Street Names_October 1927STREET NAMES OUIMET AVENUE - Ordinance No. 252 passed changing name to ROYAL PALM AVENUE. Date 10/5/27 STREET NAMES BOOK,PAGE Bids onPlates 5, 316 1st & 2nd Readings Ordinance 2-17-32 11, 282 3rd Reading Ordinance No. 303 3-29-32 11, 310 Authorized for Di Lido Island 10/14133 12, 161 Alley between Ocean Dr.& Collins Ave.from 14thLane to Biscayne St; -- named "Ocean Court" 8/15/3- ___13, 52 1st & 2nd Reading Ordinance changing 88th Street to 87th Terrace 9/5/34 13, 67 3rd Reading Ordi.#359 on 87th St.9/19/3k 13, 81 3rd Reading Ord.#375 {Allison Rd.) 3/20/35 13, 33( STREET NAMES 2. Book Page 1st Reading,ilso 2nd of Ordinance changing name of Sheridan Ave. from 51st St.north, to LaGorce Dr. 5/1/35 13 391 3rd Reading above Ordi.#378 5/15/35 13 418 Request made for change in name of Apache Ave.& W.49th St. 11-4-36 15 194 1st & 2nd readings Ord.changing Apache Ave.& W.49th St.to LakvView Dr. 11-12-36 218 STREET NAMES 3. Book Page 3rd Reading Ord. #x+62 changing W.49th St.& Apache Ave. to Lakeview Drive 11-18-36 15 221 Petition for naming alley lying be- tween Washington & Collins to "roe na _Ceurt2_36- 19R6 • 1st & 2nd readings Ord.changing alley to *Collins Cour"12-16 36 15 __31rd Reading Ord. OT? - changing alley to "Collins Court" 1-6-37 15 319 STREET NAMES 4. Book Page let & 2nd readings Ord. changing Apache Ave. from L51st 3t.to-W. 51st-Terrace--to--bake Drive 1-6-37 15 319 3rd Reading Ord.# 477 making above street name change -20-37 let & 2nd readings of Ord. changing 15 351 --name._ of--part_of -Harding-wive. and Albacore Dr. to Indian Gek . 16 7/21/37190 Ord.#495 passed 3rd reading on above-- -8-5-37 16 212 STREET NAMES Ordinance to be prepared changing 5. Book Page name of Lenox Ave. from 41st to 46th Streets - to Nautilus Drive.10-13-37 16 324 lst and 2nd Readings Ord.ohanging aam" ox veto Nautilus Drive 10-20-37 i6 331 -3rd Reading Ord.#500 changing name sif__N. Lenox Ave. to_Nautilus Dr .11-5-37 16, let & 2nd Readings Ord.naming alley running through Blk.2-B of Espanola ORD#511? n ming alley k242 ii.2B Collins17 352 STREET NAMES 6 Book Page -- tat & _pro Beadings_-first.-changingg names of North and South Everglades -Co course-ta- Norman dy. Drive and Everglades Con cour se.,.reepeetivelg I-11-39 17 421 -3rd __Readt-ng-erd. 3f--maki-ng-above street name change 1-18-3.9 17 446 1st_and_2nd Readings Ordinance pro- posing ro posing to change name of W.14 -9th Court to W.9th, St. 2-1-39 17- 467- 3rd Re ad i ng--Drd,. 544 _oh - nig name oL.. _.49th Court 2/15/39 17 473 STREET NAMES (Also alley) 7. Book Page 1st and 2nd Readings Ordinance naming alley from Collins Canal to approx.8th St. to "Alton Ct" 5/4/39 18 71 Ord. #553 naming alley between Alton Rd. West Ave. to --"Alton Court" 5-.7-39 18 84 1st & and readings Ord.designating alley between Alton Rd.& Lenox Ave, from 5th to 8th St. "Lenox Court" 3rd Reading Ord.#56g n 1e18 375 Lenox Ilrtt -3 y 18 - 4 STREET NAMES (Also Alley) 8 Book Page Request for change inname of Purdy Court referred to City Mgr. 2/7/40 18 455 let and 2nd reading of Ordinance changing name of Purdy court to Lincoln court 4/17/40 19 g4 3rd Reading Ord.# 57 6 changing name of Purdy Court to Lincoln Ct. 5-1-40 19 Property ewner° req-ue3t name of Pine Tree Drive, on LaGor'ce Island be changed `ree Lane" 3/19/41 20 118 STREET NAMES f Also Alley) 9 Book Page let reading of Ordinance changing Name of- Pine -Tree- Drive—o-n—La- Goroc Iia-nd to- _PZree_Lane m 4/2/41 20 ik4 Res. #6111 naming and desig_.t netting WOL Street as public street— 9/18/ -24 308 - Canal Court changed to WASHINGTON COURT 3/6/46 23 447 STREET NMSME West 41st St. Assn. asks that name of 41st Street west of Biscayne Waterway be changed to "Sunset Strip" 1-4-50 29 111 (Taken under advisement) 71st St. Association and Normandy Isle Association request that name of Everglades Concourse be changed to 71st St. and a suitable name given to two blocks of Bay Drive to avoid confusion - Ordinance to be prepared making changes 10 Book Page 2-21-51 30 377 STREET NAMES l0a Book Page 1st and 2nd reading ordinance changing name of Everglades Concourse to 71st Street 8-1-51 31 421 3rd reading ordinance changing name of Everglades Concourse to 71st St. - Ord. #982 8-15-51 31 476 STREET NAMES 11 Book Page 71st St. Property Owners Assn advocateschange of name of 71st St. to Miami Beach Boulevard. 6-18-52 33 118 Council takes proposal to change name of 71st Street to Miami Beach Boulevard under advisement 9-17-52 33 267 Petition filed requesting that 71st-Stteet.:be renamed "Miami Beach Boulevard". Public hearing to be held. 11-5-52 33 356 STREET NAMES 12. Book Page Hearing re. change of name of 71st Street to M. B. Boulevard. Request denied. 11-26-52 33 392 41st Street Business Association asks Council to rename 41st Street Irthur Godfrey Road. " Ordinance to be prepared. 2-1-56 38 32 1st reading ordinance changing name of 41st Street to Arthur Godfrey Road 2-1-56 38 44 Request made to change name of 71st St. to Miami Beach Boulevard . Hearing to be held on 3/7/56. 2-15-56 38 48 STREET NAMES 13. Book Page 3rd reading Ord. renaming 41st Street Arthur Godfrey Road - Ord. #1201 2-15-56 38 66 Hearing conducted re. proposal to change name of 71st Street to Miami Beach Blvd. Request for change in name denied. 3-7-56 38 84 1st reading ordinance designating street in rear of Burdine's store as Meridian Court 9-19-56 38 416 3rd reading ordinance namdng Meridian Court - #1229 Ordinance 10-3-56 38 446