Street Paving_May 1948 to May 1955STREET PAVING 28 Book Page $contract f6r pit rock for H-302 awarded to Oolite Rock Co. 4/21/48 26 314 Contract for resurfacing Dade Blvd. awarded to Asphalt Paving Co. 5/5/48 26 332 Council votes 4-3 to pave Byron Ave. through North Shore Park 5/19/48 26 343 STREET PAVING Council votes to postpone action in re. cutting Byron Ave. through North Shore Park Contract for pit rock for H-305 awarded to Oolite Rock Co. 17th St. to be cut through from Washington Ave. to Meridian Ave. 10/7/48 27 129 29 Book Page 5/19/48 26 345 7/7/48 26 438 STREET PAVING 30 Book Page Contract for wearing surface for 17th Street awarded to McFarlin Construction Co. 11/17/48 27 208 Res. #6695 adopted, making further adjustment of assessments in assessment roll for H-299 (West Avenue) 12/15/48 27 245 Contract for pit rock for H-319 awarded to Murphy & Mills 12/24/48 27 262 84th and 85th Streets to be paved from Collins Ave. to alley west of Collins 3/2/49 27 465 STREET PAVING 31 Book Page Contract for wearing surface awarded to McFarlin Construction Co. 4/6/49 28 25 Petition submitted for paving of Jefferson Ave. from 1st to 5th Sts. 4/20/49 28 82 Contract for pit rock for Normandy Drive awarded to Phil Bryan 5/4/49 28 126 84th Street to be paved from Collins Ave. to alley west of Collins Ave. 5/18/49 28 151 STREET PAVING 32. Book Page Paving of 72nd St., Byron & Carlyle Avenues authorized 6/1/49 28 184 Abbott Ave. from 71st St. to Indian Creek to be paved 7/6/49 28 243 (non -assessable) $16,500 appropriated for paving 12th Street 50' north of present location from Alton Road to Michigan Avenue 3-15-50 29 230 STREET PAVING 33 Book Page 17th St. between Meridian Ave. and Jefferson Ave. to be paved (non -assessable) 4-5-50 29 268 Paving and widening of Harding Ave. from 72nd St. to north city limits Total cost $195,100.00 4-5-50 29 271 authorized Council authorizes paving of Adams Avenue out of budget funds 4-19-50 29 293 STREET PAVING 34 Bobk Page Harding Avenue widening project abandoned and $195,151.00 appropriation cancelled - 6/7/50 29 390 Paving of 74th St. from Harding Ave. to Collins Ave. 72nd St. from Dickens Ave. to Carlyle Ave. with esti- mated costs of $6,114.90 and $3,960.00 respectively, approved in principle -funds not availab'h in present budget 2-21-51 30 403 STREET PAVING 35 Book Page Paving of 72nd Street from Carlyle Ave. to Dickens Ave. as non -assessable project authorized 3-19-51 30 452 Paving Dickens Avenue from 74th to 75th Streets authorized. D'art of H-348) 8-10-51 31 451 77th Street adjacent to Biscayne Elementary School authorized paved. This portion to be financed from Current Fund and later reimbursed from bond fund 8-15-51 31 468 STREET PAVING 36 Book Page No action taken on request to pave 20 foot alley running thru Block 53, Orchard Subs. 2 & 3 8-15-51 31 481 Paving and widening Harding Avenue from 72nd St. to 75th St. and from 85th St. to north city limit authorized:. $58,000. to be appropriated from CFS and later reimbursed from bond fund 9-12-51 32 4+5 Paving authorized: Sarazen, Mitchell and Vardon Streets. Petition submitted b r perty Jowners o North Shore �a.nd 10-3-51 32 92 Fairway Drves. STREET PAVING 37 Book Page Sidewalk construction and curb and pavement adjustment on north side of 24th St. from Collins Ave. east, authorized. Request of Wofford Beach Hotel. 11-7-51 32 160 Repair and widening east shoulder of Bay Drive from Normandy Shores bridge to Normandy Dr., and north to South Shore Dr. 6-4-52 33 84 STREET PAVING 38 Book Page Repaving of Lincoln Road requested. Property owners willing to pay 1/2 of the cost of repaving street as well as new sidewalks and curbs. 