City Boards or Commissions_December 1983cliV OAi2Q5 'WLOA9MiSSYONS 140 Date -(Cont'd) 12/7/83 Adjustment, Code'Enfarcement Bd., MB R -11B Employees' Retirement'Syst. Bd of Trustees, & the Planning Bd. Other advisory bds. as may be det'd by C Mgr, shall arrange to pro- vide its secretarial help fr. amongst its mems. or by a tape recorder. The C Mgr shall have the discretion to deal w/all other bds. as he deems appropriate, w/out the requirement of providing them w/staff secretary. (see PENSION BD. & SYST., PLANNING COMM., CODE ENFORCEMENT BD., ZONING BD OR ADJUSTMENT) ?03- 1/6-0.5 CITE' SOAADS Oil COMMISSIONS 141 Date 12/21/83 Memo 836-83, def'd to 1/4/84 for full Comm. R -3A (see CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, MB CONVENTION CTR ADVISORY BD - card file or action summary for appts. of record) 1/4/84 Memo 722-83, request of Stephen J. Remsen to R -1A discuss "residential & tourist happiness". Mr. Remsen pres'd suggestion for establish- ment of: 1. Comm.-apptd. bd. (to incl. at least 1 Comr.) to rev. bds/committees & City employee job descrips., & to submit recommendations to Comm. re. elimination/merging of bds. and/or - 5--.03 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 142 Date (Cont'd) 1/4/84 classifications, and R -1A 2. Establishment of committee of community leaders, incl'g Comm., to meet periodically over breakfast & create ideas & events to make City happier and more secure. Admin. expressed its support of pvt. persons creating their own committees to benefit CMB & recommended Comm. decline appt. of a "Committee on Committees". Comr. Grenald advised he is wkg. on an outline for a city- wide courtesy campaign & indicated he might call on Mr. Remsen to assist. (see "R" MISC., CITY EMPLOYEES) CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 143 Date 1/4/84 Memo 6-84, bd. & committee appts.; def'd to R-3A 2/1/84 for full Comm. Mayor Fromberg asked C Clerk to advise ea. Comr. of ind. appt. vacancies. (see CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, CMB BUDGET ADVISORY COMMITTEE, JUVENILE PROBLEMS, PLANNING COMM., SOLICITATIONS, CMB COMM. ON STATUS OF WOMEN card file or action summary for appts. of record) 1/18/84 Memo 39-84A, Res. 84-17627 adopted, promul- R-7B gating guidelines & directives for the governance of sev. advisory bds. & committees; repealing Res. 13248. 3 067 -5-.65-e 3 Cf 'Y_SOAbS OR COMMISSIONS Date 1/18/84 R -11H 144 Board & committee appts. for record pur- poses. (see COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE, MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., JUVENILE PROBLEMS, PLANNING COMMISSION, CMB COMM. ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, MB TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH. card file or action summary) 2/1/84 Memo 64-84, not reached - def. to 2/15/84. R -3A See card file or action summary for individual appts made. (see CME BEAUTIFICATION CbMMITTEE, CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, PLANNING COMM., CMB COMMISSION ON STATUS OF WOMEN, TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXP. AUTH., MB) 36(5-7 -,5--0. CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS Date 2/15/84 R -3A 3/14/84 R -3A 145 Memo 101-84, board and committee appts. (see PENSION BD. & SYST., PARKING COMMITTEE, PLAQUES & MEMORIAL COMMITTEE). For appts. of record, see card file or action summary - CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, HISTORIC PRESERVATION, JUVENILE PROBLEMS, SOLICITATIONS, CMB COMMISSION ON STATUS OF WOMEN. Memo 172-84, bd. committee appts; def to 4/4/84 due to press of other agenda items. For appts. of record, see card file - CMB HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, CMB ADV. COMMITTEE ON JUVENILE PROBLEMS, RECREATIONAL 0 6 -7 - 5'5-0 3 CITY BOSS OR COMMISSIONS 146 Date (Cont'd) 3/14/84 CTRS. AND PARKS FACILITIES BOARD, LATIN R -3A AMERICAN ADV. BD., CMB., COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, CMB. 4/4/84 Memo 194-84, bd. & committee appts.; Memo R -3A & 215-84, Comm. confirmation of C Mgr's appt. R -3A.1 to the Public Library Bd. of Trustees, and to the Marine Auth. NOTE: City Clerk was instructed to notify