City Boards or Commissions_December 1985 to January 1986OIT g0WS . OA COMMONS 171 Date (Cont'd) 12/18/85 AM. ADV. BD., PLANNING COMM., COMM. ON THE R-3A STATUS OF WOMEN, AD HOC S0. POINTE PK. COM.) 1/8/86 M#14-86, bd. & can. appts. (see HISTORIC R-3A PRESERVATION, COMMUNITY DEV. ADV. COM., MB ENERGY BD., MB TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPAN- SION AUTH.); remaining appts. def. to 1/22/86. For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: COMMUNITY DEV. ADV. COM., MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., HUMAN RELATIONS COM., CMB LATIN AM. ADV. BD., M.B. PLANNING BD., M.B. TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH., MAYOR'S AD HOC ECON. DEV. COUNCIL, AD HOC SO. POINTE PK. COMM.) ;00-7. oie.5-015— CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 172 Date 1/22/86 M#60-86, bd. & cos. appts. No action taken. R -3A City Clerk suggested indiv. Comr. appts. be made, as she is planning to issue an updtd. bd./com. listing. For Comm. indiv. appts., see Action summary or file cards: HURRICANE & FIRE DEFENSE COM., PLANNING COMM., SOLICITATIONS ADV. BD., MAYOR'S AD HOC SO. POINTE PK. COM.; remaining appts. def. to 2/5/86 for full Comm. 2/5/86 M#92-86, bd. & cam. appts. (see COMMUNITY R -3B BENEFIT COM. FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS). For indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB BEAUTIFICATION COM., CMB HUMAN 30 6-/. -Y 55-05- CITY. BOABD5 OR COMMISSfONS 173 Date (Cont'd) 2/5/86 RELATIONS COM., CMB SAFETY COM., CMB COMM. R -3B ON STATUS OF WOMEN, AD HOC COM. OF YOUNG PROFS., MAYOR'S AD HOC SO. POINTE PK. COM. Clerk reiterated that indiv. appts. be expedited, as she plans to issue updated bd./com. listing. 2/19/86 M#120-86, bd. & cam. appts., not reached; R -3B def. to 3/5/86. For indiv. appts, see Action Summary or card file: CMB FINE ARTS BD., MB GOLF ADV. COM., AD HOC COM. OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS. 3 O5-7, ���� CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 174 Date 3/5/86 M#155-86, bd. & com. appts. (see ART IN R -3B PUBLIC PLACES, HOUSING AUTH., CMB FINE ARTS BD.); remaining appts. def. to 3/19/86. For indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB BEAUTIFICATION COM., CMB FINE ARTS BD., Cdr SAFETY COM., AD HOC COM. OF YOUNG PROFS., AD HOC SO. POINTE PK. COM. 3/19/86 M#200-86, bd. & com. appts., (see FINE ARTS R -3A BD., HOUSING AUTH., ART IN PUBLIC PLACES); remaining appts. def. to 4/2/86. 4/2/86 M#224-86, bd. & cam. appts. Comr. Resnick R -3A suggested Comm. Rules & Sp. Events Com. rev. 3 b V -?6---� CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 175 Date (Cont'd) 4/2/86 all City bds. to det. whether they are func- R-3A tioning, etc. and submit recommendation. (see RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., RULES & SP. EVENTS COM.); remaining appts. def. to 4/16/86. For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB BEAUTIFICATION COM., CMB FINE ARTS BD., CMB HUMAN RELATIONS COM., RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS FACILITIES BD., CMB SAFETY COM., SOLICITATIONS ADV. BD., CMB COMM. ON STATUS OF WOMEN, AD HOC COM. OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS) go sy ��� CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 176 Date 4/16/86 M#261-86, bd. & com. appts. (see HOUSING R -3A AUTHORITY); remaining appts. def. to 5/7/86. For indiv. appts. see Action Summary or card file: CMB HUMAN RELATIONS COM., CMB SAFETY COM., MAYOR'S AD HOC ECON. DEV. COUNCIL. 5/7/86 M#297-86, bd./com. appts., not reached - R -3A def. to 5/21/86 for full Comm. (see LIBRARY) For indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB BEAUTIFICATION COM., MB GOLF ADV. COM., CMB HUMAN RELATIONS COM., RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., CMB SAFETY COM., MB SPORTS COM. -<?"8-06-- CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 1/7 Date 5/21/86 M#332-86, bd. & com. appts., def. to 6/4/86. R-38 (see RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD.) For indiv. appts. see Action Summary or card file: see CMB BEAUTIFICATION COM., HOUSING AUTH., RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., CMB SAFETY COM., SOLICITA- TIONS ADV. BD., MB SPORTS COM., CMB COMM. ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, DESIGN REV. BD. 6/4/86 M#365-86, bd. & can. appts. (see ART IN R -3B PUBLIC PLACES) For indiv. appts. see HUMAN RELATIONS COM., HURRICANE & FIRE DEFENSE COM., LINCOLN RD. MGT. & DEV. ADV. BD. -viSO CITY goARDs OR COMMISSIONS 178 Date 6/18/86 M#410-86, bd. & com. appts. (see CODE EN- R -3C FORCEMENT BD.) For Comrs. