Signs_Sepember 1958 to January 1960SIGNS 63
Book Page
$5,000 appropriated from ucf for
construction of large temperature
and time sign at 10th St. Auditorium
9-17-58 41 109
Avis System given permission to erect
sign on roof at 2327 Liberty Avenue
28 feet high 1-7-59 41 273
Mayor Oka asks Mr. Lipp to look into
possibility of erection of entrance sign
on MacArthur Causeway 2-4-59 41 335
Ord. #1370 - emergency measure, prohibiting
painting or placing signs, posters, etc.
on buildings, churches, synagogues
(se cards "DEFACING BUILDINGS" 1-20-60 42 447
Book Page
Councilman Powell introduces ordinance
to prevent parking of motor vehicles
with advertisements on vacant property
or parking lot. Ordinance given 1st
reading (amendment to Sec. 32.12 of Code)
2-18-59 41 387
3rd reading ordinance re. parking on
vacant lots for purpose of displaying
signs or advertisements - Ord. #1338
3-4-59 41 428
Permit for telenews sign on
One Lincoln Road Building given
City council declines to overrule 9 1 452
Building & Zoning Depts. re. political siggn
Collins Ave. 6-15-60 43 115
Book Page
Ray Redman - Washington Ave. South
Shore Assn asks Council to give
consideration to adopting ordinance
prohibiting trucks with billboard type
signs from parking on streets in commercial
areas as well as residential areas.
10-4-61 44 231
1st reading ordinance amending Chapter 32
(Signs) - increasing permit fee
7-18-62 45 18
3rd reading ordinance increasing
sign permit fees - Ord. #1452 8-1-62 45 45
Book Page
Permission granted Lee Howard to
erect Museum -On -the -Mall signs at
both ends of Mall. 1-16-63 45 302
Mayor Oka asks City Mgr. to contact
Hank Meyer to see what can be done
about getting National Airlines sign
removed which was painted on the side
of a building at west end of Arthur
Godfrey Rd. and Julia Tuttle Causeway.
Mayor Oka says ordinance should be changed
to prevent future construction of such
signs. 2-6-63 45 332
Book Page
Action in connection with request for
ordinance to regulate barber shop
signs deferred until next meeting. atte
Report from Building Dept. filed. Rererrerd to
City Atty for study and recommendation.
9-4-63 46 134
City Mgr. discusses cost of entrance
sign at Julia Tuttle Causeway. Action
deferred until it can be ascertained
from State if they will permit sign.
1-15-64 46 398
Book Page
Mayor Richard questions whether City Code
contains regulations governing "flat signs".
City Mgr. advises Code covers vertical and
horizontal projecting signs but does not
cover "flat" signs. City Mgr. to make
recommendations. 5-6-64 47 38
1st reading ordinance forbidding gluing
or affixing of political signs to sidewalks,
light standards, etc. and all public
property. 6-3-64 47 74
3rd reading ordinance re. :political signs,
posters, etc. glued to sidewalks, light
standards; or any public property.
Ord. *1516. 6-17-64 47 97
Book Page
Permit granted Standard Oil Co. to
erect 16' internally illuminated sign
at new service station at N.W. cor. Alton
Rd. & 18th St. 8-5-64 47 142
City Mgr. submits suggestions re.
"flat signs" and electrical signs.
Res. *11266 adopted calling a zoning
hearing to consider proposed regulations.
City Mgr. and Chief Bldg. Inspector to
meet with representative 'ofsign industry
too discuss matter before any5action 4is 154
.Book Page
Zoning hearing re. flat signs and
revolving and rotating signs continued
to Sept. 17, 1964. City Mgr. to check
into ordinance proposed by former City Mgr.
Renshaw re. above. 9-2-64 47 209
Zoning hearing re. above signs.
Matter taken under advisement. More ✓
equitable ordinance to be drafted.
9-17-64 47 216
Claude Neon Sign Co. requests permit to
erect over -sized, free standing sign on S.side
Arthur Godfrey Rd. where new "Bu:xger King"
restaurant will be located. Request for
permit denied. 12-16-64 47 391
Book Page
Milton Grusmark representing Doral Beach
Hotel states Bldg. Dept. requested removal
of sign at Hotel. Sign constitutes violation
in City Atty's opinion. City Mgr. requested
to meet with Mr. Grusmark and dept. heads
involved to go into matter of possible
ambiguity in zoning law. 3-24-65 48 407
Report from City Atty filed re. advertising
of facilities located in Shelborne Hotel.
