Street Ends_May to November 1930STREET ENDS BOOK, PAGE Objections to closed street ends in M.B.I. Ocean Front Property 5-7--30 10, 140 Gertrude Fly 8r sr rr 5-21-30 10, 144 C. J. Dougherty 9-3-30 10, 256 Sand Fill at 39th & 40th ordered 10-1-30 10, 282 Committee: Policy for opening 11-5-30 10, 313 On Bridle Path west of Municipal Golf Course tendered by Alton Beach Co.10, 493 Objections to shrubbery at 41st Street 10, 494 Fred D.Breit request that it remain " 10,494 STREET ENDS 2. BOOK, PAGE Obstruction at 41st Street ordered moved 10, 494 J.B.Moos & W.H.Bishop objections 4-1-31 11, 1 Along Bridle Path not accepted 4--1-31 11, 6 Geo.Chahoon,Jr: Request for reimbursement for Beach Protection at 43rd Street 11, 9 City Mgr. Recommends that street ends be resurfaced and fenced against park- ing. Feb. 1, 1933 11, Closing of 29th St. & othert eet ends in that vicinity protested 13%34 12,217 16th St.to be closed and improved -f a8/1/34 13, 29 STREET ENDS 3. Book Page Street at end of lst Street to be cleaned up - April 17, 1935 13 358 Parkway authorized for end of Bis- cayne Street subject to prepayment of $600.00 by Million Pier Corp. 14 198 lst and 2nd readings of ordinapc c ose part of Biscayne and ist .or nark Hurn os es 21 97 STREET ENDS 4 Book Page City Attorney instructed to prepare resolution authorizing institution of condemnation proceedings on 18th Street ocean front street end 11/7/45 23 267 Res. #5888 authorizing City Attorney to institute con- demnation proceedings on ocean front end of 18th St. 11/9/45 23 286 Civic League of M. B. urges condemnation of street ends from 15th to 18th St. 11/21/45 23 288 STREET ENDS 5. Book ' Page Council takes under advisement request of Charles and Drake Hotels that City condemn ocean front street ends 3/20/46 23 481 COtinei1- aUthori'zes: Mr. Renshaw to offer the Miami Beach Improvement Co. $54000 for 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th Street ends (ocean) 807/46 24 256 STREET ENDS 6 Book Page M. B. Hotel Owners Ass'n. favor acquisition of ocean front street ends for public use 11/20/46 24 407 Council orders encroachments on 43rd Street vacated by May 1, 1947 12/4/46 24 415 Council instructs City Attorney to advise owners that unless ocean front street ends are vacated by May 1, 1947, the City will remove them at once 12/9/46 24 421 STREET ENDS 7 Book Page M. B. Improvement Co. offers to sell 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th ocean front street ends to city 12/9/46 24 423 Res. #6156 accepting offer of M. B. Improvement Co. to sell above street ends 12/9/46 24 425 Berick & Shapiro urges that street ends in the vicinity of 17th Street & ocean be acquired for public use - ieferre to Mr. Renshaw 1/15/47 24 461 STREET ENDS Berick and Shapiro ask City to acquire ocean end of 17th Street for public beach 6/11%47 25 204+ Res. #6325 adopted, waiving any rights to 24, 25th, 26th & 27th Streets by reason of certain old offers of dedication 6/11/47 25 218 8 Book Page Morris Berick appears re. 17th St. end and Council asks Mr. Renshaw to investigate pride 6/18/47 25 223 STREET ENDS 9 Book Page Council authorizes City Att'y. to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire ocean end of 17th Street 8/6/47 25 295 Res. #6366, asking County Tax Assessor to exempt from 19+7 taxes ocean ends of 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th Streets 8/6/47 25 297 County dedicates to City ocean ends of streets in Altos del Mar #1 & #2 8/6/47 25 325 STREET ENDS 10 Book Page Council is advised that County taxes have been cancelled on 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th street ends 8/20/-7 25 337 Res. #6372, authorizing condemnation of ocean end of 17th Street 8/20/47 25 337 Ben Cohen, attorney, asks that 32nd Street from Collins to ocean be vacated- in exchange for widening of 31st and 33rd 1I7/ 38 Streets STREET ENDS 11 Book Page City Attorney instructed to draw ordinance vacating 32nd Street in exchangQ for widening of 31st and 33rd Streets - 1/7/48 26 38 Council votes to have 43rd St. paved and opened to the public 1/21/48 26 129 Council denies request for closing of 32nd St. from Collins to ocean 1/28/48 26 158 STREET ENDS 12. Book Page A. S. Pickard, of the Good Hotel asks Council to keep 43rd St. from Collins to ocean, closed - his request is denied 4/21/48 26 304 Res. #6577 adopted, authorizing City Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire 17th Street end (Res. #6372 rescinded by Res. #6576) 5/19/48 26 344 STREET ENDS 13 Book Page Atlantic Management Corp. objects to condemnation of ocean end of 17th St. 6/2/48 26 371 City Engineer Lipp