Citizens Service - Complaints_1985CITY CLERK (DEPARTMENT) CITY /CITIZENS SERVICE/COMPLAINTS 1985 CARD Nos. 1 & 2 3 0-/. <,- Z CiTr iiNs S81WfCF/C6M PLAYI ' S Date 2/20/85 R -9F 1 Discussion re. cit. complaints. Comr. Daoud advised of Comrs' concern re proper handling of City -related complaints/ques's and rev'd plan to refer them to 1 phone if (673-7373) for handling (logging w/date/time, response given, etc.) to avoid duplication of effort and referring person to numerous depts.; answering serv. to be utilized on weekends/ holidays. Mgr advised this will enable Admin. to track major prob. areas, response time, etc. Comr. Daoud suggested cards be printed, listing prob.-solving # and that it be publicized thru local news media. CITY CLERK (DEPARTMENT) 2 Date 12/18/85 Certs. of Appreciation pres'd by Comr. PA -1B Weisburd to Elaine M. Baker, Florence Huss, and Louise Ravesies of City Clerk's office for extra wk. & effort taken to recount ballots for Raphael Herman. (see PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, CERTIFICATES OF APPRECIATION) �7U ,! c,14��