Salaries_January 1965SALARIES 201 Book Page Motion to increase salary of James Ruby, special counsel to Personnel Board fails. 1-6-65 48 312 1st reading ordinance changing title of Water Construction & Maint. Supt. to Water Construction Supt. and lowering salary range. 1-6-65 48 313 3rd reading amendment to Classified Salary Ord. #789, to provide for salary range and new classification of Water Construction Superintendent. Ord. #1546 1-20-65 48 339 SALARIES 202 Book Page Extension of 13 weeks full pay to injured fireman G. J. Fontanella, effective 2/11/65 approved. 2-3-65 48 352 Letter from Auditorium & Convention Hall Mgr. Claude Ritter regarding salary increase read. Councilman Powell moves that Mr. Ritter's salary be increased $2,000 annually. Motion withdrawn after Councilman Englanderls motion to defer is made and subsequently carried. 2-17-65 48 369 SALARIES 203 Book Page Motion to increase salary of Auditorium/ Conv. Hall Mgr. Claude Ritter to $18,000 per year tabled. 3-3-65 48 392 Salary of Claude Ritter, increased by $2,000 per year, effective immediately. 3-24-65 48 418 1st reading ordinance amending Salary Ord. 4678, increasing salary of Aud. & COnv. Hall Mgr. from $1298. to $1456. mo. 4-7-65 48 512 City Atty to prepare necessary amendment to Classified Salary ordinance in accordance with result of annual wage study b Personnel Boo d.^. Copy of report sent tto2mem ers 26 39 SALARIES 204 3rd reading ordinance increasing Book Page salary of Aud/Conv. Hall Mgr. deferred to next meeting. 4-21-65 49 40 Action deferred on amendment to Classified Salary Ord. #789, implementing recent wage survey made by Personnel Board. 5-5-65 49 73 1st reading ordinance amending Classified Salary Ord. #789, implementing 1965 wage survey, effective as of 5-19-65 49 86 October 1, 1965. SALARIES 205 City Mgr. to furnish Council with Book Page data in connection with administrative pay plan study. 6-2-65 49 110 3rd reading given ordinance implementing 1965 salary survey. Classification of News Bureau Manager explained. Ord. 41556 adopted. 6-16-65 49 120 Employment ofFrank C Brown & Co. to conduct studies of Administrative Pay Plan authorized. 6-23-65 49 142 SALARIES .266 Book Page Atty. Bernard A. Frank withdraws his request to appear before Council in behalf of Police Dept. employee Ruth Smietan and exam taken by her for an Adm. Asst. position. 6-23-65 49 136 Ruth Smietan,(Police Dept. employee) salary increase presented by Atty. Bernard Frank. He is referred to the Personnel Board. 7-7-65 49 161 1st reading ordinance reducing salary of Associate Municipal Judge to $150. monthly. 7-21-65 49 170 SALARIES 2O7 Alvin Ridgway, spokesman for variouBook Page employees' organizations presents request for increase in max. salaries of classi- fied employees. Advised to discuss same during budget hearings. 7-21-65 49 190 3rd reading ordinance reducing salary of Assoc. Mun. Judge to $150.00 mo. Ord. #1558 8-4-65 49 201 Tom Smith granted 3 months' severance pay. 8-11-65 49 213 8ALARI8S 26� 1st reading ord. amending Classified Book Page Salary Ord. #789, providing increase in maximum salaries, and incorporating changes in classification titles previously approved by Personnel Board. Ordinance amended before 2nd reading. Passed on 2nd reading. 8-18-65 49 231 1st and 2nd reading amending Ord. 678 re. salary of Auditorium and Conv. Hall Mgr. to $1,167.00 (from $1,298.00) 8-18-65 49 232 SALARIES n9 Motion to grant Claude Ritter Book Page 12 months' severance pay carries 3-0. 8-18-65 49 233 Ord. #1562 fixing salary of Aud. & Cony. H. Mgr. at $1,167.00 9-1-65 49 260 Ord. #1563 increasing classified employees' salaries by one step. 9-1-65 49 261 Res. #11615 adopted increasing salary of Personnel Board attorney from $150. to $200. per mo. effective 10/1/65. 9-15-65 49 277 SALARIES 210 Book Page Request that salary ordinance be amended to provide that all time spent in classified or unclassified service is credited toward longevity pay. City Atty to submit complete report. City Mgr. to ascertain from Pension Board whether this matter should be considered as it pertains to the Pension System. 12-1-65 49 445 Extension of injury pay (13 weeks) for Philip Elfman (Detective) approved. 12-1-65 49 462 SALARIES 211 Book Page 1st reading ordinance amending Classified Salary Ord. #789 providing that time spent as an employee in unclassified service as well as the classified service will be given consideration in connection with computation of longevity pay. (Mr. Shepard's opinion of the ordinance is also filed with the records of this meeting) . 