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Street Lighting_December 1926 to April 1953
82 1 LI" -'HES BOOK ,PAGE Contract with Florida Power & ti It CO, \, 138 Payment of Island tib is - Tinter %, 414 Palm, ibiscuz,S ar & Belle Islands-Sv m e%v 5, 321 Chase Avenue - Three Li/hts o, }& Fisher Properties 6, 236 Pall & Hibiscus Lslands ✓ 6, 295 Fir �_ ®% ® 6, 30f City to take over North o/ Collins Canal 1/ 7, 2/5 'West Avenue li=lts requested 12-S-26 7, 2/2 50/£tom Pair{ & Hibiscus Is. 12-29-26 1-7, 29 •' ' 7 , 3 r/ Pine Tree 2r: \1st-L7th 1-12-27 ® 7, 302 7bTAE4T LINTS 2. 1390KIAE 0,11in2 lights authorized 1-18-28 8,163 I Insta11ai3n of Lij-:hts on M. B. Drive 8,434 Normandy Isle 'fniteway 8)477 Additional Lihto authorized Rea. 1903 9, 41 city to oay .4 Cost of Normandy Isle 1 9, 51 iToaction on 9th Floor-City H711 Lic-htin 9, 52 Reduce Candlepower on Dade Blvd.recommended" 408 Increase " on Lincoln Road recommended 9 408 Change in Candlepower authorized 12-18-29 9 416 STREET LIGHTS 3. 'BOOK,PAGE Proposed contract with Florida Power & Light Company turned down -5;;20=31: --II, 42 Proposed form of ten-year contract with F.P. &°-L. Co. taken under tilW.Ifent 11, 106 Councilman McCarthy e s inquiry " 8-!5!31 11, 116 New Contract discussed 8!8!31 11, 118 " - " 8.12=31 11, 120 a a " 8-14-31 11, 125 Res.2472 approving New Contract 8-19!31 11, 131 Res. STREET LIGHTS 4 BOOK, PAGE Res. 2472 approving new Contract passed g=19-31 RESCINDED 9-16-31 ;11, 158 Res. 2480 approving new Contract --1 11,158 Res, 2513 confirming Belie Isle o1ange 11, 267 Res. 2514 Confirming changes at Garden Ave. & 34th; West,between 9t19h 11, 267 Res. 2515 Authorizing City Manager to order changes 1-20®32 11, 268 Aluminum Paint on Light & Trolley Poles 4-6-32 11, 317 STREET LIGHTS 5. BOOK,PAGE Res. 254.2: Reducing & 0Changing 6-1-32 11, 335 Res. 2546: Reducing Lights 6-15-32 11, 345 Res. 2549 Reducing & Discont. 8-3-32 11, 361 Suggested amendments to present st. lighting contract presented 11-2-32 11, 422 City Mgr. authorized to make certain substitutions in lights 3.1-33 12, 10 Res.270‘ rearrangement of street lights in Espanola Way 11/29/33 12,195 STREET LIGHTS 6. Book Page Res.#2842 requesting Florida Power & Light -o. t©furnieh reports on -rates-now -being charged --434.- 12- 3S0 proposal presented (reduction on --tet of -street lights -and pumping service charge 6/20/3 Controvernr--on-street light -payments settled 12/21/32 12 A•57 11 462 New-p-repGSa1s---preeent-ed for—reduction -on cost of street lights and pumpinig service charge 6/27/34 14 471 STREET LIGHTS Book Page Lighting ystem on Flggler Memorial Island ordered improved 11/11/36 15 204 7. Res. #4600 giving City Manager authority to order additional street light -s-- -- - x/7/39— 18 201 Mr. Renshaw given authority to try out new type of street lighting 1075/39 1S 322 -City–Engl.. recommends that–arty assume .2_b i.dge and islsnd 11 'ts for Horobin development -agreed by Council 1 STREET LIGHTING Book Page Res. #446o approving a proposed street lighting agreement with Fla. Power & Light.Go. 1-6-39 IT 1136 Res. 0600 giving City Manager &Litho- rity-tc-order additional street lights 8-7-39 18 201 ouncil agree to assume s ree lights on Parkview development- 2 bridge and 3 island lights 11/27/40 19 429 Broadmoor and Alcan Surf Hotels asks -for street lights 12/241-44.1-- 19 400 STREET LIGHTING Book Page Better e"treet lighting for Jefferson, Meridian -and itiohtgan Avenues re- 4 erred to City Manager 4/16/41 20 156 07,-000 ppr . pr a e street light ng on 3 22 209 Mr. Renshaw presents program of street lighting and recom- mends that a portion of -the program be executedt mance 11/20+6—�+ �+f5 STREET LIGHTING Book - Page/49 Council votes to call for bids for equipment for new street lights on 5th St., 41st St., 71st St. & portions of Collins Ave. & Washington Ave. 11/20/46 24 405 Council rejects all bids for street lighting equipment 2/5/47 24 484 Councilman Snedigar calls attention to poor lighting in vicinity of 23rd St. 3/19/47 25 49 STREET LIGHTING Book At Page Malvin Englander requests more adequate lighting at 8th St. & West Ave. 7/2/47 25 235 Street lighting on Still- water Dr. around 84th and 85th Sts. to be investigated 6-7-50 29 393 Lighting of North Shore Parking area approved 6-7-50 29 395 City Manager to confer with City Engineer re. placing of light standards on Collins Ave. 6-21-50 29 425 STREET LIGHTING Mr. Renshaw reports on placing of light stand- ards on Collins Ave. 6-28-50 29 430 Mayor Turks stated that several people had asked for new street lights on Michigan Avenue south of 5th Street - City Manager to investigate 1-10-51 30 324 Old Street light standards to be sold 4-1+-51 30 529 No action re. selling old street light standards 8-27-51 31 489 10Q8a]be ss rte t light standards 11-21-51 32 204 Book I, Page STREET LIGHTING Council defers action on proposed street lighting agreement with Fla. P & L Co. Special meeting may be called to consider this matter. 7-2-52 33 135 Ornamental lighting on Ocean Terrace from 73rd St. to 75th St. authorized 11-5-52 33 349 Intensity of each street light to be increased on Washington Ave. from 5th Street to Lincoln Road 1-21-53 33 477 /3 Book Page STREET LIGHTING Letter Fla. Power & Light Co. presented relative to the proposed street lighting agreement. City Mgr. recommends entering into agreement. Resolution to be prepared authorizing execution of agreement. 3-25-53 34 125 Res. #8309 authorizing execution of agreement with Fla.Power & Light Co. relative to street lights 3-25-53 34 127 Wattage begincreasedtype lights 4-15-53 34 178 Book Page STREET LIGHTING Book Page Property owners on 51st Terrace and adjoining streets thank City for new street lighting facilities 11-18-53 35 159 Mrs. John B. Wofford asks relief from street lighting assessment on 24th St. from Collins Ave. east, amt $495.41. Action deferred until City Atty's opinion is obtained 11-18-53 35 159 Clerk instructed to advise Mrs. Wofford that Council o uldnot legally comply with her requestfor cancellation of street lighting assessment11-18-53 35 167