Salaries_December 1961 to January 1962SALARIES 171
Book Page
1st reading ordinance providing salaries
for positions of Golf Course Manager
for 3 courses, and Assistant Golf Course
Managerfor 3 courses 12-6-61 44 304
Ordinance providing salaries for above
positions adopted - Ord. #1434
12-20-61 44 329
Recommendation that salary of Case Worker II
be increased ; and that of Engineer of
Design, effective January 1, 1962, approved.
1-17-62 44 355
Recommendation that monthly salary of
Supt. of Recreation be increased lf�ro $795 355
to $845, eff. 1/1/62 approved.
Book Page
Recommendation that salary of Police
Chief be increased to $1,047, effective
Jan. 1, 1962 approved.
1-17-62 44 355
1st reading ordinance increasing salary
of Police Chief and Supt. of Recreation
effective Jan. 1, 1962 2-7-62 44 374
1st reading ordinance increasing max.
monthly salaries of Engineer of
Design and Case Worker II, effective
1/1/62 2-7-62 44 375
Injury pay for addl 6 weeks authorized
Pak Dept.employee Willie Brooks, Jr.
(2/3/62x - 316/62) 2-7-62 44 376
Book Page
Injury pay for addl 13 weeks authorized,
Jack Schweitzer, Engineering Dept. employee,
commencing Jan. 26, 1962 and ending April 26,
1962. 2-21-62 44 401
Ord. 11436 increasing max . monthly
salaries for Engineer of Design to $627.
and Case Worker II to $552. effective
1/1/62. 2-21-62 44 402
Ord. *1437 increasing salaries of
Police Chief to $1,047. and Supt. of
Recreation to $845. effective 1/1/62.
2-21-62 44 402
Book Page
6 months' severance pay granted family
of Leonard Rubin, fireman, who lost
his life in line of duty.
3-21-62 44 437
Morris N. Lipp, retiring City Manager,
granted 3 months' severance pay.
5-2-62 44 497
1st reading amendment to classified
salary ordinance increasing salary of
Senior Waste Disposal Inspector, from
$2.03 to $2.15 per hr.
5-16-62 44 504
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance increasing
salary of Sr. Waste Disposal Inspector,
Ord. #1443
6-6-62 44 531
1st reading ordinance providing salary
of $1,250 per mo. for City Engineer
effective May 16, 1962 6-6-62 44 538
3rd reading ordinance increasing salary
of City Engineer, Ord. ##1445
6-20-62 44 554
1st reading ordinance eliminating salary
for classification of Air Conditioning
Operator and providing salaries for 2 new
classifications A. C. Oper715-g9d A.C5 II 6
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance re. new
classifications of Air Conditioning
Operator I and Air Conditioning
Operator II, Ord. #1447
7-18-62 45 32
Injury pay authorized to Tommy Cole,
Engineering Dept. employee, for addl
period of 13 weeks commencing July 3, 1962
8-1-62 45 36
City Mgr. instructed to have survey made
to streamline the classifications of
employees, taking into consideration
proper salaries, cost of living
adjustments, etc. 8-15-62 45 78
Book Page
1st reading ordinance changing job
titles of Waste Disposal Inspectors
9-5-62 45 89
3rd reading ordinance changing job
titles of Waste Disposal Inspector
to Waste Disposal Insp. I and
Sr. Waste Disposal Insp. to Waste
Disposal Inst. II 9-19-62 45 113
1st reading Ordinance changing certain
titles in classified service and fixing
new maximum salary of Park Foreman II.
10-3-62 45 130
Book Page
Res. ;10826 fixing compensation of
City's Legal Consultant at$900.00 per
mo. instead of $750. 10-3-62 45 131
1st reading ordinance increasing
salary of Asst. City Atty.
10-3-62 45 131
3rd reading ordinance, increasing
allowance to City Attorney for salary
increase for Asst City Attorney.
Ord. # 1467. 10-17-62 45 154
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance making certain
classification changes and one salary
change (Park & Golf Course)
Ord. #1468
10-17-62 45 154
Injury pay authorized to Tommie Cole
for add'l 13 weeks. 11-7-62 45 180
Injury pay authorized Medinger B.
Magonigle, Parking Meter Dept. employee,
for addl 13 weeks. 12-5-62 45 222
1st reading ordinance providing salary
for office of Kosher Food Inspector.
(Amend. Ord.6787 12-5-62 45 226
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance providing
salary for office of Kosher Food
Inspector. (amending Ord. #678)
Ord. #1478 12-19-62 45 250
1st reading ordinance increasing salary
of Supt. of Streets & Waste from $671.00 to
$785.00. (amendment to 2-6-63 45 322
Classified Salary Ord. #789)
Injury pay to Officer William Leary
authorized for addl period of 5 eeks
from Jan. 24, 1963 thru Feb. 27, 1963.