explains effect of Ord. #853 on buch beaches at.32nd and 33rd street ends Council agrees to consider extension of bulkhead across 32nd and 33rd Sts. at a later date 6/18/48 26 390 6/18/48 26 391 STREET ENDS 14 Book Page Chamber of Commerce urges City to preserve beaches at ends of streets 6/16/48 26 411 City Attorney instructed to prepare survey showing legal status of street ends 6/16/48 26 411 City Manager is instructed to remove obstruction o Bea • at 4t Street a 8/4/48 27 7 Ci y anag�t c e o order encroachments in 23rd Street and bay removed 9/1/48 27 70 STREET ENDS 15 Book Page Res. #6786 authorizing payment of condemnation award on ocean end of 17th Street 2/2/49 27 411 Property owners to be notified that City will take possession of ocean end of 17th Street on Feb. 213 1949 2/16/49 27 436 Hotel Owners Assn. asks City to condemn street ends - specifically 18th Street 1-11-50 29 135 STREET MS 16 Rook Page Hotel Owners' Assn. asks for condemnation of ocean end of 18th St. - referred to City Manager for report 1-18-50 29 137 City Manager authorized to negotiate for purchase of ocean end of 18th Street 2-1-50 29 150 Contract for concession at 17th Street let to Robert Silvers 2-1-50 29 152 STREET ENDS 17 Book Page Martin Drexel complains of use of 17th St. Street Beach by construction company as means of ingress and egress for constructing groin at Delano Hotel 6-14-50 29 411 Res. #7302, authorizing City Atty. to institute condemna- tion proceedingsto acquire ocean end of 18th St. 10-25-50 30 126 STREET ENDS 18 Book Page City Mgr. authorized to investigate possibility of acquiring ocean end of 29th St. for beach purposes 11-15-50 30 177 Res. #7857 and Res. #7858 authorizing purchase of ocean end of 18th Street 11-21-51 32 197 Investigation to be made of all streets with obstructions on them 12-5-51 32 225 STREET ENDS Ocean end of 29th STreet to be acquired for beach purposes, either by condemnation or negotiation 4-16-52 32 498 19 Book Page Acquisition of ocean end of 16th Street for public beach purposes asked. Petition submitted and filed. Matter to be considered whenbiidget-ins made up. 5-7-52 33 21 STREET ENDS 20 Book Page Petition filed asking Council to acquire privately -owned 1/2 of ocean end of 15th Street for public beach purposes. Matter to be discussed when 1952-53 budget is made up. 5-7-52 33 22 Discussion about barricades extending through above property between high and low water lines. City Manager to have aerial photo made of beaches in regard to development and barricades. 5-7-52 33 22 STREET ENDS City Atty advises that inspection has been made of 29th St. ocean area. Council to inspect same as well as 15th and 16th Street ends, and also proposed sitefor 75th Street pumping station before any action is taken 5-21-52 33 62 City Engr.advises of application to erect cabanas at foot of 29th St. Council to meet informally to discuss what portion of street end should be acquired for beach park purposes 8-20-52 21 Book Page 33 219 STREET ENDS 22 Book Page Abe Mazor asks Council to acquire more than 70 feet frontage for beach park purposes at end of 29th St., large enough to accommodate life guard station 8-27-52 33 225 Appraisal of ocean end of 16th Street authorized 9-17-52 33 269 City Mgr. authorized to negotiate for purchase of ocean end of 16th Street end 11-5-52 33 354 City Mgr. authorized to negotiate for purchase of north half of 15th St. at ocean 11-5-52 33 355 STREET ENDS City Mgr. authorized to for south half of ocean 23 Book Page offer $41,000.00 end of 16th St. 11-19-52 33 376 Res. #8178 authorizing purchase of south half of Ocean end of 16th St. for public park purposes ($41,000.00) 11-26-52 33 City Mgr. advises that Judge Morris requests that 40 day period specified in Charter be waived in order that sale of south 1/2 of 16th St. end could be completed immediately. Request granted. 11-26-52 33 385 393 STREET ENDS 25 Book Page Owner of Lot 5, Bik 8, Ocean Front Property asks City to take 25 feet of his property for 29th St. beach park, instead of 35 feet. No action. 11-10-53 35 151 Councilman Turk advises Pancoast Hotel Co. willing to exchange property on ocean for beach purposes; urges Mr. Renshaw to look into matter. 11-10-53 35 151 STREET ENDS 24 Book Page Offer of Herman Isenberg to sell North 1/2 of ocean end 15th St. to City for $49,500.00 accepted 2-18-53 34 12 29th Street ocean end to be acquired. City to take 35 feet from each of adjoining two property owners. Money to come from 1953-54 budget. 3-4-53 34 55 City Atty to prepare resolution authorizing condemnation proceedings to acquire ocean frontage at 29th St. 8-12-53 34 459