City Commission Electronic Voting Board discussion_1978 to 1986CITY COMMISSION 1978 TO 1986 0�( • °7" �6) cp CITY COMMISSION At -request of Commissioner Weisburd, City Manager to arrange to have secretarial services provided to Commission on an as -needed basis. Selection of full-time secretary deferred until after Mayor has returned to City. City Clerk requested authorization to retain 10/4/78 reel-to-reel tapes of Commission meetings for 2 yrs., to conform with State law, instead of present policy of holding them for 4 yrs. Matter deferred to 10/18/78. Mayor Haber re- quested Administration to prepare an appropri- ate report, including monetary effect of con- tinuing present policy. .1-. Date X78 30457 - -`x ss—j) 6 CITY COMMISSION Commissioner Wikler requested Administration to explore possibilities and cost of instal- ling an electronic voting board for use during City Commission meetings. Workshop meeting for briefing of newly elected 11/7/79 Commission members to be scheduled by City Mgr. on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1979, at 3:00 p.m. Workshop meeting held re: discussion of 1) 11/14/79 Charter protocols of Res. #13213; 2) Organiza- tion of C.M.B.; 3) Major policy areas; 4)Topics requested by Mayor and Commission; 5) Process and priority topics for future workshops. 2 Date 8/1/79 CITY COMMISSION Date As recommended byCityManagger, the Housing1/2/80 Workshop was schduled for Tuesday, Jan. 2, 1980, at 3:00 p.m. (NOT ON AGENDA) At request of Mayor Meyerson, 8/6/80 V.M. Daoud withheld his motion to call a special election on Oct. 7, 1980, to fill unexpired term of Commissioner Friedman upon being reminded that a special meeting had been called by Mayor for Thursday, Auq. 7, 1980, at 2:30 p.m. SPECIAL COMMISSION MEETING- 8/7/80 Resignation of Michael Friedman as City Com- missioner effective July 18, 1980, and consider- ation by City Commission of making an � Oi � CITY COMMISSION 4 (continued) Date appointment to fill vacancy, or, in the alterna- tive to call a special election as provided in Sec. 28K of City Charter. 1. A motion made by V.M. Daoud to call a special election on Oct. 7, 1980, to fill unexpired term of Commissioner Friedman, failed to receive a second. 2. City Commission on its 20th ballot appointed Mr. Walter Kaplan to fill unexpired term of Mr. Friedman. (Messrs Meyerson, Falk, Mendelson and Weinstein voting for Mr. Kaplan) 3. Prior to commencement of balloting City Atty had advised Mr. Daoud that he could 8/7/80 CITY COMMISSION 5 (continued) Date abstain from voting. In the course of balloting, a recess was taken and City Atty. revised his opinion based on State Law, etc., and advised Mr. Daoud that he must vote. 4, City Commission had also been advised by City Atty. that four votes were needed to either appoint or to call a special election. (See Kaplan, Walter Commissioner) 8/7/80 Request of V.M. Alex Daoud for discussion of 8/20/80 Charter Amendment to require an election to fill vacancies on City Commission where re- maining term of office is 1 yr. or longer. '36'6/ 6 CITY COMMISSION 6 (continued) Date Not reached. Deferred to Sept. 3, 1980. 8/20/80 Request of U.M. Alex Daoud for discussion of 9/3/80 Charter Amendment to require an election to fill vacancies on City Commission where re- maining term of office is 1 -yr. or longer (deferred from 8/20/80). Not reached - deferred to 9/24/80. NOTE: Deadline for sub- mittal of Charter amendments for 11/4/80 election was 9/5/80. (See Charter Amendments) Regularly scheduled 9/17/80 City Commission 9/3/80 meeting was cancelled because of Jewish holidays. Meeting was rescheduled for Wednesday, Sept. 24, 1980. _3oari�: �s-a6 CITY COMMISSION Request of V.M. Daoud for discussion of Charter t endment to require an election to fill vacancies on City Commission where remaining term of office is one year or longer not reached. Deferred to 10/1/80. 7 Date 9/24/80 V.M. Daoud's motion for submission to electorate 10/1/80 of proposed Charter Amendment to req. an election to fill Comm. vacancies where remaining term is 1 yr. or longer, failed of passage, 2-5. (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) Request of V.M. Mendelson for discussion of vio- 11/5/80 lations of Charter by Commissioners who constantly bypass off. channels by issuing orders to City CITY COMMISSION 8 (cont'd.) Date employees, thus interfering w/orderly operation 11/5/80 of duties of their depts. Withdrawn by V.M. Mendelson. Request of Mayor Meyerson to reimburse Comm. Daoud 2/4/81 in amt. of $388 for air fare to meet w/NOW officials in Wa., D.C. relative to boycott of conventions in St. of FL; discussion held. Reimbursement approved. Comm. voted to give Mayor authority to sign checks to mems. of Comm. for bus. trips, up to $500 & to use his discretion in approval of such requests. Mayor Meyerson asked that in future, Admin. delineate costs & sources of funding for enforcement of any & 411 propo$ed oKdS•- 3/18/81 3 a dr- CITY COMMISSION Comm. Weinstein requested C. Mgr. to imdtly meet w/ea. Comm. individually to brief them on pending & upcoming matters requiring Comm. consideration & other areas of City govt. 9 Date 11/4.81 Request of "Big Red" McElligott to discuss Comm. 11/18/81 procedures. Statement made re. actions of Comm. on 11/4/81 re. confirmation of election. Withdraw request for hrg. C. Clerk & C. Att. advised of difficulties en- 4/21/82 countered in trying to meet pub. requirements & ord. preparations for 2nd readings. It was con- sensus of Comm. that C. Clerk will skip 1 mtg. in scheduling 2nd readings, unless otherwise 3D 5- 7 , -15.