2-20-63 45 347
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance increasing salary
of Supt. of Streets & Waste from $671.00
to $785.00 - Ord. *1483 2-20-63 45 347
Injury pay authorized William Leary,
Police Officer, for addl 8 weeks
commencing Feb. 28, 1963. 3-6-63 45 363
Representatives of Police & Firemen
present petition requesting pay raise
and ask for its submission to voters.
City Atty renders opinion. Council
votes to submit petition to voters at
June Election; City to take proper steps
t proc ss 4-3-63 45 386
Book Page
L. Jarrett, Eng. Dept. employee (injured)
granted an extension of full pay for
addl period of 13 weeks commencing 3/12/63.
4-3-63 45 398
1st reading ordinance providing for an
increase in monthly allowance to City Atty
for 2nd full time atty (salary $9,500 per
year commencing 4/8/63); and for an addl
secretary commencing May 1, 1963 ($75.00
per week); ALSO providing for $100. per mo.
increase in salary of Asst. City Mgr.
effective April 15, 1963 ($888.00).
4-17-63 45 409
Book Page
Clerk's certificate re. number of
signatures on petition filed by
Policemen and Firemen seeking to put
before voters amendment to Salary Ord.
providing for 10% across-the-board
increase presented. Certificate accepted.
4-17-63 45 417
Payment of full salary to Allan Drake,
injured Eng. Dept. employee for period
3/20/63 thru 4/9/63 authorized.
5-1-63 45 435
3rd reading oroc/4increasing allowance
to City Atty for addl full time Asst.
City Atty. effective 4/8/63; and for
s loymts i/gidl secretari ]/1 is an i 41k
Book Page
3rd reading Ord. q'1487 providing
$100. per mo. salary increase to
Asst City Mgr. effective 4/15/63
5-1-63 45 436
Proposed amendment to Salary Ord. #789
re. police and firemen salaries approved
at June 4, 1963 election. 6-5-63 45 470
City Mgr. advises Personnel Dept. had
completed job survey and same was being
submitted to Personnel Board; to be
presented to Council in early August for
consideration and action. 6-19-63 46 7
Book Page
City Atty reviews compensation claim
of former detective Norman Tainsley,
retired. City Mgr. & City Atty
to prepare report anc `submit same at
next meeting. 7-3-63 46 31
City Atty advised that report regarding
Norman Tainsley and his compensation
claim was not ready. Action on matter
deferred. 7-17-63 46 39
13 weeks full salary commencing 7/15/63
approved Allan Drake, Eng. Dept. employee,
injured on 12/19/62. 7-17-63 46
Book Page
Recommendation from Personnel Dept.
re. proposed new salary ordinance which
becomes effective Oct. 1, 3963 read.
1st reading ordinance providing salaries
for all classifications except Police
uniform and Detective classifications.
Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings.
8-7-63 46 61
Ordinance providing salaries for new
classifications presented for 3rd reading.
Motion made to table final reading until
next regular meeting. Lengthy discussion.
City Mgr. advises cost. Employees'
representative, Stanley Glatter,discusses
matter with Council. (cont.)
Book Page
Motion to table withdrawn. Mr. Glatter
comments re. 5% pay increase. Ordinance
fails after change of vote by Councilman
Frank. Ordinance to be considered again
on August 28, 1963. 8-21-63 46 98
City Mgr. presents two reports on proposed
reclassification plan; one previously
prepared by Councilman Oka, and a corrected
one prepared by City Mgr's office.
Discussion re. plan and costs; City Mgr.
states job survey was something that
was going to be done every year. Mr. Seiderman,
representative of Personnel Board answers
clu tons re. new classification plan. (. )nt)
(cont.) Book Page
Mr. Cowart, atty. representing
members of Police Dept. protests
reclassification plan affecting Police
Dept. Mr. Seiderman, Mr. Cowart and
Council discuss matter at length.
Mr. Cowart continues to review objections.
Discussion re. lateral transfer plan
continues. Lengthy discussion continues.
Ordinance comes on for final reading;
amended to include Police Dept. Ordinance
adopted as amended. -,Ord. #1491.
8-28-63 46 111
1st reading ordinance amending Admin.
Salary Ord., providing salary of $1,000
per mo. for City Engineer. 8-28-63 46 114
3 months' severance pay granted
J. D. Roth, retiring Shop & Water
Supt. 9-4-63 46 133
2 months' severance pay granted
Mr. V. W. Sills, retiring City
Engineer. 9-4-63 46 133
Book Page
gra , m -►4i Book Page
3rd reading amending Administrative
Salary Ord. providing for salary of
$1,000 for City Engineer, eff. 8/21/63
9-18-63 46 . 159
1st reading ordinance providing for,
5% salary increase for classified employees.
10-2-63 46 191
City Mgr. to furnish information regarding
salary increases for department heads
based on recent job study.
