffic Control Supervisor Sr. Lifeguard to Lifeguard Sgt. Sr. Lifeguard Lt. to Lifeguard Captain Case Worker to Case Worker 1 Sr. Case Worker to Case Worker II Ordinance No. 1343. 3-18-59 41 445 SALARIES 147 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance changing titles of Beach Patrol Captain to Lifeguard Chief, Ord. #1344 3-18-59 41 446 1st reading ordinance changing title of head of Recreation Dept. to Supt. of Recreation (amendment to Ord. #678) 5-6-59 42 62 1st reading ordinance amending Sec. 2.7 of Code - changing title of head of Recreation Dept. to Supt. of Recreation 5-6-59 42 63 SALARIES 148 Book Page 1st reading ordinance changing job titles in Recreation Dept. (amendment to Ord. #789) 5-6-59 42 63 3rd reading amendment to salary ordinance No. 678 changing title of Gen. Recreation Officer to Supt. of Recreation. Ord. #1347. 3rd reading amending Sec. 2.7 of 59 42 86 Code changing title of Gen. Recreation Officer to Supt. of Recreation Ord. #1348 5-20-59 42 86 SALARIES 149 Book Page 3rd reading amending salary ordinance No. 789 changing job titles in Recreation Dept. Ord. #1349 5-20-59 42 86 Lifeguard Chief Earl Pinder advises he is retiring. 3'months' severance pay awarded Mr. Pinder. 6-5-59 42 109 13 addl weeks' full pay granted Freddie Cromer, injured Water Dept. employee, expiring Sept. 13, 1959 6-10-59 42 114 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Executive Secretary 6-17-59 42 128 SALARIES 150 Book Page 13 addl weeks' full pay granted Levert F. Culver, injured Water Dept. employee 7-1-59 42 150 3rd reading ordinance increasing salary of Executive Secretary. Ord. #1351 7-1-59 42 151 10% salary increase asked for Policemen and Firemen. General employees ask for 5% salary increase. Requests to be evaluated. 8-5-59 42 200 SALARIES 151 Book Page 1st reading ordinance amending classified salary ordinance No. 789, providing for 5% increase in salaries, and providing for longevity increases as follows: 5% - 10 years service 7 - 15 1 - 20 years service 8-26-59 42 260 1st reading ordinance amending administrative officers' salary ordinance No. 678, providing for 5% salary increase, and longevity increases as follows: 5% - 10 years service 7 - 15 years service 1 - 20 years geEtig 42 265 SALARIES 152 Book Page Allocation of salary increases in budget approved 9-2-59 42 278 3rd reading ordinance providing for 5$ salary increase and longevity increases for classified employees, effective Oct. 1, 1959 --- Ord. #1360 9-2-59 42 278 3rd reading ordinance providing for 5% salary and longevity increases for unclassified employees, effective Oct. 1, 1959 --- Ord. #13619-2-59 42 278 SALARIES 153 Book Page 1st reading ordinance providing salary of $2.29 per hr. for new classification of "Water Meter Foreman" 10-7-59 42 319 1st reading ordinance increasing maximum salary for classification of "Nurseryman" from 51.95 to $2.12 hr. 10-7-59 42 320 Res. #10201 authorizing execution of agreement with Wm. J. Brannagan to serve as Convention Assistant for period of 1 year at annual salary of $9,000. 10-7-59 42 320 SALARIES 154 Book Page 1st reading ordinance providing salary for new classification of Detective Captain 10-21-59 42 342 3rd reading ordinance providing salary for new classification of Water Meter Foreman..0rd.#1364. 10-21-59 42 343 3rd reading ordinance increasing maximum salary of nurseryman. Ord. #1365 10-21-59 42 343 SALARIES 155 Book Page 1st reading ordinance increasing salaries of certain department heads. (Amending Ord. #o78) 11-4-59 42 355 3rd reading ordinance providing salary for new classification of Detective Captain 11-4-59 42 362 Ord. #1366 Res. #10226 authorizing 5% salary increase for Kosher Food Inspector (Brickman) 11-18-59 42 373 Res. #10227 authorizing 5% salary ncrease for Assistant Auditorium Mgr. (Baker) 11-18-59 42 373 SALARIES 156 Book Page Sherwyn Finchell resigns as Mgr. of Metered Parking System and O.T. Rothwell appointed new manager. 11-18-59 42 377 3rd reading ordinance increasing salaries of certain dept. heads, and salaries of Municipal Judge and Associate Judge increased Ord.