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: MB GOLF ADV. COM., HUMAN RELATIONS COM., COM. OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS); remaining appts. def. to 7/9/86. 7/9/86 R -3A M#450-86, RD. MGT. PERSONNEL PRIVATE TRAINING appts., RELATIONS bd. and com. appts. (see LINCOLN & DEV. ADV. BD., MARINE AUTH., BD., PUB. LIB. BD. OF TRUSTEES, IND. COUNCIL, SO. FL EMPLOYEE CONSORTIUM) For Comm. indiv. see: GOLF ADV. COM H COM . , LINCOLN RD. IGT. & VEV . 3 D;;7� �s-�- CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 179 Date (Cont'd) 7/9/86 BD., SOLICITATIONS ADV BD., SPORTS COM., R -3A COMM. ON THE STATUS OF WOMEN, COM. OF YOUNG PROFESSIONALS; remaining appts. def. to 7/23/86. 7/9/86 Discussion re scheduling of Comm. Com. mtgs. R -9B Suggestions made that: 1) mtgs. be scheduled during Comm. mtgs. to reduce staff time to establish date/time; 2) 3 coms. meet on 1st & 3rd Weds. of mo. fr. 9 - 11 a.m., w/Rede- velopment mtgs. commencing @ 1 p.m., and Comm. mtgs. @ 1:30 p.m. Item to be pl'd on 7/23/87 agenda. CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS Date 7/21/86 R -3A 180 M#494-86, bd. & com. appts., def. to 9/3/86. C. Clerk urged Comrs. to make indiv. appts. so bd./com. book can be updated. 9/3/86 M#582-86, bd. & com. appts R -3B (see CMB BUDGET ADV. COM For indiv. appts., see card file: MB GOLF ADV. BD., CMB HEALTH ADV. BD COM., MB SAFETY COM. . def. to 9/17/86. ., CMB ENERGY BD.) action summary or COM., CMB ENERGY ., HUMAN RELATIONS 9/17/86 M#628-86, bd. & cam appts. (see TOURIST & R -3B CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH., MAYOR'S AD HOC COM. FOR REDUCTION OF CRIME, COMM. BENEFIT 3a,r� , -r�dr CYT BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 181 Date (Cont'd) 9/17/86 COM. FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, CMB ENERGY R -3B BD.) For Comr. indiv. appts., see action summary or card file: PLANNING BD., CMB SAFETY COM.) 10/1/86 M#658-86, bd. & can. appts. (see HISTORIC R -3A PRESERVATION BD., BEAUTIFICATION COM., HOUSING AUTH.) For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB ENERGY BD., LATIN AM. ADV. BD., PLANNING BD., SAFETY COM. 10/15/86 M#696-86, bd./com. appts. (see SANITATION R -3A BD., CODE ENFORCEMENT BD.) For Comr. indiv. 3 v ��, -Y�a CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS Date (Cont'd) 10/15/86 appts. see Action Summary or card file: R -3A ENERGY BD., SAFETY COM. 182 11/5/86 M#732-86, bd. & corn. appts. (see SANITATION R -3A BD., CODE ENFORCEMENT BD., CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., HISTORIC PRESERVATION, HOUSING AUTH., PLANNING COMM.) For Comr. indiv. appts. see Action Summary or card file: PLANNING BD. 11/5/86 Res. setting policy for mems. consecutive R -7B appts. to permanent City bds. or cams. of not more than four; died for lack of 2nd. 3e1T7e CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS tbs Date 11/19/86 M#759-86, bd. & cam. appts. (see SANITATION R -3B BD., CONVENTION CTR. ADV. BD.) For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: LATIN AM. ADV. BD. 12/4/86 Rev. M#809-86, bd./cam. appts.; at-lg appts. R -3A def. to 12/17/86. For Comr. indiv. appts., see card file or action summary: MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., CMB LATIN AM. ADV. BD., ZONING - DESIGN REV. BD. 12/17/86 M#847-86, bd. & cam. appts. (see LIBRARY, R -3A TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXP. AUTH.) For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card zy707 CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS 184 Date (Cont'd) 12/17/86 file: MB GOLF ADV. BD., CMB LATIN AM. ADV. R -3A BD., SOLICIATIONS. 1/7/87 M#27-87, bd. & can. appts. (see LIBRARY, R -3A MARINE AUTH., AD HOC 21ST. ST. REC. CTR. COM.) For Comr. indiv. appts., see card file or Action Summary: BUDGET ADV. COM. 1/21/87 M#55-87, bd. & can. appts. (see LIB. ADV. R -3B BD., COMMUNITY BENEFIT COM. FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS, RECREATIONAL CTRS. & PKS. FACILITIES BD., TOURIST & CONV. CTR. EXPANSION AUTH., MULTI -UNIT RESIDENTIAL REHAB PROGRAM, ZONING BD. OF ADJ., CONV. `nasi - -�-�"v,.� CITY BOARDS OR COMMISSIONS' Date 1/21/87 R -3B 2/4/87 R -3B (Cont' d) _ 185 CTR. ADV. BD., MB VISITOR & CONV. AUTH.) For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB BEAUTIFICATION COM., CMB LATIN AM. ADV. BD. M#91-87, bd. & com. appts. not reached; def. to 2/18/87. For Comr. indiv. appts., see Action Summary or card file: CMB BEAUTIFI- CATION COM., MB CONV. CTR. ADV. BD., CMB LATIN AM. ADV. BD.