Street Oiling & Resurfacing_July 1931 to April 1953STREET OILING & RESURFACING Bids Received 1. BOOK, PA GE 8, x-08 Contract. let. -to- Morgan -Hill_ -Paving CO: _._--- 84 433 - last Street West of Prairie Avenue request 11,31 Bids oalled for 7-1-31_-11.,93 Proof of publishing notice for bids 7-15-31 11_9$ Bidders on contract 7-15-31 11,99 Contract 1et__ to -fid. F. Comer- -&_A. G. Lassiter, Miami Beach Labor _7-17-31 11307 --Various-pro jest _authors z d 6/PO/'A 4 12,_ 2_ STREET OILING AND RESURFACING. 2. Book Page 19th Street from N.Michigan Avenue to Alton Road ordered resurfaced 7/5/34 12, Lg1 Mayor urges resurfacing of Alton Road before next season 8/1/34 13 25 Various oiling and resurfacing pro- jects authorized and appropriation made to take care of same 10/3/34 13 Temporary pavements in 12th & 13th Sts. between Alton Rd. & West Ave.ordered 11/7/34 13 137 97 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 3. Book Page $12,000 miscellaneous st. resurfacing projedts, appropriated from Current Fund Surplus 4/22/35 13 377 $14,000.00 appropriated for street reoiling program 5/9/35 13 403 02,500.appropriated for resurfacing Alton Rd.5th to Lincoln 5/27/35 13, 434 8,000.00 appropriated for resurfacing & Widening Pine Tree Dr. 5/27/35 13, 434 32-H - Resurfacing of Alton Road to be done by Uity forces 6/19/35 13, 453 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 4. Book Page Resurfacing of Post Ave. from 45th to 47th Sts. authorized and appropriation authorized -$936.00 6/19/35 13 465 - $475.75 appropriated for paving 19th Street from Dade Blvd.to Alton Rd. 7/19/35 14 2 $418.00 -resurfacing 40th St.from Royal Palm to Sheridan 7/19/35 14 2 $279.95 - resurfacing 23rd St.from Alton Rd.to Bay Road 7/19/35 14 2 $332.75 - resurfacing 31st St.from Royal Palm Ave.to Sheridan 7/19/35 14 2 $408,10 - resurfacing 29th t.from4Prairie Ave.to Royal Palm Ave. 7/19/35 14 2 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 5. Book Page Paving of Abbott Ave.(75th to 76th) authorized - appro. $393.14 7/29/35 14 9 Paving of 77th St. (Collins to Atlantic Avenue) authorized -- appropriation for $461.07 7/29/35 14 9 Resurfacing of following authorized and appropriations made from Current Fund burplus $910.80 - 69th St.from Albacore Dr.to Collins Ave. $583.00 - Byron Ave.from Albacore Dr.to North line of Atlantic Heights 985..60 -Abbott Ave.from Albacore Dr.to 4 100 North line of At1 a iiti r uoi rp1.,4, STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 6. Book Page $407.00 appropriated for Carlyle Avenue resurfacing (Albacore Dr. to N.line of Atlantic Heights)9`18/35 14 100 84th, 86th and 87th Streets from Collins Avenue to Atlantic Way to be improved 10/25/35 14 164 Reoiling of Everglades Concourse on Isle of Normandy authorized and appropriation of $1706.made 4/29/36 14 397 $10,000 appropriated for reoiling3a d 14 46� resurfacing various streets 3 STREET OILING & RESURFACING 7. Book Page R. P. Pvarious e � Partridge at$4#340 0 6/17136 14 472 Resurfacing of Allison Rd. from point 1150 ft. nort-of--6-3rd-St. --to-north end of ?glad authorized... a propriation to be taken from former10,000.00 appropriation 647/36 -Final estimate to R.P.Partridge for - o-t14ng-streets--ordered-paid-i the -amount of $3,792.00 8-5-36 1-4 482 15 ITREET OILING & RESURFACING 8. Book Page North_Bay-- Rd.between 58th- & 59th Its.ordered resurfaced 10-21-36 15 189 -Streets on --extreme ease- -end-of- Isle of Normandy tube resurfaced at estimated cost of $3200. 