Salaries_January to March 1967SALARIES Book Page231 Extension of injury pay for Mr. Carl Jentsch, city employee, for one month, retroactive to llanuary 1, 1967, approved. 1-4-67 51 317 Mr. Arnold Leon advised to present his suggestion for increase in police officers' salaries at Budget Hearing in July. 1-18-67 51 351 Extension of injury pay for Mr. Henry Mitchell, Public Works Dept., for 13 weeks, retroactive to Nov. 27, 1966, approved. 2-15-67 51 401 1st and 2nd readi g ord. amending salary ord. fixing minimum/saiaryxtormID Supervisor (correcting clerical error) 3-1-67 51 416 SALARIES Ord. #1634 adopted amending classified salary ord. fixing/MaIMUF Hilary for I.D. Supervisor. 3-22-67 51 448 Council approved recommendation of City Mgr. for full pay to Lt. Jack Sheppard, injured employee, not to exceed 13 wks. 4-5-67 51 519 232 Book Page 1646 Ordinance/adopted amending salary ordinance providing salaries for Police Chief and Fire Chief and Parking System Div. and its Supervisor to be part of Police Dept. 4-19-67 51 553 SALARIES Council approved extension of full pay for Harry Newsome, Public Works Dept. employee, who sustained service -connected injuries, on as -needed basis not to exceed 13 wks. 5-3-67 51 573 Extension of full pay for Police Officer Derwin Brennan, who sustained service - connected injury, approved for additional 13 -wk. period. 5-3-67 51 573 1st & 2nd readings of ord. amending salary ordinance establishing salaries for Data Processing classifications. 5-3-67 51 577 233 Book Page SALARIES Book 2;a e Ord. #1650 adopted providing salaries for 9 Data Processing classifications. 5-17-67 52 13 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance providing salary rollclassification of Switch�oarcj7 52 51 Operatorbb City Manager's recommendation re. future terminal leave policy for unclassified employees approved by Council. 6-14-67 52 73 Ord. #1653 - salary scale for Switchboard Operator 11. 7-6-67 52 80 Extension of injury pay for Police Officer Robert Grevengood, for 13 weeks, retroactive to 6/17/67, approved. 7-6-67 52 94 SALARIES Extension of injury pay for James Hill of the Park Dept., for 13 weeks, retroactive to June 12, 1967, approved. 7-6-67 52 94 235 Book Page Discussion on review of proposed pay plan for City employees scheduled during budget reviews. 7-19-67 52 124 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance amending unclassified Service Salary ordinance providing for salary increases effective Oct. 1. 8-16-67 52 199 1st and 2nd readings of ordinance amending Classified Salary Ordinance providing for salary increases effective Oct8-16-67 52 201 SALARIES 236 Book Page Extension of injury pay for Harry Newsome of Public Works Dept., for 13 weeks, as needed basis,from Aug. 29, 1967. 8-30-67 52 221A Request by Police & Firemen for increase in 22 classifications declined. Council Memo 757, hypothetical fringe benefit comparison study, & Memo 758 re. salary & fringe benefit comparison study, filed. Ordinance 1657 increasing unclassified employees' salaries 2'—z% effective 9/21/67, & Ordinance 1658 increasing classified employees' salaries 21% effective 9/21/67 for A Payroll & 9/26/67 for B Payrol 1 , adopted. 9-6-67 52 242 SALARIES 237 BOOK PAGE Ordinance passed 1st & 2nd readings establishing annual salary of $5,000 for City Public Defender Office. 9-6-67 52 248 Second extension of James Hill injury pay, Park Department employee, for 13 weeks on as needed basis from 9/10/67. 9-6-67 52 257 Ordinance #1664 adopted increasing salaries 22 classifications & 3 classifications in Identifi- cation Department. Englander's motion that budget & millage resolution be rescinded towards millage increase for these salary increases failed of passage. 9-20-67 280 52 304 238 SALARIES BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1663 adopted fixing Public Defender salary at $5,000 per year. 9-20-67 52 293 Payment of full salary to Police Officer Derwin Brennan not to exceed 13 weeks & retroactive to 8/10/67 authorized. 