12-16-65 49 490 3rd reading above ordinance. Ordinance #1571. 1-5-66 50 SALARIES 212 City Mgr. advises Admin. Pay Plan Book Page study which Council requested was available for consideration. Action deferred to 1/12/66. 1-5-66 50 28 Action on Administrative Pay Plan Study again deferred. 1-13-66 50 35 City Manager Pushkin granted 4 months' severance pay. 1-19-66 50 46 City Atty advises that City cannot reimburse policemen who were suspended. 1-19-66 50 46 SALARIES 213 Action on proposed administrative , Book Page pay plan deferred until new, permanent City Mgr. is appointed. 1-19-66 50 49 Employment of an Assistant City Atty confirmed, temporary basis, $584.00 per month salary (Harvey Friedman) 1-19-66 50 52 Action deferred on request of City Atty for amendment to unclassified salary ordinance pertaining to employees in Legal Dept. 1-19-66 50 58 Acting City Manager's salary set for $18,000 per year, eff. 1/19/66 1-19.66 50 61 SALARIES 214 Book Page Request for payment of full wages and emoluments to firemen -fired and reinstated for period when not working for City. Denied. Council ratifies agreement with fireman Henry Major, the 3rd firemen concerned in this matter, to pay difference between what he earned and what he would have earned. 64 2-2-66 50 a78 Irving Cypen, atty. requests clarification Lf reason for delay in salary increases or some employees which were effective 10-1-65. Personnel Bd. to review and submit recommendations to Council. 2-2-66 50 65 SALARIrS 215 Book Page City Atty requests that all Assistant City Attorneys and secretaries be enumerated in Adminis- trative salary ordinance. 1st and 2nd reading ordinance amending salary ordinance #678 accordingly. 2-2-66 50 76 1st and 2nd reading ord. amending salary ord.#789 to increase clothing allowance for detectives. 2-2-66 50 84 Ord. #1577 providing salary of $18,000 per yr. when Asst. City Mgr. assumes duties of Acting City Mgr. 2-16-66 50 98 SALARIES i6 Book Page Ord. 41578 providing mechanics for payment of unclassified employees in Legal Dept. 2-16-66 50 98 Ord. 41579 increasing clothing allowance for detectives. 2-16-66 50 98 Report on status of employees at maximum who did not receive pay raises as of Oct. 1, 1965. Discussionre. failure of certain employees to receive pay increases as of 10/1/65. Duffield instructed to issue air ctive to Dept. He ds tor ex lan tion as to why certain employees hav� not received dl45 increases. 3-2-66 50 178 SALARIES 217 Extension of injury service-connectedBook Page pay for Detective Phillip Elfman approved for addl 13 weeks. 3-16-66 50 207 Employees at maximum not receiving pay increase to be advised of reason and City Mgr to report to Council. 3-16-66 50 207 Personnel Dir. requests ruling as to longevity pay entitlement of City Attorney and Assistant City Attorney. City Mgr. instructed to contact Judge Philip Goldman or another atty and ascertain what the fee wpo1ficbnrt9render such opini2n14n report 237 50 SALAPY 8 21$ Book Page City Atty advises of appointment of Melvin F. Fraiel to position of Asst. City Atty. commencing 5/2/66 at annual salary of $7,500, with no outside practice. Also appointment of Edith Koenig as Secretary in Legal Dept. commencing May 2, 1966 at salary of $454. mo. 5-4-66 50 299 1st and 2nd reading amending Unclassified Salary Ord. ##678, increasing City Mgr's salary to $2,083.33 5-18-66 50 315 SALARZE1g Extension of full pay to Clarence Book Page Williams, injured employee of Engineering Dept. for period from April 25, 1966 thru May 31, 1966 approved. 5-18-66 50 318 Salary increase for Al Wolf, as recommended by Hank Meyer, from $150 to $200. per week approved. 5-18-66 50 326 Ord. #1586 adopted increasing City Mgr's salary to $25,000 per annum. 6-1-66 50 335 SALARIES 220 Salary increases for Mayor and Book Page Council from ucf, $8,819.41, approved. 6-22-66 50 380 Salary increase for Hal Cohen, as recommended by Hank Meyer, from $160 to $200 per week approved. 6-22-66 50 385 Retroactive .longevity pay for City Atty. Wanick and Asst. City Atty. Robbins, totalling $6,076, approved. 6-22-66 50 386 Extension of full pay to William Gallagher, injured lifeguard, for 4 weeks starting 6/20/66, approved. 6-22-66 50 386 SAL IR.ItS 21 Book Page 1st and 2nd reading amending Salary Ordi- nance establishing schedule of rates and salaries to be paid to Administrative Officers and Unclassified Employees. 