the chairpersons of each committee to keep the attendance records up-to-date. Comm. directed if a person misses 3 consecutive mtgs. with or w/out excuse, the Chm. is to advise the �i.i " '5zneD3 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 147 Date (Cont'd) R -3A & Clerk, who will advise the Comm. and/or R -3A.1 ind. Comr. accordingly so that appropriate action can be taken. (see CMB FINE ARTS BOARD, MARINE AUTHORITY, LIBRARY) Individual appts. reported for record purposes - see ACTION SUMMARY or CARD FILE (CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, CMB FINE ARTS BOARD, CMB HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, HURRICANE DEFENSE COMMITTEE, RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PARKS FACILITIES BOARD, CMB SAFETY COMMITTEE, STATUS OF WOMEN, MAYOR'S AD HOC COMMUNITY CTRS INVESTIGATIVE COMMITTEE). 30/5-7 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 148 Date 4/4/84 Mayor Fromberg advised persons who no longer R-1181 serve on City bds. or committees have pkg. decals on their cars. Discussion held, during which mems. of Comm. offered sugges- tions how prob. could be prevented. C Mgr directed to consider prob. & implement a policy providing for the issuance of pkg. decals containing expiration notification; Comm. to be advised of procedure estab- lished. (see PARKING SYSTEM) 4/19/84 Memo 237-84, bd. & committee appts.; def'd R -3A to 5/2/84. For ind. appts., see Action Summary or Card File (CMB HUMAN RELATIONS 30 6-7 - CITY--88ARDS_.WCOMMISSYDNS Date 4/19/84 R -3A '(Coned) COMMITTEE, JUVENILE PROBLEMS, . SAFETY COMMITTEE, LATIN AMERICAN ADV.COMMITTEE) 5/2/84 Memo 271-84, remaining appts def to 5/16/84; R -3A (see BOXING COMMISSION) Mayor Fromberg urged Comrs. to fill indiv. Bd. vacancies. For appts reported for record purposes only, see Action Summary or Card File: CMB BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE, HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE, HURRICANE DEFENSE COMMITTEE, JUVENILE PROBLEMS BD., RECREATION CTRS & PRS FACILITIES BD., SAFETY COMMITTEE. NOTE: Reuben Plevinsky declined appt. to Ad Hoc 9D( -i --Y CYC ROAMS OR COMM/SS/ONS l50 Date (cont'd.) 5/2/84 Com. Ctr. Investigative Com., made by Comr. R -3A Grenald on 4/4/84. 5/16/84 Memo 307-84, appts. not reached, def. to R -3C 6/5/84. (see card file/Action Summary for indiv. appts. to BEAUTIFICATION COM., HUMAN RELATIONS COM., SAFETY COM., SOLICITATIONS ADV. BD.) 5/16/84 Memo 310-84, Res. 84-17738 adopted, approv- R-7A ing Hist. Preservation Bd. procedure rules /regs. for Hist. Pres. Ord. admin./en- forcement. (see HISTORIC PRESERVATION) 3 Cifiy DOARDS OR COMMr$$Tow5 Date 6%5/84 R -3C 6/20/84 R -3A 151. Memo 349-84, appts. reported for record pur- poses only; remaining appts. def. to 6/20/84. See card file or action summary - SOLICITATIONS. (see M.B. YOUTH CONGRESS, M.B. VISITOR & CONV. AUTH., 1984-85 BUDGET, SPECIAL EVENTS DIRECTOR/COMMITTEE) Memo 387-84, bd. & com. appts., def. to 7/11/84 for full Comm. (see HEALTH ADV. BD., JUVENILE PROBLEMS, RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS FACILITIES BD.) For appts reported for record purposes - see card file or action summary, C.M.B. BEAUTIFICATION COMM., JUVENILE PROBLEMS. 3a CITY WARDS OR COMMISSXOWS 152 Date 6/20/84 Discussion re. sponsoring an ann1. Prestige R -9D Bali, in honor of all its volunteers serving on apptd bds. & committees, incl'g ad hoc committees; not reached - def. to 7/11/84. (see FROMBERG, MALCOLM H. - MAYOR) 7/11/84 Memo 436-84, bd. & committee appts., see R -3A CODE ENFORCEMENT BD., C.M.B. FINE ARTS -BD., LINCOLN RD. MGT. & DEVELOPMENT ADV. BD. For appts reported for record purposes, see card file or action summary: M.B. GOLF ADV. BD., C.M.B. HUMAN RELATIONS COMMITTEE. Mayor Fromberg & Comr. Singer asked Admin. to compile a list of persons who have expressed -D 0 07 -ge?Sc-0,3$ CITY ROAMS 013. CO1tiSSi0148 153 Date (Cont'd 7/11/84 an int. in the Art in Pub. Places Committee R -3A and the Comm. Benefit Committee for the Performing Arts, incl'g the pres. mems. of the Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee for the Cultural Arts Foundation, & to submit recommendations as to