City Attorney Litigation Updates_September 1985OITTO W t . - . LY rr,ATror MATO Date 9/4/85 R -10A 14 C Atty Memo 496-85, rep. for info. only re.: Com. for Better Govt. for MB v. Comm. - Petition to compel Comm. to pl. strong Mayor form of govt. on 11/5/85 election ballot, denied. Seaside Props. I, Inc. et al v. CMB - Def's motion for atty fees & costs, granted. Edco Enterprises, Inc. etc. v. Metro Dade Co. Unsafe Structures Bd., et al. - C Atty's recommendation to reject settlement offer & proceed w/pending appellate proceedings (38-39 Star Is. prop. owned by Sheik Mohammed A1-Fassi). So. Shore Developers, Inc., etc. v. CMB/M.B. Redevelopment Agcy. - Lis Pendens dischgd. goo-7, v1,p CITY , ATTOAMY._.-. tfTTOW OST IP ATO 15 Date (Cont'd) 9/4/85 as to Marina Core Parcel. 7/85 Code R -10A Enforcement prosecutions recap. 11/20/85 C Atty M#620-85, rep. on fol. cases submit - R -10A ted for info. only; no action reqd/taken: I. Litigation a. Plissner v. CNS - Circuit Ct. granted City's Motion for Summary Judgment re. emergency ambulance care svcs. b. Carner Mason v. CMB - Circuit Ct. granted Defs' Motion to Dismiss Com- plaint re. M.B. Marina lease. II. Recap of Code Enf. prosecutions - 8/85 a. Co. Ct. Cases (Fire & So. FL Bldg. Code). (Cont'd) 30D -A '5‘'''7S- - CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES Date (Cont'd) 11/20/85 b. Code Rnf. Bd. prosecutions. (see R -10A CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE) 16 12/4/85 C Atty M#711-85, R#85-18309 adopted, approv- R-7C ing acquisition of Lot 12, B1 55, Orchard Sub. Nos. 2 & 3, 12/4/85 partial settlement for prop. @ 525 W. 40th St. (for 41st St. Pkg. Project). C Atty advised Judge James C. Henderson notified him of suit filed by Mildred S. Falk & Benita Argos to enjoin any acquisition of prop., w/hrg. set for 12/6/85 @ 10 a.m.; further, that that action does not prohibit City fr. proceeding. (see PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROP., PARKING OF AUTOS (OFF -ST.), ARTHUR GODFREY RD.) G TY ATMO i.S? W f4'f IGAT IO .UPDAT25 17 Date 12/18/85 C Atty M4752-85, C Atty's office status rep. R -10A Written rep. on Code Enforcement prosecu- tions for Sept., Oct., and Nov. 85, submit- ted for info only; no action required or taken. 1/8/86 C Atty M#35-86, status rep. on fol. cases R -10B submitted for info only; no action req'd or taken: I. Litigation a. Carner-Mason v. CMB - Circuit Ct. Judge dismissed declaratory relief count & allowed breach of contr. cause to stand re Defs' purported 3 D5-7 "See/ CITY ATTORNEY UPi A ' S 1$ nate (Cont'd) 1/$/$6 wrongful actions in failing to R-10B comply w/Marina Lease Agreement. b. MB Homeowners Assn./Mildred Falk v. CMB - Circuit Ct. Judge granted City's Motion to Dismiss complaint challenging condemnation of 6 par- cels on 40th St. for pkg. II Recap of Code Enforcement prosecutions in 12/85: a. Co. Ct. Cases (Fire & So. FL Bldg. Code) b. Code Enf. Bd. prosecutions. iO67. 'F CITY ATTORNEY -- LITIGATION UPDATES Date 2/5/86 R -10A 19 C Atty M#100-86, written status rep. on fol. cases submitted for info only: Litigation Murray White/Arnold Leon v CMB - judge denied Plaintiff's Motion for Temp. Injunction (case challenging City's condemning 6 parcels for 41st St./Off- St. Pkg. Project); case dismissed. Morton Perlin v Malcolm Fromberg, etc. - 3rd Dist. Ct. of Appeal granted Appellees' Motion to Dismiss. Herbert Lerner v Malcolm Fromberg, et al. - 3rd Dist. Ct. of Appeal dismissed appeal. (Cont'd on next card) a. b. c. 6v- -s- ,P CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES 20 Date (Cont'd) 2/5/86 Recap of Code Enforcement prosecutions -1/86 R40A a. Co. Ct. cases (Fire & So. FL Bldg. Code) b. Code Enforcement Bd. prosecutions 4/2/86 C Atty M#247-86, status rep. on fol. litiga- R-10A tion filed for info only; no action required or taken: Trammel v CAS - C Atty's office investigating aves. for appeal of 3rd Dist. Ct. of Appeals ruling and order that City rezone props. on west side of Collins Ave. bet. 76th and 79th Sts. to classifications not less restrictive than 60 units/acre. 9ort. �c4 CITY ATTORNEY - LYTIOATION UPDATES 21 Date 4/16/86 C Atty M#262-86, status rep. on Code En - R -10A forcement prosecutions for 3/86 (Co. Ct. and Code Enforcement Bd.) filed for info only; no action required or taken. 