---ipc„, CITY COMMISSION 10 (Cont'd) Date indicated by members of Comm., taking into con- 4/21/82 sideration speedy implementation of ords. as may be necessary. C. Att. Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed Charter 6/2/82 amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs., deferred to 6/16/82. Comr. Singer requested that Clerk prepare hist. of 2 yr. Comm. terms (filed w/mtg. recs.). (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) C. Atty Memo 330-82, proposed Charter amdt. re. 6/16/82 staggered terms of Comrs.; not reached - def. to 7/7/82. (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) 3c) 5-/ CITY COMMISSION 11 Date C. Atty Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed Charter 7/7/82 Amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs., not reached - def. to 7/21/82. (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) C. Atty. Memo 330-82, proposed Charter amdt. re. 7/21/82 staggered terms of Comrs.; not reached - def. to 8/18/82. (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) C. Atty Memo 330-82, discussion of proposed 8/18/82 Charter amdt. re. staggered terms of Comrs.; not reached - def. to 9/1/82. (see CHARTER AMDTS.) 3 D5-/ CITY COMMISSION 12 Date 2/16/83 Memo 116-83, discussion on Related Housing by Murray Dryer. Mr. Dryer ques'd. Comm's action approving Related Housing, Inc's request to allow constr. of 150-unit Sec. 8 subsidized housing project on 824 Alton Rd. prop. No action required or taken. (see U.S. GOVT., HOUSING - LOW COST) 6/15/83 Memo 346-83, Stanley K. Shapiro requested that R-3 H Comm. pl. on 11/1/83 election ballot staggered terms for Commrs.; otherwise, he would attempt to do so by petition. Re. Mr. Shapiro's request that C. Atty. assist in petition wording development, Mayor Ciment sug'd. Mr. Shapiro hire atty. to draft /1 ( CITYCOMMISSION 13 Date (Cont'd) 6/15/83 ques. & submit same to C Atty to det. if they meet req'ts. of law. No action taken. (see ELECTIONS) 6/15/83 Vacation schedule; not reached - def'd to 7/6/83. 11/16/83 Discussion re. Charter Amdt. for 4 -yr. R-98 staggered terms of Comm.; w/drawn at request of Comr. Grenald for further staff rev. & provision of relevant back-up info. Comr. Singer advised he would send other Comrs. some back-up info re. item. (see CHARTER AMDT) 1, CITY COMM/SSION 14 Date 12/7/83 Res. 83-17579 adopted, proposing an amdt. to R -7G CMB Charter re. staggered terms of Comrs. be submitted to electorate at 3/13/84 Sp. Elec. (Pres's Preference Primary). (see CHARTER AMDTS) 12/21/83 Res. 83-17601 adopted, proposing an amdt. to R -7C the MB Charter re. staggered terms of Comrs., to be submitted to the electorate at a sp. elec. to be held on 3/13/84 (Pres.'s Pref. Primary); repealing Res. 83-17589 adopted 12/7/83 (amd'g detail text wording). (see CHARTER AMENDMENTS) �-i � ,5 % . -c7/' 15 CITY COMMISSION 15 Date 12/21/83 Res. 83-17602 adopted, calling Sp. Elec. on R -7C 3/13/84 to submit to the electorate, amdts. to City's Charter & Related Laws concerning staggered terms for Comrs. Proposed ques. amd'd prior to adoption of above resolution. (see CITY CHARTER) 1/4/84 Memo 9-84 (re. $9,800,000 Improvement Bond) R -7D Res. 84-17610 adopted, amdg. Res. 83-17602 (adopted 12/21/83) renumbering previously - approved ballot ques. re. staggered terms of Comrs. to ques. 2 (formerly ques. 1) . (see ELECTIONS, REDEVELOPMENT AND/OR AGENCY, MB) 36-,s`i, �6"-66, CITY COMMISSION 16 Date 1/13/84 Res. 84-17613 adopted, setting forth amd'd R -11A text of a proposed Charter amdt. to establish staggered terms of Comrs. (deleting words "either by voluntary agreement or"), & repealing Res. 83-17601. Res. 84-17616 adopted, as amd'd, calling a Sp. Elec. on 3/13/84, submitting to electorate, amdt to City Charter & Related Law re. staggered terms for City Comrs. (see CITY CHARTER, SPECIAL ELECTION - 3/13/84) 2/1/84 Designation of Mayor & Comrs. "Aides" func- R-9J tions & representation of "Aides" auth.; not 3 06----Z Y �'� --c-f Y'09141S-fe 17 bate 2/1/84 R -9J (Cont -'d) reached - def to 2/13/84:. (see CITY EMPLOYEES) 2/15/84 Designation of Mayor & Comrs. "Aides" func- R-9F tions & representation of "Aides" authority; not reached - def to 3/14/84. (see CITY EMPLOYEES) 2/15/84 Res 84-17648 adopted, repealing Res 84-17616 R -9I calling Sp. Elec. on 3/13/84 to submit proposed amendment to City Charter re. staggered terms for Comrs. (ques 2) for approval or disapproval; and directing Metro Dade Co. Supvr. of Elections to take 6