9-20-67 52 302 Council approved recommendation for increase in maximum for Engineering Division Supervisor & Streets & Sewer Division Supervisor. Ordinance passed on 1st & 2nd readings & incorporated creation of new Internal Auditor classification in City Manager's department. 3rd reading deferred to 10/18/67. 10-4-67 321, 52 322 SALARIES 239 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1665 adopted increasing salaries of 25 classifications. 10-4-67 52 325 Ordinance #1666 adopted providing salary for new classification of Promotion & Special Events Supervisor in News, Promotion & Publicity Department adding unclassified position of Internal Auditor to City Manager's Department providing additional step for positions of Engineering Division Supervisor & Streets & Sewer Division Supervisor; pro- viding employee entitled to greater maximum SALARIES 240 BOOK PAGE rate of pay resulting from this amendment shall be entitled to said increase retroactive to 9/21/67. 10-18-67 52 341 Employee request for increase of pay (John Gibson representing Group III employees) deferred to 11/15/67. City Manager to prepare survey on average salary of Group III employees, minimum salary of Group III employees, and how many receive minimum salary. 11-1-67 52 395 SALARIES 241 BOOK PAGE Committee appointed by Mayor to discuss with Mr. Gibson and other employee representatives the pay and related items (fringe benefits, working hours, etc.). City Manager to secure information re. job descriptions of Metro and Miami classifications as compared to Miami Beach, and submit an evaluation. 11-15-67 52 410 SALARIES 242 BOOK PAGE Councilmen Weinstein and Malek to survey Group III salary request (secretarial) re. 5% adjustment and report to Council. 1-17-68 52 504 Consideration on request for amendment to Unclassified Salary Ordinance to add 4 classifications (Art Museum Director, Assistant Art Museum Director, Curator (3), Executive Secretary of SALARIES Art Museum) deferred to early date and City Manager to submit his recommendation. 2-7-68 Injury pay of 13 weeks' full salary to Officer Irwin Goodman as of 3/1/68 authorized. 2-21-68 Action on request of Beach Patrol for equaliza- tion with Police & Firemen deferred to 4/17/68. Weinstein advised promotion of Lifeguards 1 to Lifeguards II already being implemented. Com- mittee's report & recommendations re. Group 3 Employees acknowledged, action deferred to 4/17/68. 4-3-68 243 BOOK PAGE 52 552 53 31 53 97 SALARIES 244 BOOK PAGE Report & recommendations acknowledged re. request for equity adjustment in secretarial salaries. 4-3-68 53 93 Petition for placement on ballot the matter to pay equity of lifeguards with police & firemen referred to City Attorney for written recom- mendation at 5/1/68 meeting. 4-17-68 53 146 Renewed request for lifeguard salary increase. Council, by motion, to review salary structure when budget is prepared. 5-1-68 53 154 SALARIES 245 BOOK PAGE Ordinance passed on lst & 2nd readings changing title of Purchasing Assistant to Purchasing Agent, no change in salary. 5-15-68 53 190 #1696 Salary ordinance/adopted changing title of Purchasing Assistant to Purchasing Agent (no salary change). 6-5-68 53 211 Ordinance passed on lst & 2nd readings to provide salary range of $538 - $594 per month for classi- fication of Lifeguard II and deleting salary for classification of Lifeguard Sergeant. 6-26-68 53 258 SALARIES #1702 Ordinance/adopted increasing salary range of Lifeguard II & deleting salary for classification of Lifeguard Sergeant. 7-3-68 Ordinance passed on 1st & 2nd readings creating position of Director of Employee Advisory Services to be appointed by Council at $12,500 per annum. City Attorney to prepare appropriate amendment to Unclassified Salary Ordinance. 8-21-68 Extension up to six additional weeks' full salary benefits approved for injury -on-the-job to Public Works Dept. employee Harry Newsome, starting 7/31/68. 8-21-68 246 BOOK PAGE 53 281 53 360 53 386 SALARIES 247 BOOK PAGE 3rd reading of ordinance creating Director of 416 Employee Advisory Services position & ordinance & providing for salary deferred to 10/9/68. 