7-2-52 33 130 Council authorizes Lincoln Road storm sewer replacement. Mr. Mead (Lincoln Road Association) to proceed with collection of portion of property owners' share of cost of paving and sidewalk repair 7-16-52 33 158 City to proceed with paving of Byron Ave. from Indian Creek Dr. to 71st St. as authorized on 10/17/51. 7-16-52 33 158 STREET PAVING Petition of property owners ori Byron AUe. bet. 83rd and 85th Sts. asking that paving of Byron Ave. be delayed. Denied. 8-6-52 33 189 Petition presented requesting paving - of alley north of Biscayne St. (Jefferson Ave. to Washington Ave. to be paved) H-365 12-3-52 33 408 Petition submitted by property owners requesting paving of Alton Court. from 1}09 llth to 12th Sts. (H-367) 12-3-52 33 39 Book Page STREET PAVING 40 Book Page Allocations from budget funds approved for resurfacing Pine Tree Dr. Circle, $2,500.00; retreading North Bay Road from 21st St. to 29th St., and 29th St. to bridge, $5,500.00; repairs to Municipal Pier, $85,000.00. 2-4-53 33 510 Request made for paving portion of Alton Court between 13th and 14th Sts. H-368 ordered. 3-18-53 34 111 Non -assessable paving, with curb and gutter, on Royal Palm Ave. from alley north of 41st St. to 42nd St. authorized, cost $5,000.00 4-1-53 34 142 STREET PAVING Street resurfacing authorized in Polo Fields section, approximate cost $51,000.00, non -assessable 4-1-53 34 142 Non -assessable retreading jobs authorized: Palm Island bridge Hibiscus Island bridge 1st St. from Alton Rd. to Wash. East end of Palm Island 41 Book Page $1,000. $1,000. Ave. $6,000. $9,000. 4-1-53 34 142 Widening of Ocean Dr. from Biscayne St. to 1st St. to width of 49 feet authorized, including sidewalks and lighting, cost $15,268.00 4-1-53 34 143 STREET PAVING Prairie Ave. retreading authorized from Dade Blvd. to 40th St., cost $12,000, non -assessable 4-1-53 34 143 Retreading of Alton Rd. from First St. to 5th St. authorized, cost $13,500., non -assessable 4-1-53 34 143 Retreading streets on Sunset Island authorized, cost $28,500.00 4-8-53 34 157 Repairing of certain streets on Belle Isle, Rivo Alto Island, Di Lido and San Marino Islands authorized, total cost $18,500.00 4-8-53 34 157 42 Book Page STREET PAVING 43 Book Page Retreading of Biarritz Dr. from Trouville Espl. to Rue Versailles to width of 24 feet, authorized, cost $10,000. 4-8-53 34 157 Repairing of Pine Tree Dr. from 30th to 46th Sts. authorized, cost $39,000.00 4-8-53 34 157 Resurfacing 59th St. from Alton Rd. to Bay Road authorized, $1,500.00 4-8-53 34 157 Resurfacing 29th St. from Bay Rd. to Sunset Island bridge authorized, $2,000.00 4-8-53 34 157 STREET fAVING Retreading Sheridan Ave. from 26th St. to 28th St. authorized; also 28th St. from Sheridan Ave. to Pine Tree Dr., all at estimated cost of $2,500.00 4-8-53 34 157 Retreading of 79th St., 79th Terr., 81st, 82nd, 83rd, 84th, 85th and 86th Sts. authorized, estimated cost $15,000.00 4-8-53 34 158 Retreading of Marseille Dr. from Rue Notre Dame to Rue Verdun authorized, estimated cost $6,500.00 vi 74tSt . Ave.'rom Hatrdina4-8-53 34 158 H o�o nw au hor ed. 4_8_53 34 158 1414 Book Page 45 STREET pAVINCr Book Page Width of streets in Polo Park area to be increased to width of 24 feet. Additional appropriation of $12,500.00 authorized. 