South Beach Park Site_November to December 1931SOUTH BEACH PARK SITE 1. BLOCS 114, OCEAN BEACH ADDIN #3 BOOK,PAGE Petition requesting purchase of Block 114, OB #4, for park purposes 11-12-31 11, 222 Motion to purchase & discussion 11-12-31 11: gi Commulications & discussion 11-1,g-31 11, 224 Roll Call on motion to purchase " 11, 225 Communications & Proposal 12-2-31 11, 230 Motion to purchase Block 114 O. B. #4 carried 12-2-31 11, 231 Acceptance of Cityws Offer 12-16-31 11, 249 6OUTH BEACH PARK SITE 2. BOOK,PAGE Res. 2505 authorizing execution of con- tract to purchase 12-16--31 11, 249 Contract -form 12-16--31 -11, 25a Letter From John fl. Reid_ Co. 2-3x2____ _11, 271 Petition requesting election on purchase 11, 271 Petition requesting removal of names from above petition -2-3-32 11, 272 Discussion on above letterAL petitions 11, 272 John B. Reid re: Petition 2-17-732 11, 281 City Attorney's Opinion 2-17,752 1], 283 SOUTH BEACH PARK SITE 3, BOOK,PAGE Res: 2514: Cancelling & Rescinding Con- tract to Purchase & Resolution author- ising same 6-$-32 11, 341 Lots 1, 2 & 3, Blk.714 ,O.B.#4,purchase 2/7/35 13, 287 Lots 4 and 5, Blk.114,0.B.#4 purchase 1/30/35 13, 261 $10,050.00 appropriated for developing South Beach park property and City Engr. instructed to proceed with work. 4/30/35 13 378 SOUTH BEACH PARK SITE 4. Book Page Lots 6,7 and 8,B1k.114O.B.#4 purchased by Res. #33 9/1g/35 1.4- 411- $3,078.08 4 $3,078.08 estimated presented for development of extension to South -Beach--Park- —sane order e -d-2/-11-36 14 .0- 3,5OO 00 -appropriated for ornamental lighting .12-21-49 29 .------1O -