#1367 11-18-59 42 377 Sherwyn Finchell , former mgr. of Metered Parking System, allowed 1 mo. separation pay. (resignation effective 12/15/59) 12/16/59 42 409 SALARIES 154v fl Book Page Addl 13 weeks full pay allowed injured Fireman Russell Skinner commencing 1/3/60 through 4/2/60. 1-6-60 42 432 Res. #10262 authorizing payment of unused, accumulated annual leave of late Ernest Gardos, former Beach Patrol employee, in amount of $1,180.58, to estate of Ernest Gardos 1-20-60 42 445 Wilson McGee to receive lo th's separation pay -- (resigned from City service Feb. 15, 1960.) 2-10-60 42 474 SALARIES 156$ Book Page Payment of full salary to injured fireman Russell Skinner for addl period of 13 weeks, commencing April 3, 1960 and ending July 2, 1960 authorized, 3-30-60 43 44 1st reading ordinance providing salary for new classification of Recreation Guard. 4-6-6o 43 53 1st reading ordinance providing for 2 part-time assistant city attorneys and 1 full time attorney 4-20-60 43 68 SALARIES 157 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance providing say for classification of Recreation Guard. Ord. #1378. 4-20-60 43 69 3rd reading ordinance providing for one full time and two part time Assistant City Attorneys - Ord. #1379 5-4-60 43 74 1st reading ordinance deleting salaries for classifications abolished by Personnel Board: Dump Foreman, Waste Disposal Drive, Police Executive Officer and Juvenile Officer. 5-4-60 43 74 SERIES 158 Book Page Full pay to John Black, injured Engineering Dept. employee, for addl period of 8 weeks commencing May 19, 1960 and ending July 13, 1960 authorized. 5-18-60 43 89 1st reading ordinance providing salary classification of Asst. Park Supt. 5-18-60 43 90 3rd reading ordinance deleting salaries for elas5ifications abolished by Personnel Board - (Dump Foreman, Waste Disposal Driver, Police Executive Officer, Juvenile Officer) - Ord. #1380 c in Fin Al 91 SALARIES 3rd reading ordinance salary for Asst. Park Ord. #1381 Payment of full salary fireman Gordon L. Nuce of 13 weeks commencing authorized providing Supt. 6-1-60 159 Book Page 43 100 to injured for addl period May 21, 1960 7-6-60 43 126 Payment of full salary to injured fireman Russell Skinner for addl 13 weeks commencing July 3, 1960 authorized. 7-20-60 43 161 Payment of full salary to injured Police Dept. employee Virginia A. Luckey, authorized f ulv additional period of 10 w eks-g8un neR5ing 196 SALARIES Res. #10379 adopted regarding settlement of suit involving injured police officer Martin Miller 160 Book Page 8-24-60 43 204 Payment of full salary to injured Fire Dept. employees authorized: Milton Singer - addl 13 weeks commencing Aug. 5, 1960 Gordon L. Nuce - addl period commencing Aug. 21 thru Aug. 31, 1960. 9-7-60 43 218 SALARIES 161 Book Page lst reading ordinance eliminating salaries for classifications of Auto Vehicle Inspector and Traffic Safety Officer 9-21-60 43 242 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Chief Librarian. 9-21-60 43 243 lst reading ordinance increasing salary of Assistant Personnel Director 9-21-60 43 244 3rd reading ordinance deleting salaries for classifications of Auto Vehicle Inspector and Traffic Safety Officer abolished by Personnel Board - Ord. #1391 0-S-7 43 268 SALARIES 162 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance increasing salary of Chief Librarian - Ord. #1392 10-5-60 43 268 3rd reading ordinance increasing salary of Asst. Personnel Director - Ord. #1393 10-5-60 43 269 Payment of full salary to injured Engineering Dept. employee, Sigmund Siegel, for period of 6 weeks commencing Nov. 27, 1960 and ending Jan. 7, 1961 approved. 