10-2-63 46 191
Book Page
3rd reading ordinance that rate of
compensation payable to each employee
in Classified Service as set forth in
Ord. No. 1491 shall be increased by an
amount equal to 5%, the total amount of
compensation to be rounded off to nearest even
dollar; an amt ending in an uneven dollar tp
be increased by $1.00. Effect 0 16 6t3 46'196
Ord. x#1494. 1
1st reading ordinance applying 5% increase
to individual classifications. Effective
Oct. 1, 1963. (Amendment 10-16-63 46 213
to Classified Salary Ord.
No. 789)
Book Page
City Mgr presents proposed amendment
to Administrative Officers' Salary
Ordinance No. 678, applying 5% salary
increase. Discussion re. pay raises
given department heads from time to time.
Action deferred. Additional information
requested by Councilman Englander.
11-6-63 46 243
Full salary for addl period of 13 weeks,
commencing Oct. 22, 1963, to T. C. Anderson,
injured employee of Engineering Dept.
approved. 11-6-63 46 252
Book Page
Ord. #k1496 adopted applying 5% salary
increase to classified employees
effective as of 10/1/63 11-6-63 46 264
Action on passage of ordinance providing
5% salary increase for department heads
deferred until Dec. 4, 1963.
11-20-63 46 302
Action re. 5% salary increase for
department heads deferred. 12-4-63 46 323
City Mgr reports outcome of research
re. salary increase for dept. heads. Still
recommends 5% increase retroactive to
10/1/63. Discussion re. "step plan" for
fftS%hero ieaseiretro.to10b719E5paf algrg l4 n /
Book Page
1st reading Ordinance applying 5%
salary increase to department heads'
salaries, effective 10/1/63.
12-18-63 46 350
3rd reading ordinance applying:
5% salary increaseto dept. heads'
salaries. Ord. #1501. 1-2-64 46 370
1st reading ordinance, amendment to
Classified Salary Ord. #789, providing
salary far new classification of
Surveyor. 2-5-64 46 420
3rd reading ordinance, providing salary
for new classification of Surveyor.
Ord. #1507 2-19-64 46 434
Book Page
City Mgr. reports re. applications
received for Golf Course Mgr. Recommends
Mrs. Friedman be designated Acting Mgr.
until recommendation as to_.permanent mgr.
can be made. Also refers to plans to
convert Asst. Golf Course Mgr. post to
civil service status. 4-15-64 47 13
Full salary for addl 13 weeks, retroactive
to June 1, 1964,authorized for injured
Fire Dept. employee George Janke.
7-1-64 47 111
City Clerk's comments on bi-weekly payrolls
read. Council voices no objections to
City proceeding with necessary steps to 47
effect transition as of 1/1/65. 7-15-64 133
Book Page
Letter from Personnel Director re. 1964
Personnel Dept. annual salary and classification
survey. Council approves results of survey
and authorizes City Mgr. to have necessary
amendment to Classified Salary ordinance
prepared which will become effective
Oct. 1, 1964 8-5-64 47 157
1st reading ordinance implemenATisrie iAts
of 1964 Personnel Dept. annual/sa ary survey,
effective as of Oct. 1, 1964.
8-19-64 47 190
Ord. #1522 adopted, implementing results
of 1964 annual /salary survey (eff. 10/1/64)
classified 9-2-64 47 204
Book Page
Ordinanqe passed on two readings-
increasing allowance to City Atty
for secretarial assistance — from
$728. to $786. 10-21-64 47 290
Letter from Chairman of Personnel
Board advising that Board approved
a Merit Rating System in compliance.
with request of City Mgr. (Approved
Merit Rating System and basic rules
for establishing Merit Rating Review Board
filed with records). Merit System approved
in principle and salary ordinance amendments
to be prepared. 11-4-64 47 302
Book Page
1st reading amendment to Salary Ordinance
No. 789, providing for institution of
bi-weekly payroll plan, effective Jan. 1,
1965. 11-4-64 47 302
3rd reading amending Ord. #678, providing
increase in allowance to City Attorney
for secretarial assistance. ORD. #1532.
11-4-64 47 307
1st and 2nd readings amendment to
salary ordinance #789 re. provisions
of Merit Rating System
11-18-64 47 340
Book Page
Ord. 41533 adopted providing for
implementation of bi-weekly payroll
to classified salary ordinance #789.
11-18-64 47 345
1st reading amendment to Administrative
Slary Ord. #678, implementing bi-weekly
payroll provision. 11-18-64 47 345
3rd reading amendment to Classified
Salary Ordinance #789 implementing
"Merit System" Ord. #1536
12-2-64 47 379
Book Page
3rd read'n a �ndment to Salary Ord. 4678
i bi-weekly payroll .
Ord. #1538 12-2-64 47 379
30 day leave with compensation approved
for Mrs. Sylvia Fauer, Account Clerk,
City Clerk's Dept. 12-16-64 47 389
Action tabled on Councilman Englander's
motion to provide for$2,000 salary increase
for Claude Ritter, Convention Hall Manager.
12-16-64 47 389
City Mgr. presents report re. salary
increase for Claude Ritter. Action tabled
on motion to increase salary.
1-6-65 48 312