City Attorney Lucia Dougherty_1983 - Retired December 1989CITY ATTORNEY - LUCIA A. DOUGHERTY 1983 CARD No. 1 CITY ATTORNEY LUCIA A: DOUGHERTY 1 nate -2/16/83 Rep. on status of appt of C Atty. LTC 291983 R8I (applications recd. - 2/8/83), LTC 33-1983 (applications recd. - 2/11/83), LTC 38-1983 (applications recd. - 2/15/83). Mrs. Lucia A. Dougherty appointed, to become effective 2/28/83. C Mgr & Mayor to discuss salary requirements w/Mrs. Dougherty & submit rep. for consideration later in mtg. or for 3/2/83 agenda (NOTE: Matter not reached). Later in mtg, Mrs. Dougherty appeared & acptd. & thanked Comm. for the appt. G -� /i/, / '? 6—/ •e9