11-16-60 43 330 1st reading ordinance eliminating salaries for classifications of Police Electrician and Traffic Control Supervisor abolished by Personnel Board 11-23-60 43 348 SALARIES 163 Book Page 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Whiteway Inspector and Whiteway Foreman 12-7-60 43 362 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Asst. Park Supt. 12-7-60 43 362 3rd reading ordinance eliminating salaries for classifications of Traffic Control Supervisor and Police Electrician which were abolished by Personnel Dept. Ord. #1404 12-7-60 43 363 SALARIES 164 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance establishing new maximum salaries for Whiteway Inspector and Whiteway Foreman Ord. #1406 12-21-60 43 376 3rd reading ordinance establishing new salary maximum for Asst Park Supt. Ord. #1407 12-21-60 43 376 Injury pay authorized to Sigmund Siegel, Engineering Dept. employee, for addl 6 weeks commencing Jan. 8, 1961 thru Feb. 18, 1961. 1-4-61 43 383 SALARIES 165 Book Page 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Mgr. of Metered Parking System to $712. per mo. 1-4-61 43 384 3rd reading above salary of Mgr. of Ord. #1410 Injury pay to J.P addl period of 13 Feb. 21, 1961 and ordinance increasing Metered Parking System. 1-18-61 43 399 . Hayes approved for weeks commencing ending May 22 1961. 2-15-61 43 488 1st readord. incasin Cit At `s salary $luo. r per mo. to compensate ror ta ment from bis salaryof unemployment axes ana Socials Securty for hscretary and legal assistants. 2-15-61 43 489 ;Ord. in effect as of 1/1/61) SALARIES 166 Book Page lst reading ordinance increasing salary of Park Superintendent 2-15-61 43 490 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Asst CityMgr and Chief Bldg. Inspector (Mr. Pushkin) 2-15-61 43 491 lst reading ordinance eliminating salary for classification of Asst. Park Foreman 3-1-61 43 499 3rd reading ordinance increasing City Atty's salary $100. per mo. to compensate for payment from his salary of unemployment taxes and Social Security for his secretary and legal assistants. (Ord. in effect as of 1/1/61) . Ord. 41414 3-1-61 43 503 SALARIES 3rd reading ordinance Park Supt.'s salary - Ord. #1415 167 Book Page increasing 3-1-61 43 503 3rd reading ordinance increasing salary of Asst City Mgr. & Chief Building Inspector Ord. #1416 3-1-61 43 503 3rd reading ordinance eliminating salary for Asst. Park Foreman, 3-15-61 44 19 Ord. #1418 1st reading ordinance increasing maximum salary of Asst. City Engineer 4-5-61 44 38 SALARIES 168 Book Page 1st reading ordinance increasing salary of Supt. of Shop and Water Dept. 4-5-61 44 39 3rd reading increasing salary of Asst. City Engineer - Ord. #1421 4-19-61 44 61 3rd reading increasing salary of Supt. of Shop & Water Dept. 4-19-61 44 61 Ord. #1422 Injury pay for addl 13 weeks starting May 23, 1961 and ending Aug. 21, 1961 to J. P. Hayes authorized. 5-17-61 44 81 SALARIES 169 Book Page Injury pay for addl 13 weeks starting Aug. 22, 1961 and ending November 20, 1961 authorized to J. P. Hayes 8_16-61 44 171 1st reading ordinance increasing salaries of Administrative Officers 3% - effective 10/1/61 9-6-61 44 195 1st reading ordinance increasing salaries of Classified Service semi-monthly employees 3%,and reducing work week of hourly employees 9-6-61 44 196 Scheduleof al oca ion to various de ar - ments othe 3° salary increase provided for in the 96 -62 budget approved. 9-6-61 44 211 SALARIES 170 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance amending classified salary ordinance providing for 3% salary increase of semi-monthly employees, and reducing work week of hourly workers without reduction in pay. Ord. No. 1425. 9-27-61 44 221 3rd reading ordinance providing 3% salary incre4se for department heads. Ord. No. 1426. 9-27-61 44 221 Payment of 3 months' severance pay to Mr. Art Gleason who tendered his resignation as Golf Course Manager, effective 11/15/61, approved. 11-1-61 44 263 SALARIES 171 Book Page 1st reading ordinance providing salaries for positions of Golf Course Manager for 3 courses, and Assistant Golf Course Managerfnr 3 courses 12-6-61 44 304 Ordinance providing salaries for above positions adopted - Ord. #1434 12-20-61 44 329 Recommendation that salary of Case Worker II be increased ; and that of Engineer of Design, effective January 1, 1962, approved. 1-17-62 44 355 Recommendation that monthly salary of Supt. of Recreation be increased lf.7ro $795 355 to $845, eff. 1/1/62 approved.