Signs_October 1929 to January 1931BOOK, PACE
Committee appointed to draw up regula-
tions 10-16-29 9, 351
Realty Board endorsement 11-20-29 9, 389
Lincoln Road signs ordered removed 9, 422
Removal of Apartment Vacancy Signs
reported 5-7-30 10, 133
71st Street -Unprotected Bathing Beach 10, 313
On vehicles: 1st & 2nd reading ordinance 10, 438
On Vehicles: 3rd Reading Ord.
290 1-21-31 " 453
Ordinance 290 effective without Ma or's
approval 2- 3I 10,465
Enforcement of Sign Ordinance urged 10,466
Signs overhanging_ eidewalks on Washington____
Avenue north of 14th-ob j eoted to 11,1256
Signs leading to Venetian Causeway 7/19133 12,113
Sun Oil Oo. request permission
for eredting sign 7/19/33 12,106
MoC ohne-lam -C-.- old. ,--urge a --enforcement--of
sign ordinance. - -- -----11/21./34 ------- 13, 161
Book Page
Permission refused to move
Neon sign at 5th St- and
Euclid Ave. 1/16/35
Request for Neon sign for
Biscayne Plaza Theatre at
5th and Alton Rd® 1/16/35
13 233
13 232
Biscayne Plaza Theatre
ordered to remove Feature
portion of sign at 5th & Alton 13 290
Book Page.
Community Theatre requested
to remove Feature portion of
sign at 'Abst Ave, & 5th St. 13 290
2/ 13/35
Overhanging signs discussed
10/25/35 14 161
Proposed form of ordinance on
sign regulations discussed 10/30/35 14, 167
Book Page
1st & 2nd readings of Ordinance
regulating the construction;
erection and installation / of signs. lg
Discussion on above or 11/13 1 14 1866
3rd reading of above Ordinance #407
allowing existing signs to remain
until August 1st, 1936. 11/13/35 14 186
Ord.#409 e passed as emergency amend-
ing Ord.#407, Sign Ordinance 11/2.0/35 14 215
Roof Sign on Edgewater Beach Hotel
completion granted 11/29/35 14 218
Book Page
Amendment to Sign Ordinance to permit
signs to project 36 inches from face
of building agreed • 14 218—
Roof sign on Martha Washington Hotel
authorized 1214135
M:B;Kennel CIub property 12/11 35 14 232
Sky sign permits authorized for Tower
.loridian and—Netherlaudirlio e e
36 14 264
Book Page
1st & 2nd Reading_Ordinance'controll-
ing all signs and sign -construction
10-7-36 15-- 160
Barnet's Delicatessen request nermtt to
rehang sign—10-21-36 15 179
Barnet's Delicatessen given permit to
rehang sign 11/k/36 15 20g
Gloverloaf Filling Station given -
permit to rehang sign 11/4/36 15 208`
3rd Reading Sign Ordinance
No. 46o 11-5-36 15 212
Book Page
J. Albert & Son given permit to
erect sign at 15th St. & Washing-
ton Ave. 6/7/37 16 136
Permit requested for marquee sign
on new Woolworth Building. 6/16/37 16 138
Standard Oil Co. refused permit
for pole sign on Jeff. Ave. &
5th st. 6/16/37 16 139
Permit granted for marquee sign
on Woolworth Bldg. /23/?7 16 146
Book Page
Mr. Renshaw instructed to prepare
amendment to sign ordinance to
provide for marquee signs. 6/23/37 16 146
Group of sign writers protest pay-
ment of fee for permit to paint
small applied signs 12-8-37 16 439
Cite Manager and Atty.Granat to meet
on above subject 12®8-37 16 439
for erection of sign 12-15-37 16 452
Res. #4286 objecting to erection of
signs on Lummus Island by Orleans Corp.
4-6-38 17 92
Cameo Theatre granted permit to
erect marquee sign /3/3
10 —
Book Page
17 264
Sightseeing .Boat _IJ 1kko'° sign
permit referred to City Manager.
