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Shepard Ben_June to July 1935
BEN SHEVARD 2. Book Page Designated as Attorney to act on certain PWA regulations 6/13/35 13 445 He is authorized to institute pro- ceedings to establish status of owner- ship of 23rd St.from Collins to ocean & M.B.Drive from 23 to 24th Sts.6/13/35 13,445 $1000.00 ordered paid Mr. Shepard for trip to Tallahassee 7/15/35 13, 493 Mr. Shepard to attend League of Muhlicipal- ities meeting in Jaxville 7/15/35 13 493 BEN SHEPARD 3. Book Page City Mgr. & Mr.Shepard to look into matter orf prevents rg con- struction of one-story apartments 7/17/35 13 494 Mr. Shepard instructed to prepare an ordinance prohibiting sale of liquor on all property fronting or abutting on Lincoln Rd. 8/9/35 14 32 Mr.Shepard instructed to prepare a form of Zoning Ordinance regulating sale of liquor in Miami Beach 8/14/35 14 42 BEN SHEPARD. 4. Book Page Res. #3304 directed to institute and prosecute legal action to prevent the continued obstructions of 23rd St. and Miami Beach Drive 8/26/35 14 60 Bills for services rendered ordered paid .0/25/35 Res.#3381 employing Ben Shepard to foreclose 1932 City tax sale Cert. 12/4/35 Res.#3835 employing Ben Shepard to foreclose 1933 City tax sale Cert. 1-20-37 14 161 14 225 15 356 BEN SHEPARD Book Pad e5, Payment to Mr Shepard authorized 1,000. for work on Bond Election and -Expense -item- ear -o f $1-66-...29_37 15 372 Res.#3S8i instructing Ben Shepard to seek permit for construction of ---futreet from 72 to -73rd -Streets through Life Saving property 3-10-37 15 426 Mr.Shepard presents permit for construct - street tnrough life guardproperty -Mr®Shepard employed to 3-31-37 15 489 -attend Legislature. in behalf _ ©f City 1-11-17 19 499 - i N btit;eli tt) o t Book Page Ben Shepard employed to codify ordinances 8-5-37 16 211 Ben Shepard appointed as Asst. City Attorney Res.#4644 9-13-39 18 262 tee other card No.6,also) Ben Shepard instructed to proceed with foreclosure for delinquent taxes on Lot 2, Blk.35,Golf Course 6/13/40 19 161 SHEPARD, BEN Fee of $3,500,00 fixed as_compen- sation for codification of ordi- nances 2-1-39 Book Page 7 __ Ben Shepard engaged as Special unsel to attend State Legis- -latsre 4 5 39 18 20 Ben- Shepard- engaged -to foreclose on outstanding tax certificates held- by 0ity.Res. 135 1+/3/ 19 63 Bon -d -far -written report on cod f ca on or ornances 1/29/41 20— 31 • SIEPARD, BEN 8 Book Page Mr. Shepard reports on work done on codification of ordinances 27-6741 20 42 Mr. Wolfson explains why he is not in favor of appointing Ben Shepard as--Q--ity Attorney 6-6=41 20 26v Councilman Ralston defends Ben Shepard's--wsrk-on-codification of ordinances 6-6-41 20 269 -B.en_Shepard-appointed 0-3.-ty -Attorney 6-6-41 20 270 SHEPARD1 BEN (BEE CITY ATTORNEY) BEN SHEPARD City Atty. he and to, re a e amen�ent to Liquor ni ()root. No. 402 /11 41 20 276 9 Book Page Attorney Shepard to confer with Ea M. Hancock of Building with 'reference to providing more, baths for rooms in Hotels 6/12/41 Atty. Shepard explains there is no conflict on provision of Zoning Ordinance and Building Code°tha Building Code provides6/12/lifor ght and air provision 20 280 20 280