City Attorney Arnold M. Winer_1984/1985CITY ATTORNEY — ARNOLD M. WINER 1984/1985 CARD Nos. 1 & 2 CITY ATTORNEY - ARNOLD M. WEINER Date 9/19/84 R -9D 1/23/85 R -9E 1 Appt. of C Atty. Comr. Shockett gave rep. of the selection committee. Sel. Com. mem. Harry Smith appeared & advised bd. recom- mended David Rynders & Arnold Weiner on equal basis. Arnold Weiner unan. apptd. C Atty, effective 9/24/84. He appeared brief- ly to express commitment to do a good job. (see CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE) Motion to evaluate C Mgr & C Atty, @ mtg., failed of passage 2-4 (Comrs. Daoud & Weisburd favoring; V -M Grenald & Comrs. Arkin, Shockett, & Singer opposed). (see CITY MANAGER - PARKINS, ROB W.) 30 f. / CITY ATTORNEY - ARNOLD M. WEINER Date 12/18/85 R -9A 2 C Atty M#751-85, discussion re. C Atty's salary. Motion to incr. salary by $12,000 annually fr. $65,000 to $77,000, carried 4-2 (Mayor Daoud, Comr. Resnick opposed; VM Arkin absentt).o(see CITY ATTY - ARNOLD M. WEINER) ot'y- w�"- -'Q //(`/ ' - .t ` c 3x6-/5