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Sewers_March 1934 to May 1935
SEWERS 1. Book Page Basis for future assessments established 3/21/34 12 317 Tentative approval storm sewer project in B1k.16,LaGorce Golf Subdn. - 3/28/34 12, 328 Authority given for sanitary sewer extension in Flamingo Terrace Ext. 3/28/34 12, 332 i n,000 ri Stropriated f 4/3©/35 repairs_a378 Requested in northern par of Miami Beach-Wm.J.Dunn-5/15/35 13 421 SEWERS 2. Book Page $500.00 appropriated for additional sewer facilities in llth St. 6/3/35 13, 435 $700.00 appropriated for reconstruc- tion of Sewer in Blk.1 Nursery Sub. 10/19/35 14. 153 350.00 appropriated for storm drain on South end of Rivo Alto 161.11/18/35 14 195 Low spot in North Alton Road,between 63rd and 64th St.to be repaird and drained 2/26/36 14 312 15th St.Distriet Storm Sewer urged 2/26/36 114. 315 SEVERS 3. Book Page _Seiberling_Securities _pay_ _$500..00_ to defray cost of constructing sewer line Wt ---5th St. —& -Washington- Ave. 15==36 15 2S 071.00 appropriated for sewer line in 2 id Street II=4-=36- 15 206— $750.00 appropriated for sewer line in Penn. Ave. 11-1R36 15 -09 Can 1. rants on -8th St.BtornrSrewer- -----awarded 4-3-37_ 15 495 SEWERS Book Page Sewage outfall contract let to Merritt-Chapman,Scott and FORCE MAIN Contract let to Langston & Murphy 4-27-37 16 58 Furnishing & Deliverying Cast Iron Pipe and Special.. Fittings let to American Cast Iron Pipe Co.U.S.Pipe & foundry Co. & Florence Pipe Foundry & Mch.Co.1+-27-37 Bids received on Sewer Pipe for Collins Ave. Imp. -26-37 16, 37 16,58 SEWERS 5 Book Page Contract let on Sewer Pipe for Collins Ave.Improvement to Martin Builders Supply Co. 4-27-37 16 58 Material Contract on Outfall awarded to American Cast Iron Pipe Co. 4-27-37 16 59 Bids received on 67th, 71st St part of Allison Island and 16th St. storm sewers. Checks for shipments of pipe on Collins Ave. Imp. to be made to Martin Bldrs. Sup. Co. & W.S.Dickey Clay Mfg. Co. Jointly. 6/7/37 16 128 SEWERS Book Page 6. W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co. given contract for pipe on 16th S. storm sewer system. 6/7/37 16 12g 67th St. & 71st St. & Part of Allison Island Storm Sewer contracts awarded to Langston & Murphy. 6/7/37 16 128 16th St. Storm Sewer Cement Contract given to I. E. Schilling & aggregate to Maule Industries. 6/23/37 16 146 Bids received for Comr:unitor & Pumping Station m 7.21-37 16 190 SEWERS Contract awarded to Langston & Murphy Const.Co. 7_2_37 Book Page 16 202 Buford -Hall & Smith awarded contract for 63rd & 69th St.Pumping Stations g-12-37 16 219 Sewer line on Rivo Alto Island authorized » $600.00 9-7-37 16 255 Contract 35 -SR - bids received 9x.20-37 16 265 W.T.Price awarded contract on 35 -SR $15,9+0.50 9-20-37 16 267 SEWERS Book Page $330.00 appropriated for_construc- tion of storm sewer on DiLido Isl. 6=1CL3g 17 176 City Manager recommends installation -Tof sanitarysewerpumpint station and main trunk lines in north end of City next spring (authorized provided funds available) 10-26-38 -11 314 Appro. of $15.576.00 made from Current Fund Surplus for 74tht.Pumping Sta- tion and. Force Main 3/1/39 17 494 SEWERS Book Page Bids received for furnishing pipe cement and aggregates on miscl. Storm and Sanitary Sewer work 3/15/39 18-- 2 Bids received for Normandy Isle 12 "-Surer Force- in--&- Wat- er- pipe - awarded to American Cast Iron Pipe Co. 3-22-39 18 18 Contract for Sewer pipe on Sewer Ift e. SR= -322 to 32 -7 -let to Wim. Dickey -Clay fgr.Co. 8-2-39 1E 187 --C-ement_&-Aggregates -on- SR --322 -to- 327 awarded to East Coast Lumber & Supply Co. L T. L. Schilling SEWERS 10 Book Page Appropriation made for connecting sanitary -sewer ziea• ends 9-2 =39— 18 ---283 1300. appropriated for sewer repairs in 27th Street 10-39 18 296 A ro. for d ainag s st m near•fountain on Normanal Isle 10/5/39 18 321 Appro. for sewer repairs in 19th _Street - 11-L-39 1g 356 Appro.for eewer repairs in 6th St. 112 a.ndl2th St. Res.