Sewage Outfall_April 1936 to March 1937SEWAGE OUTFALL Book Page Mr. Renshaw authorized to negotiate with Beach Erosion Board of the orps -et Engineers, War Dept.for purpose of making ocean survey on sewage outfall 4-8-36 14 380 *1750.00 appropriated from Current Fund Burplus to make above survey -_4--15-36- -14- Rags Rag. -3.196 instructed -to make-appli— cation for War Dept.permit 3-17-37 15 4+5 Approval of plans for sewage outfall c_5_77 by State Board of Health filed on Oh floor? SEWAGE OUTFALL. Plans and specifications on sewage outfall filed on 5th floor -in -storage file •2. Book Page Bids received on Sewage outfall 4-21-37 16 6 Contract let to Merritt -Chap- man Scott on Sewage Outfall 4-27-37 16 5g Transfer of $73,718.67 from Ourrent Funds to Outfall account 11/9/3g 17, 341