5/21/86 C Atty M#339-86, written rep. on Co. Ct. R -10A cases (Fire & So. FL Bldg. Code) & Code Enf. Bd. prosecutions for 4/86; for info only, no action required or taken. 6/18/86 C Atty M#416-86, rep. on Co. Ct. cases R -10A (Fire & So. FL Bldg,. Code) k Code Enforcement Bd. prosecutions for 5/86, for info only; no action reqd/taken. CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES 22 Date 7/9/86 C Atty M#461-86, C Atty's office status rep. R -10A on fol. items, for info only; no action required or taken: Metro Dade Co. Unsafe Structures Bd rulings: Biscaya Hotel, 540 West Ave. Regency Hotel, 3801 Collins Ave. Roselle Hotel, 635 Euclid Ave. Brisk v. CMB (auto accident). (see file recs. for details) 7/9/86 Discussion re. Amoco Oil Co. v. CMB, Case # R -10D 84-31915 (11th Circuit Ct.). Ch. Dep. C Atty advised Judge found City's zoning ord. prohibiting sale of alcoholic beverages in a.--/< vYSF CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES 23 Date (Cont'd) 7/9/86 filling stas. unconstitutional. City not to R-10D interfere w/sale of beer @ 945 5th St. Amoco sta. Comm. auth'd filing of an appeal; requested ord. be drafted prohibit- ing sale of alcoholic beverages in filling stas. & convenience stores for 7/23/86 mtg. (see ZONING, FILLING STATION) Dbe-/ C./TY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES Date 9/3/86 R -10A 24 C Atty M#598-86, litigation updates for info only; no action required or taken on fol.: 1. Falk vs. CMB, et al. -11th Circuit Ct. denied Plaintiff's Petition for Writ of Mandamus to compel Comm. to pl. ques. on ballot requiring electorate approval for projects $250,000 or more (ruled unconstitutionally vague; "projects" not defined) . 2. Plissner vs. CMB, et al. -11th Circuit Ct. denied Plaintiff's Motion for Emer- gency Temp. Injunction to restrain City fr. conducting 2nd reading of ord. re- pealing Code Chp. 3A providing for lic'd phys's on ambulances. gals-� -�-� s� CITY ATTORNEY - LIT/CATION UPDATES 25 Date 9/17/86 C Atty M#634-86, C Atty's status rep. re R-10A Code Enforcement prosecutions (Co. Ct. cases - Fire, So. FL Bldg. Code) & Code Enforce- ment Bd. prosecutions for 7/86 & 8/86, filed for info only. Initiation of Occupational Lic. revocation process urged against lig. establishments w/excess no. of police calls. Mgr advised Police recs. bg. monitored; lic. revocation process to be initiated if not corr. Adm. investigating est'g a Police call fee program. Rep. requested for 10/1/86. (see LIQUOR LICENSES) 3 367 -7c< CITY ATTORNRY - LITIGATION UPDATES 26 Date 9/17/86 C Atty M#636-86, C Atty's office status rep. R -10C on litigation, for info only: 1) Harry Plissner vs. CMB, et al. re phys's on Rescue calls; 2) New Floridian, Inc. (Biscaya Hotel) vs. CMB; 3) SSDI (So. Shore Developers, Inc.) 11/19/86 C Atty M#769-86, status rep. on Code En- t -10A forcemeat prosecutions for 10/86; for info only. Rep. rendered on Consorzio Const. Co. vs. CMB/Metro Dade Co. Unsafe Structures d Motion for Preliminary In3unction re 3801 Collins Ave.; judge upheld demolition order, 3 D 6'/- ys19,C CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES 27 Date (Cont'd) 11/19/86 but allowed Consorzio to appeal order. (see R -10A BLDG DEPT./CODE ENFORCEMENT/DEV. SERVICES) 12/4/86 C Atty M#820-86, litigation update re. R -10B Jefferson Natl. Bk. v. city - Circuit Judge dismissed complaint to compel City to const. pkg. facility on vacant lot or to permit Bank to const. pkg. lot thereon; filed for info only. 12/17/86 C Atty M#856-86, status rep. on code en - R -10A forcement prosecution for 11/86, filed for info only. CIT'Y ATTORNDY LIT/CATION UPDATES 28 Date 12/17/86 C Atty M#863-86, status rep. on CMB v Carner R -10A.1 -Mason Assocs., Ltd. (marina lessees) detailing terms of 12/10/86 Stipulation re. use of funds for rubble pile removal; filed for info only. 2/4/87 C Atty M#95-87, litigation updates, for info R -10A only: 1. MB Homeowners Assn, Inc. v. Dade Co. Elections Bd. (re Ques. 3, Charter §37(h) on 11/4/86 ballot) - City's Motion to Dismiss, granted. 2. MB Homeowners Assn, Zc., v. d. f Adj. & Lutheran Ministries orri. 057 nv CITY A'T'TORNDY - LITIGATION UPbA'T28 29 Date (Cont'd) 2/4/87 Bd's granting pkg. var. to Lutheran R -10A Ministries) - Defendant's Motions to Dismiss cause,. granted. oma/ -7/ /v",,r-