7-20-66 50 417 Discussion re. City Manager's recommenda- tions for 3 -year pay plan package for 1966-67 budget. Council approves pay plan in principle. 7-20-66 50, 436- 222 SALARIES Book Page Ord. No. 1592 adopted - providing salaries for offices created by reorganization plan. 8-3-66 50 448 Administrative Officers and Unclassified Employees 1st and 2nd reading of ordinance re. amendment to Salary Ordinance for classified employees based on suggested pay changes. 8-17-66 50 466 Ord. #1596 adopted amending Salary Ord. providing new pay rates for employees in Classified Service. 9-7-66 51 8 SALARIES Council apprised of request from ID section of Police Dept. for additional review of their salary schedules. 9-7-66 223 Book Page 51 8 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance establishing compensation plan for offices and positions in unclassified service, creating and re-creating said offices and positions in accord- ance with organizational plan, etc. 9-21-66 51 46 SALARIES 224 Book Page City Mgr. presents revisions to Unclassified Pay plan (1st and 2nd readings of ordinance had on 9-21-66) and Council votes to amend ordinance as recons:ended by City Mgr, and Ord. #1605 adopted as emergency measure. 9-28-66 51 69 Extension of injury service -connected pay for Harry Milano, Beach Patrol laborer, approved for additional 13 wks. 10-5-66 51 89 SALARIES 225 Book Page Salaries of City Clerk & Finance Director, Parks and Recreation Director and Personnel Director established and Kosher Food Inspector. 10-12-66 51 114 Action on City Attorney's salary deferred for one week. 10-12-66 51 114 City Attorney's salary under Step D in Salary Range Ordinance approved, retroactive to Oct. 1. 10-19-66 51 129 SALARIES Request of ID employees for salary increase equivalent to police employees approved and Council votes to amend ordinance to provide additional 5% for 9 employees of ID Div. 10-19-66 51 134 226 Book Page Action on amendment to salary ordinance re. pay plan for ID personnel, deferred to next regular meeting. 10-26-66 51 139 1st and 2nd reading ordinance increasing salaries of ID personnel 11-2-66 51 150 SALARIES Action taken on additional position appointments & Unclassified Pay Plan implementation (Conv. Assistants, Legal Dept. employees, News Bureau employees). 11-2,66 51 156 Book Paget�7 Pay implementation for Asst. City Attys deferred to 11-23-66. 11-9-66 51 173 Ordinance passed on 1st and 2nd readings amending Unclassified Salary Ordinancd, re. Secretarys in City Mgr.'s office, Golf Course Supervisor and Planning & Zoning employees. 11-23-66 51 177 SALARIES Book Page220 3rd reading of ordinance increasing salaries of ID personnel deferred to 11-30-66 on request of attorney representing ID personnel. 11-23-66 51 176 Unclassified Pay Plan relating to Asst. City Attorneys approved. 11-23-66 51 186 City Mgr. requested to schedule preparation of Unclassified Salary Ordinance with reference to salaries of Judges and Assoc. Judges and appointment of additional Aseoc. Judge for 11-30-66 meeting. 11-23-66 51 192 SALARIES 1st & 2nd reading of ordinance amending Unclassified Salary Ord. providing for changes in salaries of Judges and Assoc. Judges(reduc. salary of Municipal Judge and providing for salaries for 2 Assoc. Judges.) 11-30-66 51 210 Ord.#1618 adopted amending Classified Salary Ord. to provide salary increase for ID personnel.comparable to police officers. 11-30-66 51 214 3rd reading of ordinance re. salaries of Judges and Assoc. Judges deferred to 12/15/66 12-14-66 51 233 229 Book Page SALARIES Book Page srdd readingof ordinance re. Unclassified alary Ornance re. Secretarys in City Mgr.'s office, etc.deferred to 12/15/66. 12-14-66 51 233 Ord. #1620 adopted on 3rd reading providing for changes in salaries of Judges and Assoc. Judges. 12-15-66 51 259 Ord. W#1622 adopted establishing compensation plan for positions in Unclassified Service re. Secretarys in City Mgr.'s office, etc. 12-15-66 51 264 230 SALARIES Book Page231 Extension of injury pay for Mr. Carl Jentsch, city employee, for one month, retroactive to !January 1, 1967, approved. 1-4-67 51 317 Mr. Arnold Leon advised to present his suggestion for increase in police officers' salaries at Budget Hearing in July. 1-18-67 51 351 Extension of injury pay for Mr. Henry Mitchell, Public Works Dept., for 13 weeks, retroactive to Nov. 27, 1966, approved. 2-15-67 51 401 1st and 2nd reading ord. amending salary ord. fixing minimum/saiaryxtormID Supervisor (correcting clerical error) 3-1-67 51 416