9=7-3g 17 264
Sun -Oil Co, -given permit to. erect
poet sign at S.W. cor. 5th &
Lenox -9-7-3g 17 278
Clinton Hotel - permit for sign 10-19-3g 17,296
McCrory Store -2 vertical signs " 17,296
Redfern Sinclair Station denied
permit for pole sign 6/19/40 19 161
Book Page
Rosedale Delicatessen granted permit
for marquise sign 10-19-38 17 310
Sinclair Filling Station granted permit
to erect roof sign 10-�9-38 17 310
Surf Theatre granted permit to erect
marquise sign 10-26-38 17 315
Royal Hotel given permit to construct
canopy sign 11--2-38 17 334
Teddy's Grill request to erect sign
referred to City Mgr, 11/16/38 17 346
Rosedale Delicattbssen request for sign
gur ridief erred to City1 f 178 Mr. 17 384
Book Page
Rosedale Delicatessen denied' Dorwit
to rehange neon sign 12/14/3 17 39g
Permits denied LOIS APT9. And NEMO
HOTEL for post signs 2/15/39 17 472
Rosedale Delicatessen given permit
to rehang sign g-7-39 18 192
Ben Schrager rectu est for sign permit
referred to City Mgr. 11/15/39 18 374
Neon sign far IVES &
ferred to City Mgr. 11/15/39 -LS 375
Swiss _Chalet denied permit to
erect neon sign on residential-
esidentialproperty 2/7/40-
Book Page
IS- 453
1st & 2nd readings ordinance prohibit-
ing erect -ion ---of signs giving- rates -of
hotels and apartments 4+/17/40
19 76
3rd Reading Ord. #574 as above
5/i./40 19 69
Cromwell Hotel granted permit for
post-- sign 5/1/ 4G - - - 19 - --- 9
Venetian_Causeway -denied. germi�t__to erect
post sign 5/29/40 19 135
Book Page
Redfern Sinclair Station denied per-
mit for pole sign 6/19/40 19 161
19 219
1pplication of Geo.Washington Hotel
for sign permit referred to City
-Manrager 8-7-40
HOTEL,request permits to erect signs
on City property -referred to Mr.Hice
N e t—th s inns —
required to be flat against buildings
taken under—consideration 10=-23=40--- 19 371
Book Page
Council agree that no signs will be
placed on Collins Ave:beteen 24th
and -26th Streets,east of original
lot lines 11-6-40 19 399
Jean's Candy Shop denied permission
to erect sign on City property
11-6-40 19 —399 -
Royal Palm Hotel denied permit to
erect 30 -foot signs 11-13-40 19 400
Permit denied for projecting sign on
r staurant at S.W.cor.lOth St.and Ocean
Drive 12-11-40 19 463
Book. Page
Permit given Beach Theatre to erect
marquee sign 12/24/40 19 493
Permit for pole sign denied Orange
State Oil Co. 2/5/41 20 34 --
Request for erection of sign on
referred to City Manager • 1/41 20 277
'Roy W. Swanberg asks permit to
erect sign- rano 'Ho 1 Lake
Front Property 6/18/x#1 20 284
No action taken on above re -
guest pending of i C im
Deed given City b s. Ivo or 41 20 284
Council takes no action on Mrs. Olive
Wofford's a licati n forerect on of
Commercial 'algn on Lake ranc°7a2 41
Gulf Oil Corp. given permission to
move Pole sign from Miami to their
Bay Front Property at7Sou bend of
Mercantile Nat'l Bank request to e-
reCt vertical sign tno7action taken)
Mercantile Nat'l Bank granted permit
for large vertical sign 8/6/41
Book Page
20 330
20 340
20 377
Book Page
Contract for sign at C. of C.
Fishing Dock awarded to Neon Sign
& Service Co. 11/6/41 21
Times Square Restaurant request
permit to erect non -conforming
roof sign. Referred to Citty1Mgr.