4-15-53 34 173 Resurfacing Adams Avenue from 43rd Court to 44th Court to width of 24 feet, estimated cost $2,100.00, authorized 4-15-53 34 178 Repairs to Hibiscus Island streets authorized, cost $14,000.00 Resurfacing 44th Court from -15-53 34 178 N. Meridian Ave. to Alton Rd. to.width 24 feet,. authorized, $7,000.00 4-15-53 34 178 STREET PAVING 46 Book Page Retreading Biarritz Dr. from 71st St. north to Normandy Waterway authorized, estimated cost $3,000.00 4-15-53 34 178 Resurfacing of alley north of 41st St., from Prairie Ave. to Sheridan Ave., $3,047.00 authorized 5-6-53 34 227 Widening and resurfacing South Shore Dr. to width of 24 feet authorized 5-6-53 34 227 STREET PAVING 47 Book Page Curb and gutter replacement on west side Wash. Ave. from 12th to 14th Streets authorized, also east side Wash. Ave. from Espanola Way to 16th St; east side of Wash. Ave. from 8th to 9th Sts., and No. Michigan Ave. from Dade Blvd. to Alton Rd., $8,300.00 5-6-53 34 227 Construction of 601 pavement on 42nd St. from Meridian Ave. to Nautilus Ct. authorized, to provide for diagonal parking - $17,000.00 5-13-53 34 246 Resurfacing of reverse curve on Alton Road authorized (vicinityof 29th St.) $3.000.00 5-13-53 34 245 STREET PAVING 48 Book Page Widening and resurfacing Royal Palm Ave. from 28th to 31st St., and re- treading bet. 31st St. and 40th St. authorized - $10,000.00 5-20-53 34 278 Widening and repaving Normandy Dr. from Rue Versaille to Rue Notre Dame to width of 60 feet° authorized, at cost of $25,740.00 which includes replacement of existing sidewalk. Sidewalk on south side to be widened from 5 to 10 feet at cost $2,975.50 (H-372 & SK -172) 5-20-53 34 279 STREET PAVING 49 Book Page Paving of area between sidewalk and curb on south side of 71st St. bet. Bonita Dr. and Indian Cr. Dr. authorized - 5250.00 5-20-53 34 279 $900,00 appropriated for replace- ment of curb and gutter on 22nd Street 6-10-53 34 328 $1,600.00 appropriated for resurfacing Michigan Ave, from 46th St. to 47th St. to width of 24 feet 6-10-53 34 328 STREET PAVING 51 and widening Book Page Resurfacing/of Rue Notre Dame between 71st St. and Normandy Dr. to width of 24 feet, $1,537.50, authorized 11-)4-53 35 138 Repaving authorized - alley north of new Police Station, from Meridian Ave. to Jefferson Ave.; and alley west of Meridian and south of 2nd St. to be repaired. (Exits from new auto testing station) 12-16-53 35 239 Resurfacing curve in Collins Ave. at Royal York Hotel authorized, $1,700.00 3-3-54 35 364 STREET PAVING 50 Book Page $1,300.00 appropriated for paving 7th St. to width of 24' between Harding Ave. & Collins Ave. 7-22-53 34 408 Petition of Pine Tree Drive residents (block from 61st to 63rd St.) objecting to widening of pavement from 30' to 50'. Previous action of Council ordering paving project rescinded. Authorized: 8-5-53 34 424 Retreading 6th St. from Alton Rd. to West Ave. $550.00replacement, It from jrautoe5tSt3uo0.ou Rd. Retreading Espanola from Drexel to Jeff., $1,350.00 (petition submitted) 10-21-53 35 112 STREET PAVING 52 Book Page Reconstruction of alleys authorized: So. of Lincoln Rd. from Michigan to Jeff. Aves., $1,385.00 East of Alton Rd. from Lincoln Lane north to 17th St., $1,350.00 Lincoln Lane from Mich. to Jefferson Aves., $1,350.00 No. of Lincoln Rd. from Alton Rd. to Lenox Ave., $1,405.00 4-7-544 35 415 Reconstruction of alley south of 1st St., between Washington and Jefferson Aves. authorized - $3,800. 4-21-54 35 438 STREET PAVING 53 Book Page Consideration to be given to resurfacing of Fairway Drive on the north Isle of Normandy in forthcoming budget 7-21-54 36 99 Retreading Washington Ave. from 19th St. to Collins Canal authorized, $4,800.00 11-17-54 36 343 Financial aid to be requested from State Road Dept. for paving 71st St. gnd Normandy Dr. from Rue Notre Dame uu the Causeway 12-15-54 36 378 STREET PAVING 54 Book Page Bids for asphalt surface and asphalt material for North Shore Dr. and Fairway Dr. rejected and readvertisement authorized at a later date 5-4-55 37 136 City Mgr. recommends that Alton Rd. paving, bet. 19th St. & Chase Ave., and rebuilding & widening of Alton Rd. bridge over Biscayne Waterway be included in bond issue program as non -assessable project. Approved. 5-4-55 37 141