City Attorney's Office_March to April 1982CITY ATTORNEY'S O'F'FICE 29 (Cont'd) Date appraisers, etc., incl'g. those pd. by MB Redevelop- 3/17`x: ment Agcy. (see REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MIAMI BEACH) Memo 158-82, res. req'g. C. Att. to pres. all pro- 4/6/82 posed ords. & res's to C. Mgr. for rev. & recommen- dations 5 wkg. days prior to Comm's 1st reading of same, not reached - deferred to 4/21/82. (see AGENDA) Comr. Weinstein reiterated his previous suggestion 4/6/82 that Div. of Mun. Prosecutor be est'd, sep. from C. Att's office, chgd. w/responsibility of prosecuting all City code, police, etc. violations. He requested that ord. to est. such div. be drafted & pld. on (CQnt'd) CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 30 (Cont'd) Date 4/21/82 agenda for Comm. consideration. (see CODE 4/6/82 ENFORCEMENT BOARD, MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR) Memo 158-82, Res. 82-16989 adopted, requiring C. Att. 4/21g Z to pres. all proposed ords. (w/exception of emergency ords.) & res. to C. Mgr. for rev. & recommendations 5 wkg. days prior to Comm's 1st reading of these proposed ords. & res. (see AGENDA) C. Att. Memo 249-82, ord. amdg. Code §2-32.1, to 4/21/82 provide for Comm. appt. of Mun. Prosecutor, LTC 26-1982, dated 4/19/82. No action taken on proposed ord. C. Att's office to provide mun. prosecutor function. (see MUNICIPAL PROSECUTOR) �n 5i �� CITY ATTORNEYS OTT'ICE 3l Date Comr. Singer requested that in fut. when Admin. 4/21/82 requests auth. to ret. sp. legal counsel, the hrly. rate & expenditure limitation be provided. Memo 460-82, Food Mgt. Assocs., Inc. Mayor Ciment 7/7/82 suggested that all fut. contrs. incl. stipulation that if bond is not provided as req'd., contr. is auto. terminated. (see CONVENTION CENTER - CONCESSION CONTRACT, CONVENTION CENTER COMPLEX) Memo 473-82, Bid 68-82, reps. to gym fl. at Youth 7/21/82 Ctr., MP -228, awarded to Niggel Assocs., Inc. for removal of existing flooring & installation of new synthetic flooring syst.; Bid amt: $39,266, to be funded from 3/14(72 Bond Isue; cons., as well. ?oi / 1?(4/`) CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 32 (Cont'd) Date as inspection & testing (addnl. $2,000) costs to 7/21/82 be incl'd in claim against bonding co., contractor & arch. for orig. cons. Comr. Daoud suggested that 1) Admin. take remedial action in interim to ensure safety of users, and 2) fut. cons. contrs. stipulate that wk. be inspected by City pers. to prevent recurrence of such problems. (see YOUTH CENTER, YOUTH CENTER [CONTRACTS], SUITS BROUGHT BY CITY) Budget Adv. Com. recommended that Legal (Personnel 9/14/82 Servs.) be cut $30,000 (1 Att. II position). Proposed budget unchanged. (see 1982/83 BUDGET, BUDGET ADV. COM.) ZxT7 CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 33 Date C. Atty Memo 605-82, request of Bayard Strell to 9/15/82 discuss progress rep. on litigation mandated by MB for relief of taxes by Dade Co. for funding the Miami Downtown People Mover (Rapid Transit Syst.). Mr. Strell alleged he was legal consultant to C. Att. on volunteer basis w/promise that his costs will be reimbursed; & upon bg. ques'd on this allegation, Mr. Strell stated there was no obligation on the pt. of City in this matter. (see SUITS BROUGHT BY CITY, METRO. DADE COUNTY, RAPID TRANSIT SYST.) C. Atty Memo 817-82, ord. amd'g