9-4-68 53 420 Budget hearing continued to 9/30/68. 72% across board salary increase to all employees approved together with adjustments in 28 classifications. City Manager to review with Council adjustments in 28 categories prior to establishment of exact adjustments to be made. Consideration of increase to police & firemen deferred to 9/30/68 --repre- sentatives invited to discuss matter in interim with City Manager. Salaries of 11 men in ID 462, Bureau will continue to be treated as being equal 463, with police personnel. 9-18-68 53 464. SALARIES 248 BOOK PAGE Total of salary increases estimated $799,465.00 proposed by Administration; 11 ID employees also included in increases, additional $2,498.00. 20an hour increase voted for all classified employees excluding those in bargaining unit, police, firemen & lifeguards. Recommended increases accepted for: Police Department, 470, Fire Department, Lifeguards, Unclassified 471, employees (1968-1969 Budget). 9-30-68 53 472 Salary increase to Recreation Guards approved. 9-30-68 53 471 SALARIES 249 BOOK PAGE Equalization of Secretaries with Administrative Aides & increase of Administrative Secretaries approved. 9-30-68 53 472 List of additional categories submitted by Benevolent Association referred to Council committee on salaries for study with recommendation to be made to City Manager & subsequent presentation to Council. City Manager stated adjustments within fiscal possibilities of new budget if figures sub- mitted by Benevolent were correct. 9-30-68 53 473 SALARIES 250 BOOK PAGE Ordinance passed, 1st & 2nd readings, amending Unclassified Salary Ordinance providing salary for Director of Employee Advisory Services: Bi -Weekly: $394 minimum to $479 maximum. 10-9-68 53 483 Firemen to be recruited at Step 2 if recruiting them at Step 1 becomes a problem (Council authorization per request of Fireman Hall). 10-9-68 53 501 Request for unearned annual leave for Reginald Bailey approved; advance not to exceed 30 days against Mr. Bailey's leave time. 10-9-68 53 502 SALARIES 251 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1713 adopted as emergency measure, amending Unclassified Salary Ordinance #1605, increasing salaries. 10-9-68 53 505 Ordinance #1714 adopted as emergency measure, amending Classified Salary Ordinance #789, increasing salaries. 10-9-68 53 508 Ordinance #1718 adopted transferring Metered Parking Division to City Clerk -Finance Director and Insurance Division to Legal Department. 10-11-68 53 538 SALARIES 252 BOOK PAGE Resolution #12554 adopted authorizing increase in salary of James H. Ruby, Personnel Board counsel from $200 per month to $250 per month; bi-weekly payments; effective October 1, 1968. 10-16-68 53 542 Mayor to appoint committee to make in-depth study of proposed changes in titles for certain police classifications. City Manager to provide Council members with copies of October 17, 1968 Personnel Board minutes. 11-6-68 Ord. #1723 adopted re.salary of Director of Employee Advisory Services. 11/6/68 53 552 53 555 SALARIES Ordinance #1723 adopted providing for bi-weekly compensation of Director of Employee Advisory Services. 11-6-68 Ordinance creating unclassified position of Assistant City Clerk and providing salary discussed, then deferred to November 20, 1968, for further study. 11-6-68 Action deferred to November 13, 1968 re. Council Salary Committee's recommendations for adjustments in certain classifications. 11-6-68 253 BOOK PAGE 53 555 53 555 53 576 SALARIES 254 BOOK PAGE City Manager's appointment of John Bergacker, approved as Public Works Director, effective within 30 days, at Step D of salary ordinance, and also authorized payment of his moving ex- penses from Antigo, Wisconsin. 11-6-68 53 579 Ordinance passed, 1st and 2nd readings, amending Unclassified Salary Ordinance to adjust salaries of Planning & Zoning Director and Parking System Division Supervisor; to correct clerical errors re. Engineering Division Supervisor and Streets & Sewer Division Supervisor. 