City Boards or Commissions_1979 to 1987CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 1979 TO 1987 CARD Nos. 87 TO 185 3 J_i 75'00 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS $7 (continued) Date Brd., C.M.B. Budget Adv. Committee, C.M.B. Latin American Community Affairs Adv. Brd., appointments made. Commissioners to submit resumes to Mayor of their prospective nominees to Brd. of Adjustment and Community Develop- ment Adv. Committee, for distribution to Com- mission and for inclusion in Commission agenda package. 12/19/79 Requirements for Committee appointees - Mr. Harry Levy appeared and requested that all committee appointees either be residents of or have their principal business on Miami Beach. 1/2/80 ,?_)or-/ CITY DOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (continued) 88 Date Mayor Meyerson suggested he speak with Admini- stration regarding placement of item on a future agenda. 1/2/80 Memo #7951, Brd. and Committee appointments 1/2/80 for consideration by Commission: appointments to Boxing Commission, Community Development Advisory Committee, Board of Adjustment, M.B. Health Planning Commission, C.M.B. Beautifi- cation Committee. All remaining appointments deferred to January 16, 1980. 305-7 -..Y.c)c) CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 89 Date Memo #7985, Brd. and Committee appointments 1/1 80 for consideration by Commission, not reached. Deferred to Feb. 6, 1980. Following reported for record purposes only - M.B. Convention Center Advisory Brd., Citizens Advisory Com- mittee for Community Improvement, M.B. Planning Commission, C.M.B. Commission on the Status of Women. Memo #8025, Brd. and Committee appointments 2/6/80 for consideration by Commission: appoint- ments made to: Brd. of Adjustment, Housing Authority, Public Library Brd. of Trustees, Commission on Status of Women, Boxing Com- mission, Golf Advisory Committee, Planning 3 (506 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS (continued) 90 Date Commission, Budget Advisory Committee, Recrea- tional Centers and Parks Facilities Brd., Beautification Committee, Citizens Adv. Com- mittee for Community Improvement, Convention Center Advisory Brd., Juvenile Problems Adv. Committee, all other appointments deferred to 2/20/80 except Redevelopment Agency - to be considered after March 11, 1980 Election. 2/6/80 Request of Commissioner Mildred Falk for 2/20/80 formation of an Ad Hoc Committee on Recreation. See entry of this date on Recreation Manage- ment and Advisory Steering Committee, Recrea- tion Dept. cards. 3057 ®`7(.5-0a CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 91 Date Memo #8049, Brd. and Committee appointments 2/20/80 for consideration by Commission. For record purposes only: C.M.B. Budget Advisory Com- mittee, M.B. Planning Commission. Remaining appointments deferred to 3/5/80. Memo #8089, following Brd. and Committee ap- 3/5/80 apointments reported for record purposes only - Planning Commission, Advisory Committee on Juvenile Problems, Recreational Centers & Parks Facilities Brd.,Beautification Committee, Fine Arts Brd. Remaining appointments deferred to 3/19/80. CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 92 Date Memo #8112, following Board and Committee 3/19/80 appointments made: M.B. Redevelopment Agency, M.B. Planning Commission, Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Development, Visitors and Convention Center Authority, (C.M.B. Fine Arts Board, reported for record purposes only). Memo #8155, Board and Committee appointments 4/9/80 made, reported for record purposes only: Commission on the Status of Women, Advisory Committee on Juvenile Problems, Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Improvement, Fine Arts Board, Latin American Community Affairs Advisory Board, Safety Committee, Charter Review and Revision Board. Remainder ,�d��. y6-vd CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 93 (continued) Date of appointments deferred to April 23, 1980. 