San Marino Property Owners_May 1934 to January 1936SAN MARINO PROPERTY OWNERS a Book Page Ask that island be cleaned �l6 and 12 x+09 streets resurfaced. Property owners urge improve- ments be made to island 9/26/3+ 13, 92 Committee appointed on above request 9/26/3. 13, 92 W. I . Fickling and Emmet Choate request improvements on San Marino Isl. 10/17/34 13, 112 Storm Sewer easements accepted on San Marino Island 1/29/36 14 279 SAN .PTARINO PROPERTY OWNERS 2. Ak Book Page Private_owners_to_put_in_bnlkheaelL City agrees to pay share of bulkhead at end of Street -1240.00 5413/56 14 4- 37 Pitit-ibh presented by San Marino Prop- -erty-owners -asking-for provision to - be made to take care of Septictank overflow , 11-5-37 16 353 Dedication of Streets on San Marino -Iva-. accepted -Res--.44585- 715/39 -laity to construct-beawaIr _abutting atreet_end_at N. end of San Marino Is. 12/27/46 24 .441 -15 6