11-4-36 Rocking and oiling of 82nd and 83rd Stre.eti And -part -of -81st St.in new -iaynsworth-Subdn4, authorized ---and appro- priation made $1305.00 1-5-38 16 486 Widening and Resurfacing of Indian Cr. --Drive- -authorized--and- appropriation made _-- 8-214-38 17 258- STREET OILING & RESURFACING Book Page.' Resurfacing of RojalPalm_ Ave 31st to 41st St. and 42nd to 444th);Chase thf-tot eridan Ave; (41st to46th) Prairie Ave (43rd to 47th) Meridian Ave.42nd to 47th) and appropriationn ori17,269.30 set up from Current_Fund_Surpl us May -1-11-9)R) 0 19 Resurfacing of Normandy Drive,Biarritz Dr. and Indian Creek Drive authorized and appro. of 42350.00 made 5/29/40 19 135 $600,00 -appropriated for resurfaci-ng- 11th St .-f r-om--West--Ave- to- an Rd. 5-8.40 19 05 97 '-STREET OILING & RESURFACING /10 Book Page *5,919.60 appropriated for -resur- facing and widening Bay Rd., from -20th-St -to- 29th -Bt: g-8-40-- 19 - 255 $1,000. appropriated for resurfac- ing Normandy Dr and Marseille Dr. 10-2-40 -19 314 Contract awarded McFarlin Const.Co. for placing asphalt,0i1 & trap rock on 41st, St.Michigan, Jeffcrson & 6th 10-16-40 19 355 Contract for furnishing pit rock on H-231,14.5 and 2.7 given Mills Rock Co. - 10-2i-40 1 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 11 Book Page 610,000. appropriated for reoiling program of streets throughout the City 6/5/41 20 265 Appropriations made for resurfacing following streets: LaGorce Dr.from 55th to 63rd; 67th St.from Indian Cr. to Collins Ave.;l8th St.from Collins to Washington 8/8/41 20 418 Appro. of 000.00 made for resurfac- ing 250 -foot strip of Biarritz Dr.east of Rue Bordeaux 10/2/41 20 439 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 12 Book Page *200.00 appropriated for resurfacing of 19th St. East of Alton Road 11/19/41 21 56 McFarlin Co. awarded contract for resurfacing streets (SEE CONTRACT 34H) _ 10/20/44 22 424 *15,000 appropriated for above street resurfacing 10/20/41- 22 424 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING 13 Book Page Council authorizes repaving of La Gorce Dr. from 51st to 55th St. at cost of *10,000 7/2/45 23 135 Council authorizes resurfacing of N. Bay Road from 29th to 34th and Chase Avenue from 41st St. north and appropriates respectively ely8/17/45 23 204 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Sheridan Avenue, 28th to 30th ) 51stSt. Pine Tree to Alton ) 47th St. from Pine Tree to ) Biscayne Waterway 3120/46 14 Book Page 23 479 McFarlin Construction Co. given contract for street oiling 4/3/46 23 498 $21,457.50 appropriated for resurfacing various streets 4/3/46 23 498 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING $207625 appropriated to resurface and bring up to grade streets on Normandy Isle 6/5/46 24 119 $27,830 appropriated for resurfacing and widening Prairie Ave. - Dade Blvd. tp 40th St. 6/5/46 24 119 $67165 appropriated for resurfacing N. Bay Road between 40th and 43rd Sts. 6/5/46 24 119 15 Book Page STREET OILING AND RESURFACING •16 Book Page Contract for retreading Alton Road let to Belcher Oil Co. 6/19/46 24 147 Contract for pit rock for HN - 70, 71, 72, 73 and 74 awarded to H. L. Milts Construction Co. 7/3/46 24 178 Contract for pit rock for HN - 77 (Alton