Settlements_April 1931 to October 1934SEl1L M N1S
Jff,i /4//(/,o , ._ 3
Ocean Drive Extension thru_._Block __77__-.._B. 9, -p.33.2_-
Fogal Boat Yard -Satisfaction of Final
e re filed with Minute Data
5=0u 9, u 438 ..
Mayflower Hotel -Garbage-8z' Water Accts. 10,"_ .1.14__
Poliakoff, Alexander 10, 482 10, a 4914.
Mrs. Margolies -_&_.M e.. Johnson, who
were injured at polis 10, " 494
Mrsaohnsonts request for addtl-
settlement denied 4-113111, 1
Alexander Poliakoff add'l 4n1.-.31 11, 1
$225. Arthur Gleason damages to auto 11, 6
*500. Mrs. Mary H. Johnson 7-24-31 11, 109
$200. Mrs. Louis Levine 3-29-32 11, 310
$ 60. Shorty' s Garage 4-6-32 11, 317
Claimed filed by Kate Pollack 5/17/33 12, 64.
Committee report on above 6/9/33 12, 84
$410.10 Kate Pollack 6/21/33 12, 92
4th of July accident claims
10/18/33 12,161
Book Page
David Bernard (City Manager & City
Atty. to affect settlement not
exceeding $225.00) 4/18/34 12 376
Settlement made on above case
$220.00 5/2/34 12 401
Paul T. Adams, settlement in cash
for $2750.00 authorized 7/18134 13 5
Mae Molzner - settlement of $50.85
for accident 10/19/34 13 118