Councilman Englander proposes survey of
signs on hotels but withdraws same after
City Mgr's comment. 6-23-65 49 146
8/CNS 72
Request of Duffey Construction Co. Book Page
to erect sign at Humble Service
Station, 1750 Alton Road, denied.
2-2-66 50 93
On reconsideration, request of Duffey
Construction Co. to erect sign at
Humble Service Sta. 1750 Alton Road
approved. Chief Bldg. Insp.
to review sign ord. and report
to Council. 2-16-66 50 96
City Mgr. instructed to erect "no skiing"
signs in waterways where skiing is
prohibited. 4-13-66 50 240
Book Page
Request for 400 sq. ft. sign for Holiday
Inn denied. 8-3-66 50 446
Request by Holiday Inn, 2201 Collins Ave.,
for approval of non -conforming signs,
approved in accordance with recommendations
of Administration. 1-11-67 51 322
Request for an oversized directional sign
at Mt. Sinai Hospital, approved. 5-3-67 51 572
Permits revoked for National Airlines sign
on Arthur Godfrey Rd. on Abbey Bldg. and
contemplated Delta Air Lines sign at 333
Arthur Godfrey Rd. per complaint of
Mary Freeman.
12-6-67 52 447
Hearing set for 1/3/68, 2 p.m., re. revocation
of sign permit, National Air Lines, for sign on
Arthur Godfrey Road on Abbey Building. 12-20-67 52 461
Ordinance/amending Code re. to erect certain
signs applicant must obtain approval of Council
and also pay annual fee for the sign. 12-20-67 52 473
Action re. National Air Lines sign permit & why
it should not be revoked placed on 1/17/68 agenda
after National attorney discussion. Hearing
scheduled for 1/5/68 re. to abate the nuisance
caused by Delta airlines sign on Midtown
Building. City Attorney to review existing sign
regulations and present recommendations for up-
dating same at early date. 1-3-68
52 488
Written request from M.B. Taxpayers' Assoc.
for night public hearings and reference to
violation of sign ordinance at 817 Arthur Godfrey
Road deferred to 1/17/68. 1-3-68 52 492
Permit for Avis Car Rental Agency, 2327 Liberty
Ave. authorized. 1-3-68
52 493
Motion to rescind previous revocation of permit
re. National Airlines sign on Abbey Bldg.
failed. Matter deferred to 3/20/68. 1-17-68 52 520
Construction of flat wall sign "Safeway Discount
Center" at 1127 Washington Ave. approved.
1-17-68 52 525
Construction of plastic faced sign "Antiques,
Miler Galleries," etc., at 6701 Collins Ave.
approved. 1-17-68 52 525
Construction approved of flat wall sign "341
Fashions" at 341 Lincoln Road, said sign to be
flat and non -flashing. 1-17-68
Applications for sign permits approved: 1036
Lincoln Road Mall (flat wall); Corinthian Apt.
Hotel, 5825 Collins (detached ingress -egress
pole); MacArthur Causeway, Belcher Oil (Painted
wall); Edgewater Beach Hotel, 1410 Ocean Dr.
(flat sign); 6979 Collins Avenue (vertical);
2201 Collins Avenue (2 -flat wall); 444 Arthur
Godfrey Rd. (wall sign); 6061 Collins Avenue
(double-faced pole sign); 1565 Collins Avenue
(entrance and exit); 6700 Collins Avenue --
77 --
52 525
Pumpernick's (plastic face); Mimosa Apt. Hotel
(2 double-faced plastic signs). 2900 Collins Ave.
(wall) --application withdrawn for 95' sign. Re-
vised plan for suitable sign to be worked out.