Permit granted Times Sl4ape4 Rest. 21 48
to erect sign. 11/24/41 21 70
council ordered sign on Helen-��4 rr
Apts. to be removT� by ay/14s t,19421 117
41st Street Assn. opposes
display of signs and pictures
before elections - City Mgr.
and Police Chief asked to
enforce ordinance 7/5/45 23 146
Councilman Powell suggests
that protruding signs be
removed 8/1/45 23 184
Book Page
Council instructs City
Attorney to prepare 23184
ordinance accordingly 8/1/45
Book Page
Charles Danton urges that sign
ordinance be amended to prohibit.
signs reading "Restricted" 11/21/45 23 289
W. I. Heller urges that sign
ordinance be amended to
prohibit signs reading
"Restricted 12/5/45 23 323
Alton Road Improvement Assn.
urge City to adopt ordinance
prohibiting projecting signs 12/19/45 23
41st St. Assn, oppose
projecting signs 1/2/46 23 345
Book Page
Councilman Powell introduces
ordinance prohibiting projecting
signs, which fails to pass
1st reading - 2/20/46 23 407
Shoreham -Norman Hotel's
request for sign denied 2/20/46 23 409
Civic League of M. Bt
urges adoption of ordinance
prohibiting projecting
4/17/46 24 12
M. B. Junior Chamber of
Commerce urges adoption of
ordinance prohibiting
projecting signs 4/17/46 2
Book Page
41st St. Ass'n, urges
adoption of ordinance
prohibiting projecting
4/17/46 24 13
Ordinance prohibiting
projecting signs passed
1st reading but fails
to pass on 2nd reading 4/17/46 24 13
Book Page
Council takes request of
Variety Theatre for vertical
sign under advisement 5/1/46 24 49
Variety Theatre is given
permit for vertical sign 5/15/46 24
Mitchell Wolfson is given
permit toerect sign on
his own property 6/19/46 24 144
Request by Messrs. Becker
& Pollack for sign on premises
hoBlock ok4i eghOrchard, is 9'(t 91Y/q6 ted z z7
Book Page
J.D.B. Realty
permit to put
18 & N. i Lot
Fisher's 1st
Corp. is given
up sign on Lot
19, Block 57,
10/2/46 24 319
King Cole Motors request for
pole sign at 1529 Alton Road
is referred to Mr. Hice and
Mr. Shepard 10/16/46
Council grants temporary
permit to King Cole Motors
to erect pole sign
24 31+4
24 378
Book Page
Requests of Flamingo Theatre,
Walburne Hotel & Alton Boat
Company for signs are referred
to City Manager with power
to act 11/6/46 24 379
41st St. Ass'n. is given
permission to put up
Chaistmas sign at east
end of 41st St. 12/18/46 24 427
Requests of M. B. Jewish
Community Center and Methodist
Expansion & Service Fimd for
signs is referred to Mr. Hice 1/2/47 24 454
Council refers J. C. Kimball's
request for neon sign at east
end of 41st Street to Mr.
Renshaw 3/5/47 25 31
1st & 2nd readings of
ordinances prohibiting the
display of discriminatory
signs 4/16/47 25 103
Book Page
Ed. Herr asks that sign
ordinance be enforced with
regard to election signs 4/16/47 25 104
Book Page
Melvin Richard's requests for
permits for 2 political signs
are denied 5/7/47 25 140
3rd reading Ord. #806
prohibiting the display
of discriminatory signs 5/7/47 25 145
Melvin Richard given permission
to put up political sign on
Lot 1, Block 5, 2nd 0. F. 5/21/47 25 174
Herman H. Glasser given
permit to erect pole sign 6/11/47 25 203
Beach Motors given permit
for sign at 10th & Alton
AMVETS endorse ordinance
prohibiting display of
discriminatory signs
Council takes no action
on appeal to Supreme
Court in Discriminatory
Sign ordinance case
Alton Rd. Imp. Ass'n.
objects to signs on
public property along
Alton Road
Book Page
7/2/47 25 235
8/6/47 25 322
8/20/47 25
&/20/47 25 339
Council gives permit for
sign at 23rd and ocean 8/20/47 25 339
Book Page
Council votes to take no
appeal to Supreme Court
in discrimanatory sign
ordinance 9/3/47 25 358
Council votes to ask for
authority to pass such an
ordinance at next session
of the Legislature
25 359
Permit granted for sign
on Normandy Theatre
Joseph Fenias given permit
for news bulletin sign on
Lincoln Building 11/20/47
1st & 2nd readings of an
ordinance permitting
illuminated signs on
permanent canopies
Complaint about signs at
71st & Collins is refer-
red to City Engineer
Book Page
11/5/47 25 454
25 4$7
12/10/47 26 21