Signs_January to February 1948SIGNS 31 Book Page Permit granted for marquee. sign on Plaza Theatre 1/21/48 26 150 Jack Diamond's application for permit to erect sign on County Causeway property is referred to City Manager 1/21/48 26 152 Hylan Kout representing Washington Ave. Merchants Ass'n. asks for ordinance prohibiting projecting signs 2/18/48 26 191 SIGNS 32 Book Page 1st and 2nd readings of an ordinance prohibiting project- ing signs 2/18/48 26 191 Ordinance prohibiting pro- jecting signs not given 3rd reading - new ordinance to be presented 3/3/48 26 236 Sign Contractors Assn. ask for time to study proposed ordinance prohibiting projecting signs 3/17/48 26 254 SIGNS Messrs. Nelson Boic97 J. C. Kimball and I. N. Parrish request passage of ordinance prohibiting projecting signs Ordinance prohibiting pro- jecting signs fails to pass 1st reading Edward Mandell objects to signs on public property along Alton Road 33 Book Page 3/17/48 26 2 �+ 254 3/17/48 26 269 3/17/48 26 SIGNS 3l+ Book Page No action taken on request of Normandy Isle Service Station for permit for pole sign 7/7/i+8 26 419 Ordinance prohibiting project- ing signs passes 1st and 2nd readings 7/7/48 26 429 Request of Normandy Isle Service Station for sign permit is denied 7/21/48 26 446 SIGNS Ord. #857, prohibiting projecting signs, adopted Lincoln Road Association objects to news bulletin sign at 350 Lincoln Road Irvin Pollak asks for sign over 41st St. bridge at Indian Creek indicating 41st St. business district Irvin Pollak again asks for City to put up sign (Cont'd.) 7/21/48 12/1/48 12/1/48 35 Book Page 26 446 27 232 27 231 s IGN's over 41st St. bridge at Indian Creek indicating 41st St. business section - City Attorney says it would violate Ord. #460 12/8/48 27 236 City Attorney's opinion is that the City is without authority to permit sign requested over bridge at 41st Street and Indian Creek 12/15/48 27 245 36 Book Page SIGNS 37 Book Page Council says it will not interfere with candidates' signs if they comply reason- ably with ordinance 5/18/49 28 142 Neil Berk objects to any restriction re. real estate "for sale" signs 5/18/49 28 151 Res. #6930 requesting removal of political signs immediately after election 6/1/49 28 168 prohibiting aispolray or discriminatory signs 6/1/49 28 170 SIGNS -1.,c1 reading of ordinance Prohibiting display of discriminatory signs 6/15/+9 28 211 (No. 883) Council appropriates $1500. for construction of two neon signs on: +1st Street bridge 12/7/+9 29 70 After objections are made work is halted on 41st St. bridge signs 12-14-49 29 85 Objections to All Souls H&c ra3e-gBriltie4°25 12-14-49 29 85 38 Book Page SIGNS 39 Book Page Ci+y A.+orney's opinion +ha+ All Souls Church sign a+ 4025 Pine Tree Drive is viola+ion of sign ordinance 12-21-49 29 103 Permi+ for neon signs on 41s+ S'-. bridge over Indian Creek gran+ed 1-18-50 29 138 Objec+ions +o red neon signs on 41s+ S+. bridge 2-15-50 29 169 Signs +o be placed on Biscayne Blvd. indica+ing 2-15-50 29 167 +urns +oward Nor+h Bay Causeway SIGNS 40 Book Page Council approves red neon signs on 41st St. bridge - to be turned off at 10:30 each night 2-16-50 29 186 1st & 2nd readings of an ordinance extending. the time for the removal of projecting signs to Jftly 1, 1952--19-50 29 298 Ord. #929 adopted, ex - time of removing over- hanging signs to 7/1/52 5-3-50 29 337 SIGNS 41 BoolF Page City Manager and City Attorney to investigate marquee on Arthur Murray Dance Studio on Lincoln Rd. & Drexel Ave. 5-3-50 29 338 1st & 2nd readings given ordinance regulating placing and maintenance of signs in or about gasoline filling stations 12/6/50 30 214 Roth objects to signs on building at 930 Alton Rd 12-7-50 30 218 SIGNS 42 Book Page Numerous property owners on Venetian Is. object to signs on Minsky' s .,4 1-3-51 30 315 Complaint of property owners on Flamingo Drive relative to flickering neon sign on Saxony Hotel filed - Mr. Renshaw recommends passage of ordinance restricting the use of flickering signs to a reasonable hour-ord. to 1-17-51 30 329 be prepared SIGNS 43 Book Page City Manager to ask operator of Beachcomber to remove signs of girls 1-24-51 30 343 Request of Civic League Baseball promotion committee for permission to erect banner signs over city streets denied. 