appts. to same. (see ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, AD HOC M.B. CULTURAL ARTS FOUNDATION) 7/11/84 Discussion re. sponsoring an Ann. Prestige R -9C Ball, in honor of all volunteers serving on apptd bds & committees, incl'g ad hoc committees. Mayor Fromberg explained de- CITY BOARDS OR COMMYSSYOIJ5 154 Date -7/11/84 tails of suggested event. Concept approved. R -9C VM Weisburd asked Adm.. to submit list of persons involved on bds, inclg employees, & suggested event be privately funded so guests would not be charged. Adm. to submit rep. & recommendation. Mayor Fromberg asked Comm. to submit recommendations as to persons to be apptd. to program/org. Committee to plan event. 7/25/84 Memo 478-84, bd. & committee appts. (see R -3B ZONING BD. OF ADJ., BUDGET ADV. COMMITTEE, CODE ENFORCEMENT BD., M.B. TOURIST & CONV. CTR EXPANSION AUTH., C.M.B. LATIN AMER. ADV. CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 155 Date (Cont'd) 7/25/84 BD., JUVENILE PROBLEMS, RECREATIONAL CTRS & R -3C PKS FACILITIES BD., MAYOR'S AD HOC YOUTH CTR REVIEW COMMITTEE). See Action Summary/card file for indiv. appts. to C.M.B. COMMISSION ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN & M.B. TENNIS, RACQUETBALL, AND HANDBALL COMMITTEE. 9/5/84 Memo 535-84, bd & committee appts. (see R -3B CIVIL SERV., LATIN AMERICAN ADV. BD., JUVENILE PROBLEMS, RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., ENERGY BD.) Remaining appts def. to 9/19/84. (see Action Summary or card file for indiv. appts. - CMB COMM. ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, JUVENILE PROBLEMS) . -e,t5-03 CITY BOAHDS Oft COMMISSION Date -9/5/84 C Atty Memo 546-84, ord. passed R -5G ing repealing Code §'s 2-1.1 Chp. 2, re the removal of City the Comm. Hrg. & 2nd reading 9/19/84 at 2 p.m. (State law ord. relating to removal of bd. 9/19/84 R -3B 156 on 1st read - and 2-1.2 of Bd. mems. by scheduled for preempts City mems.) Memo 584-84, bd. & committee appts. - see: BUDGET ADV. COM., COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM. FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS; remaining appts def. to 10/3/84. For indiv. Comr. appts., see card file or action summary: CMB ENERGY BD., MB TENNIS, RACQUETBALL & HANDBALL COMMITTEE, MAYOR'S AD HOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL) 057 --?€' D-63 ZIT BOARDS OA COMMISSIONS 157 Date 9/19/84 C Atty Memo 546-84, hrg. held & concluded re R -3H ord. repealing Code g's 2-1.1 and 2-1.2 of Chp. 2 pertaining to the removal of city bd. mems. by the Comm. Ord. 84-2436 adopted, to become effective 10/1/84. (State law est. broader regs. re. bd. mems' suspension/re- moval and preempts City regs.) 10/3/84 Memo 628-84, bd. & committee appts. def. to R -3A 10/17/84. See card file or action summary for Comm. indiv. appts.: TENNIS, RACQUET- BALL, AND HANDBALL COMMITTEE. �a�j.-5,P1s03 CITY gOA2ttos OR COMMISSVSMS 158 Date 10/17/84 Memo 673-84, bd. & committee appts. (see: R -3A M.B. TENNIS, RACQUETBALL, AND HANDBALL COMMITTEE, COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS); remaining appts. def. to 11/7/84. See card file or action summary for Comm. indiv. appts.: LATIN AMERICAN ADVISORY BD., MAYOR'S AD HOC ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL, SPORTS COMMITTEE. 11/7/84 R -3A Memo 706-84, bd. & committee appts. COMMUNITY BENEFIT COMMITTEE FOR FORMING ARTS; remaining appts 11/21/84. For Comm. indiv. appts. file or action summary: COMMUNITY see: THE PER - def to , see card DEVELOP- D,S-/, Ki6-li CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSION Date (Cont'd) 11/7/84 MENT ADV. COMMITTEE, CMB ENERGY BD., M.B. R -3A GOLF ADV. COMMITTEE, SOLICITATION ADV. BD. 159 11/21/84 Memo 739-84, bd. & com. appts. see: ZONING R -3A BOARD OF ADJ.; remaining appts. def. to 12/5/84. For Comm. indiv. appts., see card file or action summary (M.B. CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., M.B. SPORTS COMMITTEE, M.B. TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH.) 12/5/84 Memo 799-84, bd. & com. appts. (see M.B. R -3A VISITOR & CONV. AUTH., ENERGY BD.) Remaining appts. def. to 12/19/84. For Comm. indiv. appts., see card file or action e5--/ y���