#4863 & 4865,May 1,1940 19 111 & SEWERS 11 Book Page Agreement made that no sanitary sewer extensions be made in Harding Townsite unless assess mance 5/15/ — 3,9 128 Policy adopted as to laying of sewers in Atlantic Way;easements shall be pro- --cured from -awn errs-on--Eas- --8c--files side s and with understanding owner on east side will pay full cost of assessment 5/29/k0 19 133 Appropriations made for Storm sewer work- --46th ork- 16thh St. aato apt � Mich;B H� __Collins anal ro . pl e e Oar= ar Ave . • Storm sewer 59/4+0 19 135 SEWERS 12 Book Page Appro. of $1100. -00 -f -o -r sewer Repairs on Michigan Ave.between „th and 6th Sts. 9/25/40 19 270 Appropriations made for repairing sewers on Lenox Ave.and alley between Alton and Lenox 10-.9-40 19 347 Appropriations of 1172, 000 made-from --Cuf'rent Fund---surplus--for- -storm- sewer pro j-ect-fr--am 0allins Oan_al to 15th 8t. 4/2/41 20 152 *2,14b.00 appropriated for storm drain -an- Rivo--Alto Island 4/2-3/4l 20 185 SEWERS Appropriation of $700.00 for seweY repairs set up 6/441 (Liberty Ave)20 295 Appropriation of $350.00 for Sewer line to serve Lot 3, Blk. 2, DiLido Island 6/18/x-1 20 296 $23,100.00 appropriated for sanitary sewer installations on Normandy Isle 7/16/41 20, 356 $700.00 appropriated for sewer repairs in 28th St. 8/6/41 20 381 American Cast Iron Pipe Co.awarded con- tract for furnishing pipe for Normandy Isle Sewerage plant 8/8/41 20 418 13 Book Pg. SEWERS 14 Book. Page conneEtion of H-268 20 476 Appropriation of with sewer work 1925 sewer lien authorized to b (Evans Ave.) '600.00 in in advance 10/15/41 in amount of $197,40 e charged 1ff . 21 Agreement with Town of Surfside autho- rized as to sewage disposal 3/17/43 22 Council agrees to include in coming bond election orcha of Ba Shore Golf Course 250, 000 sanitary sewer pumps and Force mains bonds 2/18/44 22 281 45 57 SEWERS 146 Book Page Contract for new sewers awarded Paul Smith Const. Co. (in Lake View and LaGorce Subs.) 8/16/44 22 383 Contract for pipe awarded W. S. Dickey Clay Mfg. Co. for above sewers 8/16/44 22 383 First and final estimate to Paul Smith Const. Co. ordered paid on Lake View & LaGorce sewers 1/3/45 22 SEWERS-- 15. Book Page Contract 37 -SR for sewer replace- ments in LaGorce Dr. from 51st to 55th St. given Joe Reinertson in amount of 119,955 4/18/45 23 47 Councilman Burbridge urges installati&n of sanitary sewers on Normandy Isle 5/2/45 23 67 Plans for Indian Creek Relief Siphon and force main to be submitted to State Board of Health, Res. #5817 5/2/45 23 68 SEWERS16. Book Page City Manager authorized to submit plans for Normandy Isle Sewer to State Board d Health 6/6/45 23 114 Res. #5832 Contract 38 -SR (Normandy Isle sewers) awarded J. B. Owens in amount of $58,934.69 7/2/45 23 134 City Manager authorized to call for bids for installa- tion of sewers in Nautilus Extension 5th 7/5/45 23 145 SEWERS 17. Book Page Normandy Isle residents petition for extension of new sewer system to serve their properties 7/18/45 23 159 Res. #5848 and #5849 passed order- ing above sewer extension 7-/18/45 23 159_6; Additional Normandy Isle resi- dents petition for extension of new surer system to serve their properties 7/18/45 23 176 Res. #5854 and 5855 passed ordering above sewer extension 7/18/45 23 176-1 SEWERS Book Page Res. #5857 and #5858 authorizing City Manager to submit plans of Contract 39 -SR and 40 -SR to State Board of Health 7/26/45 23 180 Contract 39 -SR (Indian Creek Drive sanitary sewer relief line) awarded to Joe Reinertson in amount of $50,604 8/1/45 23 191 Contract 40 -SR (Nautilus Ext. 5th sewers) awarded to Joe Reinertson in the amount of $10,874.70 8/1/45 23 191 SEWERS 19. Book Page Contract 41 -SR (Normandy Isle sewers) awarded J. B. Green Plumbing & Equipment Co. in amount of $57,404.71 8/17/45 23 201 Storm Sewer contract for Lot 9, Mid Golf Extension awarded Joe Reinertson for $849.20 10/3/45 23 23$ Council orders SRN -77 - in 9th St. from Alton Road to alley west, w_y_ assessment 12/5/45 23 321 SEWERS 20 Book Page Res. #5906 passed authorizing City Manager