11-20-68 54 12 SALARIES 255 BOOK PAGE Salary Committee recommendations for selective adjustments in certain classified positions, and longevity adjustments, approved. Adjustments to become effective in next pay period immediately following adoption of appropriate ordinances to be prepared for December 4, 1968. 11-20.-68 54 22 Pay range adjustment re. executive secretary classification approved from A37 to A38, Bi- weekly minimum $333, maximum $405. City Attorney to prepare amendment to Unclassified Salary Ordinance for December 4, 1968. 11-20-68 54 22 SALARIES 256 BOOK PAGE Action re. title changes for certain police classifications deferred to December 4, 1958. Report requested in writing from Council Committee with its views and Weinstein's statement that Detectives may be "Grandfathered" and not be given title of "sergeant", and not be subject to lateral transfer. City Manager to prepare chart showing comparison of classifications with Miami and Metro, and showing Detectives who desire to remain "Grandfathered" and alternative. Chief Pomerance to be present at December 4, 1958 meeting. 11-20-68 54 24 SALARIES rdin- ce a tin• ncl• ified position of A si a,t ity" -r p-` sad!, 1st and 2nd re.. ngs. - 1 1 -2. - Ordinance providing salary for unclassified position of Assistant City Clerk: minimum bi-weekly, $385; maximum bi-weekly, $468; passed on 1st and 2nd readings. 11-20-68 nance+eletinglrlassif d posi``'on Ass tant C` Clerks assed, t and nd readi •s 11- -68 257 BOOK PAGE 54 26 SALARIES 258 BOOK PAGE Ordinance passed, 1st and 2nd readings, adjusting salaries of unclassified Planning and Zoning Director and Parking System Division Supervisor; and to correct clerical errors re. Engineering Division Supervisor and Streets and Sewer Division Supervisor. 11-20-68 54 27 Ordinance #1730 adopted creating unclassified position of Assistant City Clerk. 12-4-68 54 38 Ordinance #1731 adopted adjusting salaries of Planning and Zoning Director; Parking System Supervisor; Engineering Division Supervisor; SALARIES Streets and Sewer Division Supervisor; Associate Municipal Judge. 12-4-68 259 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1732 establishing salary of Assistant City Clerk. 54 38 12-4-68 54 39 Ordinance #1733 providing range and salary change for Executive Secretaries classification. 12-4-68 54 39 Ordinance #1734 deleting salary for classified position of Assistant City Clerk. 12-4-68 54 39 SALARIES 260 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1735 implementing selective salary adjustments for classified service including new classification Housing Inspector --salary range C32. 12-4-68 54 40 Ordinance #1737 amending annual leave ordinance for Unclassified Employees. 12-4-68 54 42 Ordinance #1738 amending annual leave ordinance for Classified Employees. 12-4-68 54 46 SALARIES Ordinance {#1736 adopted establishing salaries and title changes for police department classified employees as recommended by Council committee; effective date subject to additional review and clarification by Legal Department. 12-4-68 261 BOOK PAGE 54 52 Recommendation of Police Chief, City Physician and Administration approved re. extension of full salary benefits for Police Detective Murray Jarrett on as -needed basis not to exceed thirty days. 12-18-68 54 101 SALARIES 262 BOOK PAGE Recommendation approved for extension of full salary benefits for Joel Gray, not to exceed an additional 13 -week period, effective December 22, 1968. 12-18-68 Action deferred to January 15, 1969 on ordinance pertaining to police title changes with City Attorney to prepare proper ordinance for repeal of Ordinance adopted on December 4, 1968 and new ordinance to be acted on January 15, 1969. 1-2-69 54 101 54 131 SALARIES 263 BOOK PAGE Ordinance #1750 providing for changes in police classifications adopted, repealing Ordinance #1736. 1-15-69 54 151 Ordinance passed, 1st and 2nd readings, estab- lishing salaries for Police Department classifi- cations. James H. Ruby report, special counsel to Personnel Board, filed. 1-15-69 54 151 Ord. #1751 adopted amending Classified salary Or. #789, providing salaries for rev. police classifications. 2/5/69 54 175