7-18-51 31 405 Prince Michael Hotel asks permission to put up sign on marquee. Zoning hearing to be called re. signs on marquees in setback area. 12-5-51 32 221 SIGNS 44 Book Page Zoning hearing to be called re. signs on marquees in setback area 12-5-51 32 221 Res. #7872 calling zoning hearing to permit construction of signs over and upon marquees 12-5-51 32 235 Hearing re. signs on certain marquees. Ordinance to be prepared permitting open -face signs 1-2-52 32 266 SIGNS 45 Book Page Action deferred on request Zr permission to place "Latin Quarter" directional sign at entrance to Palm Island bridge 1-2-52 32 277 1st and 2nd reading ordinance re. signs on covered walkways and marquees in setback areas in "RE" District 1-2-52 32 279 Jess Bramson's suggestions re. ordinance permitting pole signs and signs on marquees in front of setback areas in RE Districts taken under advis meut52 32 295 SIGNS 46 Book Page Permission granted "Latin Quarter" to erect directional sign at entrance to Palm Island bridge 1-16-52 32 296 1st and 2nd reading Building Code amendment re. minimum distance from ground f or erection of high voltage gas tubes for signs 2-6-52 32 343 3rd reading ordinance - Building Code amendment re erection of high voltage gas tubes for signs, Ord. #1012 2-20-52 32 367 SIGNS 4+7 Book Page Council delays 3rd reading of ordinance re. signs on marquees in setback areas in RE District 2-20-52 32 367 3rd, re .diiig- ordinance' re . signs on marquees in setback areas - Ord. #1013 2-20-52 32 386 Realty Board proposes ordinance regulating'for sale'and'for rent' signs. Councilman Richard's statement read, dealing with sign situation. City Atty to prepare ordinance regulating 'for sale' and 'for rent' signs and limiting political signs 5-21-52 33 61 SIGNS 148 Book Page Ordinance to be prepared extending time for removal of overhanging signs for one year 5-21-52 33 62 1st and 2nd readings ordinance regulating real estate and political signs 6-14-52 33 78 1st reading extending time for removal of overhanging signs for one year from July 1, 1952 6-4-52 33 90 SIGNS 49. Book Page Council refuses to comply with request of Acolite Sign Co. on behalf of National Air Lines, to erect sign over drugstore at southeast cor. Collins Ave, & Lincoln Road 6-4-52 33 96 Ordinance extending time for removal of overhanging signs fails to receive approval on 3rd reading 6-18-52 33 105 SIGNS 50. Book Page Discussion held relative to portion of proposed real estate and political sign ordinance. Height of sign changed. Ordinance adopted on 3rd reading - No. 1024. City Atty to study ordinance and possibly work out amendments to same in order to clarify intent of Council in its passage 6-18-52 33 106 Request for extension of time in which to remove sign projecting over public property referred to City Manager 8-6-52 33 198 SIGNS 5-, Book Page Request for permission to erect Community Chest "thermometer" signs referred to City Manager 11-5-52 33 335 Complaint regarding violation of sign ordinance during last election campaign to be investigated 11-5-52 33 358 1st and 2nd reading Ordinance re. signs in windows of buildings in business district 1-21-53 33 472 3rd reading Ordinance re. signs within buildings, Ord. #10372-4-53 33 502 SIGNS 52 Book Page Communication from Councilman Richard setting forth his understanding as to ordinances re. sighs on campaign head- quarters. No comments at variance with his interpretations. 4-22-53 34 188 $3,000.00 appropriated for erection of "Welcome" sign on traffic island at intersection of 71st Street 6-17-53 34 336 Mr. Lipp to investigate signs at Chamber of Commerce Docks to see that all those in violationof city ordinances are removed 12-2-53 35 222 SIGNS Erection of neon sign District) on new 41st authorized 53 Book Page (41st St. Business Street bridge 12-30-53 35 270 Communication from Planning Board filed commending Council for "Welcome" sign at west end of Normandy Isle, and recommending similar signs at all major approaches to M.B. 4-7-54 35 417 City to replace sign on 41st Street bridge over Indian Creek at its own cost 5-19-54 35 481 SIGNS 54 Book Page City Mgr. and Chief Bldg. Inspector to look into matter of curtailing practice of some contractors leaving signs giving name and phone number on property where house is completed 7-8-54 36 64 Letter from B. L. Slater, realtor, re. efforts of group of Surfside Hotel and Apartment owners to use word "motel" on signs advertising their establishments; also suggesting that ocean front strip north of Firestone Estate be used for construction of motels. 