City Attorney Litigation Updates_1984 to 1987CITY ATTORNEY LITIGATION UPDATES 1984 TO 1987 CARD Nos. 1 TO 29 36o-/. '%7i7 CITY - AT"TORNEY LITIGATION UPDATES Date 4/19/84 R-l0A 1 C Atty Memo 252-84, litigation status up- dates. Report on disposition of fol. cases, submitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. Completed Litigation: a. CMB v. Klevsor Hotel Corp. et al. (unpaid water bill settlement). Cohen v. CMB (claim for payment for servs. rendered during 1983 Birthday Jubilee celebration). 2. Pending Litigation: a. CMB v. Expo -Intl. (unpaid Conv. Ctr. rents) . CMB v. L & M Vending Co., Inc. (lost b. B. ?) 2r7. ''S/(7‘ CITSt ATTORNEY _-DITIGAMOWUPDATES Date 4/19/84 R -10A . (Cont' d ) c. d. grossrecta. & revenues) . CMB v. Orangebrook Concessions, (conversion of City -owned course kitchen utensils). Freifelder v. Canvassing Bd. for in 11/1/83 Mun. Election, et Inc. golf CMB al. (appeal lower cts. order upholding validity of election). (see WATER, CITY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION, CONV. CTR. COMPLEX, GOLF COURSES) 5/2/84 C Atty Memo 277-84, C Atty's litigation up - R -10A date. Rep. on fol. cases submitted for info only; no action required or taken: 306-7 -C/TY''A TORNEY ,,'L/TIOATfat UPDATtg nate (Cont'd) -572/44-- 1. ' Club -on tie Bay, - Inc. v`CMB - EL R -10A Supreme Ct. denied jurisdiction for Club's Petition for Rev. of appelate ct's order holding City not liable. 2. District XI Nursing Home & Long Term Care Facility, Ombudsman Council, Max Serchuk, Judah Burstyn, and Harry Plissner v. CMB - U.S. District Ct. Judge dismissed action; Plaintiffs' motion to vacate order of dismissal cur. pending. (see ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES, ISLAND VIEW HOSP. PROP.) 3 r3 cc—7 CITY A'ITORNtY -- t,ITIOATIOW uplims Date 7/11/84 R -10C 4 C Atty Memo 443-84A, litigation status up- date. Rep. on fol. cases submitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. CMB v. Estate of Maurice Horowitz (1931 Meridian Ave. prop.) - settled; title held by City. 2. CMB v. Queen Esther Corp. d/b/a/ Grace Hotel - City dismissed suit re. illegal ACLF op. & will pursue zoning ord. en- forcement in criminal court. 3. So. Shore Developers, Inc. v. CMB/M.B. Redevelopment Agcy - City not liable to pay Agcy indebtedness to SSDI; Agcy owed SSDI damages and SSDI has option rts. to CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES 5 Date (Cont'd) 7/11/84 parcels A, C, and D which must be exer- R-10C cised by 12/27/84 at specified option price. 4. Waterfront Developers, Inc. v. CMB/M.B. Redevelopment Agcy/Carner-Mason Assocs. -City prevailed in challenge to Marina bidding procedures. (see CONDEMNATIONS, CIVIC & CONV. CTR. MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN, ACLF, ZONING, M.B. MARINA, REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, M.B.) 7/25/84 C. Atty. Memo 506-84, rep. on Petition for R -10B Writ of Certiorari re. date of taking prop. in suit against Buckley, submitted for info. CrTY AT't'ORN2Y - LYTIOATXO1 UPDAT2S bate (Cont'd) 7/25/84 (see OCEANFRONT PARK (77th - 87th TERR.) R -10B PROPOSED PURCHASE OF PROPERTY) • 6 7/25/84 C Atty Memo 512-84, rep. on litigation R -10C handled by C Atty's office during Mrs. Dougherty's tenure, for info only. 11/7/84 C Atty Memo 708-84, C Atty's office status R -10A rep. Fol. cases, submitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. Grosz v. CMB - U.S. Supreme Ct. upheld Appeals Ct. order, reaffirming City's power to prohibit nonresidential use of prop. in residentially -zoned district. 