Settlements_July 1935 to July 1949SETTLEMENTS
Book Page
Charlotte Harmstead -accident
settlement of *50.00 7/17/35 13 507
Jack Greenberg - accident settlement
of *200.00 12/30/35 14 251
Damage claim authorized settled in
amount of $50.00 3/1S/36 14 344
Mrs. W. Felsinger & `Mrs. Cora E.
Olmstead damage claims ordered
paid 3/10/37 15 429
4750.00 paid on David Gottfried
accident 9.22-37 16 279
Book Page
For'pes,Grace - accident case -
settlement in amount ofU500.00
t 16 347
Tobin -Leonard - settlement of Acci-
dent ease -4500-.-00 authorized 1-5-36 16 465
Frey -Louis - settlement of accident
d• — — -O
Hannigan,K.D.-accident claim settle-
ment authori'ed ($200.) 4-20-38 17 128
Mrs, Ida Fox settlement of Accident
claim - $316.50 authorized 6-10-3$ 17 176
Book Page
Ce,4lia Brown -accident case -$25.00
Jennie F. Brown -" " 75.00
Mrs.G.H.Dreyer " " 26.00
All of above authorized
settled - 9-27-38 17 291-
Jennie F. Brown -accident case,
settlement authorized in amount
of $125.00 10-26-38 17 316
Atty.Grant files two claims against
City for accidents to Rebecca Berman
& Ruth Mims 2-1-39 17 469
$50,00 settlement of Ida Kaufman
accident case authorized 1/29/41 20 31
Book Page
Council agree to $500.00 settlement
on Mrs. Margaret Le ht on damage
suit 12/13/39 18 11-19
Settlement authorized on Margaret
L Greenberg accident case 3/18/x+0 19-20
Committee appointed with power to act
on -Lewis Charsky accident case
6/19/40 19 161
Settlement in the amount of $100.00
authorized on Lewis Charsky accident
7f3 --19 191-
Hook Pagt
1100.00 Settlement allowed Mrs. Florence
Hartsfield for injuries 3/19/41 20 112
$250.00 ordered paid to Florence
Hartsfield on accident claim 8/8/41 20 420
21 212
$1250. ordered paid to Ruth O'Neill
on accident claim 2/20/i-2
• - -• •- • . ore oe
21 299
Hammel on aoctident clRim 5/6/42
$100. ordered paid Mrs.Susie Bland on
accident claim 5/6/42 21 300
Book Page
Settlement in amount of $83.94 on claim
of Mrs. Minnie Hohl for accident claim
5/6/42 21 300
Council refers matter of Norman Shapiro
& Owen Johnson alleged false imprison-
ment to City Mgr.Renshaw 5/6/42 21 300
Contractor on LynMar Hotel files
claim for $9,000. damages against City
discussion by Council 5/7/42 21 318
City Atty.authorized to make settlement
not exceeding $2500.00 on Lynmar Hotel
build1g permit case 1/6/43 21 497
Cit Att*y. instructed to settle up
bo $500 claim of Mrs. Gulley for
injuries sustained when she fell
over sprinkler in parkwe4Y across
from Surfside Hotel 3/15/44 22 293
Res. #5730 authorizing execution of
full satisfaction and discharge of
claims in connection with damage
to city car by truck driven by
Mollie Saslow 4/19/44 22 313
City Att° y. authorized to settle
claim of Mrs. Fannie Steinfeld, up
to $2,576.00 4/19/44 22 31$
City Attorney instructed to make
further effort to effect a settlement
with Fannie Steinfeld in amount not
to exceed $4,000.00 5/3/44 22 322
Book Page
Res. #5823 autlgorizing City
Manager to settle claim of
Milton Friedman in amount
of $750
City Attorney authorized to
negotiate with Marie Davis
for settlement of claim
out of court
5/10/45 23 SS
8/17/45 23 206
Book Page
City Attorney instructed to
settle claim of Mrs. Chas. R.
Perkins for $175.00 10/17/45 23 263
Council disallows claim of
Elizabeth Rappel 10/17/45 23 263
Council authorizes City Att'y.
to settle with Rebecca Morrell
for reasonable expenses 1/16/46 23 367
City Attorney instructed to
settle claim of Fannie Milman
for $50.00 2/6/46 23 405
Book Page
Res• #5953 authorized settlement
of claim Gula W. Owens against
George Farkas 3/6/46 23 446
City Attorney authorized to
settle claim of Marie Davie
for $3,500 - 3/7/46 23 452
City Attorney authorized to
settle claim of Fannie Milman
in an amount not to exceed
$75 3/7/46 23 452
Book Page
Arnold Luft asks settlement for
injuries received when struck
by policeman - Council takes
under advisement 3/20/46 23 453
Council agrees that insurance
company should pay for Marie
Zimmerman's accident 4/3/46 23 501
Council votes to settle c1,im
of Arnold Luft in the amount
of $1,780 4/17/46 24 14
Book Page
Claim of Saral Belinky to be
settled up to $350.00 8/7/46 24 255
Claim of Ethel Fistere to be
settled for $250 for personal
injuries and $285,99 for
car damages 8/7/46 24 255
No settlement is to be made
in claim of Anna Starobin 8/7/46 24 255
Anna Starobin's claim settled
in the amount of $3,500.00 12/4/46 24 420
Book Page
Lilyan Fisher claim to be
settled for $2,000 11/5/47 25 464
Teckla Wyckoff's claim
settled in the amount of
$200.00 2/11/48 26 186
Claims of Harry Safier
and Pearl Kaufman settled 3/3/+8 26 245
Claim in connection with
accident in Collins Park
is settled in amount of
$ 161.00
3/3/48 26 245
Book Page
Claim of Mrs. K. Benet
settled for $175.00 4/7/48 26 283
Claim of Peggy Bates
settled in amount of
$720.00 8/+/48 27 7
Claim of Samuel Karren
settled in the amount
of $513.25 11/3/48 27 183
Claim of H. Walker Jordan
settled in amount of
$480.62 11/17/48 27 214
Book Page
Claim of George Fain for
injuries sustained in fall
from bandshell bleacher
settled in amount of
$77,500.00 (Res. #6702) -
(See Voucher #92663 for
release from Mr. Fain) 12/17/48 27 258
Claim of Bessie Kirschner
settled 1/19/49 27 381
Claim of Mildred Feiffer
settled 2/16/49 27 435
Book Page
Claim of Ada Davis settled 3/2/49 27 465
Claim of Bernard Jacobs
settled 5/18/49 28 151
Claim of Adele Fischer settled
6/1/49 28 182
Judgment of Ruth and W.
Virgil Brown to be paid 6/1/49 28 188
Claire of Minnie Greenberg
settled 7/20/49 28 265
Settlement of claim of Phillipa
vs. City authorized 7/20/49 28 265