Sanitary Sewer Force Main_April 1937 to March 1939SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN Bids received Book Page 4-21-37 16 6 Contract let to Langston Murphy 4-�7-37 i6 58 Construction of Sanitary Sewer Pump- ing Station and force main in 74th Street - appropriation made of $15,576.00 from Current Funds of,. 3/1/39 17 494 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAINS (between S s. pump ng stations) Res. #5784 authorizing City Manager to apply for priorities for materials for construction of force mains 2/7/45 22 473 23 176 23 440 BOOK PAGE Contract for cast iron pipe awarded to American Cast Iron Pipe Co. for $94,028 7/26/45 Contract for llth to 28th St. force main (2 -FM) let to Joe Reinertson 3/6/46 SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN FOR 81ST STREET PUMPING STATION Book Page Contract 4 -FM let to Leach Construction Co. 9/1/+8 27 85