8-11-54 36 116 SIGNS No action on motion to give Atlantis Hotel permit to erect signs on store building on hotel property 9-22-54 Request renewed for permission to erect 2 signs on roofs of stores on Atlantis Hotel property. No second to motion to grant permit. 10-6-54 36 202 Permit granted M.B. Community Church for banner sign advertising bazaar on Dec. 7,8 and 9, 1954 10-6-54 36 203 55 Book Page 36 199 SIGNS 56 Book Page Permission again refused to construct 2 signs bearing word "Atlantis" on store buildings on Atlantis Hotel property 10-8-54 36 227 Atlantis Hotel again asks permission to have 2 signs erected on their stores, advertising hotel. Motion to give permit for signs fails. Motion to give permit for 2 signs reading "Atlantis Hotel Stores" fails. Permission requested for erejtion of 2 signs reading "Atlantis Stores. Referred to Bldg. Dept. for details to procure sign. 1-19-55 36 407 SIGNS 57 Book Page Councilman Frank suggests signs be placed at 29th St. and ocean designating the public beach 2-9-55 36 436 Mt. Sinai Hospital given permission to erect sign on hospital property for disseminating information about construction of new hospital wing 1-4-56 Councilman Richard asks Mr. Lipp to oetsioctaBBllneMicaavrlingakiioug,whh he believed to be a violation of sign ordinance 1-18-56 36 20 38 5 SIGNS 58 Book Page 41st Street Business Ass'n requests City to erect signs on Collins Ave. and 41st Street, indicating the shopping area across bridge, bearing name of Arthur Godfrey Road. Merchants must stand expense. 2-1-56 38 33 $500.00 appropriated from unappro sated current funds for 3 Arthur GodfreY7Signs as follows -$350.00 for installation and $150. for 6 mos. maintenance of same. 4-4-56 38 132 SIGNS 59 Book Page Speculative builders request changes - in regulations governing "for sale" and kindred signs. Builders and members of Realty Board to meet and discuss proposed changes 24-18-56 38 149 City Mgr. advises that realtors and builders are in accord with proposed changes in sign ordinance. Ordinance given 1st reading amending sign regulations. 5-2-56 38 188 3rd reading orginance awending Sign Ordinance re. For Sale or kindred signs in residential areas - Ord. #1216 5-i6-56 38 208 SIGNS 60 Book Page City Mgr. to advise night clubs that unless objectionable signs are removed their licenses will be denied. Council- man Spaet suggests night club applications contain provision for approval of signs by the Council. 6-6-56 38 236 Permission granted for erection of sign at the "Copper Skillet" restaurant displaying names of civic organizations 8-1-56 38 333 National Hotel owners request Council to regulate flashing signs. Mr. Renshaw to continue his studies on possli il,�1egi3b3 1ation79 tortontrol same. -5 SIGNS 62 Book Page Southshore Improvement Assn presents resolution objecting to use of name of Miami Beach by municipalities beyond the M.B. City limit and urging erection of signs at 87th Terrace identifying entrance to Miami Beach . Councilman Richard requests Mr. Lipp to see that appropriate signs are erected. 12-5-56 39 23 1st reading ordinance regulatingthe number and size of display signs in store windows 12-4-57 40 149 SIGNS 62 Book Page 3rd reading ordinance amending Sec. 32.2 of the Code, limiting the number and size of display signs in store windows, doors, etc. Ord. 1282 12_18-57 40 182 North ShoreBusiness Guild asks for repeal of ordinance regulating display signs in store windows. Lincoln Road Merchants Guild, Better Business Bureau and Arthur Godfrey Road Assn. urge retention of ordinance. No action taken on request to repeal ordinance. 4-16-58 4o 37o