3D65---/_ -v5? CITY ATTOMMY - LITIOA!ION UPbAMMS '7 Date (Cont'd) 11/7/84 2. Sunset Isis. 03 & 4 Prop. Owners Inc. v. R -10A M.B. Yacht Club & CMB - FL Supreme Ct. denied Plaintiff's petition to review Appeal Ct. decision upholding Zoning Ord.. validity, holding City complied w/notice requirements. 3. Watts v. CMB, etc. - U.S. Southern District Ct. granted City's motion to dismiss civil rts. action. (see ZONING) 12/5/84 C Atty Memo 800-84, status rep. on Trammel, R -10A etc., et. al. v. CMB submitted for info only; no action required or taken. )007( 4r5`.,) CITY ATTO12N8Y W TTYGATION, UPDATg8 Date 1/23/85 C Atty Memo 53-85, rep. on fol. cases, sub - R -10A mitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. CMB v. L & M Vending Co. - settlement reached where Defendant pd. City $1,500 and delivered title/possession of 3 soda vending machines. 2. Espanola Way Corp. v. CMB - voluntary dismissal w/prejudice in exchange for waiving costs. 2/20/85 C Atty Memo 118-85, rep. on fol. cases, sub - R -10A mitted for info only; no action required or taken: (Cont'd on next card) 3?)0--7 - CITY AT'IORATRY - LITIGATION MATO. O. 9 Date (Cont'd) 2/20/85 1. CMB v. L & M Vending Co., Inc. - settle- R -10A ment ($1,500 and title/possession of 3 soda vending machines given to City). 2. Espanola Way Corp. v. CMB - Plaintiffs obtained voluntary dismissal w/prejudice in exchange for stipulation waiving all costs. 3. Seaside Props. vs. CMB - City/MB Redevelopment Agcy's motion to involun- tarily dismiss complaint granted; Defen- dants permitted to file motion for tax- ation of costs and atty fees, which will occur after counsel for Plaintiff has responded. 300/ - 7' S) CITY ATTORNEY * LITIGATION UPDATES Date •3720/85 R -10A 10 C Atty Memo 266-85, rep. on fol. cases, sub- mitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. Dominguez, Moncada, Assoc. of Commercial Guides, Inc. v. CMB challenging consti- tutionality of transp. ords., dismissed. 2. FL Culinary Institute (Sammy's East Side) v. Parkins and CMB, license revo- cation due to operational hr. viola- tions, dismissed fol. negotiation. 3. So. Shore Developers, Inc. v. CMB and MB Redevelopment Agency, Writ of Garnishment of Agency funds, dismissed. (Cont'd on next card) 3ZY�'j se'.S) CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATION UPDATES 11 OA_e (Cont'd) 3/20/85 4. Rep. on Code Enforcement Bd. March mtg. R -10A C Atty advised Code Enforcement efforst will be reflected in his office's periodic status reports. (see BUILDING DEPARTMENT/CODE ENFORCEMENT/DEVELOPMENT SERVICES) 4/17/85 C Atty Memo 260-85, rep. on fol. cases, sub - R -10B mitted for info only; no action required or taken: 1. Litigation: a) Waterfront Developers, Inc. v. CMB, MB Redevelopment Agcy, and Carner- Mason Assocs., Ltd. - City's award (Cont'd on next card) ao -7- -.---rs7 CY' Y ATTORNEY - UT:NA ION: UPDATES 12 Date (Cont'd) 4/17/85 of Marina lease contr. upheld by 3rd R -10B District Ct. of Appeals. 2. Code Enforcement Prosecution (4/4 & 11/85): a) County Court Cases (fire) b) Code Enforcement Bd. prosecutions (March mtg.) 6/26/85 C Atty Memo 370-85, C Atty's office written R -10B rep. on fol. cases submitted for info only; no action required or taken: Helen Trammel, et al. v. CMB re. zoning of west side of Collins Ave., 76th -79th Sts., (Cont'd on next page) 3730-/' ¶,'fr> CITY ATTORNEY - LITIGATIOtN UPDATES Date 6%26/05 R -10B 7/10/85 R -10A (Cont'd) Circuit Ct. ruling in City's favor. Recap of Code Enforcement prosecution in May, 1985. 11 C Atty memo 420-85, C Atty's office rep. C Atty auth. to appeal Circuit Ct. Judge's ruling that Edco Enterprises, Inc. recover $54,461 exps. fr. City & Dade Co. Unsafe Structures Bd. in its appeal of USB decision ord'g demo of 38-39 Star Isl. structures owned by Sheik Mohammed A1-Fassi. (see STAR ISLAND (AND BRIDGE)) /'4-/