to place orders for sewer pipe 12/5/45 23 321 Contract 42 -SR comprising sanitary sewers in Normandy Isle, Harding Townsite, 9th and Alton and Fairgreen Sub. awarded Williams and Stockton 12/19/45 23 333 SEWERS 21 Book Page Contract 43 -SR for Normandy Isle and Beach Bay sanitary sewers awarded to J. B. Green Plumbing & Equipment, Inc.. 3/6/46 23 438 (includes SR -435 through 439) Council authorizes construction of sanitary sewer_ relief line SRN -79 at cost of $2,850 4/17/46 24" 45 Contract 45 -SR (miscellaneous sanitary sewers) awarded Joe Reinertson 6/5/46 24 119 SEWERS 22 Book Page $9,570 appropriated for construct- ing underwater siphon in connec- tion with installation of Allison Island sewers 6/5/46 24 119 $5,695.80 appropriated for sewer installation in connection with H-287 6/5/46 24 119 Res. #6034 authorizing plans for sewer siphon, Allison Island sewers, to be submitted to War Dept. for permit 6/19/46 24 140 SEWERS 23 Book Page Res. #604+ approving plans for Allison Island sewers and authorizing Mr. Renshaw to sub- mit plans to Florida State Board of Health for approval 6/19/46 24 150 Council authorizes construction of 17th Street pumping station and sewer force main 7/3/46 24 176 Contract 47 -SR for SRN -81 and SRN -83 let to J. B. Green Plumbing & Equipment, Inc. 24 224 SEWERS 24 Book Page All bids are rejected for sewer construction for SR -447, SR -448 and part of SRN -80 - Contract 46 -SR 7/17/4+6 24 227 $17,488.00 is appropriated for purchase of sewer pumps and $38,560.00 for purchase of motors and controls 7/17/46 24 229 Contract for storm and sanitary sewer replacements in connection with Alton Road repaving is awarded to Joe Reinertson 8/7/46 24 252 SEWERS 25 Book Page _Res,_46086 passed, authorizing City Manager to submit plans for 3 -FM, 17th St. Pumping Station and Force Main, to State Board of Health 8/7/46 24 255 Contract 2,10ff FOR PUMPING STATION MOTORS IS LET TO BURFORD, HALL & SMITH 8/21/46 24 259 Contract 3 -FM for construct- ing 17th Street pumping station and force main let to Joe Reinertson 8/21/46 24 260 SEWERS 26 Book Page Contract for storm sewers, SRN -84, is awarded to Joe Reinertson 10/2/46 24 340 Council authorizes con- struction of storm sewer SRN -86 in Commerce Street 12/4/46 24 415 Bids rejected on sanitary sewers in Tatum Waterway Sub. (Contract 48 -SR) 12/4/46 24 418 SEWERS 27 Book Page Res. #6152 passed authorizing City Mgr. to submit plans of Tatum Waterway sewers to State Board of Health 12/4/46 24 418 SRN -87, on Di Lido Island authorized 1/2/47 24 454 $1,156.65 additional appropriated for SRN -87 2/5/47 24 483 Williams & Stockton awarded contract for SRN -87 2/5/47 24 483 SIRS 28 Book Page Storm sewer connection authorized at Prairie Ave. & alley N. of 41st St. 2/5/47 24 483 Storm sewer authorized on Di Lido Island at cost of $4,840 3/5/47 25 30 Storm sewer on West Rivo Alto Drive authorized 3/19/47 25 54 Bids for Di Lido Island storm sewers rejected - work to be done by City 3/19/47 25 57 SEWERS �9 Book Page Contract 46 -SRS Allison Island sewers, awarded to Joe Reinertson Contract 49 -SRS Mlscel. storm and sanitary sewers, awarded to Higgins, Inc. Council authorizes 6" septic tank overflow line on Rivo Alto Island 6/11/47 Council authorizes construction of storm sewer in Pine Tree Drive 5/7/+7 25 164 6/11/47 25 209 25 217 6/18/47 25 232 SEWERS 30 Book Page Contract for Michigan Ave. storm sewers awarded to Saunders & Justice 7/2/47 25 21+7 Council authorizes 1+ sewer jobs at cost of $22,815.20 7/2/47 25 21+7 Septic tank overflow line on Belle Isle authorized 8/6/47 25 319 Contract for Indian Creek - 63rd St. underwater siphon awarded to Higgins, Inc. 8/20/1+7 25 344 SEWERS 31 Book Page Contract 51 -SR awarded to Joe Reinertson 9/19/47 25 383 Storm sewer in Nautilus Add'n. authorized 10/1/47 25 411 Contract for SRN -98 award- ed to H. H. Stringfellow 10/1/47 25 411 Council authorizes Mr. Renshaw to buy pipe, pumps and motors for sewer system to serve Biscayne Beach Subs. 0-4134.0.44rtedPex-c-Ad 044% 8