City Attorney's Office (See Attorney Ritter)_1980 to 1987CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 1980 TO 1987 CARD Nos. 19 TO 59 3a CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE Request of Mayor Murray Meyerson to discuss City Atty's resignation and procedure for replacement. (Deferred from 12/19/79) Not reached - deferred to 1/16/80. (See City Atty. Shevin) Request of Mayor Murray Meyerson to discuss 1/16/80 City Atty's resignation and procedure for replacement, (deferred from 1/2/80). Com- missioner Friedman's motion to defer this item failed of passage. John Ritter was ap- pointed City Atty., effective March 15, 1980. City Atty. advised that if an earlier transi- tion can be satisfactorily effected, it would be agreeable to him, and he would discuss this 1g Date 1/2/80 1 y'a 6-7 �ycY? CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 20 (continued) Date with Mr. Ritter, and advise Commission accord- ingly. (See City Atty., John A. Ritter) 1/16/80 (NOT ON AGENDA) Mr. John A. Ritter sworn in 2/20/80 as the new City Attorney. (See City Atty- Ritter) (NOT ON AGENDA) Ord. #80-2200, amending 2/20/80 Ord. #1605 adopted as an emergency measure, establishing bi-weekly salary of $1,839.08 for classification of City Atty. (Annual salary: $48,000). (See City Atty -Ritter, Salaries) 9615/- ���> CITY ATT0RNEY'S OFFICE 21 Date Commissioner Friedman requested preparation of 3/1 80 resolution/proclamation expressing appreciation to Mr. Andrew Moriber for his years of dedicated service to City, same to be presented on Mary 19, 1980. Ord. 80-2238 adopted as emer. measure, designat- 10/28/80 ing Atty. to also be Munic. Prosecutor pursuant to Charter & Genl. Law; authorizing Munic. Prosecutor to appoint Asst. Munic. Prosecutors & appropriating funds for said purpose; authorizing Munic. Prose- cutor & his assistants to prosecute on behalf of City, violations of Code, Comm. Weinstein agreed to vote for adoption of ord. however he requested that Mgr. & Atty. review idea of having a Munic. 30 /• y��� CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 22 (cont'd.) Date Prosecutor or Munic. Prosecutor's off. whose 10/28/80 sole responsibility would be enforcement of vio- lations of Munic. law & who could take up some cases which have been pending for many yrs. He asked for concrete recommendations in this respect. (see MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR) C. Att. request for authorization to hire special 4/1/81 counsel to bring legal action against Youth Ctr. contractor, architect, etc. C. Att. authorized to retain special counsel, James Glass, to bring legal action against individual(s) and/or firm(s) responsible for construction problems at Ctr. C. Att. proposed that funds for the employment be provided frm. D,� <' yF > CITY ATTORNEY's OFFICE 23 (Cont'd) Date Contingency Funds if necessary. (see YOUTH CENTER) 4/1/81 Report regarding Circuit Court suit - Lawrence F. 6/17/81 Taylor, Plaintiff, VS. Melvin Mendelson, Defendant. Res. 81-16702 adopted, authorizing C. Att. to employ special counsel in defense of this litigation. (see MENDELSON, MELVIN (MEL) - COMMISSIONER) Request of Comm. Alex Daoud for status report 7/8/81 regarding the Taylor vs. Mendelson lawsuit. Mr. Michael Dribin, Pres. of the MB Taxpayers Assoc., appeared & inquired whether there is a genl. City policy to provide funding for outside legal counsel to defend lawsuits brought against City officials CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 24 (Cont'd) Date & employees. He also asked for particulars per- 7/8/81 taining to a recent suit brought by Lawrence F. Taylor against Comm. Mendelson. The C. Att. advised that no settlement has been reached nor has an order of the Court been entered in this case. Mayor Meyerson directed the C. Att. to keep the Comm. & pub. apprised as soon as this matter has been resolved. Mayor Meyerson requested the C. Clerk to send Mr. Dribin copies of the minutes of this mtg. & the Comm. mtgs. of 4/1/81 and 6/17/81, as well as Judge Joseph M. Nadler's 6/2/81 order for his inof. During the discussion, Mayor Meyerson indicated that in the future, it is his intention to file countersuits against those persons who file meritless suits against the Comms. individ- 3o6—/ • 9'9d 7 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 25 (Cont'd) Date ually. (see MENDELSON, MELVIN (MEL) - COMMISSIONER) 7/8/81 Recommendation of C. Att. regarding hiring of Linton Lovett as special counsel & course of action to follow to accomplish goals. C. Att. gave oral report of basis for recommendation. Res. 81-16714 adopted, authorizing retention of Mr. Lovett to negotiate for the City, the resolution of all problems w/all affected govtl. agencies to establish a pilot project for deep current sewage assimilation, at a fee of $125 per hour, w/a $10,000 max. Mayor Meyerson requested a midterm report of accomplishments & objectives. (see SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT) 7/8/81 aaics-/- -.5-'5,,7 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 26 Date Mayor Meyerson requested the C. Att. to research 7/8/81 the law as to whether there is cause for legal action against persons filing lawsuits against the Mayor & Commissioners, individually, when such suits are based on unfounded, unsworn allegations that the Commissioners specifically & intentionally attempted to deprive citizens of their Constitutional rights. C. Att. to submit a report & recommendations. (see SUITS AGAINST THE CITY) Comm. Singer requested C. Att. to furnish Comm. 11/18/81 members w/status rep. on pending litigation involving lg. sums of money. (see SUITS AGAINST THE CITY, SEWAGE DISPOSAL AND TREATMENT) 05-7 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 27 Date Ord. amdg. Code §2-23.1(b) pertaining to appt. of 1/20/82 Legal Assistance officers; providing effective date; not reached -- deferred to 2/3/82. (see LEGAL ASSISTANCE:OFFICERS) Comm. Fromberg requested that bef. 3/17/82 mtg., 3/3/82 C. Att's Off. provide ea. Comm. w/list of fees pd. to outside counsels since 1/1/81, identifying the matter, amt. pd., & to whom. Memo 158-82, res. req'g. C. Att. to pres. all pro- 3/17/82 posed ords. & resolutions to C. Mgr. for rev. & rec- ommendations 5 wkg. days prior to Comm's 1st reading of these proposed ords. & res's, not reached - deferred to 4/6/82. 66-/ - 4/1(4) CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 28 Date C. Att. Memo 165-82, Abe Solosko's claim for att's 3/17/82 fees in connection w/MB Housing Autb. matters. Comm. approved C. Att's recommendation to pay $2,500 for Mr. Solosko's att's fees, conditioned upon obtaining an executed gent. release waiving all claims against City & its officers in connection w/removal proceedings & dismissing his pending suit against City. (see HOUSING AUTHORITY) Comm. Weinstein reiterated request made by Comm. 3/17/82 Fromberg at 3/3/82 mtg., that C. Att. provide Com- missioners an itemized list of all fees pd. by City to outside legal counsel, requesting that list detail pymts. made over past 2 yrs. VM Dr. Haber requested that list incl. fees pd, to all consultants,