Road) awarded Palmer - Bryan Rock Co. 8/7/46 24 252 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Book Page 3/1947 25 54 Several spots on Sunset Island #4 Abbott Ave. to be resurfaced between 82nd Terr. & 83rd St. 4/2/47 25 81 Council authorizes resurfac- ing of Byron Ave., 48th St., Normandy Drive, 34th St. and North Meridian, North Meridian and Garden Ave. 4/16/47 25 114 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Book Pagel Council increases appropriation for resurfacing Normandy Drive and orders it widened to 30 ft. 5/7/47 25 164 Contract for resurfacing parts of Biscayne Street, First Street and 15th St. awarded to Esphalt Paving Company 5/7/47 25 168 Street oiling contract awarded to McFarlin Construction Co. 6/11/+7 25 208 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Book Page/1 Contract for wearing surface for H-303 awarded to Troup Brothers 7/16/47 25 292 Resurfacing and raising 600' of Nautilus Drive authorized 10/1/47 25 411 Contract for resurfacing Dade Blvd. awarded to Ashpalt Paving Co. 5/5/48 26 332 Contract 46-H for oiling streets awarded to McGarlin Construction Co. 5/19/48 26 355 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Book Page M. L. Woodward's request that Sheridan Avenue be resurfaced and widened is referred to Ass't. City Manager 7/2/47 25 239 Pit rock contract for H-303 awarded to E. E. Collins Contracting Co. 7/2/1+7 25 246 Contract for resurfacing Bridge Road on Belle Isle awarded to Asphalt Paving Company 7/2/1+7 25 246 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Book Pagel Contract for wearing surface for H-305 awarded to McFarlin Construction Co. 8/18/48 27 46 Contract for oiling and sanding streets (47-H) let to Belcher Oil Co. 9/1/48 27 82 Contract for wearing surface for H-304 let to Belcher Oil Company 10/7/48 27 127 Contract for pit rock for HN -92 to 95 let to Oolite Rock Co. 3/23/+9 27 502 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Contract for various streets awarded to Asphalt Paving Co. (Contract R-1) 4/20/49 28 80 Book Page 2' Council authorizes resurfacing of Meridian Ave. from Dade Blvd. to 28th St. and 28th St. from Meridian to Prairie 5/4/49 28 131 Contracts for 2 street resurfacing jobs let to Asphalt Paving Company 3-15-50 29 233 (RN- Ho 1- HO ST'AEET� LING_ ANll . . a3 ISCT'�4gYNG Book Page 3efferson Avenue - 17th St. to 18th St. 5-3-50 29 326 Prairie Avenue from 41st St. to 44th Street to be resurfaced 8/28/50 30 52 Rue Versailles from Nor- mandy Dr. to Marseille Dr. to be resurfaced 11/22/50 30 199 STREET OILING AND RESURFACING Council rescinds action of 11/22/50 ordering paving of Rue Versailles from Normandy Dr. to Marseille Dr. as non -assessable project - see 11-338 12-7-50 30 220 Garden Ave. between 39th and 40th Streets, resurfacing authorized. $1,500. allocated in budget. 6-13-51 31 269 Bonita Drive, south of 71st St. to be resurfaced with funds from 1951-52 budget. 7-3-51 31 317 Book Page STREET OILING AND RESURFACING a.t Book Page Prairie Ave. from alley north of 41st st. to 42nd St. and from 42nd St. to 44th St. resurfacing authorized. $6,000.00 in 1950-51 budget and $10,000.00 in 1951-52 budget 8-8-51 31 432 Street resurfacing authorized in Polo Fields section, approximate cost $51,000., non -assessable 4_1_53 34 142 Resurfacing 59th St. from Alton Rd. to Bay Road authorized, $1,500.00 4-8-53 34 157