City Manager to place on agenda those applications
that are controversial. 2-7-68 52 547
Coppertone sign corrections approved re. signs
at 465 41st St., 1265 Washington Ave., 817
41st St. and 7147 Collins Ave. 2-7-68 52 550
Sign permits approved: 2900 Collins Ave.,
958 Arthur Godfrey Rd., and 1447-49 Penna. Ave.
Action deferred to 3/6/68 on request of Claude
Southern for sign at Dade Boulevard & Purdy
Ave. re. size of sign. 2-21-68 53 29
Gulf Oil sign permit approved for northeast
corner of Dade Blvd. and Purdy Ave. 3-6-68 53 48
Sign permits approved: Claude Southern Corp.,
630 Alton Rd. and Neon Sign & Service Co., 731
Lincoln Rd. 3-6-68 53 58
Two signs at Copa City, 1301 Dade Blvd., approved
conditioned on there being no projection over
City property. 3-20-68
53 61
Sign permits authorized: Flutie Neon Signs, Inc.,at
552 Arthur Godfrey Rd.; McNeill Sign Co. for 3
signs at 1026-30 Lincoln Rd. Mall; Edvito Sign
Co. at 444 Arthur Godfrey Rd.; Neon Sign & Service
at 444 Arthur Godfrey Rd. 3-20-68 53 61
Permit approved for completion of sign at 1674
Alton Rd. applied for by Billy Favor - Favor -It,
Sign Co. City Manager directed to establish a
policy re. procedures to be followed --some pro-
cedures having already been initiated. 3-20-68 53 62
National Airlines' sign, 960 Arthur Godfrey Road
approved. 3-20-68 53 81
Billy Favor of Favor -It Sign Co. "Bargain Barn"
sign permit granted. 3-20-68 53 82
City Manager to set policy for procedures to be
followed in issuance of all sign permits.
3-20-68 53 82
Permit denied (Favor -It Signs) for sign at 948-
950 Arthur Godfrey Rd. -"THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY".
City Attorney to prepare appropriate ordinance
for 4/17/67 as emergency measure. City Manager
to have letters sent to all sign companies
doing business in M. B. reminding them of
necessity to obtain sign permits. Favor -It
Signs to consult with Administration concerning
revised sign. 4-3-68
Sign permits approved, Claude Southern Corp. at
320 Arthur Godfrey Rd., 1688 Meridian Ave. &
155 Lincoln Rd. 4-3-68
53 91
53 113
Proposed amendment to sign ordinance deferred
4-17-68 53 147
to 5/1/68.
Sign permits approved, Claude Southern Corp.:
3 at 4201 Collins Ave.; 2 at 1301 Dade Blvd,
4-17-68 53 149
Permit authorized for revised sign GREAT TRAIN
ROBBERY reducing size to 48' x 3' with change
in colors. 4-17-68 53 150
ABC revised request for erection of sign at
337 Lincoln Rd, approved with deletion of word
"wholesale" & subject to building owner's
approval. 5-1-68 53 152
Delta Airline suit --Delta willing to voluntarily
turn off flasher on sign provided CMB would
waive right of appeal of permanent injunction
issued by court. City Attorney to go forward
with appeal in this suit. 5-1-68
Ordinance/adopted as emergency measure amending
Sects. 36.3 & 36.10 of Code, limiting size of
flat signs, etc. 5-1-68
Sign permits approved: Acolite Sign Co. at 810
Lincoln Rd. Mall & 842 Lincoln Rd.; Electro
Neon Sign at 706 71st Street & 1626 Michigan
Ave.; Bill's Sign Shop at 38 Ocean Drive;
53 152
53 157
Bengis Assoc. at 8702 Collins Ave.; Smith &
Kammer at 1230 6th St.; Harold Edelstein, Prop.
at 7124 Abbott Ave. 5-1-68
Sign request deferred re. Claude Southern Corp.
for construction of 2 signs at 200 Lincoln Rd.
City Manager, City Attorney, Planning & Zoning
Director & Councilmen Seiderman & Weinstein to
meet with representatives of sign industry to
formulate ordinance to be equitable for a11.
53 171
53 178
Sign permits authorized: Neon Sign & Service at
1565 Collins Ave. & Claude Southern Corp. at
1601 Alton Rd. & 6348 Collins Ave. 5-15-68 53 179
Permit granted to Continental Sign Co. at 2505
Collins Ave. (The Lyon's Den) in accordance with
revised sketch. 6-5-68 53 211
Request for sign permit granted to Charwend, Inc.
d/b/a The Pagoda at 211 - 22nd Street. 6-5-68 53 219
Sign permit granted to Continental Sign Co. at
490 Alton Road, Chamber of Commerce Dock.
6-5-68 53 220