Code §25-41, viding that fishing fr. causeways & pub. pro appurtenant thereto is prohibited. Comr. requested all forthcoming ords. & rests pro- 1/5/83 P. Eisenberg (cont'd) CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 34 (Cont'd) Date reflect name of committee/dept./person .initiating 1/5/83 its drafting. (see FISHING) Appt. of new C. Atty. Letter of resignation fr. 1/28/83 John A. Ritter, accepted, effective 1/31/83 at midnight. Request for 90 days severance pay, granted. (LTC 24-1983, dtd. 2/3/83) Asst. C. Atty Willard K. Splittstoesser apptd. C. Atty, effective 2/1/83 at 12:01 a.m. Mayor Ciment requested C. Mgr. imdtly. pl. adv. in Miami Rev., Miami Herald, etc., soliciting applications to fill C. Atty position on a perm. basis; applications to be submitted to C. Mgr. for distribution to mems. of Comm. 2/2/83 reg. Comm. mtg. to be cont'd to mutually -convenient day during wk. of 2/7/83 for Comm. to consider appli- cations & sel. of C. Atty. (see CITY ATTY - CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 35 (Cont'd) Date JOHN A. RITTER, CITY ATTORNEY WILLARD K. SPLITTS- 1/28/83 TOESSER) Appt. of new C. Atty. Fol. C. Mgr's rep. re. time 2/2/83 req'd. to pl. ads. & rec. & distribute applications, item pl'd. on 2/16/83 ag. for rep. & Comm. action on applications rec'd., if deemed appropriate. Mems. of Comm. indicated that Willard K. Splitt- stoesser (pres. C. Atty) is to rec. bi-wkly compensation as est'd. for the position of C. Atty, as provided in the Unclassified Salary Ord. (see SALARIES, CITY ATTORNEY - WILLARD K. SPLITTSTOESSER) CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 36 Date Ordinance 83-2362 adopted as emergency measure 3/2/83 estab. max. biwkly. salary for City Attorney classification at $2,490.42 (amends Ord. 1605, Unclass. Emp. Salary Ord.) (see SALARIES) 6 -� CIi'Y-ATTORNEYTS MICE 37 Date 4/6/83 Res. 83-17307 adopted, estab. imprest ck'g C -4A acct. for Legal Dept. w/Jeff. Nat'l. Bd. of MB, for $1,000 to pay pro. servs., max amt. by ck. $200; 2 of 4 desig. sigs. req'd. Revokes Res. 82-17165. (see VOUCHER SIGNATURES) 9/7/83 Res. auth'g creation & maintenance of an C -4F ck'g acct. for Legal Dept. w/Jefferson Natl. Bank of MB; revoking Res. 83-17307; not reached - def. to 9/21/83. (see VOUCHER SIGNATURES) Dom-/ . -/(7,c CITY-A'iTORNEY18 014VIC 38 Date 11/2/83 C Atty Memor729-83, C Atty status rep. on R -10A pending litigation; not reached - def. to 11/9/83 cont'd mtg. 11/9/83 Rev. memo 725-83, Atty Andrew H. Moriber R -7B (former Ch. Deputy Atty & subsequent consul- tant on case) appeared & recited history of Buckley vs. CMB case. Comr. Shockett asked C Atty to res. & submit rep. whether City has any remedies or cause of action for malpractice against former C Atty or ins. carrier, for addnl cost due to not request- ing that monies dep'd in ct. registry be pld. in int. -bearing acct. Robert Swedroe .a6 l; Ci 'Y . ATTORNEY' S CPPYC8 39 Date (Cont'd) 11/9/83 appeared & cautioned Commm. to keep this R -7B case in mind in City's proposed condemna- tions of addnl parcels (incl'g his prop.) to extend No. Shore Open Sp. Park under Save our Coast Program. (see SAVE OUR COAST PROGRAM, OCEANFRONT PARK (77th - 87th TERR ), SUITS AGAINST THE CITY) 11/9/83 C Atty Melno 729-83, status rep. on pending R -10A litigation. Rep. submitted for info only. No action required or taken. -?6c—/.4�c,4P