Shrine Convention_June 1927 to August 1928SHRINE CONVENTION
City underwrites $50,000.00 6/15/27 Book 7,
Page 476
Donation of $25,000. Authorized 9121/2
Bk. g, Page 63
Free Dockage permitted on
City owned bay front prop. 11-16-27 Bk.B " 110
Decoration of City Hall for
convention_referred to Mr.
Renshaw & Mr. ead
Final payment of City's
share authorized
4-4-28 e 8 " 221
8-8-28 n 8 n 365
Shrine permitted
during convention
June 20, incl.
Book Page
to sell
on city streets
from June 16 to
4-16-52 32 490
City Mgr. Authorized to spend up
to $2,000. from Publicity Funds
to put up decorations throughout
City for Shrine convention 6-11-52 33 102
$3,905. authorized from ucf for decorating
streets & buildings during Shrine Convention
in June. 4-19-61 44 60