4/9/80 Memo #8183, appointments to following Boards 4/23/80 made/or shown for record purposes: Budget Advisory Committee, Safety Committee, Convention Center Advisory Brd., Ad Hoc Energy Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee for Com- munity Improvement, Fine Arts Brd., Community Development Advisory Committee, Recreational Centers & Parks Facilities Brd. Memo #8203, following appointments reported 5/7/80 for record purposes only, others not reached - deferred to 5/21/80. Safety Committee, Fine CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS v 974 (continued) Date Arts Brd., Charter Review and Revision Brd., Solicitations Advisory Committee, C.M.B. Budget Advisory Committee. 5/7/80 Memo #8227, Brd. and Committee appointments 5/21/80 for consideration by Commission - deferred to 6/4/80 for full Commission. Following reported for record purposes only: Fine Arts Brd., Citizens Advisory Committee for Community Im- provement, Latin American Community Affairs Advisory Brd., Hurrican Defense Committee, Com- mission on Status of Women, Plaques and Memorial Committee of Commission, O 6-7 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS �5 Date Memo #8260, for record purposes, Commissioner 6/� 8 Mendelson has made the following appointments: Charter Review & Revision Brd., Safety Committee,, Mayor Meyerson - Parking Committee, Police Dept. Remaining appointments not reached - deferred to June 18, 1980. Memo #8307, Brd. and Committee appointments 6/18/80 reported for record purposes only: Hurricane Defense Committee, C.M.B Latin American Com- munity Affairs Advisory Brd., Solicitations Advisory Brd., Safety Committee, Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities Brd., Commission on Status of Women. Remaining appointments �� `/ s55D CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 96 (continued) Date deferred to August 6, 1980 meeting. 6/18/80 Memo #8308, recommendations for abolishment 6/18/80 of certain Brds. and/or Committees. Not reached. Deferred to 8/6/80. Memo #8391, following appointments made (reported for record purposes only): M.B. Golf Advisory Committee, Latin American Community Affairs Advisory Brd., Solicitations Advisory Committee, Budget Advisory Committee. Remaining appointments deferred to 8/20/80. 8/6/80 36 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 97 Date Memo #8415, Brd. and Committee appointments 8/20/80 for consideration by Commission. Appointment made to Fine Arts Brd., reported for record purposes only. Remaining appointments defer- red to 9/3/80. Memo #8440, Board and Committee appointments 9/3/80 for consideration by Commission. Brd. of Adjustment, appointments._ For record purposes only - Citizens Advisory Committee for Com- munity Improvement, Ad Hoc Energy Committee, Recreational Centers and Parks Facilities Brd. • 3.;1_57' - ���o CITY BOARDS'OR'COMMTSSIONS 98 Date Memo 8575, bd. & com. appts. Appts. for record 9/24/80 for record purposes only - Cits. Adv. Com. for Com. Improvement, Golf Adv. Com., Rec. Ctrs. & Pks. Fa- cilities Bd., Latin Am. Com. Affairs Adv. Bd. Re- maining appts. deferred to 10/1/80. ) No further entries re. appts. of record to be posted on this card; only entries pertaining to City bds. & coms. as a whole. See various bds. & coms. for appts. and action. Memo 8471; see bds. & coms. for action; bal. de- 10/1/80 ferred to 10/15/81. Memo 8503; deferred to 11/5/80. 10/35/80 36 / o "?°. i5 -6-)e) CITY'EOARDS'OR'COMMYSSIONS 99 Date Memo 8542 - appts. deferred to 11/19/80 for full 11/5/80 Comm. Memo 8611 - appts. deferred to 12/3/80 for full 11/19/80 Comm. per request of Comm. Falk. Memo 8632 - remaining appts. deferred to 12/17/80. 12/3/80 Memo 8665 - remaining appts. deferred to 1/7/81 12/17/80 for full Comm. Mayor Meyerson reiterated request that in fut. all 12/17/80 recommendations of City bds. reflect vote. breakdown & that procedure also be followed on matters in which Co. actions affecting City are taken. (see MFTRf1P(1T.TTAN T1AT1F ('(1TTTTTVI 3 . D - -7 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 100 Date Memo 8714 - remaining appts. deferred to 1/21/81. 1/7/81 Memo 8756 - deferred to 1/27/81 cont'd mtg/wkshp. 1/21/81 Memo 8756 - deferred to 2/4/81. 1/27/81 Memo 8790 - not reached; deferred to 2/5/81. 2/4/81 Memo 8790 - not reached; deferred to 2/18/81. 2/5/81 Memo 8833 - not reached; deferred to 3/4/81. 2/18/81 Memo 8863, see Bd. of Adjust., Personnel Bd., 3/4/81 M.B. Planning Comm. & Comm. Dev. Adv. Comm. for ind. appts. Remaining appts. 3v� / .-s-�'a